Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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The next morning, Tash walked into Cherilyn’s office and slumped into a chair. “I don’t want to sound jealous or petty, but I miss us hanging out, you know, two single girls. Melanie is married. Keke is paired off in her relationship. Now you’ve got somebody, even if you won’t tell me who it is.  I’m all on my own here.”

Well, if it makes you feel any better I think my relationship might be on its way out.”

     “Want to tell me about it?”

     “I can’t really. But, let’s go to lunch. Have a little girl talk, my treat.”

Tash brightened, “Where should we go?”

     “Your choice.”

     “Can you afford someplace expensive now that you got this fancy office?”

ilyn laughed, “For you I can.”    

They spent an enjoyable lunch together. Cherilyn felt bad about neglecting her since she had been spending so much time with Marcus.

When she returned to the office Marcus appeared distracted. “What’s going on?” She asked him.

     “They’re sending me to Myrtle Beach.”

     “South Carolina?” Her heart did a little flip, so far away.

     He nodded.

     “What’s in Myrtle Beach?”


     She wanted to say wherever you are would be hot but never got the chance.  Edna Daines knocked, opened the door and leaned in. “Miss Johnson, you’re wanted in the conference room.”

    There was only Mr. Daycroft and one other manager there. They gestured her to sit.

     “We’ve decided to offer you a temporary position, Miss Johnson, in our southern division.” Mr. Daycroft continued, “It will require relocation, as we are opening a new branch in Myrtle Beach.  Marcus will be going, he will be responsible for setting up and manning our new office. We’d like to offer you the opportunity to go along and assist him in this endeavor. You will, of course, be provided with a furnished condo, a leased car and an expense account.”

     Although she had been
unsure about continuing a relationship with Marcus, this opportunity could solve a lot of problems for them. It might be the perfect way to find out if they could make things work, down there they’d be far away from prying eyes.   

o accept the job or not? This was not a hard decision for her.


     Three days later Cherilyn was in a cab on her way to the airport. Once she arrived and saw Marcus a familiar thrill ran through her that caused her body to sizzle whenever she got near him. Still, while in the airport they had to behave as colleagues and it hurt her feelings a bit. But once on the flight sitting side by side and holding hands, it was as if they’d left all their worries behind. Cherilyn felt like she was starting a new and exciting chapter of her life.

     After a short flight to Myrtle Beach and retrieving their luggage they both stepped outside to get a cab. The first thing that
hit Cherry was the muggy heat. They took a taxi to the automotive dealership for the leased car the firm was providing for each of them with and then went on to the furnished condos. Cherilyn was surprised at how flat the land was here, no hills or bridges, nothing like the ‘burgh.


     Marcus and Cherry quickly acclimated to South Carolina, both really loved the weather and the area. Being the only Daycroft employees in Myrtle Beach they were able to be themselves, display affection whenever they felt like it and spend all their free time together as a couple. They tried all sorts of touristy things, like the sky wheel and parasailing. But mostly they just enjoyed spending their time going out for romantic dinners and walking hand in hand on the boardwalk. 

Conveniently the condos the company provided were side by side, but the two of them ended up staying together in Marcus’. Technically it was not living together she still had her own place, but going to sleep each night in his arms and waking up with him each morning, felt a lot like it to Cherilyn.

arriving in Myrtle Beach, she had noticed Marcus texting several times and he would never say who it was to or from. She didn’t want to pry, but found his behavior odd. Also, he took some of his cell phone calls in private. She got calls from her girlfriends but never felt the need to leave the room and if she got a text would always say who it was from. Marcus was a little less open than her and she wondered if she should be worried. They had never actually ‘defined the relationship’ nor agreed to exclusivity, yet to her it was understood. She was in love and though neither of them had said that to each other she wouldn’t even think of dating anyone else.

n’t Marcus feel the same?

Not wanting to come off like a shrew, she decided it was best not to be invasive and questioning, if he wanted a little privacy, so what?  Tonight Marcus was taking her to a local restaurant he attractively described as ‘a little hole in the wall’.

     When they arrived at the restaurant and got out of the car,
it looked like such a rundown place Cherilyn thought Marcus was crazy. But once inside, the atmosphere, the people, the music, everything about the place charmed her.

A blues band was playing a jazz tune and the waitress who took their order was funny and friendly. Marcus and Cherry sat near the dance floor, and with Marcus tapping his feet and playing imaginary instruments, it was obvious he really loved the music. Glancing about she noticed throughout the place the tables and chairs were all of varying sizes and shapes and nothing seemed to match, but none of that mattered.

