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Authors: Megan Ziese

Soldier's Women (5 page)

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He signed Sera in and then went and sat down beside her.

He felt relieved to see that she seemed to be getting some of the color back
in her cheeks. He was also glad to see that more heaving fits were not imminent.
He hadn’t been sure if he could handle anymore without losing some of his own

After about ten minutes in the waiting room, a nurse finally called Sera’s

Nigel didn’t wait for Sera’s permission, he got up with her and went to where
the nurse stood at an open door that led to a different part of the building.

“We are ready to take some vitals and then you can see the doctor.”

Nigel followed the two women to a row of chairs, patients, and nurses lined
up in front of some sinks and bathrooms.

The nurse took Sera’s blood pressure and weighed her, writing down all of the

It wasn’t long before the nurse was leading them further back in the building
to one of the waiting rooms.

“Now, Sera, you know I need you to put on one of the gowns so that the doctor
can check you and then we’ll do the sonogram and check on the babies and

Nigel hesitated at the door. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see Sera naked,
but he didn’t want her to make a big scene about not letting him in. Of course,
the staff might just put it down to relationship trouble.

The nurse smiled at Nigel. “Would the father like to come in?”

Sera answered for him before he could. “No, the father would not like to come
in. The father would like to remain in the hallway while I get dressed,” she
said to Nigel with a look in her eyes that dared him to say otherwise.

The nurse shrugged her shoulders and walked away to check on more

Nigel stood outside and waited for the okay to enter the room with Sera.

A few minutes later, he heard her voice through the door.

“Okay, Nigel, you can come in now. I’m decent.”

Nigel entered the room.

“And I’m disappointed,” he said with a wink as he entered. Finding a small
round stool, he sat down.

“Well, you shouldn’t be. Pregnancy isn’t used by models to enhance their

He looked her deep in the eyes before he spoke again. “It’s true that I
didn’t know you before you were pregnant, but you couldn’t be more beautiful or

Sera blushed at the compliment, looking away, feeling a little uncomfortable.
He was probably just saying that because he knew she was carrying his child. In
some way that was like complimenting himself, she was certain. Of course you
look good, it’s because of my sperm, you know. Men always thought their
sperm had super powers. Typical, alpha male behavior. But, if she’d been a
lioness, he would definitely have been the perfect mate. He was all male pride
and superiority, strength and testosterone.

He took that opportunity to really examine her again. She was sitting on an
examination table wearing a medical gown they had provided. It did nothing to
damper her looks. It appeared pregnancy agreed with her. Or perhaps she had
always had that glow about her, after all, he hadn’t met her before she’d gotten
pregnant. Or, if it didn’t sound like down right conceit, perhaps it was his
child that made her glow so, perhaps it was the knowledge that it was his.

It wasn’t long before the doctor came knocking on the door, effectively
ending the awkward silence that had stretched between the two.

“Yes, come in,” Sera said, trying not to look at Nigel. The only other person
she’d ever brought with her to the doctor was Irene. She had felt fine with her
because she never stayed in the room during the examination process, which was
really dehumanizing. Nigel either didn’t know what happened next or didn’t feel
the need to leave. He was such a man!

As the doctor entered the room, he beamed at both of them and spoke to Nigel,
“This must be your husband!”

Nigel responded before Sera could. “We’re not married.”

Dr. Yules looked appropriately apologetic. “I’m sorry, your fiancé.”

“She’s not my fiancé,” he corrected the man again.

“Oh . . . ,” the doctor looked a little confused and more uncomfortable,
“your girlfriend.”

Nigel decided to leave it at that since it was getting more and more
uncomfortable by the minute, and he was afraid he would be booted out.

The doctor began the process of checking Sera, and Nigel turned away to give
her some privacy.

When the doctor left so that the nurse could come in and perform the
sonogram, Nigel followed him out.

“Listen, doc,” he said, catching the man’s attention before he could get
away. He needed to talk to him. He was almost entirely certain, but he needed to
be sure.

