Read Taken by the Trillionaires Online

Authors: Ella Mansfield

Taken by the Trillionaires (2 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Trillionaires
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Erin obeyed slowly, her eyes glaring daggers at the audience. She knew it wasn’t their fault her parents were selling her, but in her mind, if there hadn’t been a market for women, then her parents would never have considered doing such a thing. When she was facing the original direction she stopped.

“Let’s start the bidding at an even trillion for this beauty. Do I have anyone willing to pay one trillion dollars to get this beauty as your wife?”

rin did her best to stand without showing emotion. She didn’t want the men to see that she was petrified. A group of the men in the room with her would be taking her home that night, and one or more of them would be sticking their hard penises into her body. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about it. The numbers that were called out got bigger and bigger.

Finally, there were only two groups left bidding. “Five and a half trillion to the gentlemen form Wyoming. Will anyone give me six trillion?” Erin’s eyes widened when she heard six trillion.
Then seven trillion. The bidding stopped at seven trillion dollars. “Sold to the four gentlemen from Texas. Come down and sign the papers.”

Four men
walked toward the stage. One of them was a black gentleman and a good head taller than the three others. He was thin, but she’d never seen such a tall man in her life. The other three were all Caucasian, and very different from one another. She wondered how the four of them had gotten together and decided to buy a woman together.

The first one to step onto the stage had dark hair and a serious face. His right arm looked strange to her at first, and then she realized he had a robotic arm. She’d heard that medical science was able to make robotic limbs, but she had never seen one in her sheltered world. The gentleman walked to her and took her right hand in his left. Another man had stepped onto the stage
, and he began speaking, going through words she’d heard many times. “We’re gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.”

Holy God.
She was marrying the one with a robotic arm? She didn’t even know his name. How could she marry a man whose name she didn’t know? “Do you, Erin Peters, take this man, Travis Dalton, to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

She stood shaking, uncertain if she could even answer him. “I do.”
She was relieved to hear the words come out of her mouth, because she had been unsure whether they could happen.

He repeated his vows and kissed her gently, not touching her with his robotic arm, amid cheers from the audience. There was visible disappointment on many of the faces, but it was also clear that everyone was pleased that she was married and would hopefully have daughters of her own. He led her to the other three men and introduced her to them one at a time. The tall black man that she’d first noticed was introduced as Cody.

She nodded at Cody, with a whispered, “Hello.” She was a short woman, just over five feet tall. Her head was bent way back to say hello to him. “How tall are you?” she asked before she could stop herself.

He laughed. “I’m seven feet tall. I play for the Dallas Mavericks.”

“What’s that?”

The men gaped at her. “You don’t know what the Dallas Mavericks are?” Travis asked.

Cody smiled at her. “She must be as sheltered as they said. The Dallas Mavericks are a professional basketball team.”

“Oh,” she answered. She knew what basketball was, of course, but she had no idea that people actually got paid to play it. That was weird.

Travis introduced Austin next. He was incredibly sexy to her way of thinking. He had a shock of dark hair and she could see that his beard was starting to grow in, as if he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said. It wasn’t, but the manners were so ingrained, she didn’t know how to say anything else.

Austin stepped forward and cupped the back of her neck
, pulling her to him and kissing her, his lips nibbling at hers. When he pulled back, she gaped at him, listening to the roar of the crowd who was still watching the whole thing. Why had he done that? He didn’t think he was going to be able to mate with her here did he? “Nice to meet you, too.” His voice was deep and gravelly, and she felt a tingle go up her spine as she heard it.

The last one there was a man in a simple suit. He looked younger than the others and had blond hair and blue eyes. He smiled, taking her hand and pulling her into his arms. “My very own Princess Peach,” he said, lowering his head and kissing her passionately.

“Who is Princess Peach?” she asked.

The men all laughed. Travis wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “Bo will talk to you about Princess Peach so much that you’re going to be sick of hearing about her before long.”

She looked at the man who had just kissed her. “You’re Bo?”

He nodded. “You don’t know Mario?”

