Read Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1) Online

Authors: Violet Ray

Tags: #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #chocolate erotic, #paranormal, #claimed by the alphas, #romance, #violet ray, #wolf, #shifter, #bbw, #alpha, #erotica

Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1)
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He had an otherworldly quality. It made him strikingly handsome, in a way that no other man she had ever seen was.

In fact he was so gorgeous, Olivia had to force herself to look away. The last thing she needed was to be caught staring at this strange man.

She sat still, watching his hands as he built up the fire expertly. She had felt his muscles rippling through his clothes as he had helped her walk, and now she could see just how strong he was as he moved.

When he was done, he stared at her, his gaze hard and unflinching. There was something hidden behind the veneer of his neutral expression. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what it was.

“What happened? Why can’t you walk?” he asked her.

“I slipped and fell. I couldn’t catch my balance because I injured my leg before. It’s not fully healed yet and walking on the snow was…” Olivia trailed off at his expression.

“Were you trying to lure me into a trap?” he asked.

“What?” Olivia said. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“You wanted me to come outside with you,” he said.

Olivia blinked. “Outside? You mean out of the forest? No, I was only hoping you could help me get home. But my leg will be okay after I rest for awhile.”

“You are strong. I know you. You have come here before, to dance. Have you been watching me?”

“How do you know that?” Even as Olivia asked the question, her heart thudded back into full speed. Somehow this man had seemed familiar to her from the moment he came up to her, and now she knew why. He was the wolf she had seen that night she had snuck out to go dance in the forest.

“You watched me dance?”

“You came out every night I was on patrol. Only during my times, never anyone else’s.”

Memories came flooding back to her. She had gone back into the woods again and again. Even though she never saw any more wolves, she had always had the feeling she was being watched.

“I’ve been injured since then. I was a dancer and I had a bad fall. My leg…” Olivia trailed off, not wanting to explain her injury anymore, least of all to this stranger.

“You are a dancer. You can’t change what you were born to do. At least that’s what I’ve been told. If you can walk, you can dance.”

Was she really going to get into a discussion of her failed career with a wolf? His intensity was creeping her out, so Olivia cast around for something else to say.

“What’s your name?” she asked. “I’m Olivia.”

“Blaize,” he grunted. “What do you need for your injury to heal so you can walk again?”

“This has happened before. I only need to stay off it for a few hours and it will go back to normal.” At least, what passes for normal these days, she added silently.

They sat in silence for awhile, Blaize staring into the flames and Olivia sneaking the occasional glance his way. Without a word, Blaize stood up abruptly and strode outside.

What was that about? Olivia had almost convinced herself she could trust him, at least for now, but he wasn’t acting like a sane person.

But then, he wasn’t exactly a person. Maybe this was normal for a wolf. Right now she was having trouble thinking of him as anything other than a man. A strong, handsome, virile man.

Her rational side was screaming at her to be careful. To keep from falling for his looks. He could be a ruthless killer who liked to toy with his victims, disarming them completely by making them trust him before he went in for the kill.

But something was drawing her to him in a way that made no sense. And as much as Olivia tried to ignore it, her feelings were overtaking her judgement. She had to fight hard to resist this sexy man.

All her life Olivia been able to look at any situation rationally, and even when it was difficult, she could set aside her feelings and make the best choice. It was why she had let Ron go without a fight, even as much as it hurt. It was the right thing to do and she couldn’t make him love her again. If he ever did.

This was no time to think about the past. Shaking her head, she forced herself to focus on the problem she was having now. Namely, she was injured and stuck in a cave. With a wolf. And she was becoming so attracted to him, she wanted to jump him no matter what the consequences would be.

Olivia hadn’t been with anyone since Ron, and she hadn’t been in a hurry to get back out and date again. But what she was feeling was far more powerful than just the idea of having some fun with a stranger, and a dangerous one at that. It was as if she was driven towards him by something beyond her control, as though their bodies were magnets and there was nothing she could do to resist him even if she had wanted to.

Which she didn’t. Not one bit.

Her chaotic thoughts were interrupted when Blaize returned. He moved so silently she was almost unaware of his presence until he walked right past where she sat.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he dropped handfuls of snow onto the fire to douse it. Without its heat, the cave wasn’t much warmer than being outside.

“It can’t burn for any longer than it already has. There isn’t enough air circulating through here,” he said, drying his hands on his pants and coming over to her, his coat in his hand.

“Cover yourself with this.”

“But then you’ll be cold,” she said, even as he draped it over her legs.

Blaize shook his head. “I don’t need it. I don’t feel the cold like humans do.”

Olivia wrapped it tighter around herself, immediately grateful for its warmth.

“I need rest now, as do you. We will lie together so I can keep you warm.”

Before she could protest, Blaize was by her side, stretching out on the cold ground. Awkwardly she joined him and he wrapped his arms around her.

His body heat penetrated even through the thickness of all her layers of clothing, warming her up all over and in ways she was trying to resist. Her pulse sped up and she shuddered as a spark of desire sizzled through her. It took quite some time before she fell asleep.

Chapter 3

Blaize awoke at dawn, dismayed to find himself holding Olivia once again. He had made a point of turning his back to her before he fell asleep.

His body seemed to have a will of its own when it came to this human. He had been compelled to go to her every time she entered the forest, and now that she was right here with him, he was powerless to keep from touching her. And that was not a feeling he was used to having.

From the first moment he laid eyes on her, all his instincts to attack had drained away, replaced by something he never felt before. Somehow he knew that she was meant to be with him.

When he turned away from her last night, he was trying to turn away from what he knew was the truth, the truth he had been running from the moment he was told about his destiny. And it appeared that Olivia was to be a part it.