“Yes,” Dr. Yules replied, turning around.

“I’ve been overseas for months.”

Before he let his heart get completely involved, he had to be sure.

For a minute, the doctor looked at him blankly, but then recalled that Sera
was one of the few patients he had that had been artificially inseminated.

“Sir, I assure you that the insemination for Sera was performed here by my
partner, who has had years of experience in that field. He used a specimen from
you that we received from storage. There is no room for error, we do not make
mistakes—the babies she is carrying are yours.” With that said, he turned to get
back to work.

He had felt certain before, but now the doctor had confirmed it. Sera was
carrying his children. As the doctor had said, there was no room for error. He’d
been in shock before, but now it was very real to him that he was going to be a
father. The doctor and the visit to his office had only driven the idea home for

He went back into the examination room.

The medical gown that Sera had donned was pushed up to her breasts, and a
sheet was covering her below her belly, effectively exposing her stomach and
little else.

The nurse had already applied the necessary gel to Sera’s stomach and was
pressing a white wand into it, looking at a black and green screen beside her.
She found what she was looking for and pressed a button to put the heartbeats on
the speaker.

Nigel was sweating bullets—he could hear it—the sound of his child. Was it
possible? The child’s heart beat so fast. He sounded more nervous than he

The nurse smiled. “There. Do you hear that? That’s the second heart beat.
They sound just fine,” the nurse told them, smiling warmly at Sera and

Two? There were two? Two strong heartbeats, two strong babies. He was a

Soldier's Women
Chapter Five

Nigel stared at the computer screen. He’d been searching through news
archives and articles for hours. He had been conducting some research on Sera
through news and public records on the internet, since she hadn’t been very
forthcoming with any information about herself in the few encounters they had

The last article he had found was really surprising. It was an article about
small women owned businesses in their area. The article revealed that Sera
wasn’t only an heiress to a comfortable estate but she owned her own business,
she was an entrepreneur, with a very lucrative company, which she maintained
from the comfort of her own home. The information about her confused him. It
didn’t sound like she would have trouble finding a man, let alone a man who was
just as financially well off as she was, which was why he couldn’t figure out
why she had decided to get artificially inseminated. She was attractive and a
catch financially. She could have any man. Why was she single? Why hadn’t she
had children with a man? He remembered what she had said about men complicating
things and how she hadn’t wanted that. Every woman said that but he was sure
they didn’t really mean it. They wanted male companionship. They said that all
the time too.

He left his mother’s home office and sought out his mother. She had mentioned
before that an arrangement had been reached between her and Sera regarding the
surrogate process.

He found his mother was in the kitchen preparing supper.

She smiled at him when he entered.

“Supper will be ready in about thirty minutes.”

Nigel looked at the meal. It smelled wonderful. “That wasn’t what I came to
talk about.”

“Oh?” Irene said, all innocence.

Nigel scowled at his mother. She wasn’t fooling him. He knew she was trying
to getting at something. “I came to ask about the details of the arrangement you
made with Sera. You told me you put an ad in the paper looking for a surrogate
and that she was the only one you had considered because of what she

“Well, honey, I talked to Sera about what I wanted extensively before we both
came to an agreement. She doesn’t have any family. So she doesn’t have anyone to
watch after the children while she works, and she doesn’t want to take her baby
to a daycare. She works a lot because she runs her own company. But she did
really want to have a baby, to start a family. We agreed that I would watch the
children while she worked, and they would spend early mornings and nights with

“But what would make a woman agree to such an arrangement?” Nigel
asked, still confused.

