Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3)
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Maybe it really was what she needed. “What about Sterling?” she asked doubtfully, thinking he’d probably be a spoilsport.

“Oh, I think he’d surprise you in bed, no doubt about it,” Gentry said wryly, pushing off the doorframe as if ready to leave. “He is quick to cool off, and I know he’d love to please you. But it’s up to you, Roxy, if you want to give us a chance.”

With that, he left, leaving Roxy in a confusing mix of turned on and frustrated with the world.

ong after the
lights turned off in the house, Roxy found herself tossing and turning in bed.

And then a low moaning woke her, first making her wonder if she was dreaming and then causing her to roll over and turn on the lamp by the side of her bed.

What the heck was going on?

She waited for the noise, wondering if she’d imagined it, and then heard it again. Low and pained. A masculine voice signaling trouble. Something about it struck her deep in her stomach, like a physical blow, and she gingerly slid out of bed, feeling for her robe, pulling it on, and opening the door to go down the long hall.

She didn’t know exactly what room the men were in, but she could follow the sounds of distress. They tore at her heart as she walked up a long spiral staircase that was cold beneath her feet.

At the top of the staircase was a huge stone door, and she reached for the handle just as another distressed groan tore through the night. Summoning all her strength, she pushed open the heavy door and saw Gentry in the middle of a huge four-poster bed, writhing in the sheets.

First things first, he was gorgeous. Even with his hair damp and tousled and sweat sheening his face, his features took her breath away. She padded quietly across the room and put a hand on his forehead as he writhed beneath her. Was he sick?

She pulled the covers back and reached for his shoulders. He was wearing silk pajamas that had come undone in the front, revealing a perfect tanned chest with touchable, delicious muscles.

But she kept it professional as she tried to wake him. She tried to ignore the feel of his skin under hers, the beauty of his lips as they moved silently, wordlessly.

And then his hand curled around her arm suddenly, and his eyes flew open, the most vivid purple color she’d seen yet, lavender at the center darkening to deep violet around the outside of the irises.

His eyes locked on hers, panicked, frozen, and then he looked her over and slowly but surely relaxed.

“You’re okay,” was all he said, pulling her onto the bed with him. His arms wrapped around her. “Thank heavens.”

She put a tentative arm around his wide, heavily muscled back. Damn, why was every part of him so touchable?

Focus, Roxy.

“You were having a nightmare, I think,” she said, allowing him to nestle her in his lap as he leaned back against the headboard, breathing heavily as though he’d run a hundred miles.

He shook his head. “A vision. One I thought I’d already precluded from happening. I was wrong.” He looked at her again. This time his eyes were concerned, worried. “Roxy, I’m not sure you’re safe here.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face and through his hair, as if to wipe away the nightmare.

Gentry was such a calm person, so polite and always smiling, that she hadn’t realized what a heavy burden he could be carrying. No wonder Sterling was overprotective.

Just as she had that thought, the door thundered open again, creaking on the hinges and slamming into the wall on the other side, and Sterling stood in the doorway, looking them over.

He stopped when he saw her, as if her being there made the situation totally new to him and he didn’t know what to do.

Gentry waved a hand, gesturing him in, and he came, hesitantly, and stood in front of them.

“Another vision?” he asked.

“The same one,” Gentry said, shaking his head. She could actually feel the rest of his body trembling as well.

“We won’t let it happen,” Sterling said, eyes flashing. “Your visions have been changeable before. Whatever needs to be done, we’ll do it.”

Gentry nodded. “I know. But what if?”

Sterling set down the lantern and walked to the bed, catching Gentry’s jaw with one hand and turning him to face him. Sterling’s cold, silver eyes were logical, but there was a reassuring calm there as well. Like he would always take care of things.

“We won’t let it happen,” he said. Then he released his hold on Gentry and turned away, looking embarrassed. “Anyway, it looks like things are in hand here,” he said. “I’m heading to bed.”

Roxy wanted to call out to him. Something about having all three of them there together felt the most right. The safest. And Gentry needed them right now; she could feel it.

Sterling sighed. “Gentry doesn’t need us right now. He needs sleep.”

Gentry spoke up, slowly shaking his head, shocking both of them. “No, Sterling. I’m sorry, but she’s right. I do need you. Very much.”

Sterling stopped with a raised eyebrow, looking as surprised as he probably was capable of. But he recovered quickly.

“Of course, whatever you need,” he said.

But Roxy could swear she saw resentment in his gaze because she, not Sterling, had figured out what Gentry wanted.

I have always been all he needed. It will be an adjustment. But I’ll never be mad that you helped my partner. I’m grateful.

She gasped. Sterling’s voice was in her head. It was one thing to have her thoughts read; it was another to feel like her mind wasn’t her own.

