Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (12 page)

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“Explain to me what that means for you? What can I expect if I’m around when you’re in heat?”

“I’m constantly horny for my mates,” I answered and had a visual of both my mates touching and pleasing me. I moaned into the phone as my cock filled back up. “It starts the day before the full moon and ends the day after. So for those three days I’m pretty much the horniest kitty in the world. I begged Curtis to fuck me on the dining room table when I woke up earlier, and I’m ready to go again.”

“I’m sorry I missed that,” Diets said, clearing his throat. “So you didn’t want to tell me that you’d be going through this now so I didn’t feel trapped?”

“It honestly didn’t cross my mind until after I woke up because everything happened so fast.” I reached over and grabbed the lube, squirting some on my fingers while I balanced the phone to my ear. Then I closed the cap and tossed it by the pillow before reaching down and rubbing my fingers over my hole. “You have to remember that most
know most of the rules of each other. I can’t promise some things won't pop up that I forgot to tell you.”

“Like the spot where you bit me would be an erogenous zone for me?”

“Shit,” I gasped as I pushed in two fingers. “Yeah, like that.”

“Why are you panting, angel?” he asked, his voice dropping low and sensual. “Are you touching yourself while on the phone with me?”

“I’m fingering my ass thinking about your cock in me,” I admitted after a moment. No point in lying to him. “I hope you don’t mind, but I told Curtis you were quite inventive in bed. I hope one day the two of you together will try to find out just how flexible I am.”

“You tease,” he hissed in my ear, and I heard the distinct sound of a zipper over the line.

“Who’s teasing?” I purred as I slid in a third finger. “You’re always welcome in our bed and to my ass. I’m your mate. It’s one of the perks.”

“Jesus, Shem,” he moaned in my ear.

“Do that again and I might blow without touching my cock, Diets.”

“Or put it on speaker and he can listen to me fuck you, baby,” Curtis growled as he got into bed. I’d been so distracted I’d not realized he’d gotten out of the shower.

“Would you like that, Diets? Would you want to hear Curtis fuck me?”

“Yes,” he hissed loudly. I handed Curtis the phone for him to figure out how to put it on speaker as I pulled my fingers out of my ass.

“I stretched myself for you, Curtis. Fuck me hard and fast. Your mate is horny and needing,” I begged as I rolled over and presented myself to him.

“My pleasure, angel,” he groaned as he moved behind me.

“This is the best phone sex ever,” Diets moaned by my ear. Curtis had put the phone on speaker and then put it on the pillow with me.

“You should see it live,” Curtis offered and the thrust hard into me. I cried out as my back arched, and I fisted the sheets. “Our angel likes the bite of pain when you slam into him after he’s prepared.”

“Good to know,” Diets panted. I purred loudly enough for both of them to hear as Curtis pulled out fast and thrust back in even faster. “How does his cock feel, angel?”

“As good as yours,” I moaned. “You should try it some time. Curtis knows how to give you exactly what you need without asking.”

“Thank you, my mate,” Curtis grunted as he took me harder. “You’re very expressive in bed. You don’t hold anything back, so I know what you like right then.”

“I noticed that, too,” Diets said. “Did you tell him how I fucked you, angel? Maybe you should tell him how I folded you in half and pounded into your sweet ass.”

“His feet were by my head,” I groaned as Curtis changed the angle and nailed my sweet spot. “And he was over me, his balls hitting mine as he took me upside down.”

“Oh sweet hell,” Curtis moaned and reached around to stroke my cock. “That is flexible.”

“I like to keep my men happy.” I whimpered as he ran his thumb over the slit. “I’m going to come.”

“Do it, come now,” they both demanded. That’s all it took. My cock exploded as I screamed. I heard Diets making happy noises in the background as Curtis leaned over and sank his fangs in my neck.

“Oh fuck,” I shouted as my orgasm kicked up a notch. He took just a sip since he’d already fed from me today. But he knew how much I loved him sinking his teeth into me when I was climaxing. It was like he was connected to me in every way.

“I love you, baby,” Curtis roared out, lifting his head as he shot his load inside of me. His seed coated my passage, and I groaned at the feeling of him marking me. When we were both spent, he collapsed on the side of me, pulling me down against his chest as I reached for the phone.

“Why did you start screaming all over again?” Diets asked after a moment, still panting.

“He sank his fangs into me,” I purred as Curtis nuzzled my neck. “When he does it as I’m coming, it sends me into a second tailspin, one that just fucking rocks.”

“I think I’d like to try that,” he whispered as Curtis and I froze. “I can say that, right? I mean he’s just as much my mate as you are.”

“Yes, we’re all mates,” I answered, wanting to pump my fist in the air. Curtis ran his hand over my hip as I felt his cock renewing against my back. Seemed he liked the idea as well. “We should get some sleep before the next round starts.”

“Maybe I should come over tomorrow for lunch and help you out with that,” Diets said softly as if he didn’t know if he’d be welcome.

“I’d love that,” I groaned. “Do you want to just keep it us are you okay with Curtis joining us?”

“I think it’s best to keep it separate for now,” he answered after a moment. “How about we all have lunch, I can scratch that itch for you, and then maybe Curtis and I can hang out for a while. I’d like to get to know you guys,
know what I mean?”