He just didn’t understand Sera. And, if he didn’t understand her, how was he
ever going to convince her to be with him? He thought at first that she was
irritated for several reasons. His appearance had been a shock, that was true.
She had already made plans and, by showing up, he was disrupting those. That’s
why, although he hadn’t really liked it, he’d been more understanding with how
irritated she’d been with him at first. She had her life planned out and he was
making chaos of everything that she was convinced before his arrival was so neat
and orderly. She was irritated that he demanded to be a part of her life and the
life of his children because he wasn’t there from the beginning. He was a
stranger to her. She didn’t know him and didn’t trust him. But, surely, if she
saw that he was being honest when he said that he wanted to be involved that she
would relent and agree to be with him after a while. Right now, though, it
looked as if it was going to be a long while. It was going to take some serious
convincing with this woman.

“Sweetheart. If an opportunity had come along like that when I was young and
having babies, I would have jumped at it. It’s not like the mother doesn’t care
if she plans ahead for someone to watch her children while she works. I call
that being responsible. She doesn’t have anyone else to watch the babies and she
realizes it would also be giving me what I want, time with my grandbabies. She
doesn’t want to have children only to have to take them to a daycare where,
although the people are paid to take care of your child, they really don’t
honestly care about your child’s welfare. And there’s no way to adequately
provide for them and take care of them at the same time. The arrangement
couldn’t have been more perfect.” She paused. “Well, that was until you came
along, dear. I’m afraid you’ve gone and put a wrench in our gears.”

“You make it sound like you regret the fact that I came back,” he said, a
scowl darkening his brow.

Irene turned to look at him and laughed at the sullen look on her son’s

“Oh, no, sweetheart. That is the furthest thing from my mind. What I mean is,
Sera didn’t have any intentions of falling in love.”

Nigel gave his mother a look. He had the sneaky suspicion she was trying to
play matchmaker. It wasn’t enough that she was getting grandbabies, it seemed
she wanted much more.

* * * *

You are so beautiful,” he murmured, his voice a hot caress against the shell
of her ear. He let his large rough hands roam her body before they settled on
her breasts, cupping them and kneading them gently.

“These are my babies,” he said as he laid his hand gently on her stomach.

“You are my woman,” he murmured in her ear, sending shivers of awareness
through her as he nibbled the side of her neck.

She supposed his possessiveness of her was slightly archaic, but she found it
appealed to her somehow. It didn’t sound like he was treating her like a piece
of his property when he said it. It made her feel … beautiful and desirable. No
one had ever made her feel like that before.

When he said nothing more, she settled back against him. She felt his breath
within his chest as it moved against her back, felt his warmth. She felt his
breath against her skin, his mouth.

“You don’t know the burning lust you stir in me, Sera,” he said in a husky
growl that seemed equal parts frustration and desire as he turned her in his
embrace, fisted one hand in her hair to tip her head back, and lowered his head
to cover her mouth with his.

She felt the heat and pressure of his mouth, the faintly rough texture of his
tongue as he explored it, ravished it with his possessiveness. Closing her mind
to her doubts, she reveled in the heated cloud of pleasure that enveloped

Her palms and fingertips tingled with sensation as she lifted her hands and
skimmed them lightly along his defined arms, across his broad shoulders, and
then downward over his muscular chest. She felt his heart pounding against her
palm as she cupped his bulging pecs and when she traced a path downward past his
narrow waist, she curled her fingers around his hot throbbing cock, reveling in
pleasure as it jerked to attention within her grasp.

Nothing had ever felt more right.

She rose up and guided his cock into her pussy.

Watching her movements, his hands caught her buttocks to help stabilize her.

She lowered herself onto his heated flesh, engulfing the head of his cock
within the mouth of her sex.

The pleasure was too much, he couldn’t hold back, and he surged upward.

The moisture-slick walls of her passage fisted around him in need as he bore
down on her hips to slip deeply inside of her.

He nibbled along her throat as she threw her head back in ecstatic pleasure
at feeling him thrusting deeply inside of her.

She felt the nip of his teeth, the soothing warm wetness of his tongue as he
explored her throat and the side of her neck and her ear.

