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Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Blood Lust (2 page)

BOOK: Blood Lust
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Just the thought of that made Tommy moan softly as he skimmed his lips over Andrew’s cool, smooth skin until he reached the hard, throbbing flesh that pulsed against his mouth, the copious pre-cum leaving a glistening kiss on his lips. He opened to take the velvety crown into his moist warmth, his tongue lapping at the salty essence that sent his senses flaring. He slipped his hands under Andrew’s butt, easing his lover’s slim hips up, at the same time as he slid his mouth down the entire length of Andrew’s rigid cock. His throat muscles clenched around the head and Andrew groaned, his body bucking in ecstasy, his hands caressing Tommy’s hair and the sides of his face.

“Gods, Tommy, you’ll have me coming in record time if you keep doing that.”

Tommy chuckled wickedly as he gazed up at Andrew’s face.
“That’s my intention…”
He knew Andrew could read his thoughts so there was no need to stop what he was doing in order to speak. He grasped Andrew’s cock at the base, pumping and sucking for all he was worth until Andrew’s normally slow breathing quickened and rasped in his chest.

“Oh yeah, lover, come for me. Wanna taste you now…”

He felt Andrew grow even bigger, harder in his grasp, cum racing up the throbbing shaft, exploding into Tommy’s mouth with such force he had to swallow quickly to avoid gagging. He pulled back just a little so some of the creamy seed flowed over his taste buds, then he sighed, savouring the spicy tang that was Andrew.

Strong arms pulled him up so they were lying chest to chest and Andrew’s lips closed over Tommy’s in a long and passion-filled kiss.



J.P. Bowie



“Bite me,” Tommy whispered when he could breathe again. “Drink from me.”



Andrew nuzzled Tommy’s neck where the carotid artery pulsed. He inhaled the rich scent of his lover’s blood, his vampire senses reeling from the anticipation of the sweet, heady taste he knew that at any second would flood over his tongue, filling his body with renewed vigour. He also knew his bite would bring Tommy a sexual rush like no other, and as he bit down, sinking his fangs deep into Tommy’s neck, the moan that was torn from Tommy’s lips was one of pain overlain with sensuous pleasure.

“Oh God, yeah…” Tommy writhed in Andrew’s arms, forcing his neck into the pressure of Andrew’s sucking, pressing his now rock-hard erection against Andrew’s abdomen. With reluctance, but also with a loving care, Andrew pulled back from the sweet taste of his lover’s blood then swept his tongue over the smooth flesh, sealing the wounds.

He claimed Tommy’s lips again and the young firefighter moaned his need into Andrew’s mouth. Andrew tumbled him onto his back and lay over him, their eyes locked on one another’s. He reached for the lube and coated his fingers liberally with the cool gel before inserting one then two fingers deep inside Tommy, gently massaging his prostate. Tommy’s body arched upward in ecstasy and Andrew withdrew his fingers, replacing them with the head of his cock, then pushed slowly forward, burying himself in Tommy’s lush heat.

Tommy threw his legs around Andrew’s torso and their bodies moved together to a slow, sensual rhythm.

Andrew smiled into Tommy’s hazel eyes as he levitated them off the bed. He knew Tommy loved this—loved this feeling of weightlessness as they floated above the bed while Andrew fucked him with long, deep strokes. Tommy’s muscular arms wound tightly round Andrew’s neck, his lips claiming Andrew’s in a kiss that brought them both over the edge.

Gasping into each other’s mouths, they climaxed together, Tommy’s hot semen jetted over both their chests, while with a strangled groan of pure pleasure, Andrew emptied himself into Tommy.

As they settled once more on top of the bed and Tommy’s breathing returned to an almost normal pace, he murmured, “You know just how to put a guy in a good mood.”

Andrew chuckled and kissed Tommy’s chin. “I’m glad I can be of some use.”



J.P. Bowie



“Oh, babe, you have no idea how useful you are.”

“Have I managed to drive those worrying thoughts from your mind?”

“Totally. See…?” He gazed into Andrew’s ice-blue eyes. “Nothin’ in here but love for you and the happy feeling I get when we’re together.”

