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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #Nightmare

Lust (8 page)

BOOK: Lust
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There came a light tapping on the door. Jared opened it. Josef looked at him. It was if the old monk knew.

"Can you sit with her an hour? There's something I need to do?" Jared was out the door before the monk had finished nodding.

He took deep breaths, walking quickly through the streets, making his way to his favourite café. He bought a latte and sat at one of the tables outside, while watching the crowds. Any moment he expected to see Asmodeus or one of his bastard lieutenants to park their arse on the chair opposite and grin with sharp white teeth. But none came.

"Hello, dear brother."

Jared looked up. "What are you doing here, Tai?"

"Well, that remains to be seen. It is still Jared, right? Or should I call you Azrael?"

"Jared's fine. It is still Tai, or should..."

"Tai will do," she interrupted.

"So, here, why?"

She took the seat opposite. There were times when he wished she wasn't his sister. She was the most beautiful creature ever to walk this earth. The reason being, she wasn't from this world. She was dressed in white slacks and a tight white shirt with the three top buttons undone. Her long brown hair was tied in a tail, which hung over her right shoulder. Those eyes matched, deep brown, hiding a dark, tortuous past. Her face could make any normal man stop and stare in a trance, but she usually softened the effect with her many powers. She made him, an archangel, seem so irrelevant.

"Oh, sweet brother, stop belittling yourself with negative thoughts. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be here."

"Do you have to keep invading my head, sis?"

Tai smiled at him, almost melting his heart. "I'm not doing any such thing. It's written on your face. If your eyes were a sonnet, I'd have tears in my eyes right now."

Jared shook his head.

"But seriously, you need to pull yourself together, get your act together. If you're not careful you will end up tripping on God's great banana skin and we can't have that. I like your arse just as it is, not some pile of raw chicken meat after being dragged on the cobbles."

"There's nothing going on. I have her protected, we've been free for months now. Did your sweet Luke send you?"

"God, no. He's busier than ever. Always doing something bad and not having to really try. Nope, I'm here all on my lonesome. I've come to litter you with some wisdom and whole truths."

"How is the whole marriage thing going?"

"Hm, marriage. Is it marriage? We fucked well enough before all the damned pomp and circumstance. I guess it was the natural course of things, and we live happily in perpetual semi retirement.” She let out a breath of air, her gaze lingering. She was distracted again. “But you are changing the subject. Elizabeth Cromwell is off limits."

"I know. Hence the last twenty-odd years doing..."

"Not him─you, J. You can't have her. Not meant to happen, not going to happen. The whole plan goes to shit if you and her get intimate."

"Crossbreeding you mean, don't you? Are you forgetting your own genus, Tai?"

She laughed at him. "Crossbreeding is fun, lovey. Just not between you and her. She is meant for someone else. You getting in the way complicates things. You seem to forget. Ever since Asmodeus turned up at the Cromwell plantation, events have been planned and flow in a direction we want it to. I brought you in to protect her because I trusted you. Luke trusts you. The plan must find its path. And you need to step aside."

Jared took a deep breath. Tai was always his voice of reason. Yet, deep inside, he wanted Elizabeth, more than anything. He doubted he could let her go so easily, or without a fight. He would die for her if need be. Asmodeus wouldn't have her, he was sure of it. Together, they would break the deal.

"You know more than you let on. Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked.

"You know enough, and what you don't know, won't hurt you─until it's too late."

"Gee, thanks. So I'm going to get my ass kicked."

"If you do, can I watch?"

"Only if you join in. I like to watch you fight."

Tai smirked at him.

"Seriously though, sweet sister, all this planning. Is it to bring him down so you can regain the throne?"

She laughed. "The emperor’s throne, the kingdom of the nine hells. Luke and I have houses in Monaco, in Miami and Malibu, London, Paris and Rome. We don't want to give all that up and live in a hellish shit hole again. Been there done that, worn the scars and cured the hives. No thank you, brother. Retirement suits me. I've not worn underwear since, love the freedom and the complimentary tingles that human males give me when they stare. And I can go home, walk through the door, knowing my dearly beloved Luke will tend to me. It is something Asmodeus seeks, true love. I have it. Luke is my heart, my soul, my lover and friend. It is a simple thing. Something that happens, not something plotted or planned, or devised. I saw my love through the battlefield, one look and we both knew. We grew together through hardship and war, becoming one. Nothing can break us now; our bond is unbreakable. Asmodeus planted a seed that will never grow. It will rot in the very place he dropped it. He is a fool."

