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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #Nightmare

Lust (4 page)

BOOK: Lust
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God, did fire even have a taste?

Elizabeth realized she was on her back when she pulled away for a breath and he was over her. The sun glinted through the trees behind Jared’s head. He looked down at her in awe.

“Can I have you?” he breathed.

He didn’t wait for an answer. Jared took her lips again and this time it was deeper. His tongue nudged her seam open and he owned her mouth. He played with her while seduction filled the world around them. His hands coasted to her hips and she dropped her legs open. He rested his groin between her legs and pressed up against her. Elizabeth allowed a whimper to escape as she met his slow grinding motion.

She broke the kiss and tilted her head back. His warm kisses trailed down her jaw, her throat. His tongue swirled in the sensitive hollow. Jared’s strong hands kneaded her hips, pulling her in close as his engorged cock nudged at the seam of her shorts. Her clit pulsed. She was so wet she could feel the moisture soaking her panties and through the denim.

“Please, God, please, more...” she whimpered.

Normally, begging wasn’t in her nature. In this case, she wanted him inside her. They connected, they fit, they were perfect. Then a throat clearing shattered their pretty little passion bubble. Elizabeth’s eyes flashed open and looking down at them was Josef.

His look wasn’t totally displeased. Mischief clouded the serious expression. Josef’s gaze travelled towards the sun and they got it. Time to close up for the day and come in for more research. Jared lifted off her with a groan. He reached for her, taking her hand, and began to pull her to her feet. She hadn’t realized her necklace had shifted. The chain was caught in a root that had pulled up from the ground, and the delicate links snipped apart. The pendant slipped to the ground with an almost audible thud.

Everyone froze.

Jared reached down and it was then that Elizabeth felt it. Arms, all too familiar, wound around her waist. The gravelly voice that turned her whole body to putty.


“Jared!” she screamed.

She saw Jared jump for her just as the world went dark.


ared?” she whispered.

A dull ache had settled into her shoulders. When she attempted to blink the fog away, Elizabeth found the world was still dark.

Am I dead?

Nope, cause my arms hurt something annoying.

She tried to ease the ache but realized with dawning dread that she couldn’t move her arms. The kiss of a chill over her belly and nipples brought the realization that she was naked as well. Yet she still couldn’t see. Her legs were lifted up somehow and she wiggled her ankles, realizing they were bound and she was spread-eagled.

Elizabeth jerked helplessly at the bindings. The only comfort was the soft silk sheets under her that kissed and caressed her skin.

“Jared? Really, my sweet one? You really want to piss me off even more after the stunt you pulled with that little boy?”


She shifted her head to the side, blinked, and realized her lashes brushed fabric.

Blindfolded. Trapped like a rat in a cage.

“Now, how are you going to make this up to me?”

“Fuck off!” Elizabeth growled back at him.

She didn’t want to play; she wanted to go home. Or back to Jared, rather.

“Racking up the punishments, I see.” His deep, gravelly voice was calm. He sounded reasonable, and that only pissed her off more.

“I don’t want to be here!”

She felt the bed dip next her and a wet heat covered her right nipple. His tongue flicked, his lips pulled—and her pussy got wet. Elizabeth fought to control her breathing, tried to shift her torso away, but with her legs bound to the ceiling, spread the way they were, she was royally stuck.


It felt like he had so many hands as they worked her body. Asmodeus plucked at one nipple while biting and sucking the other. His other hand travelled right between her legs. Without so much as a warning or foreplay, he shoved two thick fingers in her tight pussy. She was wet, her body betraying her to this beast.

His deep, mocking laughter didn’t help.

“I see your greedy little cunt missed me.”

His lips trailed up her chest. He lingered on her throat. Teeth and tongue zinged right to her clit and her hips jerked off the bed.

“My naughty little whore.”

“I’m no one’s whore,” she said between clenched teeth.

Asmodeus swirled his fingers inside her, hitting just the right spot as his thumb circled her clit, and that was enough. She erupted. Stars exploded behind her closed lids and she cried out for more, spewing out naughty bullshit that she would beat herself up for later.

Slowly, she came down from the orgasmic high, his fingers still playing in her wetness. Hot breath teased her ear.

