Read Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1) Online

Authors: Violet Ray

Tags: #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #chocolate erotic, #paranormal, #claimed by the alphas, #romance, #violet ray, #wolf, #shifter, #bbw, #alpha, #erotica

Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1)
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Her hands caressed his shaft, moving over its length, making him throb hard.

Her heavy breathing echoed off the walls of the cave, the sound inflaming him further. His balls tightened when her hand reached lower to play with them.

Her teasing fingers were straining his control. Blaize moved out of her reach, ignoring her small moan of protest, kneeling down between her legs and spreading them wide open.

Nipping at her thighs, running his tongue over her skin, he made her wait, delaying the pleasure so he could prolong it.

There was nothing in the world so intoxicating as the scent of a woman in heat. Now so hungry to taste her essence, he dove between her legs without warning. Blaize’s eager tongue plunged inside Olivia, exploring her depths fervently. Not wanting to stop lapping up her freely-flowing juices, he used a finger to work her most sensitive spot.

“Blaize,” she moaned, clutching at his hair.

The way she was gasping for breath and twitching beneath him let him know she was nearing the peak of her pleasure, which was exactly where he wanted her to be. She would need to be as wet and relaxed as possible before she would be able to take his big cock.

Sliding a finger between her wet folds, he stroked her rhythmically, his tongue meeting her clit. With a cry she climaxed, flooding his mouth. He didn’t stop working her until she was spent, relaxing limply back onto the ground.

Blaize covered her warm body with his, his aching cock easily finding her entrance. As slowly as he could, he pressed forward, sliding his shaft between her sexy lips.

Olivia opened up to him, spreading her legs wide, inviting him in further, but with his size he would have to go slowly until he was certain she could withstand the size of his erection.

Her body was firm, solid-looking, a lot stronger than when he first set eyes on her, but its size paled against him. He was a lot taller than her and far broader and heavier. He could only hope she could take him.

Just the sensation of her skin rubbing against his was electrifying. Blaize slid a little further into her, biting back a growl as her body teased his swollen head.

Her burning heat engulfed more of his throbbing cock and when she wrapped her legs around his waist, encouraging him forward, he knew she was ready.

Sliding the rest of his hard cock into her in one long stroke, he paused when he was all the way inside.

Blaize leaned down, touching just the tip of his tongue to Olivia’s closed lips. Without warning her eyes flew open, capturing his in a gaze so full of passion he got lost in it.

Rocking his hips back, he stroked forward, their eyes locked together as he set a slow rhythm even as the last bits of his composure were fraying into nothingness.

Far from looking like she was only tolerating his movements, Olivia was bucking her hips up to meet his strokes, taking him even deeper. He picked up speed, his thrusts growing faster, more urgent.

With a sharp intake of breath, Olivia arched up, coming again, her orgasm causing her to squeeze his throbbing length mercilessly.

Blaize was thrusting wildly now, out of control, his body on fire as his cock stiffened even more.

Their sweat-slick bodies slid together and Blaize groaned, burning up, his orgasm building until it could no longer be contained.

With a shout he exploded inside her, jolts of pleasure spiking up his spine. He didn’t stop moving until he was spent, his seed filling her completely.

It was unlike anything Blaize had experienced. Never had he felt such a deep connection to another being during sex before.

Collapsing down onto Olivia, he buried his face in her neck, trying to regain his strength while her fingertips roamed softly around his back. Her heart was still racing as fast as his was, and it didn’t seem like anything would ever be the same again.

Chapter 4

Tentatively, Olivia stuck her head out of the cave, stopping while she was still in its shadow. Already a few feet ahead of her, Blaize looked back over his shoulder.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of out here. Not when you’re with me,” he said, the barest hint of a smile crossing his face.

Her pulse quickened. It was the first time she had seen him smile. Well. Almost smile. Maybe that was as close as he could get.

