Read Chameleon Wolf Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn,Joyee Flynn

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Contemporary

Chameleon Wolf (8 page)

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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Aiden started to move, thrusting himself into Matt, then pulling out, impaling himself on Zac’s cock. The connection between them went deeper than just their flesh. Aiden could feel himself opening up to the two men he was sandwiched between, giving them a piece of himself even as he took one from each of them.

“Faster,” Matt moaned. “Harder.”

Aiden complied until he was pounding into the man. He could feel Zac’s fingers dig into his hips as the man held on for the ride. He could feel Zac’s cock stretching him every time it filled him. He could feel himself eagerly step off that cliff.

Aiden arched, his head tossed back as he filled Matt with his release. A possessiveness he’d never felt before swept through him.

Aiden looked back down at Matt’s sweet face. Matt looked back and then tilted his head to one side.

Aiden struck, sinking his canines into the soft flesh between Matt’s neck and shoulder. The sweet, hot flavor that was all Matt filled Aiden’s senses, overwhelming him. In a daze, he heard Matt cry out, the space between their bodies becoming wet and sticky as Matt’s cum shot between them.

Before Aiden could acknowledge Matt’s release, he felt Zac’s teeth sink into his own neck. The man’s cock thrust frantically into Aiden’s ass as spurt after spurt of hot seed filled him, followed quickly by the knot at the end of Zac’s cock extending to take hold inside of Aiden, a sure sign of a mating, as only mates could knot.

Two things hit Aiden at the same time. One, he had just been claimed by his Delta mate. And two, the knot at the end of his own cock that extended to lodge in Matt meant that the sexy little man panting heavily beneath him had just become Aiden’s other mate.

Chapter 5

Matt woke up the next morning in a tangle of arms and legs. It took him a few moments to remember where he was. Looking from one man to the other, the events of last night rushed back to him. His mates. Yes, he had mates.

He had both Zac and Aiden. He took a chance last night, offering his neck to Aiden, hoping he would be claimed, too. He was thrilled when Aiden hadn’t even hesitated and sank his canines right in.

Matt quietly untangled himself from the men then went to use the washroom and brush his teeth. When he was done, he found his overnight bag and threw on some jeans. He needed coffee in a major way. Matt had pretty much passed out after the mind-blowing sex, so he didn’t see any of the house besides the quick tour on the dash to the master bedroom.

Making his way to the kitchen, he noticed all of the boxes with his stuff were in the living room. Once the coffee was brewing, he went in search of his laptop. On the drive to Zac’s house—correction, their house—Matt had thought of a few ways to help with the situation.

Booting up his laptop and getting his mobile Internet connected, he was tickled pink that it worked out here past the woods.

Matt grabbed a mug of coffee. He found the milk and sugar easily enough. Zac was very organized. That thrilled Matt. He was something of a neat freak himself and couldn’t imagine living with a slob. It would still be an adjustment despite the cleanliness. Matt had lived on his own for a few years. Living with not one but two grown men would take some getting used to.

Settling down to the task at hand, Matt started by pulling up all he could on Alpha Issacar, including his financials. Oddly enough, the Alpha had vast amounts of money hidden in several different accounts. It seemed as if his pack gave 25 percent of their yearly earnings as opposed to the normal 10 percent.

Matt took a break and went in search of his printers. Yes, he had two. He knew that he was a computer geek, but it seemed it was something Zac liked in him.

He knew Zac said he could have one of the spare bedrooms as his office, but for now, he set up on the dining room table. Matt considered they would all need to confer with each other, so he set up the room as their war room. As soon as his printers were hooked up, he started printing copies of what he found.

Next he went to work on the other idea he had. Now that he knew that Deltas’ mates would become immune to other Deltas, he came up with a plan so Deltas would no longer be alone.

Why couldn’t they have their own community? Safety is always in numbers, and two heads are better than one. Matt figured if they lived and worked together in their own pack, it would make everyone safer.

Matt was almost done with his proposal of the idea, including estimated amounts of how much it would cost to set up this type of community, when he heard someone else walking around. He looked up, smiling when he saw it was Zac.

“I woke up, and my baby was gone, Matt,” Zac said with a pout.

“I didn’t like that feeling.”

