Read Soldier's Women Online

Authors: Megan Ziese

Soldier's Women (6 page)

BOOK: Soldier's Women
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Soldier's Women
Chapter Six

As the two of them drove together, an awkward silence consumed them. Sera
began to fidget with her purse, trying to avoid looking at Nigel. She knew they
were getting very close to the store she wanted him to stop at. If she didn't
mention that she wanted to stop now, there wouldn't be enough time. She weighed
her options. Neither prospect was appealing.

“Nigel, can we make a quick stop before we reach the doctor’s office?”

Nigel looked over at Sera, his brow furrowing with unspoken questions.

“Sure, where do you need to stop?”

Sera was thankful that he had decided not to voice any of the questions she
could tell he had. But the hard part was not over yet.

“There is a pharmacy just a few blocks from here. You can see it from the
road. Do you mind stopping there for just a minute?”

“It's fine with me. Are you sick?”

“No, I’m just fine.”

“Are the babies okay?” he asked, his face filled with concern as he looked at
her and then her stomach.

Sera blushed with embarrassment. She hadn’t thought he’d actually worry about
the babies. “The babies are just fine. I just need to pick something up.”

Nigel didn’t ask any more questions, but he wondered why she hadn't mentioned
that she had wanted to stop at the pharmacy before they got in the car.

A few minutes later, he pulled into the pharmacy parking lot and shut off the

“I’ll only be a minute,” she said as she got out.

“Okay, I'll just wait right here for you,” he told her.

Sera was filled with relief. She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d
been holding. Thank goodness. As if this wasn’t hard enough, she didn’t
need him tagging along. This would give her the opportunity to get
something without having him see her do it. She just didn't know if she could
stand the embarrassment. It was mortifying enough that she had such intense need
that she had to go to a store to buy a toy just to assuage it.

Sera got out of the car and headed for the pharmacy, since she’d told him
that was where she had wanted to go. Making her way inside, she headed for the
section of the store that housed intimacy products. The pharmacy didn't have
much in the way of product selection or variety, but she finally decided she
needed to make a quick decision or else Nigel might come in the store looking
for. She needed proof that she bought something at the pharmacy and she could
hide her adult toy in the pharmacy bag after she’d purchased it if it was in a
box and too big for her purse so that he wouldn’t know she’d gone to the adult
store to get something. She browsed the intimacy section and quickly selected a
tube of lube, thinking that she would probably need it if she was going to have
to play with plastic.

After paying for her lube, she went to the entrance of the pharmacy and
placed the pharmacy bag on her arm as she peered out into the parking lot to see
if Nigel was looking in the direction of the building. She was surprised to see
that he wasn’t in the car anymore. Figuring that he had gotten tired of waiting
in the car, she decided it was the perfect opportunity to make her way unseen
into the sex shop that was located right next door to the pharmacy. Trying not
to look like she was sneaking, she walked quickly and as casually as she could
to sex shop just a few steps away.

Opening the door, she hurried inside, cursing the bell on the door that
announced her presence. Thankfully, no one looked at her like she was the most
perverted woman to ever walk the earth as she came in. It was amazing how
naughty she felt for just having walked into the store. But she couldn't let
that bother her now. She was a woman on a mission. She had a problem that needed
attention, and, since she didn’t have a man, she was going to have to fix it

Looking around the store, she noticed that there were quite a few male
customers inside browsing. A feeling of dread worked its way down her spine as
it occurred to her suddenly that Nigel might have entered the store.

Not knowing whether or not he was inside since she didn't see him, she
figured it was best to quickly purchase something before she was discovered.
With urgency in her step, she walked the short distance to a row of shelves that
had all kinds of various plastic toys encased in clear boxes. She grabbed the
first thing that looked like a dildo and headed straight for the checkout

Placing her find on the counter, Sera opened her purse and took out her
wallet, eager to have the transaction over with.

The female employee behind the counter greeted her with a smile.

“You know, our large butt plugs are on sale this week,” she said pointing to
the larger butt plugs that were hanging next to the one that she had

Horrified beyond belief, her mouth hanging wide open, it was a moment before
Sera could collect herself enough to find her voice.

“I don't want a butt plug,” she protested in an angry whisper.