She shook her head. “No, should I?”

He sighed and shook his head. “Your education is sorely lacking, but I promise you, I’ll make sure you know exactly who Mario, Luigi
, and Princess Peach are.”

The four of them slowly made their way from the stage. “Where are your bags?” Travis asked as they walked out the back door they’d seen her come in through.

She shook her head. “My parents kept all my things except the clothes I was wearing. I have younger sisters who can make use of everything I had.”

Bo stared at her. “They didn’t let you bring anything?”

She hung her head. “No, I’m sorry.”

Travis squeezed her. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll buy you everything you need, Princess.”

“I’m not a princess,” she felt the need to point out. She’d read enough books that she knew what a princess was, and couldn’t imagine why they thought she was one.

Cody grinned down at her. “You are now. You’re married to four of the wealthiest men on the planet. You’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted.”

Chapter Two

They led her to the back of the coliseum and to a sleek car. She got into the back between Travis and Bo, while Cody took the passenger seat and Austin slid behind the wheel.
She did her best to make herself as small as possible so she wouldn’t be forced to touch either of the men. It seemed so strange to be in a car with four men that all had the right to do the things that were in the book her mother gave her to her body. She shuddered.

Bo slipped his arm around her, his lips going to her neck.
“You cold, Princess?”

She shrugged her shoulders, trying to keep him from touching her that way. “I don’t feel comfortable with you touching me,” she told him.

Bo laughed. “It’s not like you’re going to be going to bed a virgin tonight. You’re going to have to get used to us touching you however we want whenever we want.”

She gasped, offended. “Well, it’s not like you’re going to do anything here in the car, so please just keep your hands off me for now.”

Travis took her hand in his, drawing her attention. “We don’t want to hurt you. We’re going to treat you very well, but we will be making love to you. All of us are going to be driving into your sweet pussy before the night is over. We’ve bought you lock, stock, and barrel.”

Her eyes widened and she shivered. “All of you tonight? Wouldn’t it be better if you took turns and it was only one of you per night until I got used to you all

Travis took her hand and put it on the swell of his erection in his pants.
“Can you feel how hard I am? I’ve tried every type of fake pussy on the planet. I’ve never had a real woman clenched around me. I will tonight. I know the others feel the same way as well.”

She snatched her hand away, her breathing rapid. “I’m afraid,” she whispered in a small voice.

Travis sighed. “We’ll treat you right.”

“And all of you taking turns inside me in one night is treating me right?” she asked.

Travis didn’t comment on that and neither did any of the other men. She hoped they would at least listen to her plea and take it slower than they obviously had planned.

It took just over an hour to get from Madison, Wisconsin to McKinney, Texas in the sedan. When they arrived, Travis took her to his suite and suggested
she take a long bath. He closed the door behind her and went to talk to the other men who were gathered in the kitchen.

“She has a point,” he said, getting the attention of the other men.

Cody sighed heavily. “I know she does. I hate it, though. I really want a turn with her tonight.”

Bo nodded. “We all do. I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive us if we force it on her, though. I mean, four in one night for a virgin has got to be killer.”

Austin leaned against the counter and looked at the others. “I agree. We’re going to need to wait. She’s too special to hurt.”

Cody nodded at Travis. “So she’s yours tonight. You married her, you get to go first.”

Travis looked around. “So the order is me, Austin, Cody and then Bo, right?”

Bo sat down heavily on a chair and pouted.
“Yeah. I’ll get her in a month or two I guess.”

Travis laughed.
“One of us per night. It’s Saturday. That makes her yours on Tuesday. Your hand can handle it for another three nights.”

“My hand is tired of handling it every night!”

The other men laughed, each wishing it was easier with their new virgin bride.


Erin sat in the bathtub covered to her neck in bubbles. The water was making her calmer, but she was still frightened knowing that the men were planning to take turns with her that night.

The door opened and she jerked seeing Travis standing in the doorway looking down at her. She sank deeper into the water so she would be completely covered by the bubbles. “You couldn’t knock?” she asked, extremely offended by the way he walked in while she was bathing.