“Sorry, Zac. I had some ideas on the drive over here that I wanted to get on paper before you guys all woke up.” Matt went over and wrapped his arms around Zac. He let out a squeal of surprise as Zac lifted him off the ground to meet his lips. He wrapped his arms around Zac’s neck and his legs around his hips. “I like the way you say good morning.”

“I’m glad,” Zac said after giving him another small kiss on the mouth. “So what has this pretty head of yours been plotting?”

“Well, do you want me to wait for everyone else, or do you want me to tell you now?”

“I’d prefer now, but if you want to wait, I guess I could.”

“How about I figure out something for breakfast for all of us and fill you in. You can also look at some fascinating information I found while I’m cooking,” Matt said as Zac released him.

“Wow, smart, cooks, and great in the sack. I’m one lucky fuck!

What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“I’m not sure, but you’ll think of something,” Matt replied with a laugh, dodging when Zac tried to slap his ass. He quickly found the makings for pancakes and some bacon. After Zac confirmed he loved pancakes, Matt got to work. It was great the way Zac helped, showing him where things were as he asked for them.

“I never thought of cooking as fun, but I like helping you and watching you work. You really are sexy as hell, Matt,” Zac told him.

“It works out well that you think so.” Matt smiled at Zac over his shoulder. “Okay, business time. The stack of papers there on the counter are for you. I also printed out copies for Aiden and Sebastian.

It seems Alpha Issacar has been a very bad boy.”

“How so?” Zac asked as he started leafing through the papers.

“He has a lot of money, and when I say a lot, I mean boatloads. I was able to track the sources of most of the funds, most coming from pack members. It seems he hasn’t been having his pack pay the normal 10 percent yearly income for pack dues, but 25 percent.”

“Shit! The normal amount runs a pack smoothly, but still gives the Alpha a nice income. With an extra 15 percent over the course of the years he’s been pack Alpha—”

“We’re talking his holdings are in the millions,” Matt said. “He could do a lot of damage with that kind of money, but for what? He doesn’t spend money lavishly. He’s very frugal and cuts corners for spending wherever he can. Issacar is definitely up to something, and I don’t think it’s going to be ending world hunger.”

“Yeah, I really doubt that, too.”

“Well, I took the liberty of freezing his offshore accounts and tracking any stocks and bonds he has. If he tries to move any or liquidate them, I’ll know right away. I left his local accounts alone, since they have the normal amount an Alpha would make. Plus, I didn’t want to tip him off that anything was wrong,” Matt finished, setting the first of the pancakes in the oven to keep them warm.

“Wow, you’re really fucking smart.” A voice came from the doorway. Matt flipped around to see Aiden there, with a look of what seemed to be pride on his face.

“Thanks,” Matt replied, blushing. “How much did you hear?”

“Enough to hear that Issacar is a rat bastard.”

“Coffee?” Zac asked as he started to stand.

“I can get it,” Aiden said, putting a hand on Zac’s shoulder to keep him sitting. He gave Zac a nice good-morning kiss and headed over to Matt. “Morning, baby.”

“Morning, big guy,” Matt replied, feeling Aiden’s arms wrap around him. He tilted his head to get a kiss, as well, and couldn’t contain a moan at the feeling of Aiden’s warm lips on his.

“I could get used to this,” Aiden said with a chuckle as he broke the kiss.

“Me too,” Matt answered. “There’s a file folder on the dining room table with your copies of what I found. You can grab it and take a look while we figure out what we’re going to do now.”

“No kisses for me?” Sebastian asked from the doorway, trying to go for a fake pout. Matt could see that he was trying to hide his real sadness, but it was there in his eyes.

“How about a hug and breakfast?” Matt asked, trying to make him feel better. Sebastian wasn’t his mate, but he was Aiden’s best friend.

He didn’t want to see him sad. Besides, the overwhelming desire to rub himself all over Sebastian seemed to have faded away.

“I’ll take anything I can get,” Sebastian replied, a little smile forming on his lips.

Matt quickly walked over and tried to give his biggest bear hug to the large man. Given how much taller he was than Matt, it proved difficult.

“Matt was filling us in on what he found out this morning,” Zac said with a funny tone. If Matt didn’t know any better, it almost seemed to be pride.

