Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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The moment those words left his lips, he impaled her, stretching the soft tissue of her pussy and filling her entirely. She hissed as the pain from his size settled over her. Her fingers dug into his shoulder, holding him steady.

* * * *

“Fuck me,” Dominic groaned. “Your pussy’s so damn tight, Red.” He eased back and then slowly slid his cock fully inside her, holding his position as he fought for control.

His breath charged from his lungs in hard, shallow gasps. The feel of her wet, hot pussy gripping his cock like a velvety vise was nearly too much. Primal perfection, that’s what she was to him. Megan felt perfect in his arms with his cock seated deep inside her where it was always meant to be. He’d always known she’d feel this way. Instinct had told him.

The instant he felt her grip relax on his shoulders, he eased out of her slick pussy then gently ground his cock back into the depth of her wetness. With slow, fiery thrusts that quickly built into a full-on assault, he ravaged her, pounding against her pussy with supernatural speed and stamina.

Fucking his own kind was so much better than fucking a human. He didn’t have to be gentle. Not that he could now if he tried. He wanted Megan too much in the most savage and primal way.

His gaze locked onto hers, and her sweet face flushed with the passion that blazed between them. Her hard, berry-red nipples called to him, begging to be sucked, licked, and drenched in the warmth of his mouth. He placed an erect tip between his lips and suckled hard as he arched his hips against hers, driving deeper inside her pussy.

Megan screamed as her nails bit into his flesh, and her green eyes glowed with the trace of ecstasy. He cradled the backs of her knees in the palms of his hands, pushing her thighs up and farther apart. Bucking, he drove his cock into the tight wetness of her cunt, over and over again. He thrust hard and fast until she was writhing and screaming beneath him, begging him not to stop.

Then it happened, the eruption of her body making every muscle tighten and flex. She squeezed his cock, the soft tissue of her pussy sucking him deeper inside her as she came, hot and heavy.

Whimpering, she stared up at him, her heavy-lidded gaze so fucking sexy it was almost his undoing. The rosy glow of her cheeks, the soft fullness of her lips. It was all too much.

He could feel the pull of desire crawling up and down his spine as he got closer to climax. He pulled out and grasped hold of her hand to finish him off. She stroked him hard and fast in her tight little fist. Within seconds, he was growling, spurting his cum all over her perky tits and flat stomach.

Megan clasped her fingers around the sheets as he tucked his head down, catching his breath. The moment faded fast as he eased off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom, coming back with a damp cloth in his hand. Not making eye contact with her, he gently wiped away the evidence of their lovemaking. Neither one exchanged a word. Their lack of communication left him feeling cold and mechanical as if now that the act had been completed there was nothing left to do but leave. He didn’t normally hate the feelings that came with one-night stands. He relished them, in fact. No commitment, just sex. With Megan, things were different, and again the loss he once felt echoed in his mind, pummeling the beating heart in his chest into nothingness.

Once he had finished tossing the damp cloth into the hamper, he turned back to see her practically scurrying off the bed. The sight of her running from him once again tore yet another hole in a heart he thought had long ago died.

“Maybe I should go,” she said.

His reaction to her words was immediate as he caught hold of her ankle before she could escape the bed. He growled, “No.” The word vibrated loudly in the room. He sucked in a sharp breath, releasing his hold on her the moment she twisted to face him. He inhaled a deep, calming breath. “Stay. It’s too late to leave, and besides, I was told to watch over you. It will be morning before Reyes goes in search of you anyway, and I’m sure he’ll call me to find out if I’ve seen you or know where you disappeared to.”

She nodded. Her jaw flexed and tightened. He could tell she wasn’t happy about his decision, but arguing would get her nowhere.

“Right,” she said with a sigh.

He sat on the edge of the bed, his elbows on his knees, hands buried in his hair.
For something that had felt so right at the time, why did he suddenly feel like fucking Megan was the worst thing he had ever done? Damn it, he’d really screwed up this time.

“Are you sleeping in here?”

He cocked his head to glance at her from over his shoulder. “Of course I am. This is my bed.”

“Then maybe I should sleep on the couch.”

“What the hell for?” The words flew from his mouth with thunderous force, and she stiffened, gasping as if he had actually frightened her. He ground his teeth together, and in a low, unsettling voice, he told her, “Go to sleep, Megan. We can talk about it in the morning.”

The bed shifted, and she huffed out a breath. “No, Dominic, we won’t. Because what happened here didn’t happen at all, at least that’s what I’m telling myself. It won’t ever happen again.”

He glanced at her, his brow pinching tight. He wished he could say he was shocked by Megan’s suggestion to sleep on the couch, but he wasn’t. How could one night of passion change anything between them? She’d still chosen Jonah over him, had still twisted his heart and trampled on it as if he didn’t matter. She never once attempted to make amends with him and never cared enough to even say two simple words, I’m sorry.

Fuck her.

Jaw clenched tight, he stared at her. She had balled herself up on the far edge of his bed. The long, lean length of her back faced him. Too ashamed of her actions to even look at him obviously, but then again, he wasn’t rushing to snuggle with her either.

