Read Chameleon Wolf Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

Chameleon Wolf (7 page)

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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Aiden sat up, his gaze going to the truck in front of them. “Do you really think something would work out between the three of us?”

“Who knows? As long as everyone is agreeable, I say try claiming the spitfire. See what happens. Who knows, maybe you were meant to be Matt’s mate, too. I don’t remember anything in the rule book that said you weren’t mates.” Sebastian shrugged. “Of course, I don’t remember anything saying you were, either.”

“You’re a fountain of information, Sebastian.”

Aiden didn’t know what to think. Zac was gorgeous, but so was Matt. True, Aiden didn’t feel the same deep need for Matt that he felt for Zac, but that could be attributed to Zac being a Delta. Mates were supposed to be immune to a Delta’s pheromones, but that didn’t mean they were dead.

Besides, Aiden would much rather the three of them get along rather than not. He didn’t relish having to spend nights alone while his mate was off getting screwed by someone else, even if that someone was Zac’s other mate.

“So, how far is it to this guy’s pack?” Sebastian asked.

“I have no fucking idea.” Aiden chuckled. “I forgot to ask.”

* * * *

“Yo, dude, wake up. I think we’re here.”

Aiden opened his eyes and glanced around. They were pulling off the main road onto a small dirt road shadowed by tall trees on both sides. Aiden sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes so he could get a better look.

Considering it was pitch black outside, there wasn’t much to see.

The only light Aiden could see came from the moon hanging overhead. His one consolation to being in the boonies was the fact that the moon looked so big he could almost reach up and touch it.

Aiden didn’t exactly live in the city where he came from, but close enough. The city lights drowned out the moon’s glow on many nights. It was something he missed a lot. He spent many a night driving out into the country just so he could look at the moon in all her glory. Here at Zac’s home, he wouldn’t need to do that.

“This place is amazing,” he whispered as he leaned forward to get a better look at the moon through the front window. He reached out to press his hand against the cold glass. “I can almost touch the moon.”

“Yeah, not too bad for a Delta,” Sebastian remarked.

Aiden glanced over at him, confused by the tone in his voice.

“What do you mean?”

Sebastian shrugged. “Most Deltas don’t have digs this nice. It’s kind of hard to set up a great place when you’re never home.”

“Christ! I never thought of that,” Aiden said. “Zac will be gone most of the time working for the council. I’ll hardly ever get to see him.”

“Most likely,” Sebastian said. “Why do you think I suggested you and Matt try to get things going between the two of you? It’s going to be pretty lonely out here if you’re just roommates.”

Aiden shook his head as Sebastian pulled his car up beside Zac’s truck and turned it off. “Let me remind you once again of my words from earlier,” he said. “This sucks on so many levels.”

Sebastian laughed as he climbed out of the car. Aiden didn’t have much else to say. There wasn’t really anything he could say. His life had just hit a major crossroads, and he wasn’t sure which direction to walk toward.

However, the tall, luscious man standing by the front porch of a cabin seemed to be his best bet. Aiden grabbed his bags and walked up to Zac. He stood on the step just below the man and gazed up at him.

“Hey, handsome, come here often?” Zac chuckled. Aiden leaned into the callused hand that Zac placed against his cheek, wishing that they had just a few minutes of alone time. Ten minutes would work.

“I’ve been here once or twice,” Zac replied. “However, since I just met you and Matt, I’d like to show the two of you around the place. Do you think your friend there could occupy himself for a few minutes?”

Aiden didn’t even turn away from the blue eyes looking down at him. He just yelled over his shoulder. “Sebastian, bring in the bags.”

“Ah, man,” Sebastian whined good-naturedly. “I always get stuck doing the heavy lifting.”

“I could help,” Matt said as he sidled up to Sebastian.

Aiden laughed when Zac rolled his eyes. “Matt!”

“Sorry, I keep forgetting,” Matt said quickly as he hurried over to stand next to Zac. His face was red, his eyes darting around. “He just smells so good.”

Zac chuckled and wrapped his arm around Matt’s shoulders. “I guess I need to claim you a few more times before the effect lessens on you.”

Matt seemed to brighten right up, a happy grin covering his cute, little face. “Okay.”

“Yeah, about that,” Aiden began. “How does the whole mating thing between the three of us work? I mean, do we get separate places to live and just date? Do you spend half the week in my bed and half the week in Matt’s? What?”