“Yeah, we get it,” Curtis said as he hugged me. “You’re trying, Diets. That’s all we can ask for. We’ll see you at noon for lunch then?”

“It’s a date,” Diets replied and then made kissy noises in the phone. “Thanks for the best phone sex ever. I’m going to sleep like a baby after that orgasm.”

“Glad we could help.” I giggled as we hung up.

“Everything’s going to work out, my angel cheetah,” Curtis whispered, kissing my neck as he pulled the covers up over us. I nodded as I snuggled against him. He was right. Diets would get more comfortable with us over time, and we’d all be a family. I couldn’t wait, but if Diets needed patience from us, we could do that for our mate.

* * * *

Over the next few weeks, we dated Diets. Sometimes we’d all have dinner together or watch a movie, but when things got intimate, he still didn’t feel comfortable with both of us. He had a strange work schedule, twenty-four hours on and then two days off, unless there was an emergency. But my schedule was flexible since I was helping Curtis now.

We spent most of our time loving each other and working to fix what was broken with the covens when we weren’t with Diets. Curtis admitted to me one night that he got sad when Diets went home at night instead of coming to our bed where he belonged. I felt the same way. And while things were progressing, it was slower than most mates were used to.

I think overall it’s a supernatural thing to jump in the deep end on most things and see if you can sink or swim. It’s how we were with mating and our lives. I didn’t know if there was a human stigma about commitment or if just not growing up with the knowledge of mates made our ways just seem so odd.

We also did a lot of talking. Diets would call from the station when there was downtime and talk with both or one of us. It was nice and low pressure. We’d watched TV a few nights together that way when Curtis had business to attend to.

And was our mate ever curious. I mean, I knew our ways and lives were different, but even other stuff, like my schooling. Diets wanted to know everything about me and why I liked what I did. It was nice. It made me feel special to him when he was being so cautious. He also liked to give gifts. Most dates he had something for me, normally smaller things that were so thoughtful.

For instance, he found me a label maker that printed in Braille. He said with the move, new roles in Curtis’ household, he figured it would make life a little easier on me. Other times it was gag gifts. I told him I thought I needed a cowboy hat now that I was living in
South Dakota
instead of the East Coast. Next date, he showed up with one for me. It was things like that that had me totally and utterly in love with him.

He did the same for Curtis. Diets didn’t make either of us feel we were second best. He’d just spent more time with me so far, and we knew each other better.

We were waiting for him to get off shift at a local restaurant that he and Curtis loved when my phone rang.

“Hey, angel,” Diets said when I answered. “I’m sorry it’s so last minute, but I have to cancel our date. I was just leaving when the alarm sounded for an all hands on deck call. I’m on my way there now, so I can’t really talk.”

“We understand,” I replied as Curtis took my hand, so I knew he heard, too. “Just be safe and call us when you’re home so we can reschedule.”

“Thanks for being cool about it. Give Curtis a kiss from me.”

“You bet.” I giggled as we hung up.

“You okay, my angel?”

“Yeah, I just don’t like that his job is so dangerous when he’s more fragile than we are.” I sighed. We were interrupted then by the waiter and ordered. I tried a local treat, fried pickles. And as normal, I was incredibly graceful, biting the end since it was hot and pulling the whole thing out of the fried shell.

Curtis laughed so hard as it dropped out of my mouth and onto my plate. I flipped him off as I wiped my mouth, and before I could say anything, he sucked my finger into his mouth. In retaliation, I rubbed my foot over his leg suggestively, and we both started laughing. I loved that about Curtis. He was always fun no matter what we were doing.

We finished dinner and left after Curtis paid the check. Then he helped me back to his vehicle before we headed home. He took my hand in his as we drove along and sat in a comfortable silence.

“Holy shit,” Curtis gasped, and I smelled the smoke a few blocks away. “That’s
be the fire he was called into. I think we should pull over and see what happens, Shem.”

“That bad?” I asked quietly as he put on his signal and pulled over.

“Yeah, angel. That bad,” he answered as he threw the vehicle in park. Curtis came around to help me out after I got the door open. “I know you don’t like being around this kind of stuff when you can’t see, but I’ll keep us far enough away, okay?”

“I trust you, big guy,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. I could fell apprehension flowing off Curtis in waves, which scared the shit out of me since he was normally so calm and collected. He led me for about a block before stopping. I smelled so much smoke it was scaring the shit out of me. Was Diets really in there? I really

As if fate just
to fuck with me, I suddenly felt
fear in waves. It had to be intense for me to feel it when we were that far away. Then I felt Curtis’ panic, and I knew it had to be bad.

“Everyone out, the building’s going to go,” someone shouted, and I guessed it was one of the other firemen.

“Go,” I said to Curtis as I squeezed his hand. “Go save our mate. He’s in there. I can smell him.”

“Where is he? I can’t smell anything but smoke,” Curtis asked, panic in his voice.

“Far back corner, right side,” I said, praying I was right. “I don’t know what floor.”

“Stay right here, okay? I’ll come back for you,” he replied and leaned down to kiss me. “I love you, my angel.”

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - My Angel Cheetah [Purrfect Mates 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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