Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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Even though she had been spending almost every night with Marcus, today, unfortunately for Cherilyn, would be much different. It was Melanie and David’s wedding day and she was not looking forward to going alone.

desperately wished to share the experience with Marcus, holding hands and introducing him to everyone.  But it just wasn’t possible for her to bring him and then she wondered how smart it was to keep going in a relationship with no future, giving her whole self to a man that had the power to keep her from advancing in her job.

     Cherry and Tash met the rest of the
bridal party in the back room of the church. Melanie appeared ecstatic, kissing them both while talking non-stop.  Cherilyn, Tash and Keke were all wearing similar dresses of the same color, but each a slightly different style.

     The wedding coordinator came over and inserted flowers into Cherry’s hair, hand
ing her a bouquet and a glass of champagne. Then she did the same for Tashida.

ilyn clinked glasses with Tash, giving her a stern look, but before she could say anything - Tash, looking guilty, said, “I know what you’re thinking, you’re worried I’ll drink too much. I promise I’ll be good, you’ll get no problems from me today.”

     “I’m glad you’re thinking of Melanie.”

     “I’m not thinking about her. I’m just remembering that hell of a hangover I had in Vegas.  It’s just not worth it.”

ilyn laughed and looked around the room.  “Who’s that?” She gestured towards a strikingly beautiful woman who sat in a back part of the room. She looked to be of Asian and Black heritage, was wearing sunglasses, a white shirt, black slacks and jacket. She had her legs crossed showing some expensive looking boots.

     “That’s Robyn.”

     “Oh, my.” Cherry sipped her champagne and tried not to stare.

     Keke brought Cherilyn
and Tash over to introduce them to Robyn. They talked for a few moments, finding Robyn to be gracious and funny, then Tash and Cherilyn moved to the other side of the room to give them some privacy.

     “She’s pretty, huh?” Cher
ilyn said.

     “Yeah, maybe we should change sides and play for the other team.” Tash
raised her champagne glass. “Might be more lucky in love.”

     Cherry laughed, “
Don’t be silly.” After a pause she added, “You are kidding, aren’t you?”    

     “Yeah,” Tash grinned, “unfortunately, we’re stuck with men, damn it all.”

     Cherilyn wished she could introduce Marcus to all her friends. Did it sound shallow to want to show him off? It was absolute agony to be dating such a great guy and to be unable to tell anyone. Besides she just plain missed his company and wanted to talk with him, sit with him, laugh, and dance, experiencing everything with him.

     Melanie came over to them and whispered, “If I had known Keke was going to come out I would have never asked her to be a bridesmaid.”    

     Cherilyn was affronted, but since it wasn’t the time or place to get into an argument, she kept her voice level, “You have something against gays?”

     Melanie made an annoyed face, “
Of course not, it’s just people might be distracted by it. It is my day, after all, everyone should be looking at me.”

     It was nice to know her shallowness was not prejudice, but just good old-fashioned narcissism.


     When the reception started and Melanie and David took to the dance floor, Cherry thought she
had never seen a happier couple. Tashida danced with her usher while Cherilyn danced with her groomsman, who was a nice, handsome and funny guy, but he just wasn’t Marcus. Thinking of Marcus left her again with a sense of loneliness. Keke and Robyn danced together, which raised a few eyebrows, but Melanie was too caught up in her own happiness to even notice, let alone be bothered by it      

     Checking her phone throughout the day
, Cherilyn was hoping Marcus would call or text her, knowing perfectly well that she could take the initiative and be the one to call him. She knew he’d welcome her call, but still somehow it seemed pathetic that she couldn’t get through one day without him and felt it necessary to be looking for reassurance.

Cherilyn had to endure many sympathetic looks when asked if she was seeing anyone and was forced to listen to ‘you’ll be next, don’t get discouraged’ one too many times.  At one point Melanie’s aunt cornered her and went on for twenty minutes about her friend’s son, the exterminator, who was what she termed ‘just a little portly’ and  still living with his Mom only because he hadn’t met the right woman.  Cherilyn felt like standing on a chair and announcing to the room that she was in a relationship with a gorgeous man, so just back off everybody.  But she didn’t, instead she drank way too much.         

