Pack Mates (Were Chronicles) (6 page)

BOOK: Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)
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With a jerk of his shoulder, RJ sat forward. “Fine, but it’s all bullshit.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “It’s nothing against you or your family.”

RJ snorted. “Yes, actually it is. Dylan is meant to be the Alpha. But dividing the Pack was never meant to happen. Even if Dylan wins the challenge, he will constantly be reminded he’s not from here. How is that fair?”

“He had to know coming here something like this might happen.”

“No,” he interrupted. “We were told we were wanted here. That it had already been decided. Dylan doesn’t deserve this.”

“What about his inner circle? Is he only using the wolves he brought with him?”

RJ shook his head. “I don’t know. I do know that Cameron and Dylan have discussed it, but that is something that we’d have to ask him. Why?”

“Just some rumours that Dylan is using this to bring his Pack up and leave the original Pack in the dust.”

“Dylan wouldn’t do that!”

Nikki pushed her drink away and sank back against the back of the booth. “This isn’t going to work. If we can’t agree, then we will never get the Pack to.”

When he put his arm around her shoulders, Nikki cuddled into him. The kiss to the top of her head gave her hope.

“I think the majority of the Pack, both new and old members, are okay with it,” he told her. “Just a handful of the people, really, have any concerns. Besides, we’re more involved than the others. It’s our brothers who will be hurt.”

She gave into temptation and ran her hand over his chest. “So what do we do?”

“I don’t know. Dylan is worried about it and it sounds like Brandon is too. Maybe they should just get together and have it out before the ceremony.”

Nikki thought about it. “That is a good idea, unless they kill each other before the ceremony.”

RJ’s thumb on her bottom lip surprised her. “You’re doing it again.”

She swiped at his thumb before sucking the digit into her mouth. She watched his nostrils flare.

“Fuck, baby,” he panted at her.

She grinned and let go.

“Can you get Brandon to our house tonight?” he asked, trying to get back to the point.

She hesitated before nodding. “Yeah, if I don’t tell him where we’re going, I think I might manage it. I’d have to bring Justin too. This is a family issue.”

“Okay, that will work. Ben will be there, so three of you and three of us. It’s fair and we can all sit down and hash this out. There is only one more day. We need to do it now.”

She glanced at her watch. It was half after ten. “Midnight?”

“Yeah, that will work,” he agreed. He dropped his hand back under the table. “We should probably get going.”

“Yeah,” she breathed as he nuzzled her neck while slipping his hand under her skirt.

She spread for him until he was teasing over the flimsy material she wore for panties. She was already wet for him. “RJ, please.”

“Let’s go!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the booth.

She laughed and stumbled as he continued to drag her through the bar. They hit the door and ran out into the night.

“Where are you parked?” he asked, lifting her off her feet.

She held onto his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Who cares?”

He chuckled as he walked farther from the bar. “I see it.”

She was busy kissing and biting at his neck so she didn’t really care if he found the car or not. Just the taste of him was breathtaking. His salty skin called to her. Reminded her of how much she had enjoyed him earlier.

“Baby, if you keep that up we aren’t going to make it to the Jeep.”

“Uh-huh,” she murmured. Really, all that they needed to do was get to a flat surface. She wanted him inside her this time. She squeezed his waist and he groaned.

Happily, she went back to sucking at his neck.

She grunted when her back hit the side of her Jeep.

“You drive me crazy,” he told her and slammed his mouth down on hers.

She slid lower, rubbing against his hard body. “Want you…please…need you,” she managed when they broke away to breathe air in.

“Christ.” He glanced around the empty parking lot before opening the passenger door and pushing her inside.

She giggled as she fell back into the seat.

“Gonna be quick,” he warned, leaning over her and pushing her shirt up.

“Don’t care,” she promised, already starting to unsnap his jeans.

They managed to move clothes out of the way enough so he was pressed up against her.

“Look at me,” he demanded, just inches from taking her, his cock hard and pulsing at the lips of her pussy.

She lifted her head. His eyes held the power of his passion and she shivered. “RJ, now!”

He slammed inside, going deep with the first thrust. Her breath caught and she clawed at his back. Perfect, what she needed.

“Oh fuck, you feel good,” he told her as he started to pound into her.

She tightened around him and lifted her hips to meet each wild, passionate plunge. This was what she craved, what she longed for on those cold lonely nights. Someone to take her. Someone to swamp out all of her feelings and just demand a response.

“Yes! Yes!” she cried out as he rode her hard. She ran her hands over every inch she could touch, his head, his shoulders, chest, and stomach. The ink on him rose and shimmered as they moved in sequence.

“Mine, all mine.” He spoke each time he buried himself back inside.

She heard him talking but couldn’t concentrate on the words. The feel of him inside her, the sight of the pleasure on his face, and the fierceness in his eyes was mesmerising. The pressure built until she couldn’t stand it.

“RJ, please!”

He grabbed her face and their eyes locked. “Mine,” he growled.

His eyes were almost wolflike and his teeth became elongated. She knew the wolf was close to the surface. Her own animal was clawing to get out. To be claimed.

“Yes,” she told him. There was no doubt she belonged to him one hundred per cent.

He snarled, throwing his head back, slammed inside.

“Yes!” she cried again as she exploded. Her orgasm tore through her body. She clutched at him, pulled, tried to anchor herself.

He followed her over the edge, spilling his seed inside her, marking her with his scent.

Long minutes went by as they both tried to get their control back.

He planted both hands on either side of her head. He waited until their gazes locked. “You know what this means?” he asked quietly.