“My little whore, only mine. If you ever let that child touch you again, I’m going to let Theresa and Patrick fuck you until you are weeping for me to come for you. They have particular—fetishes—that aren’t for the weak at heart.” He paused, kissing his way over one cheek to her other, catching the tears that spilled out from under the silk blindfold. “Are we clear, sweet one?”

“Y-yes,” she stammered.

He was gone. The heat he took with him left only the chill which forced her body to tremble.

“Now. I’m going to get us some food. You wait right there. I’m going to make you come until you pass out. How does that sound?”

He didn’t wait for a reply; he was gone.

Elizabeth felt shattered. All the calm, the ease, the freedom was demolished. One petty mistake and she was God knows where with HIM. The fucker that wanted to steal her life.

She knew the moment he came back in the room. Asmodeus didn’t make a sound as he no doubt swaggered. Elizabeth shifted her head back and forth, trying to remove the blindfold. She heard tisking close to her ear before the bed compressed and his heat washed over her. The familiar scent of sulfur, brimstone, and fire—like a fireplace was always alight with him around—filled her nostrils and she caught herself as she started to lean into him.

“Don’t fight it, sweet one. At the end of the day you’ll give in,” he started. Elizabeth could feel a speech coming on. She wasn’t in the mood but being bound like a slave to his whims didn’t really give her much of a choice. “I’m not very patient. As you can tell, you’re not very resistant to what I can offer you in the ways of passion.”

Elizabeth felt something cool touch her bottom lip. She jerked away and icy liquid dribbled on her cheek.

Asmodeus sighed. “Must you be difficult about everything!” It wasn’t a question. She could feel the heat in the room rising from his annoyance.

"Did I give you the misguided impression that I wanted any of this?" she snapped.

Silence filled the room. The temperature rose, and she whimpered. His weight didn't leave the bed and she could feel him move closer just before she heard a slight humming.

"I was going to allow you to eat before I wrung the truth from you." His voice was low. That threatening edge started a heat between her legs that spread out through her thighs and tightened her nipples to the point of pain. "But I see I need to break you before I get some compliance."

The threatening rumble of his voice was the only warning she got before warm fingers spread her wet pussy lips. Elizabeth's hips jerked off the bed and his rumbling laughter sent a pulse of fresh heat through her. She tried desperately to wriggle away from his probing fingers. A thick digit slipped up and down her betraying slit that was so slick with her hunger for him she could feel the sexual moisture as Asmodeus's finger circled her opening.

"Your body is so honest about wanting me," he purred. "I wish your mouth was that honest. Maybe filled with my cock it will start mumbling the truth."

Elizabeth yanked on her bonds. She thrust her hips and fought with his hold on her. The ominous humming got louder, the room hotter. Hell wasn't below her, it was here, in this fucking bed.

Without warning, his fingers pinched her clit before his tongue and teeth nudged at that kinky pain that shot through her body and forced her cunt to clench desperately. She was shaking her head from side to side.

"No, please, don't..." she pleaded with him.

"God, I love hearing you beg. Soon it will be for my cock down your throat," he promised.

"Never," she swore.

Asmodeus laughed. The effect it had on her was a mix of fear and arousal so strong that when he pinched her clit she panted, crying out a curse that made her a liar.

"Now, my sweet one. Who do you belong to?"

She bit down on the inside of her cheek as she clenched her teeth. Elizabeth was breathing hard through her nose, fighting with everything inside her to hold back the orgasm.

"I can't have that boy stealing what is mine. You will say who owns you, now!" he roared. His patience was at an end. She pressed her lips together hard and shifted her head to the side, her intent to appear to look away from him. The blindfold made the effect useless.

"Very well, my stubborn little toy," he rumbled.

Elizabeth soon discovered what the humming was, when a sharp vibration touched her clit and she screamed her release. Hot fire flashed through her cunt. Her inner walls pulsed almost violently as she came harder than she knew she could. She felt the wet heat gush from her gnash as she her hips thrust at the air.

"Please, please, please..." she begged.

His lips caressed her cheek, her body still pulsing with orgasm. Asmodeus didn't release her from the vibration; he shifted it down to her quivering hole and pushed it inside her. Elizabeth jerked her hips, her cunt swallowing the little device that vibed her full, wet passage.