Travis shook his head. “You’re going to have to get used to us looking at you and touching you. Soon.” He sighed, standing beside the tub watching her. “Well, I talked to the others, and we’re going to do what you want. You’re mine tonight. Tomorrow will be Austin’s turn, and then Monday will be Cody and Tuesday Bo. Only one of us each night until you’re used to us.”

Erin felt
a flood of relief wash over her. “Thank you.”

He smiled and held his hand out to her. “You’re welcome. Come on out of there now. You’re getting something of a reprieve, but I still get my turn tonight, Princess.”

Erin blushed as she put her hand in his and slowly stood up, feeling the bubbles wash down her body. She stood naked in front of him, unable to meet his gaze. She didn’t want to go through with the wedding night, but after all the trouble he’d gone through to make it easier for her, she wasn’t about to back out. She just wished she knew what to do.

Chapter Three

Travis swallow
ed hard as she stood up and the bubbles dripped down her body. He had never been in the same room with a naked woman, because the few women he knew were either not willing to be with a man with a robotic arm, or they were so old they didn’t appeal to him. He stared down at her body, her pink nipples poking through the thin layer of bubbles covering her.

is cock was so hard he was certain he could have cut steel with it. He held her hand as he helped her out of the tub. He was still fully clothed, and wished he’d had the forethought to put on a robe before going into the bathroom to see her. He wanted her in bed and under him now.

He took deep even breaths, knowing he had to make tonight good for her and as unpleasant as possible to have her cooperation for the others. Technically they owned her, and didn’t need her cooperation, but he knew that they all would be much happier if they found a way to make her enjoy their attentions.

Instead of pulling her off into the bedroom as he wanted, he let his good hand trace a path from her neck down over her taut nipple to her abdomen. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.

Her eyes were wide
; he didn’t know if it was with innocence or fear, and at the moment, he wasn’t overly concerned which it was. He used his robotic arm to pull her close to him, holding her tightly against him, as he leaned down to press his lips to hers. His tongue traced her lips until she opened her mouth slightly to grant him entrance.

His good hand went to her breast, cupping it in his palm and squeezing it softly. He’d watched porn vids over and over to try to learn the correct things to do to arouse a woman.
He didn’t know about her, but he was more aroused than he cared to admit.
Maybe I should talk her into a cold shower with me?
He immediately dismissed the idea, knowing it made no sense.

Instead, he pulled back, staring down into her eyes, which were now half closed. “Come into the bedroom with me,” he suggested, taking her hand and pulling her along with him.

She had mostly drip-dried leaving a small puddle of water and suds on the floor beneath where she’d stood. She followed him into his bedroom, looking around the huge room. It was a room that had been designed to make a woman feel comfortable in it. She knew immediately that he’d taken care to try to help her feel good about the space.

The bed was huge, bigger than she’d ever seen. Her parents had a king-sized bed back in Wisconsin
, and this was easily twice the size. It had four posters and a sheer canopy hung over the top and draped around each of the posts.

He led her to the bed, and she climbed onto it, kneeling facing him. He studied her for a moment before he put his hands to the buttons at the front of his shirt and slowly undid each one. He truly didn’t want to be naked in front of her, because where his arm connected to his shoulder didn’t look pretty, as most robotic arms didn’t, but at least it was a functioning appendage.

He shrugged out of his shirt, watching her eyes shoot to his shoulder. She bit her lip as she looked at it for a moment, as if she were trying to decide how she felt about being married to a man with only one arm, but after a moment, her eyes met his again, and she gave a slight nod.

He sighed with relief. Her opinion about his body shouldn’t have mattered to him as much as it did, because he knew she’d submit to him either way, but it was nice to have her approval. He kicked off his shoes, leaning down to remove his socks as well. His hands then went to the waistband of his pants. He unfastened them and pushed them down and off, his erect member standing at attention for her.

He knew his cock was neither big nor small, and he felt no insecurity about it like he did his shoulder. He stood before her, waiting for her to get used to the sight of him before he moved to stand in front of the bed facing her. His hands cupped her cheeks. “I want you, Erin,” he whispered, using her name for what seemed to be the first time.

