His to Punish (The Cleaners Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: His to Punish (The Cleaners Book 2)
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“What? I don’t like the woman much, but I bring the cow her meals, and I really don’t need to see all that flesh on display.” She’d pouted when the men had laughed, and continued under her breath. “No one should be allowed to have such a stunning figure. Damn it.”

That outburst and the inherent self-criticism had earned her a hard spanking from Ren, which had meant she had winced every time she sat down for days.

Fun times.
Such treatment was long overdue for his own unruly woman. And fuck it, Jeanette
his, whether she realized that yet or not. Ace had declared him healed enough, so Ty wasn’t going to waste one more minute. Especially as all the background checks the Synn brothers and resident tech gurus had carried out on her had proven what Ty had instinctively known. Jeanette was exactly who she’d said she was. Myrtle’s half-sister whose connection to the Priestlys started and ended with living on that estate. While she had clearly sought employment at the club with a view to get revenge for her sister, it had been her own personal demons driving her, not a Priestly engineered attack.

Jeanette seemed an outstanding citizen, in fact, and thus far too good to be getting involved with him, which of course made him more determined to claim her. His titch was what he’d been looking for, and he wouldn’t let her slip through his fingers, even if he had to keep her tied up forever.

It wouldn’t be the best solution, because she would be missed. Not by her one remaining relative, mind you. No, her mother was a hard-nosed crack addict, too involved in getting her next fix to worry over her daughter. No wonder Myrtle had turned out to be the way she was. Jeanette seemed the total opposite.

She volunteered at the local community center teaching underprivileged kids to dance for a minimal fee, and she’d left behind a steady job at dance studio in Leeds, when she’d come to London in search of her sister six months ago. Apart from a couple of ex-boyfriends, where both times she had ended the relationship pretty quickly, she hadn’t even been very active in the sex department. A delightfully open book with kinky edges, as Ty had found out when a laughing James had called him over, after he’d hacked into her Amazon account. Her Kindle held an interesting collection of dark erotica, and BDSM stories.

“You’re gonna have fun with this, right?” James had laughingly slapped Ty’s back. “And, you know, if you need help breaking her in, Alex and I are always happy to oblige.”

“Fuck off.” James had laughed even harder at Ty’s curt response.

Fun times ahead indeed.

?” Jeanette spat that question out at him now, as he reached the bottom of the stairs, and Susie hastily stepped out of the way.

Ren’s sub rolled her eyes at him and threw her hands in the air, as though she was exasperated with the other woman, and Ty nodded toward her.

“Thank you, my sweet, I’ll take it from here.”

Susie’s eyes widened as she recognized his slipping into Dom mode, and dropping her gaze, she made a hasty exit.

Ty took his time answering the bristling woman in front of him, who held her arms out in a silent bid for him to remove the chains.

“No, I don’t think I will. I don’t like your attitude much, girl,” he said, and Jeanette groaned and stamped her foot.

He wouldn’t have been surprised had she stuck her tongue out at him, too, but one look at his expression stopped her in her tracks.

Uncertainty flitted across her expressive features, and she threw a longing glance at the pancakes Susie had brought down.

Liberally smothered in golden syrup, they confirmed not only Jeanette’s sweet tooth, but also Susie’s innate generosity. She’d made savory pancakes for the men this morning, so this must have been a batch specially made for Jeanette. Susie had made no qualms about the fact that she didn’t like Jeanette, yet she still looked after her.

Ty crossed his arms over his chest and quirked an eyebrow at his unruly submissive.

“Acting like a spoiled brat will simply earn you yet more punishment, so I suggest you ask me nicely.”

Jeanette opened her mouth to no doubt give him another verbal dressing down, but whatever she read in his expression stopped her. He could almost see the two sides of her warring with each other. There was the fiercely independent, sassy woman, used to making her own way in life, the one who never relied on anyone, and kept men at arm’s length.

And then there was the submissive streak, which ran much deeper than she no doubt realized herself. That hidden part of her which automatically responded to his dominance, the very part which meant that this whole situation fed into her deepest, darkest fantasies, and judging by the sheer number of capture books on her Kindle,  that particular need was strong.

Ty was only too glad to give her what she needed, but they had to establish the ground rules first. Not least, because they would keep her safe in his world.

At long last she hung her head with a sigh.

“Please, I’ve had enough of these. Please take them off.”