"Look at that greedy little snatch eat my little lie detector." Amusement laced his tone.

"F-fuck you," she stammered.

Asmodeus pressed his lips to her nipples. His tongue swirled around the tight nub and her pussy swallowed the device deeper. The low timber of his voice filled her with foreboding. This wasn't over by a long shot, she realized.

"Not until you say who owns you."

"I will never give you what you want." Her threat came off weak as she trembled on the cusp of a fresh orgasm.

"As you wish, my love," he growled before he took her mouth with his.

The kiss was rough, possessive, and demanding. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as his fingers invaded her tender opening, and pulled free the vibrating torture device. Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn't last long as he pressed it against her aching, pulsing clit. Her release built, the fire lit anew inside her groin and she cried out against his mouth. He roared as he pulled his mouth free.

"Who do you belong to?"

Elizabeth started to betray everything. "Y-" She caught herself before she finished and it enraged him further. The snarled reply made her glad she wore the blindfold. She feared he would be in his demon form.

"Come!" he demanded. Come she did.

It sizzled through her body with a deeper veracity and ache. Exhaustion washed over her and she went limp. Asmodeus was having none of it as he shifted away from her. The vibe still tormented her wet, pulsing cunt. There was no warning when he made his next move. His dick invaded her cunt. He slammed home and she cried out. He stretched her, filling her to the point of pain.

Asmodeus didn't stop there. He pulled out, to the head. Elizabeth's opening nearly sucked his head to get him back in. He slammed back inside her, repeating this process with a sexy precision that had her begging again. The man worked the vibe over her clit as he fucked her quivering cunt and still he didn't relent.

"Say it!" he demanded.

"N-no," she sobbed. A whimper of pleasure rippled past her denial.

It pissed him off.

Elizabeth could swear she felt fire lap at her arms as he pumped her harder, faster. A new orgasm rose and peaked.

"Come, NOW!"

She came, screaming his name as the orgasm rolled through her.

"Fuck ya, now make that greedy little cunt suck out my seed. Take it all!"

She felt him give another jerk and hold as his hot seed pulsed into her pussy. Elizabeth cried out and a series of releases flowed from her. She was panting, begging, her head lolling from side to side.

"Mine." He gave one final thrust and it was the last she heard before she fell into darkness.

Chapter Four


smodeus breathed her in, his eyes still closed. It was a beautiful scent, the mix of heat, her natural aroma, and the sweet smell of sexual release. His own included. The thoughts made him rise again. Elizabeth lay with her back to him, her naked body so soft and warm. She was unbound. He had released her soon after she fell asleep. Where could she possibly go? The devil’s hiding places were unrivalled and out of sight from any angel. It brought a wry smile to his lips as he pulled her close and pressed his growing erection into her fleshy buttocks. In a matter of seconds he was fully erect. He pressed harder, keeping it so. It felt good to have her in his possession. If he wanted he could ejaculate against her flesh. He growled softly, cupping her soft breast in his palm. The nipple, so warm and supple began to harden. A light moan left her lips.

Asmodeus laughed and rolled her onto her back. She was a glorious sight. If only she would let him consume her, she would see how he truly was and not fight him. He traced his fingers from her breast down to her belly and between her thighs, testing each wonderful curve. He memorized each flow of rise and fall, of the way her flesh rose with each breath. The tiny hairs that covered her skin in immaculate detail moved like corn wheat as he breathed on her. The closer he looked, the more he saw, such detail a human could never imagine.

His hand slipped to her mound, a sweet trimmed ‘v’ of pubic hair upon it. He allowed his index finger to caress each hair. Even asleep she looked so beautiful. He breathed her in again, moving his hand back to her neck, taking his time. He traced her face, over the tip of her nose, down to her chin, up her cheek, back to her hairline. Her brunette locks were like silk. He stroked her hair, sniffing her. Pushing some hair aside, he exposed them. It made him grin. Asmodeus was pleased, so pleased he parted her thighs with his right leg, laying his large erection across her soft belly to the tip of her pubic ‘v’.

BOOK: Lust
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