Read Bound by Blood Online

Authors: Cynthia Eden

Bound by Blood (7 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood
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He forced his jaw to unlock. “There is no separation.”

Her hand dipped lower. Found the snap of his jeans. “When you’re a wolf,” her voice grew huskier, “do you still have the mind of a man? Some stories say no. Others say yes.”

The zipper hissed down. “It’s…both.” Man and beast.

Her fingers curled around his aroused flesh. “How do you see me then? As prey?”

“No.” The wolf had only wanted to protect her. As did the man. Her thumb slid over the head of his arousal. “As what?” Her eyes held his.

“As everything.” Because that was what she’d become. Had it started that long ago night? Started with bloody tears and culminated when he’d taken her flesh?

Didn’t matter. To him, she was…all.

“Good answer,” she whispered as she leaned forward. “Very, very good.” Her fangs sank into him—not in his throat, but at the curve of his shoulder. The exact place he’d marked her for their wolf claiming. She was—she was
Pleasure exploded through Jace at her bite. White-hot, pulsing. Inside, his wolf howled even as Jace wrapped his arms around Morgan and held tight.

They tumbled back on the bed. Her mouth stayed on him. He shoved off her jeans. She hadn’t bothered with underwear. Good. That made things so much easier. Her tongue swiped over the small wound she’d made on his flesh. He shuddered against her. “Oh, damn…” His head rose, and he stared down at her. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life.

No way would he be heading into hell without having her once more. Jace thrust into her in one long, hard drive. Her gasp filled his ears, made him all the wilder, as her legs wrapped around him. Morgan arched her body and met him, thrust for thrust. Faster, faster.

Their eyes held. Their breaths heaved out.

Her body was tight and slick, and Jace’s thin control slipped away with every sensual move of her body.

He took her mouth even as he took her body.

Nothing was as good as this.

Her sex clenched around him when she came, and he felt the ripples of her release all along the length of his cock. Still he thrust. Deeper. As far as he could go—

“My turn,” Morgan whispered.

In the next instant, Jace was on his back, and she rose above him. Then she rode him, her movements as wild as his, and he knew, he
he’d never find anyone else like her. He heaved up and took her breast in his mouth. The nipple was pink and sweet, and he scored her flesh with his teeth.

They both liked to bite.

This time, when she came, he erupted with her. Pleasure had him going nearly blind. He held onto her as tightly as he could.

The drumming of his heartbeat filled his ears. Morgan gasped his name, and he was pretty sure he’d shouted hers.

The pleasure faded slowly. The ravenous need met, they stared at each other. Jace realized this moment was important, but damned if he knew what he should say to her.Morgan didn’t climb off him. She stayed there, and her pale skin seemed to shine. From the pleasure? His blood?

“If we keep this up,” she finally said as her hands slid over his chest. “You could get me pregnant.”

That was the plan.
Or it had been. To have a child with a vampire’s immortality and a wolf’s brutal strength. A child to rule them all.

But now…

Was that ever really the true plan?
Or just an excuse he’d made to have her?

“Could you love a child that was part vampire?”

I already love her mother. I have for years.
Instead of answering her, he asked, “Could you ever love an animal?”

She blinked. Now her fingers rose and traced just under his jaw. “I don’t see an animal.”

The woman could break him.

Fuck, how had this become confession time? “Hell’s waiting.” As much as he wanted to ignore the devil at the door, he couldn’t. Slowly, he eased away from her body. He rose, snagged his jeans, and dressed. His eyes couldn’t seem to stay off her. She climbed from the bed. Didn’t dress, but did grab his arm. “I’m not letting you go in alone.”

His body iced. “That wasn’t the deal.” He knew. He’d been the one to go to the Council and lay out the scheme. “I’m the one who goes in, who closes that bitch from the inside. You were the one who was supposed to—”

But she gave a sad shake of her head, interrupting him, and confessed, “I was the one who was supposed to betray you and make sure that the doorway closed with you trapped inside.”

Chapter Six

He’d wondered…and had known that the vampires gave in too easily to his demands. “Let me guess—Devon’s plan?”

“Devon hates wolves.” A faint shrug lifted her shoulders. “He told the others I would go in as an assassin. Fool you, take your blood, and get strong enough to close the door.”

