Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Shrugging her shoulders, she said, “A few hours maybe, and I’ll be honest, I’d hate to have to pay his bar tab. I’ve never seen a lycan throw back as many bottles of whiskey as he’s been doing.” She winked at Megan. “Except you, of course. You’re holding your own nicely.”

Clearing her throat, Megan asked, “Could you bring me another one of these?”
I’m going to need it.

“Sure, no problem,” the waitress replied in a tone that was much too cheerful for how Megan currently felt.

She twisted the cap off, pressed the bottle to her lips, and drank the contents down before the waitress returned with the other bottle. Just like before, she chugged back the liquid without taking a breath, praying that the buzz she felt would only grow stronger because she was about to confront the jackass who’d been haunting her dreams.

Her jaw tightened as she eyed the dark, intrepid warrior. Her fingers tapped on the tabletop as she stared at the asshole whose only emotions toward her were seething anger and revulsion. She cringed whenever he entered the room she occupied, afraid of what appalling comments he would make about her.

Resisting the need to challenge him regarding his irreconcilable attitude was easy. Megan hated conflict, well, not all conflict, only with Dominic. She was terrified that he would see how vulnerable she was where he was concerned.

Now, she had the courage of alcohol blazing through her veins and ten men-at-arms couldn’t stop her from doing what she should have done years ago. She should have confronted Dominic and asked him why he had ignored her all those years ago. Why had he sent Jonah McCarthy to occupy her time when she could feel the connection burning between her and Dominic?

She remembered the heat in Dominic’s midnight black eyes and the unique trace of gold that circled around the iris. His squared jaw complemented his strong but soft lips, a mouth she had kissed and sampled a hundred times in her dreams. Dominic somehow brought out of her a delicious tingle of lust, a fire that blazed from within the depths of her soul. Thinking back now, it never made sense to her the way Dominic had just suddenly vanished from her life. Now, after all these years, and with the prowess of alcohol, she was going to find out.

* * * *

He couldn’t believe his eyes. What the fuck was Megan doing here and why was she standing beside him like they were old friends? He glanced around the bar and sniffed the air. He couldn’t sense Reyes. Anger and worry rolled around in his gut like oil and water as he assumed she must have snuck out of her apartment, which revealed that she was a sneaky little minx but also a foolish woman. She could have been injured, kidnapped, or killed. Didn’t she care that she was under their protection?

Dominic was going to kick Reyes’s ass the moment he saw him for being such a shitty watchdog.

Shifting to the side of his barstool, he stared at the redhead who had him sitting on pins and needles. Choking back the rising needs pummeling inside him, he said with a snarl, “What are you doing here, Megan? How the fuck did you get out without Reyes knowing?”

Plopping down on the barstool beside him, she chewed her bottom lip. Then in the best sarcastic tone he’d ever heard her conjure, she said, “I’m not a dog, Dominic, and last I checked, you didn’t own this bar and anyone of legal age was welcome.”

Dominic’s lips curled into a wicked grin. “Obviously, they’ve never met you.”

Tossing back the full glass of whiskey he’d left unattended, she gasped. “You really are an asshole, Dominic.”

Snatching the glass from her hand, he glared at her. “Yes, and like I’ve said before, you really are a bitch.” He quickly filled the glass and chugged it back.

He caught her scent, filling his nose with the spice of her body and the delicious aroma of her pussy. His body tightened and flexed in response. His gaze flew to inspect her. She’d been excited tonight. Had she been this way before coming to the bar? Was it Reyes who caused her cunt to grow wet and smell like ambrosia?

Damn it, why do I even fucking care? She doesn’t belong to me.

Squeezing the glass in his hand, he warned her, “Go away, Megan. You shouldn’t have left your apartment. Call Reyes to come and get you. You are the last person I want to see.”

She slapped a firm hand on the bar, and then slowly her stern expression changed and a smile lit her eyes. “Well, tough shit, jackass. I don’t want to go away, so I’m not doing any such thing. You’re just going to have to deal with it. Besides, we have a lot to discuss…you and I.”

“We don’t have shit to discuss,” he grumbled.

“Oh, yes, we do. For starters, why—”

His fierce growl cut her off. Her eyes swelled as he held her gaze. His elongated canines bit into his bottom lip. This woman was going to be the death of him. She never did as she was told, never could figure out when it was best to just be seen and not heard.

She was a devil with a beautiful smile and a banging body. Even though he desired nothing more than to see that smile staring up at him as he filled her sweet-smelling pussy with his thick cock, if he’d known she was going to be here tonight, he would have chosen a different bar.

Grinding his teeth, he told her, “You really do need a serious kick in the ass.” He drank half the bottle of whiskey without taking a breath. Gasping for air, he snarled, “You need to leave, Megan. I wasn’t kidding when I told you to call Reyes and have him come get you. I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

Popping him hard on the shoulder, she said, “Well, I’ve got plenty to say to you, ass clown. First, why the hell are you being such an asshole to me? Why do you always have to treat me like I’ve done some awful injustice to you? You act like I’m the bad guy here, but really it’s you.”

Shocked by her accusation, he gasped in total surprise, choking on his drink. “Me?”

Who the fuck does she think she is saying their fucked-up history was his fault? If she hadn’t gone and fucked Jonah…

He fought to reel in his emotions, which was extremely hard to do where she was concerned.