His chest ached, and he didn’t understand what that odd feeling was sinking into the pit of his stomach. He should be excited that she wanted to forget the fact that they had been together. Life between them could be business as usual without any awkwardness. Strangely, even that didn’t feel right. Instead, he felt sad and a little disappointed.

“Is that what you want, Megan? To pretend nothing happened between us?”

“Yes,” she snapped. The word flew out of her mouth so fast he felt dizzy. “Because nothing did happen between us, Dominic. Nothing has changed. We fucked. That’s all. Now please leave me alone. I’m tired.”

Dominic stood. His gaze lingered on her milky white skin for a long heated moment as if putting all the details of her flesh to memory. After all, according to her, it was the last time he would ever be like this with her. He should take her one more time just for spite, but he couldn’t. He wanted her willing and so consumed by desire that she couldn’t deny him anything.

Grabbing hold of the blanket at the foot of the bed, he pulled it over her naked body. She cringed as the fabric covered her skin. As if she feared it was his touch.

How could he have screwed up so incredibly bad? Why had he given into the wolf, the desires that turned his brain into sifting sand? She could poison him with just a look. Kill him with just a kiss. Why didn’t she feel the same about him? Why had she never once looked at him the same why she looked at Jonah, his fucking best friend, of all people?

He sat for a long while beside her as she drifted off to sleep. The steady beat of her heart and even sound of her breathing told him she was resting peacefully. The heat of her body penetrated into his, leaving him more aroused than ever.

What was he going to do? Forgetting the pleasure they shared would be easier said than done. At least it would be for him.

“Fuck,” he groaned, chewing the inside of his mouth, eyeing the woman that he’d enjoyed ravaging within an inch of his life. She’d felt amazing as he sampled her body, and he’d enjoyed her more than he ever imagined he would. Finally, after all this time, he had been with her, tasted the proof that she belonged to him and was his mate in her sweet, delicious honey. He still couldn’t have her. She didn’t want him, and somehow she was fighting the connection between them, resisting the instinctive compulsion that they should be together.

What did that say about him when his own chosen mate didn’t want him, at least not enough for more than a curiosity screw, an itch to be scratched? He was a man with needs, but he wanted more than what she offered, even if he couldn’t have more.

I’m so fucked.

“What the hell have I done?” He reached up and ran his hands through his tangled hair, closing his eyes on a heavy sigh.

Anger sank deep into the pit of his stomach. Nerves rolled and knotted in his chest and gut. He knew exactly why he was feeling so many emotions, so many things that he didn’t want to admit, and the mating bond had little to do with it. Jealousy and regret had nearly everything to do with it.

He closed his eyes again, sucking in a deep lungful of air. His hand scraped against the newly grown whiskers of his chin. Covering his face, he muttered, “Damn it, Megan. Why didn’t you choose me?”

Chapter Three

A thunderous barrage of banging woke both Dominic and Megan from their sleep. To his surprise, his lusty vixen had maneuvered her slender, lean body daringly close to his during the course of the night. She had snuggled up against his side like a content lover. Her head had rested on his chest while her arm and leg draped over his body possessively. That was until their unexpected guest had stirred them from their peaceful dreams.

The sun was barely peeking through the blinds. Even the birds hadn’t yet woken to begin singing their praises to the new morning. Whoever was standing at his front door best be wearing a bulletproof vest. He prayed for the visitor’s sake they’d already received their last rites because there was one thing Dominic truly hated and that was being woken up before he was good and ready to get up.

With his supernatural wolf speed, Dominic reached in the nightstand and pulled out his solid black Beretta .40. Before he heard her gasp, he felt Megan’s eyes burning into his flesh. She clutched the blanket against her chest, shoving herself up into a sitting position.

“What was that?” Megan whispered.

The quiver in her voice told him she wasn’t used to the unexpected. Such as things that go bump in the night or any time of day. He inhaled deeply, and the scent coming from her revealed how nervous she was. Damn him for wanting to comfort her, soothe away her worries and fears. The primal need to protect her was all-consuming.

He held his index finger to his lips and mouthed

He sniffed the air, and instantly his gut rolled at the revelation of their unexpected visitor. The last thing he wanted to deal with before his morning coffee was now standing at his front door.


He had hoped to have one more shot with Megan before he took her back to her apartment. Besides making love again, he wanted badly to change her mind about him. He wanted her to see him as the man from their past and not the badass lycan who did everything to piss her off. Thanks to their morning nuisance, there was no time for any of that.

Glancing over at his wide-eyed temptress, he commanded, “Stay here.”

He rolled to the edge of the bed, but her trembling fingers wrapped around his forearm like a vise. Her touch was like a brand burning his skin, the warmth of her touch sending signals to parts of his body he needed to suppress, not arouse, and because he was naked, there was no way to hide his reaction to her.

The blanket she had clutched so tightly to her breasts had fallen as she reached across the bed to grab hold of him. He arched a brow as his gaze slowly perused over her delicate fingertips up her arm until he met her heart-stopping emerald stare. He took a second to glance down again to gaze at her supple breasts, their berry tips hard and beckoning. His mouth watered.

“Wait,” she breathed. “Who’s here?”

He blew out a heavy sigh, shaking his sexual thoughts from his mind. “Who do you think?”

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Ravished by the Moon [Moonlight Shifters 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
3.98Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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