Read Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #Fiction

Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) (47 page)

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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Knox and I arrive at my house by three am all the way up the hill I have been teasing him and I know he is hard from it. Getting out of the car in the garage Knox grabs me "Hey my dad is home" I slap his hand off my ass, he just laughs putting it right back. By the time we make it to my room I have been thoroughly touched and teased, Knox closes the door pulling me into him. His lips find mine; opening to him he slips his tongue inside tasting me. He lifts me up onto his hips squeezing my ass as I lock my legs around him, he slips his hand under the leg of my shorts plunging his fingers deep inside me, I moan into his mouth. "You're all wet for me" he whispers as he moves his fingers bringing me close then stopping.

I growl at him as he drops me spinning me so my back is to him, he slips his hand through my backless top searing my skin with his touch, massaging my breast he pinches my nipple making me cry out, his other hand delves down the front of my shorts this time he rubs slowly as his kisses travel down my neck. I am panting already wanting him to ease the ache building between my legs; He walks me backward to the bed not stopping his assault on me. He turns me again pulling my top over my head his mouth latches onto my nipple, kissing sucking and biting, my knees begin to buckle but he holds me around the waist to steady me.

Still standing he kisses down my belly flicking my belly ring with his tongue, he eases my shorts down leaving on my heels kissing me all the way up to my thighs, he tongue darts between the soft folds of my skin causing me to shiver, holding my hips he lowers me to the edge of the bed parting my knees he kisses me, teasing me with his tongue flicking, sucking plunging deep inside me, I can't take anymore fisting my hands in his hair as I cum he continues his licking and flicking "Jesus Knox" I pant feeling him chuckle as he kisses a path up to my belly playing with my piercing again.

Sitting up I pull his t-shirt over his head sucking his nipple into my mouth, I open his jeans. He is standing in front of me as I shove his jeans and boxers down his legs. He kicks them off quickly resuming his position I take him into my mouth, repaying the favor. "Damn darlin" he groans as I move up and down his shaft he fists my hair sucking a breath between his teeth "Ok baby" he says pushing me back onto the bed his body covers mine as he pushes into me. We both moan in pleasure as he moves, rocking into me hard and fast. I claw at his back pulling him deeper as I lift my hips to his, reaching between us he rubs me fast keeping in rhythm with his movement, I feel myself building and push hard against him his fingers don't stop as he rocks inside me, I cry out his name as plunge over the edge, his movements become jerky as he falls over with me.

We lay there panting, Knox shifts his weight onto his elbows kissing my temple and along my jaw "Damn Bailey, you drive me fucking crazy" I smile at him as his lips find mine. He pulls out of me and I shiver "You cold darlin?" shaking my head I wrap my arms and legs around him as he stands up, he crawls further onto the bed laying me down again. I gaze into his beautiful eyes looking into his soul "I love you" I whisper, "I love you too darlin"


Chapter 37

Christmas Eve

I look around the sitting room checking I have everything. I put the red tablecloth over the white one and lay out all the drinks, I have Eggnog, brandy, vodka, Jack and a variety of sodas. My other table is decorated with the same but I have laid out finger food and some cakes, lighting the fire and the scented candles I turn off the main lights. The glow of the colored lights on the tree mixed with the candles gives the room a warm homey feeling. I have on a black pencil skirt with my purple cowl neck sweater, I have all the gifts laid out under the tree I am giddy with excitement. I pick up my phone checking the time, where are these guys? I text Knox

Me: Hi babe where are you?

Knox: Be there in five darlin

Ok great, "Dad! Are you joining us for a drink?" I yell up the stairs "Yeah I'll be down in a bit just catching up on some stuff" he shouts back to me. He never stops working my poor dad, he really needs a break, I walk into the kitchen checking my reflection in the window. The doorbell rings, rushing out to the door swinging it open I cry Merry Christmas! Knox, Max and Paige laugh at me "Merry Christmas Bailey" Paige hugs me, then Max. Knox steps in last "Merry Christmas darlin" he kisses me making my heart melt. I show them into the sitting room "Who wants a drink?" I ask taking coats "I'll do it darlin" Knox starts towards the table as I put the coats away. Dad comes down the stairs "Hi dad" he smiles kissing my head "Hi sweetheart"

We walk into the room arm in arm my dad already met Paige and Knox "Hey Max this is my dad, dad Max" they shake hands as my dad looks at Knox and Max "Yes dad there is two of them" I say patting his shoulder "Don't worry I had the same reaction" I wink at him. Max and Knox are both wearing black jeans, Max has on a blue shirt and Knox is wearing a grey sweater that shows off his well-defined body. We all have a drink and are about to make a toast when the doorbell rings again, my dad and I exchange looks "Is there more Bailey?" "No I only know these three," I point at my friends, dad backs out of the room to get the door.

