Read Highland Temptress Online

Authors: Hildie McQueen

Tags: #Captain, #Highlanders, #clan mcdougall, #highlands of scotland, #englishman

Highland Temptress (2 page)

BOOK: Highland Temptress
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"What?" Cailyn blinked several times until his words registered.

"This," Jamie gestured toward the bed. "Are you sure?"

Not able to help herself, she took in the bed and then turned her attention to the man who stood before her.

His tussled, cropped auburn hair framed a face far too exquisite for a male, with almond-shaped eyes shaded by long lashes, over a perfectly formed nose that flared slightly.

Wide-shouldered and muscular, a full head taller than her, the Englishman was magnificent.

Cailyn did not reply. Instead, she walked toward the bed. With her back to him, she pulled her blouse off over her head. She looked over her shoulder and maintained eye contact as she shimmied out of the breeches.

His breathing pitched and eyebrows rose at the display, but he remained rooted to the spot.

She moved closer to the bed and leaned forward to place her palms on the bedding. "I'm sure, Captain."

When he came up behind her and grabbed the orbs of her ass, victory was hers.

"A more stunning vision, I'd be pressed to come upon," Jamie pressed a kiss at the small of her back and slid his hands up her sides to cup her breasts. "I don't know what brings you to me, but I am grateful." He pressed his stiff cock against her bottom. "Mmm."

She pushed back into him, heat infusing the area between her legs. "I want to feel your body against mine."

Instead of a reply, his hand moved between her legs, deft fingers parting her folds. Cailyn's breathing hitched and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. When his fingers began to flick at the throbbing center, she released a whimper.

"Hot and wet, are you?" Jamie's husky voice fell over her like a silken caress.

"Yes," Cailyn replied, not wanting him to stop the sweet torture.

"Come for me," he prompted, and inserted a finger into her, while his thumb continued to circle her nub. He groaned and thrust his hardness against her derriere.

Totally bare to him while the stranger remained fully dressed made the experience even more erotic. Cailyn rocked with the rhythm of his hand.

An inferno raged through her and she began to quiver, her arms lost strength, and she collapsed face-first into the bedding. Jamie kept her bottom up, his fingers not stopping while she quaked through the climax.

When she stopped shaking, he lifted her gently and set her on the bed.

With a step back, he pulled his jacket and shirt off, throwing them down without care to where they landed. Her eyes widened at the display of such a powerful build.

He bent to remove his boots, and she watched fascinated at the bunching and release of his chest muscles. Without straightening, he pushed his breeches off his slender hips, and she lost the ability to breath at the display of arousal.

Prominent and long, his thick cock jetted straight from him. Cailyn could only stare transfixed while he walked back to the bed. He would be fully hers. That glorious body would be hers for the taking.

Self-assured, powerful strides brought him to the bed. Instead of just lying next to her, Jamie climbed over her, trapping Cailyn between his arms and thick legs. On all fours, he looked down at her, lowering to kiss her.

Cailyn lifted to meet him, raising her arms to circle around his neck. She tried to bring him down to her, but he resisted, preferring to tease her with the proximity. She smiled at the slight tremble of his shoulders when her fingers skimmed over his skin, it seemed the distance also tormented him.

He trailed kisses from the corner of her lips down her throat. The soft press of his lips brought her body back to life. "I am hard-pressed to resist you, vixen," Jamie breathed into her ear. "Every instinct tells me to hold back and find out who you truly are."

"Why don't you just ask me?" Cailyn ran her hands down his back and cupped his well-formed ass, squeezing the hard flesh. "I will answer your questions honestly."

With a groan of surrender, he lowered. Her body reveled at the weight of him, at the feel of his heated flesh against hers. "This is not a time for talk, my cock demands release."

In hopes she pleased him, Cailyn slid one hand between them and found his hard shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it and caressed the length. Jamie moaned and thrust into her hand. He released a husky set of grunts while continuing the motions.

His mouth found hers again, and when his tongue probed, she parted her lips to allow him full access. She suckled at his tongue, enjoying the masculine taste.