Ty wrapped the chain leading to her cuffed wrists around his hand and yanked her to him. Her soft curves collided with the hard planes of his body, and damn him, if she didn’t fit against him as though she was made for him.

A gasp escaped her lips, and when he brought his other hand down to her ass, and squeezing the luscious globes pulled her hips further against him, her breathing sped up. Rapid puffs of air ghosted across his jaw, and her hard nipples poked into his chest, almost as much as his hard-on was digging into her abdomen. Dipping his head just slightly, he bit the soft lobe of her ear, earning himself another gasp from the woman in his arms.

“Take them off, what?” he asked.

Jeanette tensed, and he tightened his hold on her, as he rubbed his jaw along the rapidly beating pulse point in her neck. Her sensitive skin reddened under his heavier than usual morning stubble, taking on a much darker hue than its original mocha skin tone. It simply begged for him to mark that soft flesh, and giving into that instinct Ty bit her neck.

A needy groan came from her, and she sank into his body as he licked the half-moon imprint of his teeth left behind. The inherent caveman in him strutted in triumph, seeing her thus marked, and his fingers itched to strip her naked and to further mark her as his.

He pulled back slightly to see her expression, and her dark eyes held a desperation that tore at his heart strings. Now was not a time for tenderness, however. That would come later, when he’d put his point across, and she’d accepted her fate.

Ty wanted, needed her submission, and he would damn well have it, before she left this room.

It took a while, but eventually Jeanette dropped her gaze to his collarbone and murmured the words he needed to hear.

“Please, Sir, will you take these chains off me?”

“No, I won’t. Not yet.”


Chapter Nine


Jeanette’s head whipped up, and she opened her mouth to give the bastard what for, but stopped the angry tirade ready to spew from her lips at the last minute. That was what he expected her to do, after all, judging by the amused twinkle in his eyes.  They darkened further as she continued to look up at him, and when she very deliberately bit her lip, the hot hard cock digging into her belly jumped. It meant she had to swallow her groan, because another surge of arousal dampened her knickers.

This close to him, his raw masculinity was overwhelming. The faint shadows left over on his face from his previous injuries were a far too visible reminder of how dangerous and deadly this man was, which should have turned her arousal dead, but it had the opposite effect on her.

Susie’s words bounced in her brain.

It isn’t wrong … just let go…

It was so very tempting to do just that, if she didn’t fear that she would lose herself completely in the darkness contained in Ty’s soul. A darkness which she ought to run from, not be drawn to like the moth to the flame. Instead she had that burning desire to taste said flame, to let it set her alight, until she knew she would never be the same again.

“As you wish, Sir. May I eat my breakfast?” Lord knew how she managed to get those words out. They certainly didn’t sound like her. It wasn’t just what she’d said, either, it was the breathy, shaky quality of her voice she didn’t recognize.

She’d surprised him, because he blinked and released her.

“As you ask so nicely.”

It took an extraordinary amount of willpower to step away from him. Somehow she managed it, and pulling deep on her years of dance training, she took a surreptitious breath and slid to the floor in a sinuous move, or as gracefully as she could manage with her chains hindering her movement. She might well look like a stranded whale. Joggers and an oversized t-shirt were hardly seduction material, after all. Still, as she spread her legs out, to bring the plates of pancakes right up between her splayed legs, she risked a quick glance up at him, while pushing her rack out. Unfettered as her boobs were, her hard nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric covering of her top, and she made sure to give them a little shake, while she stretched her arms above her head.

“Ah, that’s better,” she said, not even trying to disguise the sexual purr in her voice, which would have done any porn star proud.

Ty’s eyes narrowed, and she swallowed hard as he tensed. She’d forgotten how quickly he could switch from easygoing to super intense, but at least she knew she had his attention now. Forcing herself to continue in this silly game of one-upmanship she had initiated, she ran a finger over the back of one of the sticky pancakes, gathered the syrup, and brought it to her lips.

Ty’s gaze never once wavered from her actions, and he stepped closer as she made a big show of licking her finger clean.

A growl erupted from his chest, the sound so animalistic that her hormones sighed in submission. Hands fisted by his sides, Ty came closer still, until his groin made up her view. Her pussy clenched in helpless need, seeing the long, solid imprint of his cock challenging the denim of his jeans. He looked enormous, far bigger than her previous boyfriends, and her breathing sped up, imagining his taking her.