“Sterling is the only dragon who can do that,” Gentry said wearily. “It’s quite a gift.”

“With humans or with dragons?”

“Dragons can make mental connections if both are open to it, but Sterling is the only one who can hear and speak whether they agree or not. And who can speak inside human minds as well.”

Sterling sat in a chair across from them, looking bored by the conversation, like he’d heard it all before.

He probably had.

But damn, if someone had so many powers, why wouldn’t they be proud of it rather than not wanting it talked about?

All she got in answer was a sharp gaze from Sterling, silver eyes glinting and narrowed, like he knew the answer but wasn’t telling her.

“Okay,” she said, trying to get off the bed so she could tuck Gentry in. “We’ll stay until you get back to sleep.” Even if she didn’t know how she was going to deal with staying close to him. Her hormones, which had been on red alert ever since she’d met the dragons, were on overdrive now, on Gentry’s bed, with so much of his body on display.

Gentry caught her by the wrist, stopping her, his eyes glowing. He stroked gently over her hand, making a chill run through her. It felt delicious.

“I can think of better things to do than watching me sleep,” he said. “Let me please you.”

The electric tension in the room ratcheted up another few degrees, and Sterling sat a little straighter in the chair, looking interested.

“You mean…” Roxy trailed off, hoping he’d finish the sentence.

Gentry took her hand. “I want to know you are safe. I want to see you happy. And I want your body,” he said, skimming over her curves. “More than you know. I want it writhing in pleasure under me, chasing the nightmares away. Proving what’s real.” He looked deep into her eyes, and she was carried away in the ocean of purple. “I want to please you. With Sterling.”

Sterling came forward and sat on the bed. “I’m here.” He reached up and touched her curls, more gently than she could have guessed. But then his hands took hold and he tilted her head back and took her in a hard kiss that had her body immediately melting against him.

His tongue stroked deep, and her moan was stifled by the complete hold he had on her. His complete possession of her. She could feel Gentry’s eager gaze warming the room, feel the heat of the two male bodies surrounding her.

She had a feeling this was going to be the experience of a lifetime.


entry’s arms
came around her waist as Sterling continued the kiss, stroking expertly, as if reading her mind for what she wanted, which he probably was.

She wanted it hard, rough, deep, and Sterling delivered that and more, nearly cutting off her air with the intensity of his kisses.

She felt her hands pulled behind her as Gentry stroked over her soft waist, feeling her curves, grasping her hips, teasing the inside of her belly button. Making her body come alive.

Then she noticed her wrists were tied behind her. She struggled slightly, wondering how that had happened. Sterling’s tongue was still working her mouth, but given where Gentry’s hands were, Sterling had to have been the one to do it.

Gentry’s hands were free to roam now, and he teased her, running his large palms over her thighs, making her feel small against his wide, strong chest, the silk of his open shirt tickling her bare back where her robe had slid off her shoulders to pool at her tied wrists.

Sterling finally released her mouth, leaving her gasping as his lips brushed her ear with a whispered, “I’m glad we share a fantasy.”

She flushed. How had he known? She’d always wanted to be tied, to be pleasured until unable to take any more. And now she could live it out with two men.

She hadn’t considered how mind reading would work in the bedroom, but she was now realizing it was going to be awesome.

She was forced to stay on her knees, her breasts bared in her thin camisole to Sterling, who knelt in front of her. He locked eyes with her as he reached for the straps of her cami and then tore it in half, baring her straight down the middle. She gasped and felt Gentry respond from behind, his body tightening and breath coming harder.

Sterling’s icy silver eyes glowed in the moonlight as he looked at her, helpless and exposed before him. She was wetter than she’d ever been, the silky panties she wore useless and confining.

Sterling folded his arms and stared at her as she quivered in anticipation. “What do you want first?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she moaned softly, distracted by Gentry’s teasing hands reaching up to tweak her nipples. His hard pecs brushed her bare back, making her shiver with excitement.

Sterling’s hand reached forward, diving between her legs, feeling her panties. “You’re wet. Nearly ready.”

“Not yet,” Gentry growled from behind them. “More first.”

Sterling nodded, pressing between her folds through the soft satin. He fondled her expertly as she gasped. With just a few touches, he had tension building inside her. Then with one quick move, he tore the panties away, coming in close so they were nearly chest to chest as his hand cupped her gently.

His lips found her pulse at the base of her neck, gently sucking the sensitive spot.

Then his fingers began to play.

Gentry’s hands cupped her breasts, making her arch. Her bound hands weren’t so tight she couldn’t move and writhe, but she couldn’t cover the front of her body, couldn’t feel self-conscious as their hands moved over her, Sterling’s driving her to distraction between her legs, Gentry’s turning her nipples to hard, aching peaks.

