Read Blood Lust Online

Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Blood Lust (3 page)

BOOK: Blood Lust
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“Whatcha so deep in thought about, buddy?”

Alex’s voice, though sleepy, was enough to startle Tommy out of his reverie. “Huh? Oh, nothin’ in particular. Just thinking.”

“You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.” Alex sat up and swung his long legs off the bench. “Wanna share?”

“Thanks, but that’s okay. Just some stuff I have to work out by myself.”
Yeah, like I’m
gonna share with you the fact that my walking wet dream of a boyfriend is a vampire!



J.P. Bowie



“Trouble in paradise?”

Tommy gazed at Alex’s tanned, wholesome face and couldn’t help thinking how much easier it would have been if he’d fallen for this guy. Alex and Tommy were the only two openly gay members of the fire crew and they’d palled around in the beginning when they’d found out about each other two years ago. After one less than satisfying attempt to fool around—they’d started laughing in the middle of their first kiss—they had opted to be friends. And they were—good friends.

But not

“Nothing that can’t be fixed,” Tommy replied, hoping that what he’d just said was somewhere close to the truth.

“Well, if I can be of any help…”

“Thanks.” Tommy couldn’t quite ignore the look of concern on Alex’s face, and it made him feel good that someone actually cared if he was happy or not. “Let me ask you something, Alex. Do you ever wonder about the future? You know, where all this is going.

How long you might be here, that kind of thing?”

Alex shook his head. “Can’t say I do. I’m a one-day-at-a-time kinda guy.”

“Yeah, I used to be too, but lately I’ve been thinking about, well, the bigger picture, I guess. Know what I mean?”

“You’re talking about your relationship with Andrew, right?”

Tommy sighed. “It’s some of that.”
God, but I wish I could open up at bit more about this

“We’re tight, but I wonder about the long term sometimes.”

“So go have your fortune read or something.”


“Yeah, you know, tarot cards, channelling…”

“How the heck do you know about that?”

Alex grinned. “My sister Lorna. She’s heavy into that stuff.”

“Lorna is? I’d never have guessed.”

“I told you she was a bit weird. Calls herself and her friends wiccans or something like that.”




J.P. Bowie



Their conversation was brought to an abrupt halt at the sound of the klaxon going off and the crew jumping into preparedness for action. Tommy made a mental note to question Alex more about his sister when they got back to the station.



As luck would have it, the fire they were called to was a big one and by the time they’d controlled it, finished with the reports and returned to the station, the new shift was checking in.

“Don’t know about you, but I’m beat,” Alex said, pulling off his boots. “Think we’ll have to make it tomorrow for that beer you promised me.”

Tommy grinned at his buddy. “I thought it was your turn to buy. But you’re right, I’m bushed too. Catch you later. Oh, and don’t forget to find out some more about Lorna’s tarot reading—I think I might just be interested in that.”

“Really? It’s probably just so much bullshit.”

“You never know, there might be something to it.”

I live with a vampire, so how could I knock anything to do with the supernatural? For all I know
we could be rubbing shoulders with werewolves and demons every time we go out for a drink—or
maybe even right here…

He took a long look round at the guys he worked with as they climbed out of their heavy gear and pulled on jeans and T-shirts. He forced out a quiet chuckle at the thought that some of them might be creatures of the night.

Nah, not a chance. Right?



Andrew was waiting for Tommy when he got home. He was glad to see the tiredness he knew Tommy had been feeling dispel as they smiled at one another.

“Hi…” Tommy let himself be wrapped in Andrew’s embrace, visibly shivering when Andrew’s cool lips nuzzled at his neck. “You make me hard so fast,” Tommy murmured, slipping his hands inside Andrew’s shirt. “No matter how beat I am you always get me goin’.”



J.P. Bowie



“You had a difficult night.” Andrew released him and stepped back. “I wanted to talk about something—something that concerns us, but it can wait if you are tired.”

“No, no, it’s okay. Lemme just grab a beer and I’ll be all yours. Sounds serious.”

“It might be.”

