Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3)
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Then he sank to the floor, and the healers rushed over to him again. As they healed him, Gentry looked around the room, from Drake and Quill to Ran and Draven, to their mates, Tara and Melissa who were bravely working by their sides.

Then Gentry looked at his partners, who seemed concerned for him but stayed back to give the healers room. For the first time, they’d felt and fought like a real team, and as he locked eyes with each of them, he knew they felt the same.

Eventually he’d have to report to the ruling party over the dragons and tell them what had happened, but for now, he just wanted to get his partners home and rest.

Now that the vision had been thwarted, and his mate and partner were safe, he felt like he could sleep for weeks. It was the last thought he had before he passed out again.


fter that
, Gentry had to spend several days with Quill, being healed by blue dragon fire before he, Sterling, and Roxy could leave together. Not that they weren’t grateful for the help, but all three were excited to have some time to be alone after what they’d been through.

Since the castle was destroyed, they took up residence in the apartment where Gentry and Sterling usually went to meet with dragons in their region. It was elegant and luxurious, but nothing compared to the mansion.

Then again, it was less lonely, so as long as they were safe there, Gentry didn’t mind them staying.

Sterling and Roxy had been at his side all hours of the day, Roxy feeding him, Sterling clucking like an overprotective hen.

Most importantly, they were getting along. Ever since that day with the wyverns, everyone seemed to understand each other, and Gentry had a deep sense of satisfaction he hadn’t had in a very long time. Maybe ever.

He heard Roxy and Sterling talking just before Roxy entered his room. Sterling held the door while Roxy brought in a tray filled with pastries.

Gentry waved a hand, sitting up in bed and throwing his legs over the side to show he was done. “No, I can’t eat anything else. You’ve been stuffing me all week.”

Roxy frowned. “Well, Sterling did have that other chef over to teach me some new things. I wanted to try them out.”

Gentry smiled and took a pastry. When he bit into it, he was impressed as usual by the taste. “It’s amazing. But I swear I’m good for now.”

Roxy sighed and turned on Sterling, who put up his hands. “You too? Darn.” She set the tray down and sat next to Gentry, her warmth radiating toward him.

He craved her body. It had been too long. Now his blood ran within her and she was truly his, but he and Sterling hadn’t been able to take her.

“I can hear your thoughts, you know,” she said.

Gentry ruffled, blushing. “I’m never going to get used to that.”

“Yes, you are,” she said, putting an arm around his waist and leaning into him in a way that made him tingle. Her softness felt amazing against his body. “If I can get used to living with dragons, you can get used to having someone in your mind all the time.”


“Kidding,” she said. “I’m not there all the time.” She ran a hand through his hair, and he leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

Gentry wanted to give their mate everything. Baths in the best tub in the world, sleep on the best bed in the world. He wanted to give her a fraction of the happiness she’d brought to him.

She’d even given him back Sterling, helping the communication between them.

Speaking of which…

“Did you pick up what I asked for?” he asked Sterling. There was no point trying to speak in their minds to hide something from Roxy, because she could catch them now.

“Yes,” Sterling said, pulling a small box from his pocket. “I was just waiting until you felt a little better.”

“I’m feeling fine. In fact, if I stay in this bed any longer, I’m going to meld to it. Plus, I have business to take care of. But first…” He took the box from Sterling, and Roxy looked at him curiously. “Would you accept this?” He got on one knee in front of her and opened the black velvet jewelry box in his hand.

Roxy gasped as the ring was displayed. It was a gorgeous, large antique diamond surrounded by sparkling purple amethysts. As the purple dragon, he had access to some of the best treasures handed down by past generations, and he and Sterling had long ago agreed on the ring for their future mate. One that represented both of them.

Roxy was still just staring at the ring, frozen in shock. “That… that can’t be a diamond.”

“Why not?” Sterling asked. “Given the age, it’s the only colorless stone that would have survived.”

She gave him a glare and then went back to staring at the ring in disbelief. “I just… Wow.”

“Roxy, we love you. We’ll treasure you. You’re already our mate, but we want you to say yes. You have our blood, our protection, and our power. But we want you to have this ring and be ours in every way.” He looked into her eyes as Sterling took a knee next to him, looking serious and quiet. He could feel the tension between them as they waited for her to officially accept her.”