A young man passed by, his eyes locked on Jared’s sister. She seemed to think long and hard. Her head tilted to the side and he watched the man trip. Tai bit down on her bottom lip, her dark brown orbs going black, and it was then he knew—Tai was playing with this human. Her head tilted to the other side as she continued to speak. Jared watched the man stumble, grabbing hold of his crotch and making a run for it.

"Luke's going to have his hands full tonight," she said, distracted. Tai was still playing with the mortals. Lucidity was nearly lost again. He would have to get information faster.

"You are such a tease. I wonder how many men have masturbated over you?" Jared smiled.

"Oh, hundreds of thousands. Some I watched, sitting in chairs, or on the bed, or writhing on the floor. All gripping their cocks." Tai giggled.

"You are incorrigible, Tai."

"Maybe. But it is so very fun, brother." She turned towards him and pinned him with her dark gaze.

Jared swallowed hard.

"I may be every man's dream, J. I may stand here and get your cock hard by teasing you with my pretty little powers. But when the day ends, I only fuck my husband. He is the only one truly worthy of my body. He owns it with his own wondrous form. There's nothing wrong with what I do. In my own way, I please many men without hurting anyone. I do it to counter my bad ways."

"You don't have to convince me." It took him all his control to behave. She grinned and stood up.

"Be careful, J. Watch your back. I do love you. But remember, souls may not die, but angels can. Get out before he finds her. He's coming and he will stop at nothing to have his muse." She leaned in and kissed his forehead. The sensation was like coming down from an orgasm.

Jared began to sweat as she left him, walking away, her tight buttocks waving goodbye in those tight slacks.


ai's gaze scanned over the sleeping woman. Anyone that looked, even just a simple glance, could tell what Elizabeth's origins really where.

So silly.

Everyone was so silly.

All the clever burned out in the roaring 20s.

Or perhaps it was long before that.

Clever was in such short supply.

Her brother was so unclever.

Coveting the diamond. As if he actually had any claim to the rare gem sleeping so perfectly right now.

Not a care.

They run and hide. Dash away like pretty little ponies.

Tai could feel the giggle bubbling up inside her. She pressed a dainty hand over her mouth, and still the trembles took over her body.

If they weren't clever they would be running forever.

The door creaked open. Tai's brows furrowed as she watched Jared slither into bed with Elizabeth. The dark beauty cuddled into the safety of the liar’s arms and Tai couldn't help but feel true, raw pity for Jared.

How could she not?

Asmodeus would win.

Oh, how he always won.

That tended to be the case with people who have nothing to lose.

So Tai would give him something to lose.

Which would also be his undoing.

Tai turned away from the dozing love birds. This delicate little scene wasn't going to last very much longer. She brought up her hand and waved it at the south facing wall. The drywall melted away to reveal a tropical paradise. Her lips curved up at the corner as she stepped through the portal and her bare feet made contact with the warm, black sand.

"Mmm, my favorite," she purred.

The rumbling laughter drew her attention towards the handsome man draped oh-so-sexy-like in a beach lounge.

"It's why I brought you here, love."

Tai stopped and looked over her immaculate conquest. Forged from the very lava pits of hell, he was nothing short of exquisite. His thick dark hair brushed just below his neck. The salt and pepper colouring made him seem wise in a world full of unclever novices. His body, exposed aside from black swimming shorts, was carved from perfect human flesh. The ripples of his abdomen made her giggle as she walked casually over to him.

The swirling fabric of her black slacks and posh blouse moulded and seemed to move into her flesh. The thin, sheer material formed around her breast, and as a bottom covering of her mound and rear end. The white bikini had Lucifer tipping down his mirrored aviators. His eyes roamed up and down her flesh and she giggled again, gooseflesh breaking out.