Once the food arrived Cherry really understood why Marcus liked this place. They shared an appetizer of crab cakes. “Mmm, this is great.”

None finer.” Marcus agreed. “But my mother also makes great crab cakes.”

     The waitress brought out the rest of their food. Cherry had the
Hoppin’ John and cornbread while Marcus had the macaroni and cheese with okra and tomatoes.

Marcus paused and took a deep breath, “Man, I could get used to this.”

When they finished eating Cherilyn felt full but Marcus talked her into sharing a piece of peach cobbler, which she was glad she did. It was delicious.

Cherilyn leaned back and smiled. “We’re going to need to work off these calories.”

     “I know a few ways. C’mon.” Marcus pulled her to the dance floor. Cherry s
lipped off her shoes and danced barefoot. She held her body tight against Marcus, but with the dance floor was so crowded she didn’t think anyone would even take notice of them. Swaying in time with the music, their movements were slow and sexy, still Cherry didn’t feel at all embarrassed. The room was hot and sweaty, but she loved being this close to Marcus and the earthy scent of him.

Marcus smiled at her. “Woman, you could make a man leave everything behind and go halfway around the world just to be with you.”

     Cherry smirked, “
Only halfway?”

     Marcus l
aughed, “Anywhere for you, baby.”

     Their bodies pressed tightly together
shifting to the rhythm of the music, Marcus felt Cherry grinding her pelvis against him. “Keep that up and we’ll have to leave in a hurry.”


     When they got back to the condo, Cherilyn suggested they take a shower together.  But Marcus grabbed her by the hips and pulled her in close, “I don’t think I can wait.”

     “But we’re
all sweaty.”

     He kissed her, “
I like you all sweaty.” She still seemed unconvinced so Marcus said, “Make you a deal first time we do it my way, then second time is your choice.”

     “You got two times in you?”


Cherry laughed. “Promises, promises.”

     He got naked and Cherry could see why he didn’t want to wait.
The time spent at the restaurant, the food and drink and especially the dancing, had provided all the foreplay he needed. Marcus sat on the bed up against the head board with a few pillows propped behind him and positioned Cherry to be on top. This way they were face to face. “I love your body, Cherilyn,” he said, as she moved up and down. “And I love making love with you.”

It was almost saying ‘I love you’ but not quite. His hands molded to her breasts, kneading them, making her gasp, then he moved his palms to her hips helping her move up and down faster and faster. Bringing her up and over the edge, it didn’t take long for both of them to be fully satisfied.

     “I’ll do better next time.”
Marcus said, out of breath.

     “You did
good this time.”


     “Yeah, but don’t go to sleep, we’re hitting the shower.” She ran the water warm, it felt good to get clean and they luxuriated in soaping each other’s bodies. When they rinsed off, Cherry used her hands and her mouth to get Marcus to the state she needed him to be in. Once he was ready, she placed one foot on side of tub and held onto him, he smiled as he entered her. Holding her tight, his slow, lazy thrusting quickly increased to moving ever faster. But being it was the second time tonight he was able to last longer and sustain the arousal she felt. Leaning into her, holding her tight, his face to her neck, she held onto his back as the hot water rushed over them. He continued on, moving in and out, over and over rapidly until both of them again reached the heights of pleasure in simultaneous climax.










Saturdays were the best days, Cherilyn thought.  And in Marcus’ condo, more specifically his bed, was the best place to be. And although she could choose to do many things outside of the bedroom today, right now spending the whole day in bed with Marcus was by far the most appealing idea. 

     Curled up in the nook of his arm, she luxuriated in having his warm body against hers
, with her hand caressing his chest.

That was until his phone rang.

Marcus frowned when he glanced at the phone registering who was calling. “Hello,” he said, putting a really upbeat tone in his voice. Within seconds he sighed and swung his legs over the bed, “Yes, yes, but, but, but-” he said and walked out of the room.

All the good feelings she had just felt evaporated, just like the bed cooled with his absence. She wondered what was going on, could it be another woman? She thought they’d grown close, why didn’t he feel he could speak freely in front of her? What did he have to hide? An ex?

Cherry was devastated when she heard him whisper, “I love you too.”

     Words he had never uttered to her. She wanted to be angry and not even wait for his explanation
, but when he returned to the bedroom with a guilty look on his face, panic spread throughout her body. She was certain her worst fears were confirmed. 

     “I’m just going to co
me out with it,” Marcus said, “My mother wants me for Sunday dinner tomorrow and the whole family is going to be there,” his entire body sagged as he exhaled, “there I said it.”

ilyn just looked confused, “Your mother?” She wanted to laugh. “Where does she live?” This was the secret phone calls, his mother?