“If you want your breakfast I suggest you fucking eat it, before I give you a different breakfast entirely.” Ty’s voice had dropped an octave, and the delicious deep growl settled straight in her clit. If she got any wetter, she would disgrace herself, that was for sure. It was utterly insane, this hold he had on her, the sexual energy coursing around and through them. It was small comfort to see him as much in thrall of what was happening between them as she was, because when she picked up a pancake and bit into it, Ty groaned. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see him stroke his erection through his jeans, and she could swear she could feel his hot gaze follow the trail of syrup, down her chin and into the V-neck of her shirt.

When she made no move to swipe it away, Ty swore under his breath, and in the next instant she was on her feet.

Hand fisted in her hair, he angled her head, so that he could lick that sticky trail away, and all pretense went out of the window. The remains of the pancake fell to the floor, creating a sticky mess on her bare feet, and the world narrowed to the feel of his tongue on her overheated skin. It sent shivers along her spine and a fierce longing into her pussy, which meant her next words came out far too husky.

“I thought I had to beg to get your cock, Sir.”

The hold on her hair grew painful, and Jeanette gasped as Ty shoved her away. His dark eyes glittering in silent fury, he reached in his back pocket for the key to her chains, and before she could draw another breath into her constricted lungs, her restraints fell away.

Oh, I’ve done it now.

Jeanette ought to run, she ought to scream, do something, yet all she was capable of was to stand there. The sheer force of his will held her spellbound, unable to move, those restraints far more effective than any chain could ever be.

Ty looked furious, and so damn sexy, it was hard to breathe.

“Remember you asked for this with your behavior, girl. Now strip and face the wall.”

The edge to his voice brooked no argument, even if she had been capable of it, as Ty grasped the neck of his shirt and yanked it over his head. Muscles rippled, and her gaze followed the enticing trail of dark hair. It covered his pectorals, and arrowed into a happy trail disappearing under the waistband of his jeans. Her gaze lingered on his side, where the stitches remained in his wound. The all too visible reminder of how close he’d come to losing his life sent shivers of dread down her spine, because it brought it home more than anything else could have done that she had feelings for him. Convoluted ones, for sure, but feelings nevertheless.

Ty’s hands went to his belt, and she jumped when he spoke again.

“I said strip, girl,

Jeanette complied with shaking hands, and another one of these deep, dark growls rumbled from Ty’s chest, when she stood before him naked. Try as she might she couldn’t bring herself to look at him, had to fight the insane urge to sink to her knees, in fact. Lord only knew what was happening to her. She was losing the plot, because she could swear she could feel Ty’s intense gaze like a physical touch, as he ran it over her naked body.

She jumped again when he cracked the belt through the air like a whip, the resulting snap far too loud in the quiet room. He stepped around her, running one finger along her skin. From the tip of her nose, around her mouth, down her neck, and along her collarbone into the valley between her breasts, he continued the silent exploration, the contrast of his much paler flesh next to hers a heady aphrodisiac indeed. When he cupped one of her breasts in his hand and lifting it, bent his head to suck her hard nipple into his mouth, Jeanette couldn’t stop her whimper of need. Unbidden her hands tangled in his hair, to keep him there, as every hard suck made her pussy quiver in need. She could smell her own arousal in the air, as her juices slowly trickled down the inside of her thighs.

Ty bit down hard on the breast in his mouth, and the sharp pain of his bite made Jeanette cry out. Not in pain exactly, because she was far too turned on and already teetering on the edge of an orgasm.


Ty soothed the leftover ache from his bite by licking it, before he abruptly withdrew.

“I haven’t given you permission to touch me, girl.” He reached up to grasp her wrist, and Jeanette immediately let go of his hair. She caught a glimpse of his stern expression before he swung her around.

“Face the wall, and spread your legs, girl.”

It didn’t even occur to her to disobey, and when he joined her moments later his clean male musk enveloped her.  He crowded her against that wall, the coolness of it against her skin a direct contrast against the heated male body pressing against her from behind. The feel of his chest hair against her back made her hyperaware of his harsh breathing. She closed her eyes against her shame, when he reached around and between her legs. There was nowhere to hide now, as confirmed by his next words.

“So fucking wet for me. You’re mine now, girl.”

A bite to her shoulder followed that possessive claim, and Jeanette cried out in surprise when he shoved two fingers into her pussy at the same time. Wet as she was they slid right in, and her internal muscles clamped down on the invaders. Ty thrust those digits in and out of her channel and adding another one, finger-fucked her with merciless precision. His cock was a hard, solid ridge against her hip, and he groaned into her neck again, when she spread her legs wider for him.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby, your body knows who you belong to, doesn’t it?”