The woman behind the counter picked up the product Sera had laid down.

“That's what this is ma'am.”

Irritated, Sera leaned forward over the counter and told the clerk, who
seemed to want to argue with her, “Look lady, I don't have time for this. I’m
pregnant and hormonally challenged. I need dick, damn it! I don’t want a
fucking butt plug!”

Just then she heard movement behind her. To her chagrin, she turned to find
Nigel was standing right behind her, a cocky grin on his face. There was no
doubt in Sera's mind that he had heard every word of her conversation with the
employee. She could feel her temperature rise and a blush creep up her neck and
into her cheeks. The look on his face really made her want to knock him in the

As she turned to tell the clerk to shove the butt plug up her own ass, she
discovered the clerk was finishing lining up dildos all down the counter.

The woman proceeded to launch a spiel she must have given many times.

“This here is our classic line, starting with Black Beauty. As you can see,
all the classics we carry our ten inches and up . . . .”

Sera gaped at the woman in shock. But as horrified as she was, she was also
awed and a little bit intrigued by the row of dicks on the counter and the
features she had never thought of, but she excused herself before the woman
could finish her sales pitch and raced past Nigel for the door. Bastard! She was
so embarrassed she couldn’t stay and buy anything. Now what was she going to do
about her problem?

Soldier's Women
Chapter Seven

She was so pissed off with Nigel all the way to her doctor’s appointment that
she didn’t want to speak to him. Embarrassment might have also played a hand in
not wanting to talk to him. She shouldn’t feel embarrassed. She tried to tell
herself that she was a grown woman, that adults did things like purchase
entertainment for themselves, but it was useless. The situation had gotten away
with her. And, worse, she felt he had really enjoyed it. It was strange, but
even after all the throwing up she’d endured during her pregnancy, she would
have never guessed that she would, but she desperately wanted to be sick again
so she could throw up all over him, all over that handsome face with his cocky
grin. She had a feeling that would wipe that grin right off of his face in a
surefire hurry.

Despite the evil glares she gave him the rest of the way to the office, he
continued to grin like a jackass. Thankfully, he was wary enough of her temper
that he did attempt to hide it, a little, and was smart enough not to mention
what he’d witnessed.

When the appointed visit was over, he walked her to the car, but instead of
opening the car door for her like he always did, he turned to her and pushed her
against the side of the car, his body flush against hers.

“Sera, let’s be adult about this,” he said, a wickedly handsome grin on his
perfect lips.

Sera’s temperature began to rise. She could feel her hormones raging,
screaming at her to take him up on his offer, anything, anything to assuage the
lust that was slowly beginning to drive her crazy. She needed dick and now. She
had never wanted sex so much in her life, and feeling his well-sculpted physique
pressed so hard against her, feeling the definition of his large cock and the
evidence of his arousal, did little to cool her ardor. She was determined to let
him believe that she wasn’t interested in him though. “You can go to hell.”

Shrugging it off, he opened the door for her and then made his way over to
the driver’s side.

Sera was surprised when he got in the car and started the car and didn’t say
anything else on the matter. She felt damned indignant about it actually. He was
hell bent on playing daddy, but it seemed like he really didn’t want any part of
her. She didn’t even know why he’d offered dick services to begin with. He
obviously wasn’t attracted to her. Perhaps he thought he was being nice, helping
her with her problem. Well, she didn’t need sympathy. She didn’t want a pity
fuck. And she didn’t know why it bothered her so much that he seemed so
disinterested in her personally. It should have made her happy, but, strangely
enough it just kind of depressed her.

She was so deep in thought over his slight, she didn’t notice he took her to
her place instead of his mother’s.

He got out and opened her door for her, another archaic gesture, but one she
couldn’t say that she minded in the least. It would have been romantic if she’d
thought he cared anything about her.

She got out of the car and realized he was right behind her when she put the
key in the lock. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he put his arm around
her waist and leaned against her.

With his mouth close to her ear, his hot breath tickled as it caressed the
skin of her neck. “Can I come in?”

“No!” She reddened at the tone of voice she’d used. She hadn’t meant to
practically shout it at him, but he was making her feel so strange, so awkward,
so out of her element. She couldn’t think straight around him, damnable man. He
was so infuriating. One moment, he was all charm and hot, and the next he was
all seriousness and possessiveness.