Andrew followed Tommy into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine while Tommy pulled a beer from the fridge and popped the top of the can. He watched as Tommy tilted his head back and gulped at the can’s contents. His cock stirred as he gazed at the smooth but strong column of Tommy’s neck, the gentle pulsing under the skin near the carotid artery. With an effort he dragged his eyes away from the sensuous sight and took a long sip of his wine.

“So…” Tommy wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “What’s up?”

Andrew regarded Tommy’s boyish face with affection. “Straight to the point, eh, Tommy? No bullshitting, as you would say.”

“Best to come right out with it. Especially if it’s bad news.” He gave Andrew a lop-sided grin. “You leaving me?”

“Would you mind very much if I did?”

Tommy stared at him for a long moment, his eyes wary and glistening. “Of course I would mind, Andrew. I love you. I’ve told you that a million times.”

“Yet, there are times when our relationship troubles you—when you wish I was not vampire, but human like you, so you would not have to hide me from your friends.”

“That’s not fair. I don’t hide you from my friends. It’s just that you’re not always
when they are. I work crappy hours, but you knew that, and I know better than to expect you to join us in the daytime. It’s difficult, yeah, but it’s not an impossible situation.

Certainly not a reason for us to break up.”

“I don’t want us to break up, Tommy. But there are times when I feel you would be better off without me. Perhaps then you would meet another man more suited to your way of life.”

Tommy gave out a wry laugh. “And who might that be? I’m almost thirty years old and you’re the first guy I’ve ever really felt anything for. We’ve been together almost six months now, and if you must know they’ve been the best six months of my life. I thought you felt the same way.”



J.P. Bowie



“I do.” Andrew put his wineglass on the counter and took Tommy in his arms. “These months with you have been wonderful. After Jared, I never thought I would love again, but you changed all of that with your excessive charm, your down-to-earth ways—and your kisses.” He brushed his lips over Tommy’s. “Have I ever told you that you have the most beautiful mouth of any man I have ever met?”

“You’re makin’ me blush,” Tommy murmured, wrapping his arms around Andrew’s waist and holding him close. “And very hard…”

“Oh, and I forgot to mention your one-track mind.”

They touched foreheads and laughed softly together.

“So… you’re not leaving me?”

“Do I look like a fool?” Andrew kissed him again, then stood back with a soft sigh. “But I should tell you that I went to see Marcus tonight and asked him if he knew of any way to reverse my immortality.”

Tommy gaped at him. “Why the hell would you do that?”

“Because I know what has been on your mind recently, and I wanted to ascertain if there was a way to become mortal again, to live a normal life span—with you—so that we would grow old together.”

“You would do that for me?”

“I would do anything for you, Tommy.” Andrew cupped Tommy’s face between his palms. “Anything. Unfortunately, Marcus knows of no such process.”

“And wouldn’t it kinda, you know, make you age real fast?”

“He did point out that aspect of it too.”

Tommy shuddered. “Well then, there’s no way I’d want that to happen. I’m glad you can’t reverse it.” He pulled Andrew close. “I love you the way you are, vampire or not. I can’t imagine my life without you now.”

“Marcus did mention that Ron, Jean-Claude’s lover, might be able to help.”


“You know, come to terms with our differences. They’ve been together for almost five years—granted, not a long time in the span of things—but he may be able to tell you how he overcomes the day-to-day problems.”



J.P. Bowie



“Andrew…” Tommy tightened his arms around his vampire’s body. “I am sorry, so sorry I’ve let this worry you. I should be more careful what I think about when I’m around you. And those thoughts? They’re not really worth you giving them the time of day.”

“Nevertheless, I—”

Tommy put a finger on Andrew’s lips and pushed his crotch against Andrew’s.

“Enough talking. I’m going to take a shower, then we are going to go to bed and you are going to do weird and wonderful things to my body. Okay?”

“Okay. But why must we wait until we’re in bed? We could start in the shower.”

Tommy chuckled. “A very good place to start. Let’s go.”



J.P. Bowie


Chapter Three

Tommy leant back against his vampire lover’s chest and sighed with contentment as Andrew ran soapy hands over him, caressing his defined pectoral muscles, teasing both nipples before sliding down the length of his torso to fondle his cock and balls. He pressed his butt into the pulsing heat of Andrew’s erection, thinking that before Andrew he’d never really liked being fucked, but now he longed for it, craved it almost every time they made love.