When she teared up, Sterling looked at him in confusion.

“Is something wrong?” Gentry asked.

She bit her lip and wiped her tears. “No, it’s just, I’m so happy. I’m already yours, but it was so nice of you to give me a chance to say yes. Truthfully, I knew when we were captured that yes was already the answer. I wasn’t thinking of any of worries or goals. All I wanted was to get out of there safely with the two of you, who mean more to me than anything in the world. I love both of you so much.” She had composed herself and looked genuinely happy as she put out her hand for Gentry to take. “So yes. The answer is yes.”

Sterling visibly relaxed that they hadn’t upset her, and Gentry could feel the excited energy buzzing from him now that everything was official.

Gentry took her hand and slid the ring on, loving how it looked on her. “A perfect fit. Just like you are for us.”

She blinked, staring at her hand like she expected the ring to disappear.

“Do you like it?” Gentry asked, tilting his head to study her. “I can’t tell.”

“I love it,” she said. “It’s just a shock.” She threw her arms around him. “Thank you.” Then she grabbed Sterling and yanked him into a hug, which he returned.

“Good,” Gentry said. “Then I just have one other thing to ask of you.”

She nodded, glowing with happiness. “Anything.”

“I want to make love to you,” he whispered against her ear. “Wearing only our ring.”

She flushed and held him tight. “Exactly what I want too.”

oxy grinned
as Gentry carried her to the master bedroom.

The ring was incredible, and she couldn’t help glancing at it and thinking how it represented her two mates, sparkling and strong and beautiful.

Gentry opened the door to the bedroom of their New York apartment, which was still stylish and lavish. A huge four-poster bed with burgundy sheets stood in the center, the rest of the room decorated with expensive, antique-looking furniture. From the room, they could look out on the New York skyline, though as she was looking, Sterling clicked a button that lowered shades over the windows. With a second click, a number of candles lit in the room, creating a sultry ambiance.

“Just setting the mood,” Sterling said unapologetically.

By this time, Gentry had come onto the bed and laid Roxy down, leaning over her and kissing her. She could feel the same connection with him as he had described having for her back when they’d made love in the tub. A feeling of love, yes, but also much more. An infinite want, a desire for that person. Never wanting to let them go and always wanting to have them with you, forever.

Gentry deepened the kiss farther, wrapping his arms around her as his tongue came inside and her entire body pooled with building desire. Each flick inside her mouth made her gasp as she realized just how much she’d missed this while Gentry was recovering.

“We’ll make it up to you,” Sterling said, reading her mind. He joined her on the bed as Gentry stroked once more inside her mouth and then broke the kiss.

Sterling came down and placed a kiss on her forehead, then on her lips, hard and owning. She truly felt like she was theirs and they were hers completely.

As Sterling kissed her, he wrapped a hand behind her head and ran his fingers through her hair, the sensation arousing and enlivening on the sensitive spot back there. At the same time, Gentry slid his hands down the length of her body, making her ache to feel his hands on her bare flesh. Without further hesitation, he deftly pulled her sweatpants down and off her legs, then let his hands rove over her skin. His touch was warm and soft, making her increasingly eager to have her mates inside her.

“All in good time,” Sterling whispered into her ear right before he lightly bit down on her earlobe. He then kissed up the outer shell, each touch pulling a soft gasp from her lips. Everything her dragons did was so delicious; she never wanted it to stop.

Gentry looked like he was also savoring each moment, running his hand along the top edge of her panties as he placed heated kisses at the tops of her thighs and the sides of her hips, loving her thoroughly.

Sterling kissed her once more on the side of her neck, then brought his hands to the hem of her blouse, pulling it over her head in one quick motion. Roxy saw his blue eyes light up with desire as he consumed her body with his gaze, looking more hungry for her than ever before.

He reached for the clasp of her bra and undid it, pulling it off with one stroke while she fumbled at the buttons on his shirt. The damn things just wouldn’t cooperate though…

In an instant, all the buttons unthreaded, opening Sterling’s shirt and baring his perfect chest and abs for her. Sterling smiled at Roxy knowingly. His ripped body was so hot, each muscle perfectly defined. She pulled his shirt off, and he didn’t protest, letting her see his toned shoulders and biceps. It made her want to see Gentry as well.