Knox wraps his hands around my waist "You look beautiful tonight" turning I kiss him "Thank you babe, so do you" my dad walks back in looking a little worried as a woman walks in behind him, I do double take "Mom" I say "Hi sweetheart" she waves at me, leaving Knox's embrace I walk over to her hugging her tight "Hi mom, Merry Christmas" I whisper. She hugs me tight smoothing my hair "Hi baby, Merry Christmas" as I step back I see she has tears as well as me, I swipe at my eyes smiling at her. "Come on I'll introduce you" I say pulling her over to Knox "Mom, this is Knox my boyfriend" he shakes her hand "Nice to meet you Ma'am" she smiles at him "You too" I introduce Max and Paige to her too then get her a drink.

"No guesses for who did the tree" she says to me, I smile at her "You know me, go big or go home" I laugh. We sit and chat for a while then my parents excuse themselves "Wow Bailey you look like your mom" Paige says, I just smile "Yeah but I got mostly my dads personality" Knox links his hand in mine rubbing his thumb inside my wrist, looking around I smile at my friends "I just wanted to thank you guys, I lost my best friend this year but gained three more" I raise my glass to them "Awe don't make me cry Bailey" Paige says wiping her eyes. Knox kisses my head "I'm glad you came here" "Me too babe" I rub his leg.

"Ok gift time!" Paige announces She pulls out three small boxes from her bag and hands them out, opening mine I see new jewelry for my piercing, I start laughing handing her the one I got her. When she opens it she laughs too "Yay great minds Bailey" I nod. Max got me a gift voucher for the secret mall, I got him a dark blue button down shirt "Nice thanks Bailey" he leans over kissing my cheek. Knox hands me an envelope, I give him his gift for now it's a white button down shirt with black markings on the front that look like one of his tattoo's "Thanks Darlin" he smiles kissing me leaning into his ear "The rest is up in my room" he shakes his head. "Aren't you going to open it," it points to the envelope, opening it I pull out two tickets. My jaw drops turning I jump on him "Oh my god, Knox" I actually squeal jumping all over him. I wave the tickets at Paige and Max "Nickelback" I jump around the room like a five year old, Knox is laughing at me as jump on him again "Thank you Knox, thank you" I kiss him all over his face.

"Your welcome beautiful" I kiss him again, I love this guy so much. Paige and Max are watching us laughing themselves "you guys are cute" Paige quips. My dad walks in to the room "Who wants dinner?" We all walk into the kitchen, my mom is watching me "Look" I say waving the tickets at her, she rolls her eyes "Good now you can get a new t-shirt to sleep in" she smiles, I nod "Yeah a whole bunch of stuff" I am so excited I can't stop smiling, Knox pulls me into him kissing my head "You are priceless Darlin".

My dad takes out the plates for every one "So where did you get the food sweetheart?" dad asks, "Dad, don't be like that. I can cook" he laughs at me "I know you can but these are not my dishes" Knox raises his hand "That would be me, I wanted to help Bailey considering she offered to have us over" my dad nods at him "Thank you". We sit to eat Knox's mouthwatering lasagna, he made two knowing Max would want more. My mom stays pretty quiet which is weird for her but I am kind of happy she is here.

"Do you kids have plans for new years eve?" she asks us, Knox has a mouthful of food so Max answers "Knox and I have to work but we are doing a theme this year" my mom nods "Which is?" Max coughs "We are doing a Hollywood, black tie theme" she smiles politely "That sounds lovely, you should have told me Bailey and I could have brought your prom gown you never got to wear" I shrug "That's ok I have a dress I can re-wear" my mom looks shocked "Bailey!" she exclaims "You can't re-wear a gown" I laugh she is still the same "Mom I'm going to bar not a five star hotel" she looks at aghast "No Bailey I will take you shopping before I go, my treat sweetheart" she pats my hand, I am about to say something along the lines of hell no when I catch my dad's eye and he shakes his head "Ok mom, if you want. Hey can Paige tag along?" mom nods "Of course dear"

After dinner Knox and Max clean up the food and wash the dishes, Paige and I watch, having a running commentary on them "Oh did you see how Max rinsed that dish?" I nod "Yes I am liking the way Knox swings the dish towel as saunters to the cupboard" we are not doing a very good David Attenborough impersonation. "As you see here in the wilderness of the lake-district we have two species. Both male, showing dominant tendencies" Knox throws a bread roll at me "Be quiet or I'll go all dominant on your ass" I throw the roll back "What's new?" Paige and I laugh so hard she falls off the chair "OMG Bailey!" she cries as I help her up still laughing. Max is shaking his head "Someone had too much Eggnog" he says over his shoulder, Paige and I are still laughing. "Oh crap I need to pee!" she squeals running out of the kitchen making me laugh again.