Zac’s dark eyebrows drew together as he frowned. “Well, I was kind of hoping that you might agree to live here with me and Matt. As for the rest of it, I don’t know what the rules are or how it’s done. I guess we do what feels right for us and fuck everybody else.”

“I think I like that idea,” Aiden said. He glanced down at Matt’s eager face. “What about you, Matt? Zac mated you first. How do you feel about sharing?”

“Me or Zac?” Matt asked.

“Uh, both?” Aiden answered. He knew he was stepping out on a limb. Zac didn’t have to share either of them. Technically, Aiden and Matt were only mated to Zac. They weren’t mated to each other.

There might never be a connection between them.

Matt grinned. “That could be fun.”

Aiden swallowed past the lump that suddenly lodged in his throat.

The glint in Matt’s eyes made his cock harden. The smile that Zac shot down to the little man made Aiden wish for a flat surface. Both men seemed to be in support of the idea that the three of them should try things out together.

“So, about this tour—”

Zac gestured toward the house. “Right this way,” he said as he started walking. “Would you like the full tour or just the highlights?”

Aiden glanced down when he felt Matt nudge him. He arched an eyebrow at the smaller man.

“I say we go for the highlights.” Matt chuckled. “We can see the rest of the place later.”

Aiden grinned. “The highlights it is.”

Matt looped his arm through Aiden’s, and the two of them followed Zac through the house. Aiden would have liked to have taken a longer look at the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves built into one wall of the living room, or even the cozy-looking fireplace on another, but getting down the hallway seemed to be more important.

“This is the living room,” Zac said as he walked straight through it. He looked like a man on a mission. “That’s the dining room, and just around the corner there is the kitchen. I have an office through the door to the left of the front door.”

Zac opened the last door in their little tour and waved them in.

“And this is the bedroom. It has its own master bath and double doors to the back porch. There are two more bedrooms upstairs.”

Aiden’s mouth dropped open when Matt suddenly dropped his arm and raced across the room to bounce on one of the largest beds he ever saw. Zac was a Delta. He must have been preparing for his mates since he knew he’d have them. The bed would easily accommodate the three of them.

Zac turned around to face Aiden, spreading his arms wide. “Well, what do you think?”

Aiden grinned. “It’s perfect.”

“It would be a whole lot better if the two of you joined me over here.”

Both Aiden and Zac whipped around to look at Matt. Aiden’s mouth dropped open in shock then snapped closed as arousal hit him.

Matt had taken his shirt off, and he was in the middle of shimmying out of his jeans.

He cast a worried look over to see how Zac was taking his mate’s invitation to the both of them only to find the man taking his clothes off, too. Aiden was the odd man out. He was still dressed.

Aiden wasn’t stupid. He quickly reached for the buttons of his shirt and started undressing. It was hard to concentrate on the buttons of his shirt and the zipper of his pants when he couldn’t take his eyes off Zac or Matt.

By the time he dropped the last of his clothes on the floor, Zac and Matt were already curled up together on the bed, their naked bodies pressed together as they kissed. Aiden had to take just a moment and watch. It was pretty hot.

Finally, he climbed onto the end of the bed. “Is there room in there for me?” He gratefully took the hand Zac held out to him and climbed up the mattress to lie with Zac on one side and Matt on the other. Aiden glanced back and forth between the two men. “I’m not sure what the protocol is here.”

Matt raised his hand in the air. “Ooh, ooh, I know, I know.”

Aiden rolled his eyes but chuckled at Matt’s enthusiasm.

“Matt?” Zac asked.

“There is no protocol,” Matt said. “We do what feels right for all of us.”

“Very good, Matt,” Zac said. “You win a kiss.”

Aiden’s eyes widened as Matt leaned over him and kissed Zac. He watched, entranced and getting more aroused by the second. He could see Zac’s tongue brush across Matt’s lips. He could see Matt’s answering caress as his pink tongue darted out and swiped at Zac’s.

And he could feel both men’s hard cocks pressing against him.

“Can I get one of those?” Aiden asked when the two men finally separated.

Zac arched an eyebrow as he glanced down at him. “Have you been a good boy?”

Aiden shook his head.