Still he was unconvinced. He was attracted to her, more so than he had been with anyone else before, but that could mean nothing. She was tempting no matter what, soft hair now untied and flowing free, sharp blue eyes the color of a cool river, solid body filled out far more than when he had first seen her.

Olivia was still sleeping deeply. Slowly Blaize lifted his arm off her, moving his hand to her hair, stroking his fingers through the strands. He had wanted to do that from the first time he had seen her when they were both children. The long golden tresses streaming behind her as she leapt and danced had taken his breath away.

She had distracted him so much that night, he had lost his focus and had allowed her to see him. He couldn’t stop watching her. It was as if she had cast a spell on him.

When she didn’t run from him in fear, he had known who she was. He had spent all the years in between then and now trying to ignore what he knew deep down, something so true he felt it in every cell in his body, right through to his soul.

And now that she was lying here with him, settled into his arms as if she belonged there, he didn’t want to deny it any longer. None of the female wolves he had been with, from the first to the last, had made him feel so connected to another being as this human did.

Try as he might to deny it, they were meant for each other. She was meant to be his mate. It was their destiny. What that meant for the rest of his life was too devastating to think about now.

And anyway, he couldn’t keep his hands still. She was intoxicating. For a brief second, he wondered if she really had cast a spell on him. Could humans do that? His hands were running over her body as if they had a will of their own, his cock already throbbing.

Blaize gave in. His need for her was so completely overpowering, he could hardly think straight. His wolf side flared up, mixing with his human desires.

Olivia stirred against him, stretching like a cat, every movement rubbing her body against his.

Blaize stroked his hand up her leg, pushing his coat away so he could trace over the curve of her hip. She had lovely full hips. Her body was just the right size. Any smaller and she wouldn’t be able to bear his weight.

By the way she swivelled her hips against his aching groin, he could tell she was awake now. And willing. He hadn’t doubted for a moment that she desired him as well, but he was waiting for her to be aware of it too. And now she was.

Olivia turned to face him, her face lighting up as if it was the morning sun, just risen to warm everything it touched. She looked even more beautiful now. Her fair hair glowed, radiant even in the dim light, shining in a way that reminded him of the embers of a fire.

His desire for her was so strong, it was almost overwhelming. The thought of pushing her onto her back and taking her right away briefly crossed his mind, but he shoved it aside. That would not be the right way to begin with her.

Leaning close, he nuzzled against her ear, biting her lobe gently.

“I want you. Right now. All of you,” he murmured.

Olivia shivered, her head moving in a barely-perceptible nod.

It took all his inner strength to hold himself back. Grinding his teeth, he took hold of her hand, squeezing it firmly, and she smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with the same lust he could barely contain in himself.

Blaize brushed his lips across hers, just glimpsing her startled expression before he caught her up in a fiery kiss, restraining himself as much as he could in an effort not to frighten. From what he knew, wolves were far more vigorous than humans.

Kissing him back just as passionately, Olivia gave as good as she got, her soft, full lips just as hungry as his. The heat coming off her body was about to set him on fire.

Trying to hold back was only increasing Blaize’s desire. With one hand twined through her hair to keep her close, he ground his hips roughly into her, letting her feel how hard he was for her.

Heart pounding in his chest as if it was about to break through his ribcage, Blaize shoved her coat away, tugging impatiently at the many other layers of cloth between her body and his hands. He stripped her of one sweater and she took another off until finally she sat before him, naked skin exposed to his ravenous gaze.

Blaize stood quickly, tearing his own clothes off, not missing the way her eyes widened when she saw his body for the first time. His human form represented who he was very well, his great strength and power visible in the sculpted muscles of his arms, legs and chest. Even his back showed a definition that was uncommon in other males, human or shifter.

Blaize liked having her admiration, unspoken but clear on her face. In the past he hadn’t paid any attention as to how his partners had seen him, whether or not he compared favorably to those they had been with before. Now he basked in Olivia’s gaze before he lay back down beside her.

She reached for him, her hand falling onto his chest, running down over his taut stomach.

Pulling her close, Blaize kissed her again, his hands tight around her ass, fingers digging into her enticing flesh. Her soft skin was driving him to distraction, as were the small, panting sounds she was making.

Breaking their kiss, he started his journey down her body at her ear, nibbling until she trembled, working his way over the delicate skin at her neck, licking her like he wanted to devour her.

Reaching her beautiful, full breasts, Blaize paused to look up at Olivia’s face. Her eyes were closed, her expression blissful.

She ran her hands through his hair and he bent his head, lips closing around her nipple, sucking and nipping until she shuddered against him.

Rolling her nipple with his tongue, Blaize grazed it gently with his teeth, pleased that he was able to reign in his brute strength when he wanted to. None of his other mates had been able to appreciate his efforts, wanting him to be rough from start to finish.

Switching between Olivia’s breasts, he sucked one nipple while his hand fondled her other breast, circling it possessively, relishing the firm softness and the size that was too much even for his large hand. Her nipples pushed back into his palms when he took hold of her breast.

Trailing his tongue over her sensitive skin in between kisses, he left her warm flesh to turn cold from the icy air, making her moan at the extreme contrast in temperature every time he moved his mouth.

Scraping his tongue over her stiff nipple, he discovered, made her gasp and grind hard into his body. Olivia cried out as he dragged his teeth lightly, trading hungry bites with soft licks.

The way she was writhing underneath him was going to send him into overdrive and when Olivia reached down between their bodies, curling her fingers around his rampant erection, he couldn’t hold back a low growl.

BOOK: Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1)
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