"It tickles when you touch me with your eyes," she admonished jokingly.

He licked his lips. She felt the wet heat swipe between her legs and she stumbled right into his lap. Sitting astride him, she slid a finger slowly over his bottom lip, which he just licked. Tai pressed the finger between her own lips, sucking off his taste.

"Mmm. My brother is being trouble."

Lucifer scoffed, taking a sip from his glass. "When is he not being trouble? I’m shocked they let him still muck about on heavenly errands."

Tai let loose a breath and draped her lithe frame against him. Lucifer's big, warm hands coasted over her belly and cupped one of her breasts. She bit her bottom lip and laughed. "I want to cause some trouble." She wriggled her arse against his groin and hummed in approval at feeling his hard cock.

"What kind of trouble, my love?"

She lifted herself, shifting on him until she was straddling his waist. His bottoms were gone, along with hers, and as she lowered her weight, he slipped home into her snug, wet, and warm little box. Tai whimpered and started to move on him.

"The kind that starts wars," she breathed.

He made a gruff noise in the back of his throat, just as he jerked up into her. She bounced and yelped, her breasts like little mounds of jelly as they swayed gently with each thrust.

"I thought that is what we were already doing with our dear Elizabeth." He rumbled the words out as his thrusting got faster.

"Mmm... yes, but Asmodeus is a foolish old dolt and doesn't know when something is right under his perfectly sculpted nose." She moved faster, crying out as Lucifer slammed up inside her harder at her words.

Her eyes went wide, looking down at him.

"Perfect, you say?" He arched a brow as she cupped her bouncing breasts.

"Oh, stop being such a bully," she scolded on a purr as her body heat rose, her peak nearly reached.

Without warning, Lucifer tossed her back on the lounge, mounting her. He placed her legs over his shoulder and, wrapping his arms around her thighs, he pounded harder, deeper. Tai whimpered and begged.

"How is this for a bully, my love?" he growled.

She screamed, coming, shouting his name as he filled her with his hot, thick seed.

Tai was panting, a smile planted on her face as she rubbed Lucifer's chest.

"Let's go help that dolt find his woman, and raise a little hell while we are at it," she cooed before taking his mouth in a searing kiss.

Chapter Nine


rust the French to have a phallic symbol stuck in the middle of their beloved capital,” Baal said, admiring it.

Asmodeus sat to his left, Mammon to
left. The three of them had been on one hell of a journey these past few years. Asmodeus looked up.

“The tip is pathetic. Maybe we should stick a huge pink balloon up there,” Asmodeus mused.

“Or a marshmallow. A huge spongy knob-looking marshmallow.” Mammon said.

“No, a pink head made from a shaped Twinkie, and then we could give it a squeeze and cover the whole of Paris in man cream,” Baal said.

“This isn’t like us at all, is it?” Asmodeus said, laughing.

“Can’t be evil all the time,” said Mammon.

“No, we used to be angels once. Those were the days.” Baal licked his ice cream cone. “Would you turn back the clock, Asmodeus? Go back to being normal, in a peaceful world?”

Asmodeus sucked on his lemon popsicle and considered the question. “Some days I dream of what might have been. Some days I think I’m not cut out to be the emperor of hell. It’s a pain in my proverbial ass. We should do this more often, the three of us. A day out, having fun and not worrying about what goes on in the shit hole beneath our feet. I could do this all day and not care. Would either of you care to take the crown? I won’t fight you for it, just hand it over.”

They both shook their heads.

“Thought as much. How’s your candy floss, Mammon? It’s all over your face.”

“Tasty but sticky. You know what we should do?” He looked excited and raised both brows.

“What?” Baal asked.

“We should go to Disneyland.”

Asmodeus gave him a look of distaste. “Seriously, have you seen what they charge to get in there?”

“Like money’s an issue,” Said Baal.

“We could go to Universal Studios in California. More fun, cheaper and no French to boot,” Asmodeus quipped.

“Yes, we could. Aren’t we forgetting why we are here, though?” Mammon reminded them.

“Not sure I can be arsed anymore. I’m having fun.” Asmodeus grabbed a pinch of candy floss.

BOOK: Lust
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