“Good…” But Andrew was glad that Tommy could not read his thoughts.



The following night Tommy was pulling a late-night shift at the fire station and Andrew took advantage of that to visit Marcus Verano, the renowned Master Vampire to whom Andrew owed his survival, and more than usually powerful vampire blood. Several months ago Andrew had been attacked by hired killers and left for dead, his blood being slowly poisoned by a net of silver barbs.

Tommy had been the one to find him in a smoke-filled hotel room, but it was the quick actions of Marcus and his friends that had ultimately saved Andrew. Infusions of vampire blood had cleared the poison from his system and had given him even greater strength—

something he had needed when faced with his treacherous uncle, Lazlo Marek.

But now he came to see Marcus about a completely different matter, hoping the ancient vampire could give him the answer he sought. He knew his question would be met with surprise, but he hoped not with condemnation.

Marcus himself opened the door to Andrew’s knock, and as always he looked amazing.

Andrew was certain that Marcus Verano was the oldest vampire in the world. Neither he nor any other vampire he had spoken with knew of anyone older, although the man appeared not yet thirty years old. His mane of black curly hair was devoid of any grey strands, his body still fit and muscular as in the days when he was a Roman centurion, and his emerald green eyes still bright with humour and knowledge.

“Welcome, Andrew.” His voice was deep and melodious—just one more attractive feature of the many the man possessed. “Come along in. It’s just you and I tonight. Roger and his friends have gone over to La Fortuna to visit with Jean-Claude and Ron. Tommy is working?”


“You are troubled, Andrew. What is the problem?”



J.P. Bowie



It was the measure of the man that he had not read what was in Andrew’s mind, though he could have done so easily. Vampire etiquette, Andrew thought, with a soft smile.

“But before you begin, shall we have a glass of wine? I have an extremely fine French Burgundy you must sample.”

“Thank you.” Andrew followed Marcus into the massive living room, the veranda of which overlooked the glittering lights of Los Angeles. “Thank you also for allowing me to intrude on your privacy without giving you more than a few hours’ notice.”

Marcus slipped behind the oaken bar and took down two crystal glasses from a rack. “It is no intrusion, Andrew. You are welcome here anytime.” He withdrew the cork from the bottle and inhaled the wine’s bouquet. “Mmm… I think we shall enjoy this.” He poured a small amount into Andrew’s glass. “Tell me what you think.”

Andrew lifted the glass to his lips and took a small sip. “Excellent,” he murmured in appreciation.

“Joseph brought me two bottles back from France. He and Micah were there last week.”

He poured a larger quantity into Andrew’s glass, then his own. “Salud.”


“So now, tell me what is at the front of your mind that I am sorely tempted to simply read. It must be weighing heavily on you, my friend.”

Andrew sighed. “This may be something that even you do not have the answer to, Marcus, but I know of no one else I could ask. You have lived longer than any vampire, have seen things, have done deeds of which we younger vampires can only dream, yet…what I am about to ask may confound even you.”

“You are intriguing me.”

Andrew squared his shoulders and looked Marcus directly in the eyes. “Is it possible to undo what we are—to become mortal again?”



J.P. Bowie


Chapter Two

For a long moment Marcus said nothing, simply stared back at Andrew with a thoughtful expression on his handsome face. Then he said, “Would you care to tell me what prompted this question?”

Andrew grimaced. “I am in love with a mortal who is having second thoughts about our relationship.”

“I am sorry,” Marcus said, frowning. “I thought that you and Tommy were happily bonded.”

“We are, to a certain extent. Tommy loves me, I know that. I hear it in his thoughts, see it in his actions, but he worries about his friends and family. How they will react to his not aging as quickly as they. Yesterday morning his mind was filled with doubt as to the wisdom of being bonded to a vampire. He seems to think I will tire of him as he ages and will look for a new companion. Of course, I would do no such thing…”

“And you have told him this?”

“Yes, but he is human, and as you know only too well, they are not always easily persuaded, not always rational in their thinking. Human emotions can be like quicksilver at times.”