“Oh, he’s adorable, cooks, and already has been working while we were sleeping?” Sebastian asked with a chuckle. “Lucky bastards.”

“Yes, I am,” Zac and Aiden said together. That had everyone laughing.

“Well, I figured since I was useless last night getting everything unloaded, this was a way to help. Plus, hacking is my specialty,” Matt said after everyone stopped laughing. He started to set food down on the smaller kitchen table. There was just enough room for four if they squeezed. It took a few minutes, but then they were all settled and stuffing their faces with food.

“That’s it, you’re never allowed to leave, Matt,” Zac said between mouthfuls. “I’ve not had a breakfast like this in ages. But we’ll set up one rule right away, if it’s okay with Aiden. If you cook, we clean up, fair enough?”

“Works for me, I hate doing dishes,” Matt replied with a chuckle.


“You keep cooking like this, baby, and I’m sure you can talk me into a lot more than just doing the dishes.” As everyone laughed, Aiden grinned. “And now you see why I don’t play poker. I pretty much always lay everything out on the line.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. Matt and I already agreed that there would never be any lies between us. We both feel it’s very important that mates always be completely honest with each other. If we do that, no matter what, we can tackle any issue,” Zac said seriously.

“I’m cool with that. I like the idea of being able to believe you’ll always be honest with me,” Aiden said with a huge grin.

“I hate to break up the love fest, but we need to stay focused at the problem at hand.” Sebastian snickered.

“Well, you guys clean up and fill each other in. This wolf needs a shower,” Matt said, taking the last swig of his coffee before standing.

He headed back to the master bath in their bedroom. It was huge!

Zac was completely prepared for having two mates. There were triple sinks, all next to each other, a very large shower, and a bathtub that looked like a whirlpool. Matt knew he would spend hours enjoying that tub, but for now he needed just a quick shower.

Shedding his clothes, he found the hamper and threw them in before heading to the shower. He was amazed to find it had several showerheads, making it almost like standing under a waterfall. Matt had thought ahead and grabbed a razor and shaving cream before he stepped into the shower. He had a surprise for his new mates. He just hoped they liked it. He also prayed he didn’t cut himself. He had never shaved his groin before.

Groaning loudly when he was shaving his balls, he wasn’t ready for the way it stimulated them. His cock immediately hardened. When he was done shaving, he thought back to last night. Matt stroked his cock while he thought of the way it felt to have Aiden thrusting inside of him. Seeing Zac fuck Aiden, while Aiden was inside him, had been the most erotic thing Matt had ever seen.

The look of pure bliss that was on his mates’ faces while they were fucking made Matt increase his pace. He leaned his head against the wall of the shower and tried to keep his grunts muffled. He caressed his mating mark from Aiden, and that was all it took for him to finish. With a loud groan he came, shooting his seed all over the wall of the shower.

He stood motionless under the stream of warm water as he tried to breathe normally again. Once Matt was back under control, he quickly shampooed his hair, soaped up, and rinsed. He turned off the shower and found the shelf with extra towels. Matt dried off then wrapped a towel around his hips.

Going in search of clean clothes, Matt found clean jeans and a shirt, which he threw on. He noticed, every step he took, the jeans rubbed against his very sensitive groin. Maybe going commando wasn’t the best idea now that he was clean-shaven. But he figured it would be fun to try!

Matt headed back to the kitchen. The guys were just finished with their cleanup. They were also wrapping up their discussion on what to do next.

“Well, since Matt had the foresight to freeze a lot of his money and collect information on all his accounts, we have a lot for the council,” Zac said.

“Now, if we could only find out which council member he’s in league with,” Aiden replied.

“Already done,” Matt told them from the doorway.

“How so?” Sebastian asked, shutting off the water in the sink.

“I pulled Issacar’s phone records and e-mails,” Matt replied.

“Damn, Matt, you got more done this morning by 9 a.m. than most people do in a day,” Aiden said, walking over towards him. He kissed his lips, then along his jaw, and up to his ear. “My genius little mate.”

“I don’t know about that,” Matt said, trying to push off the compliment. “The information should be on the printer. I didn’t have a chance to make copies yet.”

“Okay, since we know which council member, I say we get the information to the rest of the members. Matt, can you put this all together while I call them?” Sebastian asked.

BOOK: Chameleon Wolf
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