“Yeah…” She cleared her throat. “Yes.”

“I will mate you, Nikki Stratton. And soon.”

She had no doubt and that scared the crap out of her.

Chapter Seven

Freshly showered, nervous, and almost desperate, Nikki drove down the empty roads with Brandon beside her and Justin in the back seat.

She had expected more questions but the men must have seen something in her face that convinced them that when she said they needed to come with her, they did.

She needed to tell them about her and RJ. She should prepare them. Her fear was that her emotions were too all over the place to hide once she was in the same room with the man.

But every time she opened her mouth, she couldn’t get the words out.

“Nik,” Brandon called softly. “What is going on?”

She had to give him credit that he had remained quiet for so long. In only a few more minutes, they would pull up to the house RJ and his brothers shared.

“I need you to trust me, Brandon. To know that I love you more than anything.”

He covered her hand that was on the wheel. She released her grip and held onto him. “You’re scaring me,” he said, kissing her hand.

“Brandon, please trust me.” She made the turn to the Cross house and felt him tense next to her.

“What are you doing? Nikki, why are we here?”

She shook her head and continued to drive.

“Stop the car,” he ordered.

It took all her willpower to remove her hand from his hold and put it back on the wheel to continue towards the house.

“Nicole Stratton, pull this car over!”

She whimpered at the tone, her wolf wanting her to obey the dominant with her.

“Please, Brandon.” She pressed her foot down on the gas pedal, moving them quicker before she lost her nerve. The house came into sight, with RJ standing on the porch.

She pulled up in front of him and took a deep breath. “Just come inside. Talk to Dylan, work this out.”

Brandon growled long and low.

“Oh shit!” Justin barked a laugh from the back seat. “This is actually a good idea.”

Brandon snarled at him and wrapped his hand around Nikki’s upper arm. “What were you thinking?”

She shook, his fury hard for her to handle, but she had to try.

“Get us out of here,” he demanded, shaking her a little. He was still in control, making sure he didn’t hurt her, but she still wanted to roll over for him.

“Too late,” Justin piped up from the back seat. “Look.”

They glanced towards the porch where two other men had joined RJ.

“Just talk to him,” she begged her brother.

“Come on, man.” Justin gripped Brandon’s shoulder. “It’s a good idea.”

Brandon moved quickly, throwing his door open then slamming it closed. Nikki and Justin scrambled to catch up. They met at the front of her Jeep.

Nikki looked over the two men she hadn’t seen before, but her eyes were drawn to her lover. His gaze flickered to her but settled on Brandon, his body full of tension. No one moved for several moments.

RJ watched as the three Stratton siblings stood together, Nikki placed between the two brothers just like he and Dylan had put Ben.

No one moved or spoke. He’d convinced Ben to help set Dylan up to meet with Brandon but now, with the tension flowing through all the shifters, he had to wonder if it had been a good idea.

Nikki’s distress was evident in her face and it was all he could do to not go down and comfort her.

It was Ben who broke the silence.

“Please, won’t you all come inside so we can talk?”

Brandon glanced to his siblings before he nodded and started to the house. RJ never took his eyes off Brandon, though. Brandon, for his part, looked loose and relaxed, but RJ could tell he was just as wary.

Ben turned and led the way inside. Brandon, Nikki, and Justin followed with RJ following, and finally Dylan.

The biggest room was the den and that was where they headed.

“Please sit and be comfortable,” Ben invited.

Brandon took one of the recliners, Nikki sat on the couch, while Justin shifted nervously from foot to foot.

“I just put some coffee on, let me bring it in,” Ben stated once everyone was in the room.

“Let me help you,” Justin offered.

Dylan took the recliner across from Brandon. RJ squeezed his shoulder as he passed and sat on the fireplace hearth across the room. He hoped by taking himself out of the situation Dylan and Brandon could work something out.

“Thank you for coming,” Dylan started until Brandon snorted.

“Like I had much of a choice?”

Nikki pressed her hands together in her lap, looking guilty.

Dylan sighed and leant forward. “It seems to me my brother and your sister had a little more sense than us. We should have met earlier.”

Some of the fury seemed to leave Brandon as he took deep breaths. Brandon looked over at his sister, and RJ watched as they locked gazes. Brandon’s eyes narrowed before he looked over to him. It was clear when Brandon realised something more was going on.

“You son of a bitch!” Brandon yelled and launched himself at RJ.

RJ took a hard knock back as Brandon’s fist hit his chin. His head snapped back and he tasted blood in his mouth. He vaguely heard Nikki scream and Dylan holler as he shook his head. He managed to block the next punch to his head but missed the left to his stomach.

Dylan pulled Brandon off him and pushed him across the room to face off with him. From the corner of his eye, he could see Ben and Justin rush into the room.

“Brandon, stop!” Nikki tried to grab her brother but he pushed her back.

RJ growled but Dylan blocked his path. “No, we finish this now. If you have a problem with my family you come through me,” Dylan told Brandon.

“Is this going to be how you run the Pack?” Brandon spat at him. “You have a problem and you send in one of your brothers to seduce an innocent?” Brandon accused.

“No!” Nikki gasped.

Dylan obviously was caught off guard because he took a step back and faced him. “RJ?”

RJ shook his head. “It’s not like that. Come on, Dy, you know me.” Dylan stared at him as he searched RJ’s face for something. Finally, he nodded.

Dylan turned back to Brandon. “I do know my brother. And whatever you think, you have it wrong. But this isn’t about them, it’s about us. Do you want to challenge me? You want to do this now?”

BOOK: Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)
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