That such a powerfully built, imposing man was at the moment undone by her ministrations empowered Cailyn to brave forward, to explore him more. "Fuck me, Captain," she called out, guiding him between her legs. "I want you inside me now."

He did not resist, but instead eagerly drove into her. The invasion of his mass was an instant, delicious assault to her body.

"You feel incredible," Jamie grunted the words out, his face tight in concentration. The fluidity of his movements were timed in perfect succession, lifting her to heights she'd never imagined. Cailyn held onto his hips to help him remain at the pace, while at the same time wishing he would thrust harder and faster.

Jamie slid his hands under her and lifted her hips off the bed, his eyes locked onto hers. "I can't hold back much longer."

His hands went to her thighs and brought her legs over his shoulders. "This allows me to take you deeper," he explained at her widened look.

Indeed it did. He began to slide in and out, again maintaining a steady pace. Long lashes fanned across the top of his cheeks as he closed his eyes and moved faster, driving in and out of her. On and on Jamie continued, their bodies slapping against each other, while Cailyn began to thrash under him, lost in the assail.

Powerful quivers raced to and from her core, and she panted in an effort to regain control, only to lose it when Jamie's demanding mouth crushed over hers.

Everything disappeared and Cailyn soared, leaving all behind. She didn't know how long it was until she regained her senses.

He lowered her legs and still raced to his completion.

Cailyn urged him on, her hands stroking his now-taut ass, as she pushed her finger at the rear entrance to his body. He bucked harder until he began to shake.

Jamie jerked from inside her, spilling his seed onto the bed beneath her, his cock still driving, sliding in a motion taken over by the release, but now between the cheeks of her derriere. Finally, he collapsed, spent and gasping for air.




Jamie could not, did not wish to move away from the siren that had driven him to the point of allowing the loss of control. Never before had he lain with a woman he didn't first investigate.

Although he'd remained neutral in the war, he'd made enemies.

Powerful ones.

There were many who'd pay handsomely for a comely wench to drive a dirk between his shoulder blades while making love. This was a mistake he'd not made before, and would not make again. Obviously, luck was on his side today, he lifted up to meet the cerulean half-closed eyes. The beauty was sated, and from the look of her, as curious about him, as he of her. She studied his face with open interest, seeming to search for something.

Jamie rolled to his side and held back a smile when Cailyn snuggled into his side with a satisfied sigh. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

Questions had to be asked. He tipped her chin up to speak to her, but at the delicious pursed lips so near, he could not help but kiss her, instead. The kiss deepened until she moaned, and Jamie found his hand on her hip, pulling her against him.

His senses were clouded. He pulled back.

"I feel I'm at a disadvantage. You know exactly who I am, but I, on the other hand, know nothing about you."

She bit her bottom lip and slid her gaze away. Jamie stiffened, not sure he wanted to hear what she was about to tell him. "I--I came to find you, actually," Cailyn began.

"Who sent you?" Jamie slid up and leaned on the pillows, forcing a calm façade.

Cailyn sat up and pulled a corner of the bedding to cover her nudity. He held back a groan at the enticing picture she made. Chestnut-brown hair tussled from lovemaking fell in waves past her shoulders. Her kiss-swollen lips full and reddened, while soft curves escaped from the edges of the fabric, testing his resolve.

"No one sent me, I am my own person," She protested, her brows pinched together. "I decided it was the best course to keep war from my clan."

"You are a true McDougall, then?" Jamie resisted leaving the bed. If the blasted McDougalls sent her in order to detain him, so they could sequester Victoria, they had succeeded. Anger began to brew, more at himself than at her.

"Yes," Cailyn lifted her chin with pride.

"Your brothers know you came to see me, then?"

"What?" Her mouth fell open. "If my brothers knew of your being here, with that show of force off our shores, they'd not come with peace in mind. My brothers are probably not aware of you being here as of yet. I intercepted the messenger and made the decision to come see you myself…after…" She pressed her lips together and her brows drew into a straight line.

"After?" he prompted, his arms crossed over his chest. "Go on."

"Victoria sent me to…to delay you." She stuttered coloring slightly. Surely his sister did not expect the delay tactic to be for Cailyn to seduce him?