Then becoming sadder and drunker as the day wore on, Cherilyn somehow got it into her head that it was all Marcus’ fault that she was at a friend’s wedding alone and dateless, with everyone feeling sorry for her and trying to fix her up with rejects.  When the reception ended she took a taxi to his house planning to tell him off.

     At first a surprised Marc
us found her drunken rant amusing, but then he became angry, “You think I like it this way? To have a beautiful woman in my life and can tell no one? Can’t show her off, can’t strut down the street and say to every guy, ‘yeah that’s right, she’s with me not with you.’”

     Cherry wanted to argue, so much. She wanted to hit and fight, wanted to shake him, to somehow make the situation different. But the wave of nausea that struck her left her dizzy and weak. “I
gotta lie down.”

us helped her undress and put her to bed. Stroking her forehead while she slept, so many thoughts filled his head. He wondered if they should continue seeing each other if things were this difficult. But then he thought about how much he liked her and enjoyed spending time with her. Even if it was selfish of him, he didn’t want to give her up. Watching her sweet face while she slept Marcus wondered what he was going to do about her.


     The next morning Marcus made breakfast in bed for Cherry, who had a mild, if expected, headache. Luckily, they were able to laugh about last night and decided to spend the day together in his apartment. Tash called to make sure she was okay and hadn’t fallen off the edge of the world.

ilyn wanted to suggest they take a shower together but Marcus, she had noted, was very private about his bathroom time. So she showered alone, then Marcus gave her a sweatshirt and sweatpants of his to wear, which she thought were way too big and baggy, but he said she looked cute in them.

Being in Pittsburgh only three months, Marcus hadn’t yet really decorated his apartment much, but he had bought some photo frames and the two of them sat on the living room floor cutting and placing photos of his family into the frames. He seemed fond of his nieces and nephews, talking a little bit about each of their personalities while they worked.

     “No kids of your own?” Cher
ilyn asked.


     She considered asking Marcus if he wanted to have children someday, but didn’t want to appear overly anxious to settle down, talking about kids this early in their relationship. 

     On the one hand she enjoyed their alone time,
sometimes it was exciting to have a secret love, a private life with just the two of them. But never being able to talk about it, brag about it, rejoice in it, be open about it just plain sucked. Pretending she wasn’t seeing anyone was wearing on her last nerve and lying to her friends and co-workers made her feel guilty. She decided to tell Marcus her feelings.

He listened attentively and then said, “Tell you what, tomorrow night we’ll go on a date, a real one out in public.”

     “And how are we going to manage that?”

     “I’ve got the perfect idea. We’ll go on one of those river boat rides they’re always advertising.”

     Cherry dismissed the idea. “Only tourists go on those big boats.”

     “Exactly. We won’t run into anyone we know there.”

     “Isn’t that a lot of trou
ble just to go on a date?” Cherilyn leaned back on her elbows.

     “I’m willing to give it a try.” Marcus smiled, “What about you? Are you in or out?”








The next evening around sunset, Cherilyn arrived at the dock. She was excited to see Marcus, but he stood off to one side, barely nodded to her and then looked away. He had no idea how much it hurt her feelings that she couldn’t go to him. She looked around. It did appear to be a tourist crowd, but still you couldn’t be sure, some employee might have friends or family visiting and decide to take them on a boat trip. Tash was right it was like dating a married man. It made her feel dirty or wrong somehow, and wondered for the millionth time if she should continue the relationship. She looked back, caught his eye and knew in her heart she didn’t have it in her to break it off with him.