His claws were out. “So why are you confessing to me? Seems like one fine plan.” And he’d been such a blind fool. Wanting her, needing her so much, and she would have just—

“Because it was never
plan.” Her gaze locked on him. “But maybe those memories haven’t come to you yet.”

What? “I only saw you change Paul.” He’d seen it, like a living nightmare in his head. Her, running into that alley. Finding the bloody mess that was Paul, with stab wounds all over his body and a knife shoved into his throat.

He’d wanted to live…

“When we find that doorway,” she told him, voice calm, “I am going in with you—and we’re both coming out. That’s the new deal.”

He swallowed. “Why?”

“Because I won’t let you face hell alone.” Now her expression changed. Softened. “And if I need to, I’ll haul your ass out myself. I just found you, wolf, and I’m not about to lose you.”His fingers slid under the thick weight of her hair as he tilted her head back. “You won’t.” He kissed her. Long, hard, hot. Kissed her and wanted her again. Soon…
he’d have her forever.

If he managed to survive the night.


The vamps and the wolves hadn’t killed each other.

Morgan thought that was a good sign. Well, mostly good.

When she and Jace re-entered the great room, the wolves were still lined up on the left, and the vamps were glaring on the right. The vamps seemed a bit cockier now, probably because they were gaining strength from the setting sun.

Two of the wolves held the now conscious demon. The guy’s face was broken and bloody, so it looked like the wolves had been enjoying some play time. Louis raised a brow. “All better now?”

Jace growled at him.

But, actually, yes, she was better. One hundred percent better. Power seemed to pulse in her veins. If this rush would come to her each time that she and Jace exchanged blood, then she’d make sure they exchanged every day for the rest of her life. Since she planned to spend all of her days and nights with him, an exchange wouldn’t be a hardship at all.

Her blood would enable him to live longer. Human mates who sipped from their vampire lovers could stay young and strong as long as they had that blood supply. She’d make sure Jace fed well and often.

“You’re feeding a dog?” The demon spat blood on the ground at Jace’s feet. “Vampire, don’t you know better than to—”

Jace lunged and grabbed the demon around his throat. “I’m going to slice you open.”

The demon just laughed. “I’ve been in
, asshole. You can’t do anything to me that hasn’t already been done.”

And Morgan hesitated. The demon had a point.

“We’ll see.” Jace didn’t seem worried. “Once I slice off your hands and crack open your rib cage, we’ll find out if you feel like talking then.”

But the demon shook his head. “Been there,
that. Why do you think we’re all coming out? This world…” His red eyes flew around the room. “It’s
We’re coming, and we’re taking it over, and you can’t stop us.”

“We’ll shut your damn door,” Jace promised, “and you’ll stay in your cage.”

More laughter. “Not if you can’t find it.”

“You’ll talk,” Jace promised. Then he glanced back at Morgan. “You don’t…want to see this.” But she read his eyes and understood.
Don’t watch me do this.
He would torture. He would push and push and push…because he wanted to save her. Save his people.

But sometimes, there was just too much darkness, too much of a price, to be paid for some actions.

“There’s another way.” A better way because her gut told her that the demon wasn’t bullshitting. He wouldn’t break.
What can we do that hell hasn’t done?

Jace stilled.

Morgan spared a swift glance for the vampires. Men. Women. Their gazes were determined, their bodies tense. They understood what she meant. They were ready. She licked her lips and offered, “We can drink from him.”

The demon’s bellow shook the mansion, and she knew that they had the bastard.
You won’t talk. Fine.
“We don’t need you to talk,” she said as she crept closer to him.

“We just need you to bleed.”

Time to sample the demon’s memories.

Jace blocked her path. “This is a shitty plan.”

She smiled at him. “It’s a plan that will work. You know we pull memories with the bite.”

“Yeah, but just what else will happen when you bite him? You ever had demon blood?”

No. “Never had the pleasure,” she said and saw the demon tense.

“It could be poison. It could fry you from the inside out. It could—”

“I’d never had werewolf blood until I tasted you.”

That stopped him. Only for a moment. “Yeah, princess, but we all know that once you go wolf, you don’t go back.”