Marcus smiled wryly. “This I know, and their actions can be just as irrational. Before Roger became vampire, his spontaneity could sometimes be alarming. Even now… But you did not come here to listen to tales of Roger’s unpredictable nature.” He took a long sip of his wine then put his glass down on the bar. “Let me ask you this. Have you considered the consequences of becoming mortal?”

Andrew stared at him with widening eyes “You mean it’s possible?”

“I did not say that. To be honest, I have never heard of any vampire reverting to mortality. But if it were possible, the fact that you are over two hundred years old would have some effect on your physiology. The human body is not designed to live forever. I imagine that you would age overnight, perhaps even crumble to dust in an instant. Hardly the result you intend, Andrew.”



J.P. Bowie



“But if it could be done over a period of time. Perhaps if I stopped drinking human blood…”

“Then you would simply grow weak. You would not become mortal, Andrew—and imagine how Tommy would react to seeing you in such a state. No, my friend, such a thing is not possible, I’m afraid. Relationships with mortals are tenuous at best. However, they are not impossible—Ron and Jean-Claude seem to manage well. Perhaps Tommy should talk with Ron or Christopher, Carlos’ lover.”

Andrew nodded. “I expected that such a thing was not possible. I just thought that if anyone would know of it, it would be you.”

“Have you heard from Jared recently?” Marcus asked, changing the subject none too subtly.

“He and Joey are in New York.”

“There again, another mortal-vampire union.” Marcus smiled and motioned Andrew towards the plush wingback chairs by the fireplace. “I really do think you are worrying needlessly, Andrew. Tommy and you are in love, and love makes all things possible.”

They spent the rest of their time seated by the fireplace, engaged in small talk until Andrew felt he had wasted enough of Marcus’ evening and rose to take his leave, thanking him for his time and patience.

“There is an alternative,” Marcus said as he walked Andrew to the door.

“One that you do not fully approve of.”

Marcus acknowledged this with a slight nod. “It is my belief that humans should be changed only after understanding all the consequences, and only if they are completely willing—even if their mortal life is in danger.”

Andrew smiled sadly. “I think that is a choice Tommy would never make. It would put him even more at odds with the doubts that already cloud his mind.”



It was a quiet night at the fire station. Tommy and his friend, Alex Benson, had worked out, eaten a large pizza between them, and now Tommy was reading a magazine while his buddy lay on a bench gently snoring. The rest of the crew were sitting around likewise napping, reading or gabbing. Some nights were like this—no alarms, no distress calls from



J.P. Bowie



pet owners trying to get their cat down from a tree, no vagrant wandering in looking for a cup of coffee and a handout.

Quiet. Too quiet. Tommy tossed his magazine aside with a soft sigh. Times like this when he didn’t have enough to occupy his mind and body were when he thought about his relationship with Andrew, and just where the hell it was all heading. He loved the guy—

loved him more than he had ever believed it was possible to love, but there were just so many obstacles in their way, and with each passing day those obstacles seemed to grow larger and more difficult to ignore.

Why the hell did he have to be a vampire?

Tommy knew he should never have allowed it to get this far. He should’ve thanked Andrew for saving him from his son-of-a-bitch uncle, and run for the door. Well, maybe it was okay that he’d stayed and shown Andrew how grateful he was, had that unbelievably fantastic sex with the guy—then he should have run for the door.

But, of course he hadn’t, because the sex had been so damned fanfuckingtastic that he’d wanted it over and over, and now look where he was. In love with a ‘mysterious boyfriend’

as Alex called Andrew, and filled with so many conflicting thoughts that sometimes he thought he’d go nuts from the pressure.

Maybe he should take some time off, go visit his folks in Oklahoma. Yeah, that might help clear his head. Would Andrew be pissed? Somehow he didn’t think he would be. He was always so understanding of his
mortal lover’s
doubts and fears that it made Tommy feel like a shithead anytime his jumbled thoughts spilled over into Andrew’s consciousness. Like yesterday when he’d been dithering about and had woken Andrew from his rest. Yeah, the sex had been as wonderful as always, for both of them, and it had allayed his qualms and uncertainty for a time, but they never really went away—and somehow he was going to have to do something about it all. If he could just figure out what.

BOOK: Blood Lust
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