     Tourists started walking the ramp
to the ship, and after everyone got on, at the very last second, Marcus and Cherilyn boarded also. Marcus checked all three levels of the boat and assured her no one from work was on board. The two of them sat up on the top level to feel the cool evening wind on their faces. Cherry laughed at herself, she was delighted that he had this idea and was willing to go to such lengths to please her. And she felt stupidly, ridiculously happy all because they got to sit together for a whole hour in public.

They sat close together holding hands. Cherilyn laughed, “As dates go, this is so corny.”

Marcus kissed her cheek, “I like corny.”

     “I love the way this city looks at night.”
She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, “The skyline, the buildings, the lights on the water.”

     “It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.”

     “Oh brother,” Cherry laughed, “talk about corny.”

     “It’s true, you are a fine looking woman.”

     “I’m glad you think so. What do you think of my town?”

     “I like it a lot. But
there are a few peculiar phrases I’ve picked up.”

     “Oh, such as?”

     “Redd up, for meaning clean up.”

     “Yeah, that’s common as
pierogies and kielbasa around here.”

     “And cheese steak?”

     “Now you’re talkin’.  Are you a football fan? Pittsburgh’s home of the black and yellow.”

     “I became a Patriots fan while I was at college in
Connecticut. But I don’t follow any team now.”

Connecticut?  Is that where’re you’re from originally?”

     “No, I’m from down south, born and raised.”

     “You don’t sound like it, I haven’t heard an accent.”

     “Well, now ma’am that
tain’t exactly so. I’m sure I could conjure one up if’n I had a mind to.”  As they passed Heinz field and the blue lights of PNC Park Marcus said, “We should go to a game sometime.”

In the silence that followed, it was obvious they both knew that wasn’t ever going to happen. The thought of it made Cherry sad, and she turned away, staring out at the water. Realizing they couldn’t really go out, not easily anyway, not without a great deal of planning and secrecy. It was just too risky and if they continued trying to have any kind of relationship, both of them were in danger of losing their jobs. The awkwardness became palpable and she knew they would probably never try going out again.    

When the trip ended, they parted without kissing or saying goodbye, each returning to their own car separately.  It put a depressing end on the evening. Cherry never felt more alone or lonely in her life. Sad as it was, she decided she would have to break things off with Marcus, there was just no point in continuing on in this way.




On the following Thursday Daycroft Industries hosted a networking cocktail party at an elegant downtown Pittsburgh hotel.  All the managers were expected to attend for the purpose of promoting working relationships with the executives from the several area businesses that had been invited to attend.

ilyn was excited to go, her first time as a manager at such sophisticated and important affair. She wore a shimmery, dark purple dress, a little above the knee but since it had long sleeves and no cleavage, Cherry thought it would be appropriate. The shoes she wore were stylish, black high heels that cost her almost an entire week’s pay.

     Unfortunately, a few minutes after arriving at the
event she was mortified to find there were only a few woman there, and all of them were dressed in dowdy, drab business suits. She felt she stuck out, looking inappropriate and foolish.

     Marcus walked over reading the distress on her face. 
The past few days had been strained between them. Cherilyn had been avoiding him and seemed to think breaking up was the best thing for both of them, but refused to see him to talk about it. Despite all that, right at this moment he wanted to take her in his arms and console her.  With so many people around that was impossible, still he stood close to her and in a low voice said, “Calm down. Everything is fine, you don’t have to impress anyone except Mr. Daycroft and he knows what a good worker you are.  Didn’t he just promote you?”

     Tears started to form in her eyes, she blinked them back. “I don’t want to be an embarrassment to the company.”

     “Cherry, you could never be an embarrassment.”

     She looked around, her discomfort evident.  “Maybe I should go home.”

     “You can’t do that, it would be noticed. Change the way you feel about this. C’mon, shake it off.”

    “How do I do that?”

     “Imagine if Edna Daines was here with a lampshade on her head, swilling a martini.”

     Cherry smiled.

     “Speaking of martinis. Wait here, I‘ll be right back.”  Marcus went to the bar to get her a drink.

     William Daycroft
, nephew of the CEO, walked up to Cherilyn, leering at her in a way that made her feel as if she were already undressed.