And there, when she shouldn’t have, when it was the wrong time and the wrong place, she laughed.

Jace froze. Then he squeezed his eyes shut. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” What was her wolf talking about now?

His eyes opened and a muscle flexed along his jaw. “You aren’t tasting him.” He pointed to the vamps behind them. “One of those assholes can do it. They can
do it. But not you.”

He pulled her close. “I don’t want you having memories of hell.”

He still didn’t get it. “I don’t need you to protect me.” She motioned to the vampires. They lined up. All of them ready.

“Because they’ve got your back?” Anger roughed his voice.

“No, because I’m a fucking vampire princess.” She bared her fangs. “And I’m riding high on my wolf’s blood.” Time for ass kicking. She pushed past Jace and grabbed the demon, wrenching him away from the wolves. “Remember me? I’m the vamp bitch who broke your neck.”

His red eyes bulged as she promised, “I’m also the one who’s going to drain you dry.”

Louis snapped his fingers together. “Now I know who she reminds me of…” His gaze flew to Jace. “

Jace snarled.

“Come ahead, bitch,” the demon dared. “You think you’re strong? My blood will burn you from the inside out.”

“Promises, promises,” she whispered and moved as fast as Jace had, a blur. She grabbed the demon’s head and yanked it back. “Bleed for me.”

She sank her teeth into him.

His blood filled her mouth. Warm. Not burning. But bitter. So bitter. She drank and took the memories. Fire. Hell. Screams that never ended.

Jace’s hands settled on her back.

She kept drinking.

A white light entered hell. Small. Such a narrow opening. A man’s voice called. Chanting. Serving up blood sacrifices. Trading lives because he wanted power.

“Stop!” The demon bellowed.

She drank more.


The doorway opened. She saw the bastard who’d unlocked that door. Fucking asshole.

The door opened in her mind, and fire raced out, burning,

Morgan jerked away, screaming, as smoke rose from her mouth.

The demon laughed. “Told you, b-bitch…you’ll burn…”

She could feel the blisters in her throat. But…but she was already healing. Jace’s blood.

She blew the smoke into the demon’s face. “Time for you to go back home.”

He flinched.

“Tell me you know where the doorway is,” Jace growled the words behind her. She held the demon’s red stare a moment longer, long enough to see the fear flare in his eyes, then she faced Jace. “I know.” But first she had another matter to take care of. A little matter of a blood betrayal.

“Good.” Jace pulled her away. “Then it’s time to kill the bastard.”

The demon screamed in fury and surged against the wolves who’d grabbed him. Morgan slipped back a few steps. She caught Paul’s stare and inclined her head toward the door.

The demon’s screams rose.

She swallowed back the taste of ash. “Where’s Devon?” She whispered to Paul.
She should have seen this coming. He’d always been such a power hungry asshole.

He hadn’t been testing her with that fire. He’d wanted to kill her. So she wouldn’t find out what he’d done.

You nearly killed us all.

Paul’s eyes narrowed. “What did you see?”

“Devon killing humans.” Not just killing. Torturing. Sacrificing. “He’s the one who opened the doorway.” It made sense, but she’d been too blind to see it before. Devon was over five hundred years old. He would know all the ancient legends and spells. He would know how to raise demons, how to open a doorway.

And to get power, he’d done it.

Only the demons he’d let out hadn’t exactly been keen on obeying him.
You can’t cage some beasts.

“Bastard.” Paul’s hands fisted. The demon wasn’t screaming anymore.
Out of time.
“I haven’t seen him since the wolves came inside.”

“Because he’s running.” Dammit. “This is our mess to clean up.” Not for the wolves. Vampire business. “Get the others. Hunt him.” The order she’d never thought to give came from her as Morgan said, “Kill him.”

Paul nodded. He always followed her orders. Always.

Morgan rushed away from him, already heading to the winding tunnels that led beneath the house. Before she faced hell, she’d take care of her own nightmare. And she’d take full control of her vampire nest.

Morgan raced down the stairs. The others would come soon, spreading out. Searching. Rage fueled her blood. So many vampires had died at the hands of the demons. The demons hunted in heavy packs. Swooping in, preying when the vamps were weak—
ripping us

BOOK: Bound by Blood
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