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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Bound by Blood (11 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood
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Oh, shit.
If the stubborn woman was actually admitting she’d done something stupid, he’d no doubt need a shot of whiskey. Stepping further into the foyer, he motioned with his hand. “Come on. Let’s go to my office.”

Once they reached his office she tugged the cap off her head and all those gorgeous strawberry blonde waves fell around her face and shoulders. He resisted the very real urge to reach over and run his hands through her hair. To cup her head tight, pull her close, and—

“Can’t you put on a shirt or something,” she muttered as she sat on the cushy chair across from his desk.

He stiffened at her words. Instinctively he rubbed a hand over his left side and all the hideous scarred skin. It didn’t hurt anymore and most days he forgot about it but now…he wished he
put on a shirt. He didn’t like her seeing this deformed side of him.

Before he could respond she continued. “Don’t get that hurt look on your face. You
I didn’t mean it because of your scars.”

“Then why’d you say it?”

Her cheeks flushed again as she found a spot on the wall behind him to stare at. “Because I can’t think with you half naked.” The way she spoke through gritted teeth told him she meant it even if she didn’t want to admit it.

It shouldn’t please him, but it did. Probably too much. He bit back a grin because it would only annoy her. Eve was one of the few women he knew who didn’t focus on superficial stuff. And she’d been one of the few people who hadn’t acted like she felt sorry for him when he’d moved home injured, scarred and pissed off at the world. No, she’d told him to get over himself and be thankful he was alive.

“Stay put and don’t get into trouble for sixty seconds, okay?” Without waiting for a response he hurried to his room and tossed on a pair of faded jeans and a sweater. He found her sitting in the same spot with that worried expression on her face. “What’s going on?”

“I just saw a murder,” she blurted. As she launched into a crazy story he was torn between strangling her and hugging her. When she finally finished she tucked a wayward curl behind her ear and stared at him with wide eyes.

“You really think Richard Underwood killed Martin?” Allen Martin was one of the sleaziest men Mac knew. He owned five car dealerships around the immediate area and lived up to that greasy car salesman cliché. But that didn’t mean he deserved to be shot.

“I…I don’t know who killed him, but Richard’s car was outside the house. Whoever chased after me wasn’t him. That much I’m pretty sure of. The guy had an accent.”

“How do you know?”

“When he called the phone—”

“That you
.” It was smart she’d taken it to call the police, but stupid that she’d been there by herself in the first place.

She gritted her teeth. “Don’t interrupt. When he called Martin’s phone he said ‘I hear it’ or something like that.”

“Then he was probably talking to someone.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Her eyes glazed over for a moment and he could practically see the wheels turning in her head.

“What is it?”

Instantly she jerked out of her trance and cleared her throat. “Nothing. Can I stay here tonight? I don’t think whoever it was recognized me but just in case I’d feel safer here.”

“You need to call Sheriff Marcel,” he said mildly, knowing it wouldn’t do a bit of difference in convincing her.

She shook her head. “No way. Those jerks don’t know what they’re doing. They’ll probably think it was me or something.”

Mac bit back a sigh because he understood her anger. Her parents had been killed by a drunk driver and the current sheriff’s predecessor had botched the entire process. It had gone to trial but when they’d lost the blood test results with the other driver’s blood alcohol content, it had been over before it began. And it didn’t help that the attending officer had been a new recruit and had gotten so flustered on the stand, the defendant’s attorney had ripped him apart.

“You can’t lump Marcel and his guys in with…his predecessor.” Mac didn’t even like to say Frank Reed’s name. It only made pain flash in Eve’s eyes and seeing that was like someone stabbing him.

“I can do whatever I want,” she said, though she’d lost most of her steam. “Besides, Marcel’s mad at me because he thinks I got in the way of his last investigation. I don’t want to give him more ammunition against me.”

“He’s pissed at you because you keep turning him down for dates.” How did she not know that?

Eve blinked twice then frowned at him. “He’s not

Mac snorted. Oh yes, the sheriff was. He’d been after Eve since she’d moved back to town a couple years ago. And he wasn’t the only one. It shouldn’t bother Mac. He had no claim on her. But damn if he didn’t want her for himself. Things between them would be too complicated though and he couldn’t travel down that road with her. “Fine, I’ll place a call to him tomorrow and—”

She jumped out of her seat. “No! I already have a plan and I don’t need your help. Tomorrow I’m going to head to the station and act like I’m following up on a lead about Allen Martin. I can’t accuse the DA of anything until I’m positive he’s involved in this.”

“You don’t think just showing up at the station is suspicious?”

Her lips pulled into a thin line as she shook her head. “I’m a journalist. I’m always bugging the sheriff about stuff.”