He had it wrong. She wasn’t hanging back in the cave out of fear. Far from it. She wanted to stay there with the one who was making her afraid.

Try as she might, Olivia couldn’t bring herself to correct Blaize, to say out loud that she wanted him again. And again.

A very short time ago, Blaize had been busy redefining sex for her. She wouldn’t ever admit it to him, not under any circumstances, but his burning intensity scared her a little bit. And even that tiny sliver of fear in the back of her mind, the one that she couldn’t ignore no matter how caught up in the moment she was, had added to the excitement of being with him.

It made every sensation so much more intense, as if somehow she had shed a protective layer she didn’t even know she had.

Sex with him was risky, no doubt about it. Olivia certainly didn’t know enough about wolves in general, or Blaize in particular, to know whether or not she was truly safe with him. And yet the pull to him was irresistible, almost as if her body wasn’t quite in her control.

It had been the best sex of her life, so far beyond anything she had ever experienced.

But maybe it hadn’t been the same for him. When it was over, Olivia lay where she was, his body still on top of her, his weight a very pleasant reminder of how powerful he was. She could have stayed that way indefinitely, but all too soon he jumped up.

“I’ll show you the way out of the woods.” When Blaize’s words stung her a little, Olivia realized she had been hoping for something more from him, and that wasn’t good. Not at all. She had to put a stop to her growing feelings, and fast. It had just been sex. Really, really great sex, but still. Just sex.

They dressed in silence, Blaize’s expression no different than before as he untangled pieces of her clothing from his and handed them over. If anything, he was more distant than he was before. Their only exchange of words was him offering her his coat again with barely a grunt when she accepted it gratefully.

Olivia took a step out of the small cave and into the cooler air, trying to catch up with Blaize before he disappeared. They hadn’t come far but with no visible path here, Olivia doubted she could have found her way out on her own.

Blaize slowed down so they could walk together, but he still didn’t say a word.

Just walking close to him was like torture, allowing her to look but not touch. How could he not feel the same way she did?

Olivia’s body throbbed with arousal, her pulse beating in time with the memory of Blaize’s weight on top of her, his big cock touching her in ways she hadn’t ever felt before.

Reaching the edge of the woods, Olivia stopped, catching his eye.

“Thank you, Blaize. For…everything. I don’t know what I would have done without your help,” she said, watching his face carefully for some sign. Of what, she wasn’t sure. But something.

Nodding sharply, Blaize turned to leave but stopped abruptly.

“Will I see you again?” Olivia blurted out, berating herself for asking even as she spoke.

“Do you live in that house again?” he asked, his face so impassive it might as well have been carved from stone.


“Then you will see me again.”

Olivia stepped out of the trees, the bright sun catching her off-guard and blinding her for a moment.

After her eyes adjusted, she strode forward resolutely, determined not to look back to see if Blaize was still there. She managed about five steps before her head swivelled around, her body once again not in her command when it came to him.

There was no trace of the man, but she could just make out the dark, dark eyes of the wolf, locking with hers
for a moment and then he was gone.

The warm water was soothing the moment Olivia sank into the bathtub, soft music straining in from the speakers in her bedroom. A nice soak in a scented bubble bath was her favorite way to relax, and it had never failed her before.

But this time her mind was still racing about a thousand miles an hour and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t think about anything else except Blaize.

Sleeping with Blaize was like a dream that had ended far too soon. What she couldn’t explain to anyone, least of all herself, was the unexpectedly deep connection she felt when their bodies were joined. It was like they belonged together.

Sure, Olivia always felt a connection of some sort when she was with a man. But nothing like this. It was as if they were meant for each other.

How could that be possible? Blaize was a werewolf. A shifter. She was human. Enough said already, not to mention the fact that she could never even talk about what had happened with anyone. She had enough trouble trying fit into her hometown even when she was a child. Something like this would destroy her chances now.

