Read Highland Temptress Online

Authors: Hildie McQueen

Tags: #Captain, #Highlanders, #clan mcdougall, #highlands of scotland, #englishman

Highland Temptress (3 page)

BOOK: Highland Temptress
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She did not release him, and both fell onto the now-cooled bedding. "Have you ridden a man before?" Jamie asked her between kisses. "I want to show you something new."

"No," she replied and began a trail of nips and kisses down the side of his neck. "Show me."

He rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. Her rounded eyes met his questioning.

Hands on her hips, he lifted her. "Guide me to your sheath," he instructed.

Her fingers reached between them and wrapped around him. Jamie groaned at her touch, not sure he'd be able to last long once inside her.

"You enjoy my touch." Cailyn stroked him, "I like that you do."

With clenched teeth, he nodded. "If you continue to do that, I will not remain hard for long, and will spill my seed."

"Hmm." She finally did as he bid and guided him to her center. The head of his cock at her entrance, he pushed up gently, allowing for her body to become accustomed to the invasion. She was so tight that he didn't want to hurt her.

"Oh!" Cailyn pushed down, completing their joining. Jamie groaned as well, her wet heat surrounded his throbbing length.

"Place your hands on my chest Cailyn." Once she did, he guided her back up, then down several times, until she took over and began to ride him with an intent expression. He watched her features soften and her lips part, as she grew closer to completion.

He lifted his hips to meet her descent, and their joined motion became fervent, a race to a goal so intense, Jamie wasn't sure he could maintain the pace.

Her sheath milked him when she cried out his name, and Jamie barely heard her as he, too, fell away into bliss, his body arching off the bed. He struggled to keep a semblance of control, but lost the fight and cried out, as well.

Cailyn collapsed against his chest, trembling. He pulled the blanket up over them and held her, kissing her face until she settled.

"Thank you," she whispered, "I will never forget you."

Her words were meant to reassure him. A clear message that she did not expect anything from him, had the opposite affect. The lass touched a part of him that was long kept dormant."

"Nor will I you," he replied.

Jamie's eyes flew open. There could be a result to their lovemaking. He'd not pulled out. He'd spilled inside her.

He fell asleep wondering why such a consequence felt more alike a welcome thing.




Sunrise came too soon. Cailyn took a deep breath and turned to her side. Her eyes popped open and she found herself still in Jamie's bed, only this time alone. Her heart lurched and she leaped from the bed to where her clothes were now folded neatly on a chair. She threw clothes on and went to her room, straight across the hall.

Just as she went to pick up the leather bag that held Victoria's note, a knock sounded at the door.

"Cailyn, are you awake?" Dugan asked, his words tight.

"Come in, Dugan," Cailyn called over her shoulder. Her hand inside the bag, she pulled out Victoria's note.

The door swung open and Dugan stepped through. "Why'd you take so long to rise today? This is my second time coming to knock."

"I didn't hear you," Victoria lied. "Strange, since I never sleep so deeply, don't you think?" She cocked her head to the side, studying her handsome cousin, who narrowed his eyes.

"The others want to know if we depart today."

"Yes, but I must speak to Captain Westcott first. Have you seen him as yet?"

"Aye, he was downstairs to break his fast, and then went out. I followed him. He took a dinghy out to his ship."

Why would Jamie leave without first reading Victoria's note? He must actually trust her to wait and deliver it to him.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Victoria slapped the parchment against her hip. "How will I get this to him now?"

"If you'd been up when I came to find you earlier, perhaps you could have done so. I don't care for the man. Let's hope he sails off."

Dugan went to the window as if to see if the ships were indeed sailing off. As much as she loved her cousin, she wanted to hit him right now.

"We'll wait for him to return before leaving then," she told him, and sat on the bed. Dugan, can I ask you something personal?" She waited for his amber eyes to meet hers.

"I suppose," he looked to the door as if he'd rather escape than listen to what she'd ask.

"Do men ever fall in love with a woman who gives herself freely, without regard for propriety?" He frowned and shifted his eyes back to the window, past her, and then to the doorway.

"I don't know, I 'spose it depends the nature of the situation," Dugan replied, swallowing visibly. His eyes widened, and he took a step back when she stood.

