Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (11 page)

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“I–It feels r–right.”

“I’m so glad,” I sighed and rubbed my cheek over his back. “I don’t want anything to ever be bad for you. I want you to be happy.”

“I know that. You were willing to die instead of forcing this on me. That kind of selflessness can’t be ignored, angel.”

We lay there together for a few moments before he snapped his hips, letting me know he was ready for me to move. I knelt up and grabbed his hips as I started to pull out. When the head of my cock was all that was left inside of him, I thrust right back in.

“Oh shit, Shem. Give it to me, baby. I want you to fuck me like the animal I know you are.”

“As my mate wants,” I snarled and pounded into him. I loved the feeling of his strong, muscular body shaking with desire for me to please him. I wasn’t about to fail him. Riding him hard and fast, I ran my cheetah tongue over his neck and shoulders.

I was in heaven. Diets was taking the leap of faith enough to be with me after everything he learned. Even more so since he trusted me to top and claim him.

come,” he grunted as he reached down and stroked his cock. “So fucking good, Shem.”

“Glad you like it because I’m loving being inside of you,” I hissed in his ear. “I’m going to claim you now, Diets.”

“Do it. Make me yours, angel.”

I gasped in shock at what he said. My need to claim him was so strong I didn’t hesitate. I sank my teeth into his shoulder, piercing the skin and drinking down his blood. He cried out under me, shouting my name as he came. The muscles in his ass massaged my cock, as if demanding my climax.

Lifting my head, I roared out my release as I pumped it into his ass. Diets collapsed under me, and I caught myself in time to not crush him. My cock was still pulsing inside of him as he groaned and twitched under me. When my orgasm passed, I shifted back and fell to the side of him.

“Yeah, I’ll be coming back,” Diets panted as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me back to his chest. I snuggled against him, letting him spoon me as I caught my breath. “You were wonderful, my angel. This feels so right being here with you.”

“I feel the same way,” I said as sleep started to pull me under. I wanted to say more, tell him so much more, but everything just caught up with me all at once. And seconds later, I was out like a light in the arms of my mate.

* * * *

I woke alone and horny. While Diets didn’t know it was going to happen, since I didn’t want to put any more pressure on him, I was in honeymoon heat. He’d made us promise not to add anything to his knowledge already or any other reason he couldn’t leave. Though Curtis could take care of my needs, I was sad to wake and smell Diets was gone. It did help when I realized he’d cleaned me up though. At least he cared enough to do that.

And he was gone. His scent was thinned out enough to let me know he’d left at least an hour ago. I needed to find Curtis and not stumble along with my cane, looking weak in front of his vampires, so I decided to shift into cheetah form. It would help me map out the house and track down Curtis faster.

I got out of bed, made my way to the door, and tuned the knob before shifting effortlessly. Then I made my way down the hall, carefully taking in my surroundings while counting steps and committing them to memory. My human steps were shorter than my cheetah ones, but I’d learned long ago how to convert them accordingly.

Making my way down the stairs, I saw several of the vampires we’d met with this morning. A few gave me a nod of acknowledgement, while others just moved out of my way. I sniffed my mate out and found him in one of the dining rooms with my brothers.

“Shem, where’s Diets?” Curtis asked when he saw me and stood. Did he think I could answer right then? He must have figured it out because he started chuckling and pulled his shirt off. I got the request, and since it was just him and my brothers, I shifted back to human form. He quickly dressed me in his shirt before pulling me into his arms. “Now you can talk to me.”

“I guess he left,” I answered, marking him with my scent as I rubbed against him suggestively. “I woke up alone and needing. Think you can help me with that problem, my mate?”

“I think that can be arranged.” He chuckled. “Can we pick this meeting up tomorrow guys?”

“Of course,” Cass answered, and I heard them all moving. “See you guys in the morning.”

“Love you all,” I called out in between licking my mate’s neck. “Tell me you have lube.”

“I started carrying it all the time once we mated and I realized how insatiable you are, angel.”

“Good,” I purred as I moved to find the table. When I did, I hopped up on it and yanked back off his shirt. I brought my feet up onto the table, knowing he’d have a perfect view of what I was offering. “Someone could walk in on us while you’re fucking me within an inch of my life.”

“Does that turn you on, you little exhibitionist?”

“Oh yeah,” I moaned and leaned back as I felt his tongue lick my hole.

“Do you think he’ll be back?” Curtis asked gently as he stood, and I heard the rustling of clothes.

“He said he would be, but then I woke alone. Not sure what to make of that. Diets said he’d need time and wanted to take things slowly. But does he even have our numbers? I don’t have his.”

“We’ll give him some time, angel. If he doesn’t contact us, we can track him down through the fire department. Did, um, things work well?”

“Yeah, we fit that way.” I giggled and then moaned when he rubbed slicked fingers over my hole. “He’s rather inventive with positions. I can see the two of you being with me at the same time trying to figure out just how flexible I am.”

“Sounds like a plan,” he growled as he pushed in two fingers. “I want your legs spread and in the air, Shem. I’m going to punish your tight ass for your behavior earlier.”