Closing her eyes, Olivia moved around in the tub, sinking deeper into the water so that her chin touched it, recalling a conversation she had overhead not long before she got her acceptance to Hewthorn.

“I don’t know why you’re encouraging Olivia in thinking she can be a dancer. It’s a waste of time, yours and hers,” Mrs. Helms said, sipping delicately at a mug of coffee as she sat at their kitchen table one Saturday afternoon.

“That’s not true,” Mom told her. “She enjoys it. That’s never a waste of time.”

“But all the time you spend, driving her back and forth to classes almost every day. Not to mention the expense…” Her voice trailed off, as if she was trying to be delicate about a sensitive subject.

Olivia almost popped into the kitchen to argue with Mrs. Helms. Her daughter was in her class at school and Brittney was just as much of a snob as her mother, even though they weren’t anything close to being rich. They just acted like it. Olivia and Brittney had gotten into more than conflict about it. She couldn’t understand why her mother was friendly with Mrs. Helms, but the one time Olivia asked why, she would only tell her not to judge people too quickly.

“I believe Olivia is going to be a great dancer, and I’m going to support her dream any way I can,” Her mother was using her firm tone with Mrs. Helms now, the one that Olivia knew meant No More Discussion.

She didn’t stick around to hear the rest of their conversation, skipping outside instead to go practice her jetes in her favorite spot, as close to the woods as she could get away with. Her mother was on her side and that was all she needed to know.

What would Mrs. Helms say if she knew about Olivia’s adventures in the woods? If she didn’t keel over from a stroke, she would certainly make sure Olivia wasn’t welcome in this town anymore. And Olivia was determined to make sure she belonged here again.

She had already been planning to settle down. Find a job, get married. Maybe start a family. Her time with Blaize was just a blip on the radar. A wonderful memory, nothing more.

Standing up, Olivia wrapped a bath towel around herself.

Her mother had left a lot of stuff behind for her, but there were still a number of things she needed to do to set up the house for living in again. It was time to kickstart her brand-new life. No reason to delay. Blaize was already in her past. Best to leave him there, along with her old life.

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweater, she ran a comb through her hair as she stood at the full-length mirror, unable to help noticing that her jeans were looking a little on the snug side, and not in the right places. She should really pick up a new pair.

Now that was something worth thinking about. Going clothes shopping would be fun, and it would take her mind off everything. What better way to start to adjust to her new lifestyle than creating a new look?

Grabbing her coat and car keys, she headed outside, forcing herself to keep her eyes forward and not look in the direction of the quiet, enticing forest.

Reaching town, Olivia parked her car at the very edge of where she planned to go. The extra walking would do her leg some good.

Heading east up the sidewalk, she could already see the changes that had taken place since she had been away. There were a number of new shops, some even fairly modern-looking, and the most of the old ones had been given some much-needed makeovers.

Olivia stopped in the first store she came to, taking her time to browse through everything. Normally she loved shopping for new clothes. It was something she so rarely did, spending more time searching for the perfect toe shoe instead of following what was hot on the runway. And yet now that she had the time, she couldn’t get into it.

Maybe because she still didn’t know what she was going to do with her life. Truth be told, Olivia wasn’t sure what she was even qualified to do. Eventually she wanted to teach dance, but her leg wasn’t in good enough shape for that yet, not by a long shot.

At any rate, she needed a few things that fit her properly. The thought of facing the fitting room mirror was daunting, but she couldn’t live in baggy sweats forever.

Picking up a couple tops and a few pairs of pants that looked nice enough, she strode determinedly to the back of the store.

A few hours and zero results later, Olivia was drained. A shot of caffeine would be nice before she dragged herself back to the car. Crossing the street, she went over to a cafe that had been around since she was a child.

“Olivia!” Someone called out almost before the door closed behind her. Olivia was nearly knocked off her feet when she got caught up in an awkward hug.

BOOK: Desired by the Alpha (Wolf Destiny Book 1)
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