“Yes, you,” she bit out, ripping him from his own thoughts. She poked him in the chest. “You act all high and mighty, like you’re a walking god, unable to do anything wrong, but really you’re just a sniveling little boy. In fact, I bet you still wet the bed.”

And the smart mouth returns…

“Watch what you say, Megan, or I’ll show you exactly what I do in my bed,” he warned her, his tongue dancing behind his lips. The idea behind that threat excited him more than he wanted to admit.

Turning on the barstool, she faced him. “You don’t do anything to scare me, Dominic. I can handle myself and my liquor better than you can. You big, barbarian pussy.”

Oh, she just doesn’t know when to quit.

“Pussy?” he growled. “You are the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing, and if you were the last woman on earth, I wouldn’t fuck you.” He tossed back another swallow of liquor before muttering, “You make my dick soft.”

Cocking her head, she snickered. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, that’s so,” he said angrily, glaring at her askance.

Catching him off guard, she reached down between his legs and felt his thick cock through his tight black jeans, and he wished he could have said he was shocked by her touch, but he wasn’t. He loved it, wanted more of it. That was until she had to ruin the moment by opening her mouth and letting her sarcastic words pummel his brain again.

“Doesn’t feel soft to me,” she said teasingly.

He pushed her hand away. “Do that again and I’m going to shove my cock into that mocking little mouth of yours and shut you up like you deserve.”

She arched a reddish blonde brow. “You think that scares me, Dominic…sucking your cock?”

Holy shit, he was so hard he could hammer nails with his dick. How could this woman excite him and frustrate him at the same damn time? She was driving him crazy, and if she wasn’t careful, he was going to do more than threaten her.

“Megan, you are already treading on rough water here. You might not like teasing me so much when I take you back to my place and fuck the bitch right out of you.”

“Oh, Dominic,” she moaned provokingly, pressing her lips together into a sexy, seductive pout. “You really think I’d leave here with you? Think I’d let you slide that big cock inside my tight, wet pussy?” Giggling, she swallowed back another bottle of savory liquor and slowly the amber-colored liquid disappeared. With a breathy gasp, she slammed the bottle down onto the counter. Cocking a crooked grin, she said, “It’s going to take at least another bottle of whiskey before I’d even considering letting you fuck me and maybe even one more before I feel drunk enough to suck your cock.”

His hands fisted on the bar. “Damn it, Megan,” he groaned, standing up and grabbing hold of her by her hair, tugging her face within a breath of his. For a long moment, he stood there holding her against him. He imagined taking her mouth, kissing her until they couldn’t breathe, stripping her bare, and shoving his cock into her pussy, fucking her right on the barstool as she wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him close to her.

He licked his dry lips and watched as her gaze drifted to stare at his mouth. Did she want him to kiss her? God, he didn’t know. “Stop teasing me, wench. It’s for your own good.”

Eyes wide, she didn’t flinch away from him. Instead, she pressed her chest firmly against his. Her nipples abraded his skin through the fabric of his T-shirt, sending fire blazing to his already hard cock.

She glared at him, and he swore he could see desire oozing from her eyes and felt the fire burning inside her as it was in him. “Since when did you care what was for my own good, Dominic? Honestly, why do you care?”

His jaw flexed as he stared at her, her pink, pouty lips so close to his own, her rum- and whisky-soaked breath mingling with his. Fuck, he wanted to taste those lips, wanted to shove his cock deep inside her pussy until she screamed and moaned from the pleasure he gave her. Then she’d realize what she’d missed out on all those years ago. He’d teach her who the true alpha in her life was. The one who could make her bend to his will and force her to yield even when she didn’t want to. Never again would he ever have to worry about how Jonah McCarthy made her feel, how he had won her all those years ago, because now it was his turn.

His eyes focused on hers, the sparkling green of her eyes hypnotizing him, lulling him deeper into lust. Not breaking their heated stare, he waved the bartender over. “Bring us four more bottles,” he said in a deep, resonating voice, his hand still cradled at the back of Megan’s neck.

The bartender nodded and placed the bottles in front of them. Dominic shoved two bottles in her direction. He grinned, eyeing her with radiating heat. “Drink up, honey.” He leaned close, her breath warm on his face. His eyes dipped to gaze at her moistened lips and then back to her wide green eyes.

A wicked grin eclipsed his mouth as he told her in a deep, sexual tone, “Because when you’re good and drunk, I’m taking you back to my place to fuck the shit out of that tight cunt.”

To Dominic’s surprise, Megan didn’t object to his idea to go back to his place. She simply slammed back the last two bottles of whiskey and, with a sexy-as-hell grin, told him to lead the way. Who was he to deny a lady’s request? Sure, he didn’t like the idea that she was using him, but in all honesty, wasn’t that was he was doing to her?

Throwing caution into the wind, he jumped behind the wheel of his Silverado pickup and leaned over to open the passenger door. “Get in,” he demanded.

Hands on her curvy hips, she cocked her head in the direction of her apartment to argue, “My place is closer.”

Not a chance. The last thing he needed was Father Fucking Time walking in while he was slipping his cock inside her savory cunt, fucking her within an inch of sanity. The bastard would have an aneurysm.

Reyes had feelings for Megan, and even a blind man could see that. Regardless of that fact, by right, Dominic believed he was owed one night with Megan, and damn it, he was going to have it. She’d left him cold and wanting all those years ago and he wasn’t going to let her pull that shit again.

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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