He grabbed her as she opened the door, waltzing her in and shut the door
behind them, quickly locking it. The minute he shut the door he hunched her at
the wall, slamming his lips against hers in a punishing kiss.

Either he was completely unaware of Sera’s feeble attempt to dislodge him or
he chose to ignore it.

He speared the fingers of one hand into the hair at the back of her head,
holding her when she tried to retreat from the dizzying sensations he was
sending through her. He repositioned his mouth more firmly over hers and thrust
his tongue more deeply into the moist cavern of her mouth, boldly exploring
every inch of it.

She managed to make a sound, but even she wasn’t entirely certain if it was a
sound of distress or encouragement. And if she was distressed, she wasn’t sure
if it was because of what he was doing or because of the way it made her

Her back bumped against the wall. She had no idea how he’d pinned her or how
he’d managed to maneuver her there. She tried to push him away before all of her
will was gone.

Prying her hands from his chest, he manacled her wrists with his large hands
and pinned them to the wall on either side of her. His groin made almost painful
contact with her pussy as he curled his hips, his thick, throbbing cock sending
quakes along the channel of her sex. The feel of his hard body and the evidence
of his arousal along with the heat that his mouth and tongue generated made her
pussy wet for him.

They made their way awkwardly across the house as he divided his attention
between getting her to the couch and focusing on her body, teasing her with
nibbling kisses until she wasn’t certain if she was so thoroughly disoriented by
his kisses or the dizzying movement. Everything stopped spinning as he dragged
her onto the couch, pulling her shirt up at the same time.

“Mmm, mine,” he murmured, running the tip of his tongue over each taut nipple
as he claimed them for himself.

The possessive word was a pleasurable groan against her skin as he explored
the soft flesh of her breasts that he now clasped in his hands. She arched her
back to press one breast more firmly into his mouth, almost coming off of the
couch completely as he finally covered the tip with his mouth, sucking on it
until she thought she would surely die of pleasure before he released it and
nuzzled his way across her breasts to the other nipple. She clutched at him
desperately, threading her fingers through his dark hair one moment and running
her hands over the muscular definition of his shoulders and arms the next.

“You are mine,” he said in a husky whisper against her skin, wandering
downward until his chin met the waistband of her jeans. He shifted upward again,
covering her mouth as he tugged her jeans completely off. He cupped her sex,
stroked the outer lips, and then delved the cleft to find her clit.

She gasped as he stroked the sensitive bud, inhaling the intoxicating scent
of him. She felt herself falling deeper and deeper into a sea of sensations that
were dragging her into a world full of nothing but dark, heated pleasure.

He shoved her legs apart, grinding his thick cock against her pussy lips.

“Nigel,” she whispered a little desperately.

She gasped when he shifted slightly away to drag his dick along her cleft and
connect his body to hers.

He moaned as he pushed inside of her, feeling her tight flesh enveloping him
slowly. He strained to press deeper, thrust in and out of her a few times to
coat himself with her moisture. “You’re so tight,” he muttered breathlessly, “so

Her sex clenched tightly around his cock at his words, milking him.

Sucking in a harsh breath, he felt his face twist with the monumental effort
it took just to bury himself another inch.

She tensed all over as he finally drove home, panting for breath.

He tensed, as well, struggling against the need to thrust into her like a
wild animal until he came.

She groaned, shaking her head in pleasure, clawing at his shoulders.

The feel of her sex tightening around him again, so tightly it was pushing
his cock out, broke his control. Slipping a hand beneath her to tilt her hips
up, he began to thrust into her in deep, short bursts, pounding into her.

She groaned, arching her head back, her entire body tensing with culmination.

Grinding his teeth, he struggled to maintain the rhythm she needed to finish
until she began to quake all over, moaning.

The quakes of her sex drove him beyond sanity. He increased his pace and the
depth of his thrusts, curling his hips to grind them against her when he felt
his body begin to yield up his seed, shuttering and gasping when he managed to
catch a breath between the hard spasms.

Relief coursed through him when his body finally ceased to convulse.
Exhausted, he lay down beside her on the couch, one arm slung over her, and they
both passed out.

BOOK: Soldier's Women
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