     “She lives in Summerville. It’s about an hour and a half west of here.”

     He paused when she didn’t respond. “Do you hate me?”

     “Of course not, you go ahead. I’ll find something else to do.”

     “No, you don’t understand. They want to meet you.”

     “They know about me?”

     “Of course. I speak to my Mom every week. So, you’ll go? I know it’s a pain.”

ilyn was impressed that he wanted her to go and that he eagerly awaited her response, “Should we bring something?” She smiled at him.

     “Lord knows there’ll be enough food
there to feed a small army.”

     “What should I wear?”

     “Were it up to me I’d say nothing - but given the circumstances I’d say something appropriate for church.”


     “Don’t think you’re getting out of it.”  Marcus said, wagging a finger at her. “If I have to go, you have to go.”

     “Church,” Cherry muttered as her phone rang.  “Hi, what? What? No.” She gave a look of desperation to Marc
us.  “Okay, well, I guess so. Yes, I am happy. Yes, excited too. I’m just surprised.” 

     Now i
t was Marcus’ turn to wonder who she was talking to and what were they saying? 

     “All right then, twenty minutes, right, I’m on my way.” Cherry hung up her phone and did not appear at all happy.

     Marcus raised his palms in question.

     “It’s Tash
ida, she’s here.”


     “In Myrtle Beach,” Cherilyn nodded.  “She got an early flight and wanted to surprise me. She just came in for the weekend.”

us was looking down not saying anything. 

     Cherry shrugged
, “maybe I should hang out with her and you go with your family.”

     “I don’t want to do that, there has to be another option.”

     “Then, we’re going to have to trust her.” The look she saw on Marcus’ face showed he doubted the wisdom of this.  “There’s no other choice - she’s already here, if she had asked I could have told her not to come, but now? She’s my friend and she’s been feeling lonely, I haven’t seen her in two months. I can’t send her to a hotel.”

     “Can she keep quiet?” Marc
us sat next to Cherilyn on the bed.

      “I think she will for me. If she ever did say anything it would be by accident. She wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose, she’s just not like that. She’s a good person.”

     “If she’s your friend I have no doubt she is,” Marcus stood and pulled Cherilyn up out of the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I don’t want to stop spending time with you. Or have to stop showing my affection for you, not for a few days, not even a few hours.”

     “Me either, that’s why we should tell her, be open about it. The good thing is other than me, she’s not really
close with anyone at work, she’d have no reason to discuss it there.”

and Marcus went to the airport. Tash hesitated when she saw them together and glanced from Cherry to Marcus curiosity evident in her eyes.

     “I’m going to call my Mom,” Marc
us said, “and tell her there will be three for dinner tomorrow.” He walked a few feet away from them.

hugged Tash. “Do you have luggage?”

     “Nope,” Tash said, “Just this
,” gesturing to the bag in her hand.

us walked back towards them, his voice loud. “Ma, Ma! I don’t know really - Ma. Oh, MA!” Marcus pushed the button to hang up.  “Never argue with a Southern woman when she’s cooking up ideas.”

     Tash looked to
Cherry, “what’s his problem?”

ilyn laughed, “We’ve had a few surprises this morning. What is it Marcus?”

Plans have changed. Barbeque this afternoon, all three of us have to drive to Summerville.” Marcus took Tash’s bag and they walked to the car.

     Tash asked, “Summerville?”

      “Yeah, it’s not too far.’ Marcus looked down as he spoke. “It’s a small town, I mean small, maybe two thousand people, all of them my relatives.”

     “Is that where you grew up?” Cherry asked.


Cherilyn looked out the window as Marcus drove them back to the condo, wishing he would be more forthcoming instead of making her feel like she was being invasive just asking a few simple questions. “What’s it like there?”


     Once again it was like pulling teeth to get anything out of him, she wasn’t overly fond of his cryptic answers but didn’t want to pry. Cherry looked back at her friend, “And tomorrow we get to go to church.”

ida bolted upright. “Oh, Hell to the no.”

us shook his head, “Yeah, can’t talk like that in church.”

     Tash huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. Looking very unhappy she stared out the window.  When they arrived back at the condo complex, Marcus headed for his own condo but looked to Cherry and Tash, “We have about two hours until we have to leave.
You gals have time to talk and redd up and I’ll be back to pick y’all up later.”

    Cherry nodded and opened the door to her place having decided she would let Tash stay here and she’d continue sleeping at Marc’s. Cher
ilyn showed her the kitchen, living room and bathroom. 

     When they got to the bedroom, Tash glanced around, “doesn’t even look
like you live here. Where’s your stuff?”