“What did I do wrong?”

“You were willing to let him walk out of here and just die,” Curtis ground out as he fucked me with his finger. Before I could answer, he pulled me to the edge of the table while I moved my legs in the air. His hand suddenly slapped my ass hard. “You were going to give up and leave me. What did you think that would do to me, Shem?”

“No, that’s not what I wanted,” I cried out as he spanked me again. It hurt at first, but then it burned and radiated out, and I moaned. “I wanted us to be a family. But it seemed he wouldn’t accept us because we’re not human. I wasn’t going to force him.”

“I didn’t mean force him, but you weren’t giving him all the facts either!” He smacked my ass a few more times as he shoved in another finger roughly. “You can’t ever give up like that, angel. I’d die if you left me, and I mean that literally. Were you willing to throw away my life to give him his?”

“No,” I whispered, not having thought of it like that. “Jesus, Curtis. I wasn’t thinking. I swear to you I didn’t connect those dots and put it together. I–I just, when he didn’t want me—I couldn’t.”

“So his needs or stubbornness aren’t more important than my needs and life?”

“Gods no!” I gasped and sat up. Except my ass was hanging off the table and Curtis had his fingers in me. I started to fall, but my mate caught me, growling when his fingers slid out of me so he could support my weight. “I love you, Curtis. You’re my life. I didn’t think. I’d never hurt you or put someone else before you.”

“You did hurt me, Shem.” He sniffled and wrapped his arms around me. “Do you understand how it seemed to me? That you were willing to just give up and die so he wasn’t uncomfortable and forced to face the situation.”

“I’m so sorry,” I cried against his shoulder. “That’s not how it went in my head, Curtis. I wasn’t thinking about death or even the consequences, just the rejection. I’m so fucking sorry.”

“Okay, angel,” he whispered and kissed my temple. “That’s what I needed to hear. I can’t hear your thoughts. I didn’t know what was going through that pretty head of yours. I simply knew you were upset.”

“I love
, Curtis. I don’t even know him. I’d do anything for you. I just had my head up my ass.”

“I think my head needs to be up your ass,” Curtis hissed in my ear as he squeezed my ass hard. “But I’m still going to spank you so you never forget that what happens to you happens to me, too.”

“Do it, I deserve that,” I replied as I slid down his body. I made sure to rub my erection over him along the way so he knew I liked the idea. He got the idea and growled as he spun me around and pushed me down over the table.

Curtis was good to his word, spanking me hard as he fondled my sac and hole. When he was satisfied I’d learned my lesson, he fucked me until I was hoarse from screaming so loudly into my arms. It was after we were both spent and I was sitting in his lap cuddling that I realized my big vampire mate was quietly crying.

“It’s okay, Curtis,” I whispered and turned around so I could hug him.

okay, Shem.” He hiccupped. “I could have lost you. When he went to leave, I thought I was going to lose my mind. You can’t ever leave me, Shem. I’d crumble without you.”

“Not going anywhere, my mate. You’re stuck with me because I love you so much.”

“Good, good,” Curtis said in between big gulps of air. “I’m sorry I was rough and all over the place. I was just so fucking scared, angel.”

“I claimed him, nothing to be scared of now,” I replied, not sure that was the case. I was tied to Diets now, and I didn’t know how that would affect me if he didn’t come back. But I figured right now was just one day at a time, and we’d see.

Chapter 7

Later that night my cell rang while Curtis was taking a shower. I reached over to the nightstand to grab it, wondering who it could be since most everyone I talked to on the phone was in the house with me. But then again, my brothers would be very lazy cats when they wanted to be.


“Hey, angel.”
deep, whiskey drawl came over the phone.

“Oh, hi,” I gasped, shocked that he called already.

“I’m so sorry I had to leave you earlier. I got called into work, and I couldn’t find paper to write you a note. Then I realized how a note wouldn’t help you much anyways. I tried to find Curtis when I left, but he wasn’t around. You seemed so tired earlier and were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.”

“It’s okay. I’m just glad you called. I didn’t have your number, so we didn’t know how we’d get in touch from you. But you programmed it into your phone, didn’t you?”

“I–I hope that’s okay?” he asked hesitantly.

“It’s perfect,” I purred as I snuggled into the pillows. “Thank you for calling and letting me know. I was kind of worried I didn’t rock your world as much as you did mine.”

“Oh, no, angel. My world was rocked all over the place.” He chuckled seductively, and I felt myself get hard. “Did I wake you?”

“No, Curtis is just taking a shower before—” I started to answer and realized he might not want to hear about my sex life with our mate. “You said you didn’t want to hear anymore, never mind.”

“Okay, but I’m asking you
what’s going on,” Diets drawled.

“You said you didn’t want any more pressure or loopholes to keep you from walking out the door,” I whispered as my erection deflated.

“But I already left, and there’s no pressure. You are worrying me now, Shem.”

“Remember when I said that I go into heat with the lunar cycle?” I asked, taking a deep, shaking breath.


“I go into a honeymoon heat as well after claiming my mates. So I was going to say that Curtis is taking a shower before I jump him again.”

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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