"Why would Victoria send you to delay me?" Jamie narrowed his eyes. "Where is my sister?"

"I won't tell you, neither will any Scot in the region."

"I've become aware of that," Jamie replied with more patience than he felt at the moment. "Which is why I'm prepared to take my army north of here and find her."

Cailyn blanched. "Your sister would be cross with you if you did that."

He reached for her, took hold of her upper arms, and dragged her closer. "Why did my sister send you?" He asked, emphasizing each word. "Tell me, what has she gotten herself into?"

"She wishes to wait for my brother Conor to return from battle. He's gone to help our cousins, who are in a fight with those blasted McNeils over land. They always ask for one of my brothers to attend, as our stronger clan sets those bastards on their heels with haste."

Her proud statement made him want to smile, but he resisted. "Continue."

"Victoria promised Conor she'd wait. So she refuses to leave until he does. She's afraid he'd be distracted during battle, and perhaps fall to his demise."

"Your clan killed my sister's husband, burned their home to the ground, kidnapped her, and brought her here against her will. Yet she wishes to assure your brother? What nonsense do you speak, woman?"

Cailyn flinched, and Jamie realized his fingers dug into her soft flesh. "I apologize," he told her, releasing the hold.

She rubbed her upper arms, but did not say anything. Her eyes went to the dark window. "It is late, I should go to my chamber."

"Not until you explain everything," he replied.

"There is not more I can say, I do not know her reasons for wishing to remain until Conor returns. The rest you'll have to ask of Victoria when you see her."

"I will not relent until you tell me where she is," Jamie cautioned. "I must see her and assure myself she is well, before I call off my rescue. And when I find her, I will take her back to England with me."

"She is at my home," Cailyn told him with a sigh. "She is well, asked that I give you a note."

"Where is this note?"

"In my chamber, in my bag." She shrugged. "I'll get it."

She slid from the bed. In splendid nudity, she moved to retrieve her clothing. "I will bring you the missive at daybreak. It is night yet, will be for a few more hours. I suppose there is not much you can do until morning."

She was right, of course. It would be a death trap to ride into the darkness of unknown territory.

"I believe there is much I can do until daybreak." He lifted from the bed and went to her. Cailyn yelped in surprise when he crushed her against him. "For what I intend, this is not needed." He removed the piece of clothing from her hand and dropped it onto a nearby chair.

Soft velvety skin under his roughened palms brought a reminder of finer thing in life, things he'd given up long ago, for life at sea. Jamie inhaled the flowery scent of her hair and closed his eyes, imagining how it would be to have such a creature with him always. Another luxury he'd lost, companionship, a wife. He pushed the thoughts away and ran his hands from her waist to the curves of her plump bottom, enjoying the lushness. She was not short of stature, which meant she fit perfectly against him. Her breasts full and high on her chest, presently pressed against his harder one, brought his cock to full-mast.

Her hands moved down his back, her nails trailing a delicious path. "I don't understand this, between us," she told him, her brows drawn together. "It feels natural, yet it's something I have never done."

"You were not a virgin, have you not enjoyed your other lovers?" Jamie asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

Cailyn bit a corner of her lip in thought. He kissed the opposite corner and she nodded, sliding her hands back up his back. "I've had one true lover, I was betrothed."


"Yes, handfasted, actually. After Englishmen attacked my men and attempted to rape me, my betrothed's family assumed I'd been ruined and returned me to my family."


"Victoria's husband, Lord Turner."

Ahh, the reason for her clan's revenge

Anger for her filled him. "Did your fiancé not stand up for you? After all, you'd already lain with him."

Her shoulders lifted, and she looked away. "It's not important now."

"It is," Jamie tilted her chin up to face him. "It was not fair to you."

An impish grin curved her lips. "I cannot believe we're having such a serious conversation while standing here nude." Hands behind his neck, she pulled him to her. "I'd rather be kissed right now, Captain Westcott."

The instant their lips met, Jamie lost track of thought other than joining with her again. He lifted her and carried her back to the bed.

BOOK: Highland Temptress
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