“Oh, those are the best kind.” Zac laughed. “Matt? Why don’t you show Aiden what you can do with a garden hose while I get the lube?”

Aiden frowned, unsure of what Zac was talking about until he felt a set of warm lips wrap around his cock and swallow him down. Matt just kept swallowing and swallowing until his nose buried in Aiden’s pubic hair.

Aiden spread his legs to give Matt better access as he clenched desperately at the sheets on either side of his body. “Oh my fucking god!”

He could hear Zac chuckle but was too intent on every movement Matt made to pay it much attention. Aiden didn’t consider his cock huge, but he wasn’t a shrimp, either. Still, no one had ever sucked him all the way down before. Matt was a marvel.

Aiden almost cried when Zac directed Matt to stop. He looked up at his mate helplessly until he was told to get onto his hands and knees. Matt was waiting for him. His ass was up by the pillows, his head down by Aiden’s cock, mouth open and waiting.

Aiden noted the jutting cock pointing up at him when he straddled Matt’s body. He could feel Matt go back to town on his cock and figured two could play at that game. Aiden leaned down to take Matt’s cock into his mouth just as he felt two lubed fingers slip into his ass.

Aiden groaned, the sound vibrating the cock in his mouth. Matt went wild, humping up into the air, shoving his cock into Aiden’s mouth even further. Aiden had to anchor Matt’s hips to the bed to keep from being gagged, but the more he worked the erect shaft, the deeper he was able to take it until he felt he could rival Matt in the garden hose department.

Matt certainly seemed to enjoy it if the moans and whimpers coming from him were anything to go by. He suddenly stopped sucking and pulled away from Aiden’s mouth. Aiden looked down, worried he had done something wrong until he saw Matt swinging his body around. Aiden waited, enjoying the feeling of having his ass played with, until Matt’s face was up next to his.

“Fuck me,” Matt demanded.

“Uh…” Aiden glanced over his shoulder at his mate. “Zac?”

Zac shrugged. “It’s up to you, Aiden. I’d like the three of us to be together. I think it would be easier on all of us, but if you aren’t comfortable with it, then don’t do it.”

“I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t stepping on anyone’s toes.”

“Step away, baby.”

Aiden grinned and turned back to Matt. He didn’t know what Matt saw in his gaze, but the man’s breathing suddenly hitched and his green eyes widened. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, Matt?”

Aiden suddenly found Matt’s feet planted in the mattress beside his hips. The man’s arms wrapped around Aiden’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Aiden took that as Matt’s response and kissed him back.

“That is so fucking hot,” Zac growled from behind Aiden. Aiden grinned and wiggled his butt. It earned him a small smack and another finger in his ass. He wasn’t complaining. He did, however, reach back for the lube.

Without lifting his lips away from Matt’s, Aiden lubed up his fingers and his cock. He dropped the lube on the bed and pressed a finger into Matt’s eager hole. He almost whimpered when his finger sank right into Matt.

Having a mate was surprising enough. Add a sexy little thing like Matt into the mix, and Aiden felt pretty sure he wouldn’t be walking straight anytime soon. At this rate, he’d be lucky to get out of bed in the morning.

Matt’s hips began pressing back against his finger. Aiden added another one. When Matt’s body seemed to suck his finger right in, Aiden added a third. He could feel Zac mirroring his movements.

The pleasure racing through his body was almost too much. Aiden felt like he was on the edge of a great cliff, ready to fall over, but he wanted to take Zac and Matt with him. Aiden pulled his fingers from Matt and replaced them with his cock.

Pushing in slowly was nearly impossible. Matt’s hips pushed against him from below, and Zac’s fingers impaled him from behind.

Aiden sank all of the way in and froze. He took several deep breaths and stared down at the small man beneath him. Matt’s eyes blinked up at him.


“Yeah, yeah, I’m there, babe,” Zac said. Aiden felt Zac pull his fingers free. A moment later, the blunt head of Zac’s cock pressed against him. As Zac gently thrust forward, Aiden realized that his mate was a tad thicker than he was, and it felt fantastic.

Finally, all three men were joined, Aiden to Matt and Zac to Aiden. If this was how their life was going to be, Aiden was all for it.

He wasn’t exactly a horn ball, but he did have sex every once in a while. From here on out, he planned to have it a lot but only with these two gorgeous men. Aiden didn’t think he could handle anyone else.

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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