“I… I…” She bit her lip as her body trembled, on the precipice of something stronger than anything she’d ever felt.

“Tell me you’ve never felt anything this good,” Gentry murmured in a dominant voice. “Tell me you love it.”

“I love it,” she gasped out breathlessly.


“I’ve never felt anything this good,” she added.

Gentry nodded at Sterling, who continued to stroke her, dipping occasionally to test inside her. She knew he’d find she was already wet and ready to take one of them. She wondered which one would. She had a feeling no matter who it was, she would feel them both beside her.

“It’ll be Gentry,” Sterling murmured against her ear, kissing it and running his tongue along the sensitive inner shell, sending sparks straight down her spine.

His finger did a lazy circle, and she arched, pressing against him.

Gentry’s lips were on her back, her shoulders, moving toward the back of her neck to place an electric kiss there that was somehow more overwhelming than anything before. At her gasp, he decided to do it again. Meanwhile, Sterling picked up the pace with his fingers, and she felt herself rushing toward that precipice again.

What would it feel like to fall off the other side, bound, helpless, yet totally secure in the hands of the two gorgeous men holding her?

“It’s safe,” Gentry said. “You can go.” His voice whispering in her ear had her body seizing up, just as his hands moved to hold her hips and Sterling’s finger zeroed in tighter.

She screamed as she went into a free-fall, pleasure coursing through her like rushing wind. It was like stepping under a waterfall. Completely overwhelming, completely amazing. Heavenly.

She leaned up to look at the ceiling as each wave of pleasure hit her, aided by Sterling’s deft hands, and felt Gentry at her back, gently untying her wrists and then bringing them around Sterling’s neck so she could hold on to him as Gentry wrapped one arm around her breasts and the other over her hips. She dug her nails into Sterling’s back, feeling cradled and stroked.

Being with two men so far had been everything she imagined and more.

She knew distinctly who was touching her where, could feel both of their energies surrounding her, working together to hold her and please her.

At this moment, she could never imagine leaving them behind.

Gentry’s hands caressed in lazy circles over her stomach, which was still quivering from her release.

“That was amazing,” she said.

“It’s not over,” Sterling said in a low voice. He pressed her back against the mattress, and she felt Gentry move out of the way. Her back hit the soft sheets and her head rested on a down pillow.

She looked up and saw Gentry where Sterling had been.

“My turn,” he said, parting her legs with one swift move, baring her to him.

She flushed in embarrassment, but Gentry pulled her legs open more insistently, waiting for her to look up and acknowledge him.

When she did, he leaned down and placed a slow, deliberate kiss over her center. She gasped and writhed, held still by his hands on her thighs.

“Beautiful,” he said, sitting up between her legs. “So incredibly beautiful.”

She looked over to see Sterling waiting beside her, kneeling by her head. Were they going to tie her again?

“No,” Gentry said. “For this, I want to be sure you can move away if you want. I want to know you’re okay. Dragon sex can be kind of… overwhelming.”

“I’ll say,” she said, eyeing his bulging member in his pajama bottoms.

He laughed. “But we can’t get human diseases and can’t give them either, and we can’t impregnate someone who isn’t our mate. Even with our mates, dragon birth is rare, meant only to keep things in balance.”

That didn’t make a lot of sense to her, but at this point, nothing could change how she felt about the dragons. This was ecstasy, and it wasn’t even over.

She could almost taste the sensation of his thick hardness, could imagine what it would feel like inside her.

Would Sterling do it too?

Gentry shook his head. “Sterling’s a pleaser. He gets off on your pleasure. So I’m sure he would if you asked, but generally, I’m the greedy one.” Gentry slipped off his pants, baring himself to her. He was beautiful, and she bit her lip. “I want to—no,
to feel you.”

She gasped in arousal, so ready for him to do what he was promising.

He readied himself at her entrance, teasing her with his thick tip. “Ready?”

She nodded. Sterling took hold of her hands, steadying her, and she found his presence warm and comforting. Something to anchor her.

Then, as Gentry slowly pushed inside her, she squeezed hard on Sterling’s hands. It was so tight, so full, she could barely breathe. How on earth would he fit? She squirmed, trying to find the right angle, and then let out a breath of relief as he settled in, somehow sheathing deep inside her in a way that was uncomfortable but pleasurable at the same time.

Sterling stroked a curl off her forehead, which was damp with sweat. “Just relax. It’ll feel amazing.”

She nodded at him but was still tense. Her body seemed alarmed at having something so big inside her, but she could also sense she was on the edge of the greatest pleasure she’d ever experienced in her life. Gentry was wedged against her G-spot, and she knew once she relaxed, she’d feel it more than ever before.