Using her powers, she lifted Gentry’s T-shirt off, enjoying the view of his naturally tan, bulging muscles and the surprised look he gave her.

“No fair,” Gentry said as he came down to tease the rim of her belly button with his tongue. He glanced up at her, and she could see his glowing purple eyes in the candlelit room.

“Hey, you gave me this power. At least let me enjoy—” But she was cut off as Gentry stroked inside her belly button, making her back arch with pleasure. Each kiss, each touch made her wetter and wetter, filling her with anticipation.

Sterling didn’t wait either, coming to her bared breasts and laving them with his tongue, holding both with his hands and kneading the soft flesh there. It felt so good she ached inside, making her writhe in the sheets and grasp whatever she could to anchor herself. He hungrily kissed and sucked one nipple, then the other as his capable hands held her and squeezed gently.

Had she known back when she rescued that person from the oncoming train that it was going to lead to this—the two hottest men, like something out of a dream, here with her, pleasuring her senseless—then she would have thought she was crazy. But everything that led up to this moment, the kidnapping, the peril, the drama, all of it was worth it to have the promise of forever with her lovers that were so perfect for her.

Gentry moved from her belly button and placed a long, heated kiss at the apex of her thighs, making her hips buck from the shocking arousal of it. She bit her lip, trying to hold on as he watched her and smiled wickedly, sliding off her panties slowly.

With one motion, Gentry opened her legs wide, holding them with his hands as he came down to her. The anticipation was so great she didn’t know how her body was going to react. She was already burning all over with lust and desire.

As if he sensed this, Sterling came over her and straddled her. Even with his soft gray pants, she could feel his muscled thighs along her sides. He gently grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her, holding her secure. She squirmed against them, testing his strength.

“Don’t think. Just feel,” Sterling whispered into her ear as he held her. She could feel Gentry’s breath on her, knew he was close, but couldn’t see him past Sterling’s huge body before her. It was like waiting at the top of a roller coaster, anticipating the drop into a free-fall of ecstasy, not knowing exactly when it would happen.

Suddenly, she felt one long stroke from Gentry’s tongue against her, and she instantly came apart. She arched her back as her screams were muffled by Sterling when his mouth came over hers, owning her and pleasuring her. The build from all the foreplay exploded through her in an incredible orgasm that rocked her entire body.

Roxy felt so safe in Sterling’s hands, and it only amplified her pleasure further to be held by him like this. As if holding her body made her unable to pull back from the mind-blowing pleasure.

One her body finally relaxed, she could see Sterling watching her eagerly.

“Again,” she sighed, knowing Gentry could hear her.

Gentry said nothing but responded by running his finger over her, feeling between her soft folds and slowly building a new wave of pleasure inside her despite the power of the sensation. The air was so heady, so erotic, and now that she was mated to them, she could scent it even better now. Could tell what was Gentry and what was Sterling and where their two exotic scents mixed to create a cornucopia of desire-inducing fragrance.

Sterling leaned down and kissed the side of her neck and up her ear again, a gentle, sensual act that contrasted with the sheer mind-blowing pleasure of Gentry’s actions.

The thought that she would get to be with these two men forever felt so surreal; it all felt so incredible. But it was also the most real thing she’d ever experienced.

After a minute, Gentry came back to her with his tongue. Somehow, not being able to see him made the feeling of it all the more intense for Roxy, since she couldn’t anticipate when it was going to happen. Each stroke of his tongue was more pleasurable than the last, and he worked into a rhythm that went quicker as her moans came faster and faster.

All the while, Sterling licked at her ear and sucked at the base of her neck, surrounding her and feeling her everywhere. He held both of her hands with one of his and used his free hand to rub her nipple with his thumb, pressing on it lightly as it came to a tortured tip. The feeling was so sweet coupled with the stroking of Gentry’s tongue.

It was too much for her to contain, and Roxy went mindless with pleasure as she orgasmed. This time, Sterling released her hands and she instantly wrapped her arms around him, clawing into his back as she screamed into the night. Her entire body was on fire and nothing could douse the pleasure coursing through her with incredible intensity. Wave after wave came over her as it slowly passed. When it was finally done, she was left feeling heady and pleasured, but not fully satisfied. She wouldn’t be satisfied until…

BOOK: Destined Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 3)
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