Probably because his vampire lover did it better than anyone he’d ever been with, he thought with a wry smile.

“Thank you,” Andrew murmured in his ear.

“You…” Tommy chuckled and turned to kiss Andrew’s lips. “Is nothing sacred?”

“Many things…” Andrew nuzzled Tommy’s earlobe. “But you thinking I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had hardly comes under that description.” He slipped a soapy finger into the cleft between Tommy’s butt cheeks and pushed in enough to make Tommy squirm.

“Oooh, yeah…that’s it.” Tommy wriggled over the length of Andrew’s finger and let his head fall back on Andrew’s shoulder. “They say there’s more to life than just sex, but when you’re around I don’t believe a word of it.” He gasped as Andrew inserted another finger. Turning his head, he sought Andrew’s lips again with his own, joining them in a hot and hungry kiss. He pumped his aching erection held fast by Andrew’s soapy fist, his orgasm building in his balls, the slow churning causing his heart to speed up and his breathing to grow harsh in his throat.

He whimpered with anticipation when Andrew withdrew his fingers then replaced them with the head of his cock, his broad girth pushing hard into Tommy’s tight heat.

“Ungh…” Tommy’s breath exploded into Andrew’s mouth and he clenched his ass muscles around the base of the pulsing flesh that had penetrated him to the hilt with one long, slow glide. He pushed back against Andrew’s thrusts, matching the rhythm his lover had begun, the steady, strong movement back and forth over Tommy’s prostate bringing him closer and closer to the brink.



J.P. Bowie



Oh God, Andrew
…” Tommy clutched at Andrew’s taut butt cheeks, pulling him in even deeper if that were possible, grinding his own ass over the length of Andrew’s cock.

Feverishly he gave himself up to the incredible sensations that swept over him, his orgasm blinding him momentarily with its intensity. He shuddered, falling back against the hard wall that was Andrew’s chest, then arched again in ecstasy as his lover’s scalding semen surged inside him. They stood under the hot spray, silent and unmoving but for a tender kiss or brush of fingertips over wet skin. Once again, Tommy’s fears were swept away, if only for the time being.



“Hey!” Alex greeted Tommy as they clocked in for their shift. “I didn’t forget to ask Lorna about her tarot sessions. She said they’re having one tomorrow night as luck would have it, so if you want to join in give her a call.”

“Oh, yeah.” Tommy had forgotten all about that particular conversation. It just didn’t seem all that important anymore. Still… He was kind of curious about what lay ahead, and he wondered now if the cards would pick up on him having Andrew in his life, and what they could possibly have to say about their future together. One way to find out. “Okay, I’ll give her a call.”

“Don’t expect me to hold your hand through it,” Alex said in a teasing tone. “I don’t go for that bullshit myself.”

“I’m not sure I do, but I like to think I can keep an open mind about most things—

unlike you!”

He laughed as Alex lunged at him and they started wrestling, giggling like schoolboys, then someone yelled, “Get a room, you guys!” That made them laugh even more until the alarm sounded and they went on full alert.



The following night, Tommy and Andrew had an invitation to join Ron and Jean-Claude at the restaurant Ron managed, after closing hours.

“Can I meet you there?” Tommy had asked when Andrew mentioned the invitation. “I told Alex’s sister Lorna I’d pay her a visit. Haven’t seen her in a while…” With an effort, he’d



J.P. Bowie



deliberately kept his mind off the reason he was going to see Lorna. He had a feeling Andrew wouldn’t care for it. He’d tell him about it later—if there was anything interesting to tell.


Lorna’s apartment in Silver Lake was in an old building, one that both Alex and Tommy had let her know was not up to fire code. But Lorna loved the old-fashioned architecture of the exterior and the art-deco panels that decorated the lobby walls. The elevator was an original with a set of folding metal gates that seemed to resist any attempt to open or close them. Tommy wondered how some of the little old ladies living there managed, and sure enough, as he entered the building after parking his motorbike alongside Lorna’s car, he spotted one of the old biddies struggling to slide open the uncooperative outer door. Although, at a second and longer look, she appeared to be doing just fine.

BOOK: Blood Lust
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