“Cherry, I wanted to congratulate you on your promotion I‘m sure we’ll be working very closely together.”

He ran a hand up and down her arm giving her the creepiest feeling.  If she weren’t in a business situation she’d tell him off, but knew it would ruin her standing in the company if she were to say anything now.

     “It’s great to see so
of you outside of the work place,” he said smiling down at her legs, then he leaned in, “maybe I could see even
of you sometime?”

    Cherry stared at the floor, cursing herself for being so inept.  She wanted to slap him and tell him never in a million years will that ever happen you toad-faced baboon. 

     Marcus returned handing Cherilyn her drink with barely contained fury in his eyes.

     William leaned against the wall, “Cherry and I were having a private conversation, Marcus, I’m certain you have somewhere else to be?”

     “I’m certain I don’t.  In fact Miss Johnson and I were just going to speak with your uncle wasn’t that right Miss Johnson?

     “Yes, I’m sorry to leave but we have important business to discuss with him.” Cherry and Marcus walked quickly away.

     “What did he say to you?” Marcus spoke through gritted teeth.


      Marcus grabbed her arm tightly and Cherry whirled around her eyes flashing anger. A deflated Marcus held up his hands in front of his chest. “I’m sorry.”

Cherilyn took in a deep breath, “I’m sorry, too.”

     Marcus moved her into the coat room for a moment of privacy. “What did he say? I can see how upset you are, it’s killing me.”

     “He’s an idiot. You know he’s not worth getting upset over.”

, tell me.”

     She sighed, “He looked at my legs. He said he wanted to see
of me outside of work.”

     Marcus turned to leave, “I’m
gonna kill that stupid son of a bitch.” Cherilyn held him back as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

Stroking his face and kissing him, attempting to calm she said, “I appreciate you wanting to uphold my honor, but really, he’s not worth any of our time or thought or energy. Besides you’d lose your job for sure.”

     “It’d be worth it to wipe that smug smile off his face.” Marcus exhaled a deep breath put his arms around her and rested his head in the curve of her neck. To embrace her was a comfort to him. As he relaxed into her, he kissed her neck then moved up to her face and lips.

     Cherry tried to speak, “Marcus, I don’t think - ”

     “I don’t want you to think.”   His lips came crushing down on hers.
He had missed this so much the past few days. His hands spread out over her body exploring, seeking, he couldn’t stop kissing her.  A passionate urgency overtook both of them. She removed his jacket as he reached up under her skirt and pulled down her panties. She kicked off her shoes and grabbed for his belt. Looking into her face, Marcus wanted to say ‘I love you,’ but thought the timing inappropriate, so he was determined to show her instead.

Cherry leaned back against the wall as Marcus lifted her up, wrapping her legs around him as he drove himself into her. Marcus loved to watch her face as he made love to her, moving steadily in and out and unable to hold back, his pace quickened. She bit her lip to keep quiet. He felt an overwhelming need to possess her, to make her his own. She grabbed his hips frantically pulling him into her.  Bracing himself against the wall and one arm holding onto her bottom, he continued thrusting and was praying no one walked in, but not really caring at this point if they did. It felt so good to be in her, he never wanted to leave this moment, but with each increasing stroke his desperate need for release intensified. When he heard Cherry cry out he couldn’t contain himself and gripping her tightly plunged himself deeply within her, letting his body give way the culmination of pleasure.

     Marcus left the coatroom first, Cherry left a few minutes later. Eventually they both went back to party pretending nothing had happened.
Cherilyn did her best to appear professional and get through the evening. From the occasional smile she got from Marcus she guessed he thought things were good between them. Men often thought that way, that sex fixed everything. But this evening to her had the opposite effect. It showed her how inappropriate they were both behaving. It wasn’t just losing a job here at Daycroft anymore, if word got around to other companies no one would hire either of them anywhere.

This relationship wasn’t working for her on a professional or personal level and she couldn’t afford to continue.

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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