Sterling came around her and kissed her deeply on the lips. This kiss was gentler, calming, distracting her from the flurried thoughts of a moment before. She felt her body relaxing as his hands moved softly over her breasts, touching and teasing. His hands played lightly over her stomach, her sides, caressing the inside of her belly button and dipping to touch just above where Gentry was buried deep inside her.

Her body finally began to fully relax, filled with pleasure again, and Sterling pulled back, ending the kiss. She immediately tensed up again, so he came back, gently dipping his tongue inside. When her mouth relaxed, her lower regions did too. So she returned Sterling’s lazy kisses as her hips started to move against Gentry.

Damn, the feeling was good. She nearly cried out when he pulled out a little bit and pushed back in. The pressure was intense, and she could feel a white-hot spark building inside her with each stroke. He grew bolder, and she met him with her own thrusts, taking him deep, gasping little moans against Sterling’s lips as his tongue matched their thrusts. She felt wholly filled, wholly pleasured, and the more she relaxed, the more she realized how much fire Gentry brought to her body.

Nothing would ever feel like this again; she was sure of it. She cried out against Sterling’s mouth as an orgasm took her, carrying her high above the clouds as she exploded with pleasure from the top of her head to the tips of her toes to the deepest parts inside her. The pleasure came in waves that spread from the inside out, so strong it seemed they could stop her heart, her breath, her everything.

And she wouldn’t care.

She screamed their names and held Sterling’s hands as Gentry stroked deep inside her and released with her, reveling in the aftershocks of the most extreme orgasm of her life.

She loved the tense jerks of him inside her, could feel every bit of him as he was held so tight, coming to life within her.

When he looked up, he was gasping, and his purple eyes were alight as he watched her. “My life,” he said. “You have my life.”

She was gasping too, and though she didn’t know what he meant exactly, she could feel the significance of it. The sincerity.

Sterling squeezed her hands, and she worried for him. Had he gotten what he needed?

, was his answer in her mind.
Everything I needed and more.

She sighed and relaxed against the bed as Gentry pulled out and used a towel to gently clean them up before pulling up the sheets and lying against her. Sterling lay down on her other side, and for a moment, all was silent except for the sounds of their breathing as they all came back to earth and the sound of Roxy’s heartbeat, which felt like it would never return to normal.

Kind of like her life ever since she’d experienced these dragons. Her whole body felt warm and alive.

Dragon fire indeed.

he next morning
when Roxy woke up, she found Gentry lying next to her, one arm splayed over her and the other above his head. His warm weight was welcome as she blinked away the last bits of sleep, but she quickly noticed Sterling’s absence.

“Don’t mind him,” Gentry said. “Sterling likes a lot of time to himself. To think, he says. And currently, he’s working on the issue of how to make sure my latest vision doesn’t come true.”

She sat up, pushing her pillow against the headboard and resting against it. Her body still felt warm and well loved, and she thought just the erotic memories of last night could sustain her forever. So hot.

“I agree,” Gentry said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her. Gentry seemed to love touch, and Roxy didn’t mind feeling his amazing muscles, safe in his arms. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a little like they were leaving Sterling out.

“I promise he just needs time to himself. Especially after emotional things.”

“That was emotional for him?” she asked, turning to Gentry in shock. “He looked so unaffected. Turned on, yes, but not overly emotional.”

“What you see with Sterling isn’t always what you get. He keeps a lot of things close to the chest. He likes to think he only uses his brain, likes to run from any unwelcome and illogical sentiment. But he feels things deeply. He really does,” Gentry said, reluctantly releasing her and getting up to retrieve their robes. “Should we go see what he’s done about breakfast? He tends to cook when disturbed.”

“Disturbed?” she asked. “Did we do something wrong last night?”

Gentry tilted his head. “No, of course not. It was enjoyable. More than that, it was incredibly bonding. But you have to understand Sterling is a dragon who takes bonding seriously, and he doesn’t know if you’re staying. Giving a woman pleasure strengthens a dragon’s feelings for her, and right now, that puts in him a situation where he’s very much
in control. And Sterling desperately likes being in control.”

“I don’t think he’s alone there,” she said, blushing and not meeting Gentry’s eyes, a small smile curving her lips. She remembered him commanding her to tell him she liked it last night. He’d been softly authoritative, and that had been so hot.

His lips curved in a grin. “I’ll keep in mind that you like it. I was brought up to be a leader, and I’m afraid I can be quite bossy at times.”

“Fine with me,” she said, slipping into the robe and walking in front of him, giggling when she received a soft swat to the butt as she went to the door.

Already her body tingled, aching to be touched by him and Sterling again.

They walked down the hall into the kitchen and were surprised to see Sterling sitting quietly in a chair by the window, reading a book on science.

BOOK: Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3)
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