She turned, seeking his lips once more as he slowly thrust and retreated into
her pussy, massaging her deeply as he ground his groin against her nether lips.
He thrust into her with a ravenous need that was contagious, all consuming. Heat
surged through her at the urgency of his kiss. She felt her body climbing toward
its zenith with dizzying speed. She struggled against it, struggled to hold on
to the pleasure only a little bit longer, but there was no use, she was already
too far gone.

Her body shuttered with the first quakes of release.

The alarm clock went off with a blaring buzz. With a start, Sera woke up. She
cussed, loudly, swatting at the alarm clock. “Dammit!”

Horror at the fact that Nigel was the star of her dream flitted over her. It
couldn’t dull the awareness of her body though. Her cheeks were flushed. Her
skin was sensitive, and her pussy throbbed with need. She couldn’t believe she’d
been fantasizing about that stubborn ass man, no matter how good looking he

Trying to shake off some of the after effects of her dream, she got up and
got dressed. Looking at the clock, she realized she didn’t have that much time
before her next doctor’s appointment. She decided to have a drinkable breakfast
and get over to Irene’s before she was late.

She left the house after she had finished ‘breakfast’, feeling pretty
content. She had gotten to the point where she was hardly ever sick, but still
felt like it was a good idea to have someone else drive her for safety’s sake.
Driving and puking your brains out was not something you could multitask.

Although she did still get a little nauseated when she rode in the car, she
was beginning to think she would live and she wouldn’t have to endure the
morning sickness all the way through her pregnancy. She had another problem,
though. Now that she wasn’t puking her brains out, she had gotten so horny she
almost couldn’t stand it. The naughty dream she’d had last night was proof
positive of that. The need had become bad enough that she had decided she would
get her a dildo on the next trip to town. She’d never bought one before. She
needed an experienced woman’s know how on this one. Perhaps Irene would be able
to help. In fact, she was counting on it.

The dildo dilemma had her so deep in thought, she didn’t realize she’d
already made it to Irene’s when she found herself in the yard. She made her way
up to the front door and knocked as usual. She couldn’t hold back the smile on
her face. Irene would probably think she was a total pervert when she told her
what she wanted to get before her appointment today.

Her smile faded when the door opened and Nigel told her to come in.

“Just let me grab the keys and we’ll be off.”

Sera’s face became crestfallen. She’d been counting on Irene to take her.
Nigel had taken her to her last visit. She’d thought surely he’d had enough of
playing daddy for a while, and that he wouldn’t want to drive her anymore,
especially after how sick she’d gotten on her last ride with him.

This was going to ruin everything!

“Nigel, are you sure you want to take me? I mean . . . .” Before she could
finish, Nigel interrupted.

“Yes, I’m sure. I want to be there for my children. I already told you that.
I don’t want you to think that it’s an inconvenience for me. And I don’t want
you to think it’s because I have nothing better to do now that I’ve left the
military. I’m happy to go. And, after all, it’s as much my responsibility to
take you as it is yours to go,” he said, smiling his delectably irritating smile
at her.

Sera pursed her lips angrily. Yes, he would be cheerful as a lark
volunteering his services when she didn’t want them, wouldn’t he? Any other man
would have to be dragged to the doctor’s office, but not Nigel Savage. He was
such an excellent Daddy, such a prime cut of man, she couldn’t peel him off. She
already knew getting Irene to take her now was a lost cause, Nigel obviously
wasn’t the kind of man that would take no for an answer once he’d made his mind
up. That thought suddenly brought the fact that he’d proposed up. He hadn’t
mentioned it again, though. Perhaps he hadn’t been as dead set on the idea as
he’d made himself out to be. He didn’t let anything else he wanted drop,
including the idea that his sons should be named after him and his father.
Stubborn man, it would serve him right if the babies turned out to be girls. Men
always wanted boys. He probably wouldn’t want them so much then. But somehow,
that thought didn’t make her nearly as happy as she thought it would.

BOOK: Soldier's Women
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