     Cherry gestured, “Next door,
in Marcus’ condo.”

     “It’s like that then?”

     Cherilyn gave a shy smile, “yeah.”

     “And you didn’t let me in on it?” Tash paused, “How long have you two …?”

     “Since Las Vegas.”

     A stunned look covered
Tash’s face. “This is the guy you’ve been seeing? The one I thought was married? Or maybe a lesbian?”

     “Yeah, I just couldn’t have it get out at work.”

     Tash put a hand on her hip, “And you don’t trust me?”

     “It’s not that. Marc
us and I both agreed not to speak about it, if I had told you he’d find out and know I broke my word.”

     “Still, I’m your best friend.” Tash looked down and appeared hurt.   

     Cherilyn took her hand. “That’s why I’m telling you now, including you, trusting you with this, Marcus too, we’re both trusting you with our secret.”

     “I thought you said you were going to break it
off before you left for Myrtle Beach.”

     “You’re right, I did think it would be best to break up being we worked at the same place
, it was so difficult, but here,” she smiled, “we’re able to go out, be ourselves in public, things are great.”

But what happens when you both go back to Pittsburgh?”

     A cloud came over Cherilyn’s face
as she realized she had just been enjoying things and hadn’t thought that far ahead.

     “How serious are you two?”
Tash asked.

     Cherilyn shrugged and glanced down, she was too embarrassed to admit that she didn’t know how to answer that. “We haven’t really talked about it.” She looked up and smiled, “But I
am glad to see you.”

happy to see you, too.” Tash said, but still looked sad. “I thought we’d do something together just the two of us.”

     “Maybe tonight we can after we get back from the barbeque.”  

     A couple of hours later the three were on their way to Summerville. When Tash had stepped out of the condo Cherry was shocked to see her wearing a skimpy tank top with a push up bra underneath showing a lot of cleavage and extremely short cut off denims. Cherry wanted to say something to question this fashion choice but she didn’t dare since Tash was still in a surly mood finding out about her relationship with Marcus.

us drove and Tash, sitting in the back seat, began grumbling, “Another chance for a wild weekend down the drain.”

ilyn was dressed a bit more conservatively, a simple, yellow cotton dress, sleeveless, but no cleavage and well below the knee, knowing she would be meeting Marcus’ mother.  “Will both your parents be there?”

     “Just my Mom. My Dad’s passed.”

      “I’m sorry.”

     “Thanks. He’s been gone awhile now, still you never forget. You
don’t talk about your family.”

ilyn shrugged looking out the window.  “I’m an only child, I never knew my Dad, Mom raised me on her own. She died when I was in college. I wasn’t close with any relatives, so Tash’s family took me in then.”  Cherry smiled back at her friend.

     Tash c
rossed her arms and nodded, “Damn straight.”

     “There’s no cussing allowed at my mom’s house, Miss Jones.”

     “Listen Mr. Black,” Tash’s voice got loud, “you’re not my boss right here and now, okay? So you can’t tell me how to talk.”

Cherry exchanged a glance with Marcus. She felt trapped between the two of them and not wanting to show favoritism for either side.


      “Mother,” Marcus greeted his mom with a warm smile, a strong hug and a kiss, while Cherry hung back, not wanting to intrude. Tash with her arms crossed and angry look on her face appeared totally uninterested in meeting anyone.

“My baby!” Camille Black grabbed her son’s face smacking him with kisses. Several nieces and nephews rushed over and began hanging on Marcus with obvious love and delight on their faces hollering, “Uncle Marcus! Uncle Marcus!”  Once they settled down, he introduced Cherilyn and Tashida to his mom, three sisters, brothers-in-law and nieces and nephews. After the introductions, the children took off playing, the men went back to the grill, and the woman headed to the kitchen to begin bringing out the food.

     A tall, good looking man walked up to Tash, “Well, who is this pretty lady?”

     “Is he for real?” Tash wouldn’t even look at him.

     “Tad, you smooth talker.” Marcus grinned. “This is Tashida, best friend of my girlfriend Cherry. Ladies, this is my cousin Thaddeus.”

     Both Cherry and Tash looked at each other. “
mouthed Tashida. Cherry shrugged, but smiled to herself and in her own mind she said DTR, he did it, he defined the relationship.

     Tad took Tashida’s hand and kissed it, “she puts the she in Tashida.”

     “Oh, brother,” Tash said, but Cherilyn could tell she liked him. Marcus and Cherry walked over to the food table. She found herself always naturally gravitating to Marcus, they seemed to be drawn to each together, neither of them wanting to be far apart from the other.

BOOK: Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance
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