Mac scrubbed a hand over his face. It took all his self-control not to call the sheriff but in his gut he knew it wouldn’t do much good. She’d already called the cops and if he told the sheriff what he knew, Eve could get in a lot of trouble. Not to mention it would break her trust. Not something he could do and live with himself. Standing, he pushed his chair back. “I’m beat so—”

“Sorry, I know I barged in on you. If you have a t-shirt or something I could borrow to sleep in I promise I’ll stay out of your hair.”

His lower abdomen burned with need at the thought of her wearing something of his. Instead of responding—because he didn’t trust his voice—he grunted something incomprehensible and motioned for her to follow him.

Hating how tight his skin felt and the uncomfortable sensation coursing through him, he stalked down the hall to his room. The five bedroom house was big for just him and now he felt as if it were taking forever to make it across the house.

As he finally entered his room he cringed. A pile of dirty clothes lay in one corner and he’d tossed his dirty work clothes at the end of his unmade bed. Nice.

Behind him, Eve chuckled under her breath and muttered something about him being ‘such a guy’

but he ignored it. He was definitely feeling like a guy right now. Being near her was making his brain short circuit and giving him a raging hard on. It was embarrassing that he couldn’t control himself. He shifted uncomfortably as he jerked open one of his dresser drawers and rummaged around until he found one of his old Marine Corps t-shirts. It was about a decade old and he’d gotten it when he’d first enlisted. Since that first year in he’d put on a lot of muscle so while it would still be big, it wouldn’t completely swallow her. Next he grabbed a pair of sweatpants that would definitely be too big but it was all he had.

When he handed the bundle of clothes to her, their fingers brushed and they both froze. An undeniable electric arc of energy sparked between them and made him almost jerk back. Staring into her dark eyes, he fought that familiar drowning sensation he experienced every single fucking time she was near. She made him feel like a randy teenager. Out of control and horny all the time. He could lose himself with her. His brain struggled to think of something—anything—to say but she beat him to the punch. It vaguely registered that this was exactly why he avoided her. She mumbled ‘thanks’ as she took the clothes but she still didn’t make a move to leave. Just stared at him as if she wanted him to kiss her. Ten years ago it wouldn’t have surprised him, but it did now. She wasn’t a teenager anymore. She was a beautiful, grown woman and shouldn’t want anything to do with a roughneck like him.

But damn, did he ever want to follow through with this kiss.

More than kiss. He wanted to taste her, dominate her, make her forget anyone but him existed… The flare of lust in her eyes was too much.

Reaching out, he cupped her cheek. When he did, she sucked in a shaky breath but didn’t pull away. He wanted to tell her to go but the words wouldn’t form. And her skin was so soft and
. He rubbed the pad of his callused thumb over her cheek. Her eyes grew heavy-lidded for a moment. He could practically feel the heat rolling off her. Stepping forward slowly, he gave her time to back away as he closed the distance between them. But she didn’t.

She met him halfway. Before he could react her hands slid up his chest and around his neck. He was so screwed. The thought rang in his head crystal clear. Once he kissed Eve he knew there’d be no going back for him.

As he leaned down, her mouth parted invitingly. When their lips touched he felt the reaction straight to his center. Her tongue stroked against his, playfully at first. But he didn’t want playful. Something primal burned inside him. He wanted to invade her senses. Make her feel the way he did every time he got close to her. He started to thread his fingers through her thick hair when she froze. With wide eyes, she pulled back and out of his embrace. She swallowed hard and shook her head. “I can’t…we can’t…goodnight, Mac.” Before he could think of a response, she turned on her heel and hurried out of his room.

After she’d gone he realized he hadn’t shown her to a guestroom, but he knew she’d figure it out and pick one. If she didn’t, he hoped she’d crawl into bed with him. He scrubbed a hand over his face at the thought. That was definitely wishful thinking.

The only thing he knew was that she wasn’t going to the sheriff’s by herself tomorrow. The woman could fight him all she wanted but after what she’d told him, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight. Eve had the ability to drive him insane more than anyone. He’d known her practically his entire life and he’d been half in love with her for most of it. Things would never work out though. Too many complications and baggage. She was too good for him. Way too good. Part of him was glad she’d realized it before they’d done something stupid tonight. He sure as hell hadn’t had the common sense to pull back.
KILLER SECRETS by Katie Reus—Available now.


Cynthia Eden is a southern girl who loves horror movies and happy endings. She writes sexy paranormal romances about werewolves, vampires, and demons, and she also writes dark romantic suspense stories about real-life monsters. More information about Cynthia and her books may be found at:

List of paranormal romance titles:


ETERNAL HUNTER (Night Watch, Book 1)

I’LL BE SLAYING YOU (Night Watch, Book 2)

ETERNAL FLAME (Night Watch, Book 3)


MIDNIGHT SINS (Midnight, Book 2)

MIDNIGHT’S MASTER (Midnight Book 3)


List of romantic suspense titles:



BOOK: Bound by Blood
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