Pack Mates (Were Chronicles) (8 page)

BOOK: Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)
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Samson brushed past them and headed off, cursing them and making threats. Nikki looked up into the wide café windows and saw several tables staring at them.

“Damn it,” she muttered and dropped her head.

“Asshole,” RJ grunted, still watching Samson as he crossed to an old Chevy truck.

“Hey.” She yanked RJ forward by his belt loops. “Let it go.”

He frowned and twisted his neck. “He fucking put his hands on you.”

She held up her wrist. “And I’m fine. But now we have to go eat and make sure we show a united front.”

He glanced up at the café. “Shit.”

She moved up to her tiptoes. “We need to choose our battles. If that’s how he acts tomorrow, we may have some problems, but I didn’t realise how far gone he was. If he challenges Dylan, he won’t win.”

RJ threw his arm around her shoulder and herded her to the café door with Mike following behind. “Can’t believe your brother was best friends with that dick.”

She sighed. “He actually used to be pretty nice. They stopped hanging out when they were still in school here. My second year in college they had a final falling out. Bran never told me what about, though.”

“Well, let’s try to enjoy our lunch,” RJ suggested, opening the door.

There was still a fire in his eyes but she let it go. It was going to be a long day.

Chapter Nine

RJ blew out a heavy breath as he locked the shop door for the night. Other than the encounter with Samson Lewis in front of the café, the day had gone pretty well. He’d spoken with every member of his old Pack who had come to town with them—almost fifty members. Several of the kids and teenagers had already made friends and found their place. The adults had all brought in new businesses or had found work. He hadn’t realised how much his Pack had already started to mingle into the established one.

He felt better knowing that Dylan did have some support if in trouble. Just a few of the older families didn’t want an outsider leading them.

But in the upcoming months they would need a strong Alpha in charge. The Alpha council had already set the date when the world would know for sure that shifters were among them.

“Hey, handsome,” he heard behind him. “Can a girl get a lift?”

He spun around and grinned. Nikki leaned against a street lamp, her smile welcoming. He strode to her and laid his mouth over hers. She opened for him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and pressed close.

It had only been six hours since he’d kissed her goodbye but his blood boiled and need clawed at him.

He yanked her forward, his lips still devouring her, until his back hit the door he’d just locked.

She hummed and nipped his bottom lip. “We have a little time before meeting the others.”

He liked the way she thought. He quickly unlocked the door and pushed her inside. She laughed and, walking backwards, started to lift her shirt over her head.

“First one naked gets to be on top,” she teased.

He didn’t care who was on top as long as he got her bared before him. So he pounced and helped her undress. They fumbled a little when her jeans caught on the shoes she still hadn’t removed. They laughed and tugged them off together until she was finally undressed.

“Now you,” she murmured and reached for his belt buckle.

“In a minute,” he told her and gently pushed her back onto the couch. He fell on top of her and started to kiss her once again.

He mapped her body with his hands, learning where she was sensitive and how much pressure she liked. She arched into him, dragging her nails down his back.


He just chuckled and continued his assault, feeding on her ripe breasts, full and begging for attention. She liked the way he flicked her nipples with his tongue if the volume of her moans was any indication.

He trailed his mouth down her stomach as he slipped his fingers inside. Her pussy, already wet and swollen, called to him. He buried his face in her sex and breathed deep. Her scent beckoned to every part of him. Man and wolf both wanted to claim her. To mark her where no other person would ever lay a hand on her again.

He licked at her, slowly at first, but as she spread wider for him, he just feasted, nibbling until her shouts of ecstasy bounced off the walls. When she climaxed against his mouth, he sucked down her sweet essence.

But it wasn’t enough. He pulled away from her and flipped her over. She landed with her knees on the floor next to the couch and her stomach pushed into the leather. He held her down with a hand on the back of her neck while he released his raging hard-on with the other.

His wolf howled at the show of dominance and submission.

And she arched her back, moaning and begging for him to take her.

So much, so much emotion, so much passion. There was no doubt that the woman under him was meant to be his future. He slid inside her little by little, drawing out both her pleasure and his.

Her body welcomed him.

He withdrew slowly then slammed back inside.

“Yes…yes,” she urged him on, still drunk on passion.

He growled and let himself go, pounding into her, lifting her hips and claiming her body like he wanted to do to her soul. Nikki met him thrust for thrust. The slaps of flesh coming together and their cries of joy filled the room. His orgasm came too quickly. She yelled, clamping her inner muscles around his cock, and pushed him hard over the edge.

He collapsed over her back, panting in her ear until she started to giggle. He rose slightly and brushed her sweaty hair out of her face. She grinned up at him.

“Just keeps getting better and better,” she said, her voice husky and pleased.

He laughed, pulled out of her gently and fell back down, leaning against the couch.

* * * *

RJ kept Nikki’s hand in his as they walked up the steps to his house. He could hear voices in the living room as he led the way through to the den and had to smother a grin when he walked in and saw Justin leaning close to Ben on the couch. They were alone in the room and RJ knew what would happen if they thought they still were.

“Hey, guys,” he greeted them and watched in amusement when they jumped apart. He heard Nikki smother a laugh and had to hold in his own.

Ben blushed and dipped his head. Justin, a little more comfortable, just sighed and leant back. “Great timing,” he muttered in complaint.

Nikki brushed past him and patted his head. “Better luck next time,” she teased.

Justin wrinkled his nose. “At least one of us got something.”

This time both Nikki and Ben blushed.

“Hey, I thought I heard voices,” Dylan said, joining them.

Everyone froze in place. Dylan walked halfway through the room before stopping. “What? What did I miss?”