Realization dawned, and Cailyn let out a loud laugh. "Oh goodness, Dugan, I am not referring to you and me that one time…" She left off and began to laugh again. "I'm sorry, it was just something I was considering last night."

He visibly relaxed. "Right, well then, I will go and tell the others we shall wait for the captain to return." He dashed from the room and Cailyn followed in his tracks. "So you don't love me then, Dugan?" She teased and giggled when he scowled up at her.

"Don't you have things to do? Your hair is a tangled mess, cousin," Dugan replied and rushed down the stairs.

Her hair. Cailyn reached up to touch the locks, which were as Dugan described. A memory of a very nude Captain Westcott, ensuring she earned every one of the tangles, rushed heat to her face. She hurried to her chamber to change and wash up.


Two hours later, said captain entered the inn. Her heart lurched at the sight of him.

Dressed for riding, he scanned the room until he found her. A brow cocked, but other than that, he remained aloof.

"I'll ask him to come over," Dugan grumbled, and stood.

Cailyn noticed that both men were about the same height, although Dugan was broader and had more bulk than the leaner, yet muscular, Jamie. The men spoke, and Jamie's eyes flicked over to her. He then followed Dugan to the table.

"Miss McDougall," Jamie bowed at the waist, his eyes locked to hers.

Aware that everyone at the inn had stopped talking and now watched openly, she waved to a chair. "Please join us."

He sat.

Dugan sat as well, scowling, not looking at either her or the captain.

Cailyn slid the parchment across the table toward Jamie. "This is a missive from Victoria, she asks that you give your reply to me."




Jamie reached for the parchment and tore it open. Victoria's flourished handwriting reassured him. As Cailyn had told him the night before, his sister did indeed request that Jamie put off coming for her. Victoria informed him she'd come to him instead, once Conor McDougall returned from battle. The chit was presumptuous enough to inform him she was no longer a maid, and therefore not under his control.

The missive was signed "Torrie", his nickname for her, which reinforced that Victoria was not in distress at all.

Jamie let out a breath and looked up at Cailyn. At meeting her beautiful eyes, his first thought was to grab her. For a moment all he wanted was to take this vixen back to his ship and sail away, spending endless days and nights with her.

"Tell my sister I will await her. But I will only remain for four days. At that point, I will come for her."

"I will tell her." Cailyn looked to her brawny companion. "Cousin, tell the men we leave as soon as I collect my things. Please get the horses." She stood, as did the captain and her cousin, who then strode to the door.

"Will you return with her?" Jamie wasn't sure why he asked; it was obvious she had no plans to see him again.

She slid a look to the stairs. "Meet me upstairs in my room." She left the table and went up to her chamber.

He waited enough time that he didn't think it would rouse suspicions, then went up the stairs to find Cailyn in her chamber, placing items in her bag.

Not sure of her reaction if he went to touch her, Jamie remained just inside the doorway. Relief flooded him when she came to him and leaned into his chest. His arms around her, he kissed the top of her head.

She looked up at him. "I'd hoped for a farewell kiss."

Their mouths met with an ardent kiss that pulled at him. He'd not had enough of this woman, needed more.

When they finally pulled apart, her eyes were shiny. "I will do my best to accompany Victoria."

"Come back to me," Jamie told her, and pressed his lips upon hers again.

"Cailyn!" Dugan's voice at the doorway, just behind Jamie, jerked them apart. The large male stared at them, mouth agape.

"Let's go," Cailyn flew toward her cousin and grabbed his arm with both hands. "Come on, Dugan." She pulled the man, whose face had colored to a dark shade of red, and fists were curled.

Jamie braced for the first hit, which he'd allow.

But Dugan allowed Cailyn to usher him away. She turned one last time to Jamie.

"I'll return to you, Captain."

"What?" Dugan asked as they left.


The End




Read the next in the
Highlander Temptation
Highland's Return
(Book 3); Victoria and Conor reunite!


Highland Temptation Series

Highlander's Captive

Highland Temptress

Highlander Returns

Highland Desire


Thank you for reading Highland Temptress, I thoroughly enjoyed writing this novella. Be sure to visit my website

for more information all my books and to see pictures I took while visiting the Highlands of Scotland.


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BOOK: Highland Temptress
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