My mom walks in seeing me wiping my eyes "What's wrong Bailey" she looks concerned and I just shake my head "Oh nothing I was laughing at Paige" She gives me a hug "Ok I am going to my hotel I'll see you tomorrow, its nice to see you laugh again I miss hearing it" she rubs my face then waves at Knox and Max "Night Ma'am" they say together. I sit on the chair taking a breath oh that was funny. Knox is smiling at me "What's up?" I ask, he shakes his head "It is nice to hear you laugh" he winks. My phone rings from the counter, grabbing it I answer "Hello" "Hey beautiful Bails, Merry Christmas" I smile a wide smile "Well Merry Christmas to you too stranger. Is this how it's going to be from now on? Birthday's, Christmas" Roger laughs "No babe, I just got home tonight I lost my phone so this is my new number" "What? Crap I can send you all the videos back if you want, I put them on a disk and now I will have to reprogram you and you're ringtone" I smile "Yeah yeah I Know I'm a pain in the ass but you love me, still, I think" "Yes I love you still, you're a pain in the butt but I do still love you" "Ok I was just checking, anyway I better go we have company here, Merry Christmas babe" "Merry Christmas Roger" I sigh and hang up then save his number.

Knox is looking at me "everything ok?" "Yes my love it's all good" he takes my hand lifting me up from the chair "Are we getting a movie or drinking by the lake?" I smile at him pulling him down so I can whisper in his ear "I kind of just want to have sex with you but we have guests" he groans pulling me close "Me too" he whispers back. We all pile into the sitting room "So what are we watching?" Max asks cuddling Paige on the love seat "Well usually I go for action and stuff but I really want to watch Bridget Jones, it's a great Christmas movie" Max and Knox groan together, Knox covers his face with a pillow "Ok darlin whatever you want" he says from behind it. Max laughs hiding his face behind Paige's hair.

"You two are assholes" I say opening the DVD player, I put in the disk then climb up beside Knox with the remote, I close the player and let it play. Die Hard comes on and they both look at me "Next time Knox Porter you are watching a chick flick" I point at him, he bites my finger "Owe" he raises his eyebrows and sucks on my finger. Man he is being a real jackass getting me all hot. When the movie is over Max and Paige leave "You guys can stay" I say they both decline "See you tomorrow bro" Max gives Knox a hug "Drive safe" he tells them, we watch them drive away and I am feeling sad. "What's wrong darlin?" "I thought Max wanted to stay so you guys could wake up together" Knox laughs "Don't worry I will spend tomorrow night with him" he takes my hand leading me up to my room, closing the door behind me I walk through into the bathroom. He follows me in sitting on the edge of the bath "Yes?" he smiles I like watching you doing your face "I am washing it off now" he shrugs putting his hands beside his legs.

I take off my top and skirt then wash my face, Knox is watching my every move "Babe you're being creepy again" he laughs "Jesus Bailey I am only watching the woman I love" I wave him over handing him my hair brush taking it he brushes out my hair, he is gentle and careful unlike me who rips the brush through it. When he is finished he lifts me up carrying me to bed "Wait" I say hoping off the bed running into my closet. I reappear with his presents handing them to him "Darlin we said only Twenty Dollars" I smile sitting beside him "I know but I got these ages ago, its nothing big" he kisses me opening the box set of his cologne when he puts it down I grab it sniffing the box like a weirdo, he laughs at me "You like that huh?" I nod.

He opens the second gift, looking at the box he opens it "I already put stuff on it" he smiles plugging it into the socket "A digital photo frame" he says looking at me then watches the pictures I put on it. I have some of me from the summer, then both of us after we first met. I also put the one of me in my black mini skirt that he has as his phone screen, there is some of him singing at the bar and me dancing in front of him and the last one is of us kissing. "Where did you get all these photos?" I smile "Paige, she has been my wing man all along"

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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