Nikki cleared her throat, Ben was squirming in his seat, and Justin found his hands interesting.

“Okay, what?” Dylan asked again.

“Brandon’s not here yet. I’ll put the coffee on.” Ben jumped up and ran out of the room.

Dylan raised an eyebrow and glanced at him. RJ just shrugged. He wasn’t going to give Ben away. Ben would tell them when he was ready.

“Hmm,” Dylan hummed. “Okay, you want to tell me about your run-in with Samson Lewis in front of the café instead?”

. RJ thought about throwing Ben under the bus but just couldn’t do it. He strolled over to his spot on the fireplace hearth where Nikki had already taken a seat.

“He started it.”

Justin tried to hold back and a chuckle and failed. Nikki slapped a hand on her forehead while Dylan scowled at him.

“I know you did not just say ‘he started it’ like a four-year-old,” Ben commented, coming back in the room.

RJ thought about once again about telling on his younger brother but that really would make him look like a four-year-old. “Well, he did,” he complained.

Nikki elbowed him. “We were walking to the café when Samson came out and made some…rude comments.”

Dylan leant forward and RJ sighed.

“Normally, you wouldn’t lose your cool over some words. You have better control than that,” Dylan stated, plainly knowing there was more.

RJ wanted to squirm in his seat like Ben had earlier. “Yeah, well…”

“What did he say, RJ?” Dylan asked directly.

“He was talking about me,” Nikki told them quietly. RJ noticed she was also rubbing the wrist Samson had grabbed.

“And?” Dylan pressed.

“He put his hands on her!” RJ exploded and stood. “And had we not been dealing with this damn challenge, I would have taken him out.”

Dylan raised his hand. “And you would have been right but there are ways to handle things. What would have happened if Mike hadn’t been there?” Dylan asked.

“I would have fucked up what we are trying to accomplish with the Pack,” RJ admitted.

“Which was his point,” Dylan assured him.

RJ plopped back down and accepted Nikki’s hand when she held it out to him. He kissed her palm, which calmed him a bit.

“One thing for sure. He is in no condition to challenge you. He’d been drinking, heavily, and is in no way as strong as you,” RJ told him.

Dylan nodded. “That’s why they needed Brandon.” Dylan glanced at his watch. “Who should be here by now?”

“I’ll call him,” Justin said, pulling out his cell phone.

“So, if they’ve lost Brandon, does that mean they won’t challenge?” Ben asked from across the room.

Dylan shrugged. “I don’t know. Cameron tried to get hold of the elders but no one would answer. They’ve shut him out.”

Nikki groaned. “I don’t understand why they are trying to stir everyone up. There’s only, like, six of them left. They don’t even hold any positions in the Pack anymore.”

“But they’re still listened to and they advise Cameron. I think they’re worried about losing that small amount of power,” Dylan noted.

“Straight to voicemail,” Justin informed them, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “He was heading into the station. You know how he is.”

Nikki nodded. “Probably lost track of time.”

“So, is everything set for tomorrow?” Dylan changed the subject.

“The food will be there in time. Toby, from the café, volunteered to man the grills with help from some of the others. Steve, over at the church, is taking over the tables and chairs they use for their parties. I’ll meet with him to get everything set up,” Ben told them.

“I’ll catch up with Ben along with some of the older teenagers. They’ll help us get everything done in time,” Justin added.

They heard a car door and waited as Brandon walked in and joined them in the living room, still in uniform. Brandon nodded to Dylan.

“Sorry I’m late, but something came up.”

Everyone remained silent at his sombre tone.

“RJ, man… I’m sorry. Someone broke into your shop and tore it up pretty bad.”

RJ jumped to his feet before the others could even react.

“RJ, wait!” Nikki grabbed hold of his arm. He tried to shake her off but she held firm.

Brandon blocked his way. “I know you want to see, but I need to ask you a few questions first.”

RJ shook his head. “No, we all know who did this.” He looked back at Dylan.

“I’ll call Mike and have him meet us there,” Dylan said, taking charge. “You and Nikki go ahead with Justin and Ben and head over. I’ll ride with Brandon and explain on the way.”

“Now, wait just a damn minute!” Brandon ordered loudly to the whole room. “I’m the sheriff and I have some damn questions!”

RJ could feel his wolf close to the surface. He wanted to find that coward Samson and smash his face in. He rolled to the balls of his feet in preparation of jumping around the sheriff. He didn’t give a damn what the man said. He wanted to go, now.

“Brandon,” Dylan spoke calmly. “Let RJ go. I’ll explain everything.”

Brandon sighed but waved a hand. “It’s a crime scene so don’t go in without me,” he reminded.

RJ nodded and, as gently as he could, grabbed Nikki’s hand to pull her with him. He didn’t care if Ben and Justin caught up or not, but he wasn’t letting Nikki out of his sight.

Justin hit the unlock on his SUV. “I’ll drive.”

RJ let Nikki manoeuvre him into the back seat while Ben jumped into the passenger seat. The doors had barely closed before Justin took off. RJ was glad the other man was moving. Energy pumped through his body and only the fact that Nikki was rubbing his arms and legs kept him calm at all.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, kissing the base of his neck.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. “My last mission was the rescue of the feline Prince Zachary,” he started.

He heard the gasp from the front seat but Nikki just took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

“His cousin knew that Zach had mated with another cat—a bobcat who ran the unit I was in—and our departure was an opportunity,” he explained. “Before we left for the mission, Casey asked a favour of me. I’d done all of the unit’s tats but he wanted a special one for him and Zach. He wanted matching mate tats so that, when he wasn’t with his mate, he could always see him.”

BOOK: Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)
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