Jeanette tried to respond, but nothing but a keening sound came out, because Ty curled his fingers to massage her G-spot. Pleasure surged through her hard and fast, and her hips took on a life of their own as she rocked herself against his hand, desperate to gain the friction she needed to her clit to get over.

Before she could get there, however, Ty withdrew his fingers, and slapped her ass hard. Jeanette moaned her denial and shoved her ass back into him in a silent bid for him to continue, but she should have known that was a useless exercise.

“No, your orgasms belong to me now, and you will not come without my permission.”

One hand fisted in her hair, he pulled her away from the wall and marched her across to the cross. Jeanette’s heart missed a few beats, and then turned into a jackhammer when she caught side of their reflection in the mirror on the wall.

She looked like she felt, a woman on the edge. Her eyes were too wide, her mouth, still swollen from his earlier kisses slightly open, her breasts swaying from side to side, and shaking with every harsh breath she managed to draw into her lungs, as he half dragged her along. Her skin already showed the marks of his possession, his bite marks clearly visible, and she groaned when his arm came round her waist, and he kicked her legs apart. It meant her swollen most intimate parts were clearly visible. Jeanette ought to be ashamed at how wet she was, at the needy sounds that immediately spilled from her lips, when Ty yanked her head back further, and rubbed his jaw along her neck. His breath singed her skin, and their gazes locked. His dark eyes flashed with dangerous intent, and Jeanette’s internal muscles clenched in response, sending more moisture to her swollen lips.  Ty smiled when he noticed, and his voice had dropped even further, sending yet more shivers of dread, or was it anticipation, down her spine. Her clit quivered, the usually tiny bud clearly visible at the top of her hood.

“Take a good look, titch. Your body doesn’t lie. You want this, need it, even, and I’m just the man to give you what you need. All you have to do is ask.”

He shoved his thigh in between her legs as she spoke, and Jeanette closed her eyes and gasped in helpless delight. The friction his thigh created against her sensitive pussy lips, torture and pleasure all in one. Torture, because it wasn’t enough to send her over, just enough to keep her teetering on the precarious ledge between pleasure and the fall into an abyss so deep, she wasn’t sure she’d survive it.

“Tell me you’re mine, baby.” Ty’s whispered the words in her ear, while he nibbled along her earlobe, and delivered tiny bites along her neck.

She wanted to give in so badly, but Myrtle’s face swam into her mind, and she sobbed her denial.

“I—I can’t. Let me go.”

Ty’s immediate withdrawal from her didn’t bode well. She cried out in pain, because he yanked her across to the padded, wooden structure by her hair. A shove sent her flying into it, and her breath escaped her lungs in a shocked whoosh at the force of the impact. She caught a glimpse of his closed off, angry expression, before he was on top of her. Using his considerable bodyweight he crushed her against the frame, and only let her go once her arms and legs were fastened to the thing. A blindfold followed, robbing her of her vision, and Jeanette started to fight, while calling him all the names under the sun.

A short laugh was the only response to her outburst.

The crack of his belt gave her a second’s warning before the leather made contact with her ass, and Jeanette cried out at the strip of white-hot pain left behind. Before she could draw another breath, a second even harder strike happened, followed by a third. She dimly registered that he hit a different place on her butt every time, before the pain morphed into one big ache.

All the fight went out of Jeanette as he continued to punish her ass, varying the tempo and force behind the lashes of his belt. As abruptly as he started, he stopped, and Jeanette gasped when he molded his body against hers. His hard cock dug into her abused ass, and she winced as he rubbed his hips across them.

“Why did I punish you, girl?” he asked, his voice surprisingly tender as he stepped away and ran his hands over her shoulders, and down her back. She tensed anew, when he stopped just above her tender backside, and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t go further.

“I would suggest you answer me, titch. As much as I enjoy making this ass glow, I don’t think you’re really up for anymore strikes. More’s the pity. You did very well, taking your lashes, sweetheart.”

The unexpected endearment further screwed with her state of mind, because he sounded as though he meant it. She read regret in those words laced in with pride, which made no sense at all. Neither did the tight feeling in her chest that came with the knowledge that she had pleased him.

BOOK: His to Punish (The Cleaners Book 2)
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