She stared up at him. From his position beside the bed, he was just a little taller than she was sitting on her knees on the bed. She wished she had some clue about what to do, but the only information she’d ever received about sex had been in the book about ménage that her mother had given her the previous night.

She reached up and trailed one finger from his shoulder, down over his flat nipple and through the hair that arrowed down to his penis, as if pointing out what he was about to force inside her tight body. She used the finger to just barely touch his penis, jumping with surprise as it jerked under her finger. Her eyes jerked to his. “That was…odd.”

He laughed. “Sometimes it has a mind of its own, princess.”

She moved back away from him toward the center of the bed to give him room to join her. He climbed up in front of her, kneeling in front of her, unconsciously mimicking her position. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do,” she whispered, embarrassed that she really had never thought much about sex, let alone been in a situation like this with a man.

He smiled at her, his hands going to her shoulders and stroking the soft skin he found there. “We’ll figure it out together.”

“You mean you’ve never done this before either?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Not with a real live woman. With…masturbation aids of course. I’m a man. But I never could force myself to try the old women who sell their bodies to rich men for money.”

Suddenly she felt freer. He didn’t know what he was doing either, so if she did something wrong, he wouldn’t know! It would make the night go much easier for her, she was certain. “Is it okay if I touch it? Like with my whole hand? I’ve never felt one before.”

He laughed. “You can touch it all you want. Don’t be surprised if it spits at you though. I’m really afraid I’m not going to last long enough to get it inside you.”

“Would we be done for the night if that happened?” she asked.

“Absolutely not.
I’d need a little while, but I’m sure I’d make it inside you before the night is out.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I can’t wait to feel what you feel like all clenched around me.”

She didn’t respond, but instead, reached out her hand and gripped him full in her fist, as if she were gripping a baseball bat. He grew even harder in her hand and her eyes flew up to his in surprise. “It’s really soft…but hard?” she said with surprise.

He wasn’t sure he could even respond to that, as she tentatively stroked him. “Show me how you want me to touch you,” she whispered.

He took her hand in his and slowly guided her motions, demonstrating the type of movements he preferred when he masturbated. In no time at all, he was groaning, and had sprayed her hand. She stopped
abruptly, and he grabbed her hand, forcing her to continue, until he was done jerking.

She moved her hand away, staring down at the mess they’d made. “I need to go wash my hand.”

He shook his head, instead reaching for a small pack of moist wipes on his nightstand. “Thank you for that.”

“For what?”
She had honestly hoped she could buy herself some time by making him explode in her hand. It looked to her like it had worked, and his thanks made her feel guilty. She should have been willing to open her body to him instead of playing games.

“For bringing me pleasure,” he told her. “Now it’s your turn.” His hand went to her thigh, and slowly stroked toward her core. “I think you’ll like this.”

She couldn’t stop herself from watching his hand as it moved between her spread thighs to her secret area, where no one had ever touched her. He rubbed his finger over the button that she knew was called her clitoris, and she let out a gasp of pleasure. Her eyes jerked to his, to find him watching her closely. “That feels good,” she murmured.

He chuckled softly. “It’s supposed to feel good.” His robotic hand went to her shoulder, and he pushed her back against the pillows, following her down so he was stretched out beside her. His good hand stayed between her thighs, one finger sliding into her vagina, while the thumb kept playing with her clit.

She jerked in surprise and grabbed his shoulders when his finger slid into her. She could feel where his robotic arm connected with his shoulder, but she didn’t mind so much, because she couldn’t think about it. Her mind was centered on the pleasure she was feeling.

His face was over hers as he watched her carefully for signs of pleasure or pain. When he saw only pleasure, he increased the speed of his thrusting finger, before adding another.

She felt something happening inside her, but it felt strange and she was unsure what it was. She jerked under him, thrusting up against his hand, because whatever it was, she wanted it to happen.

He was grinning at her and whispered, “Come for me, baby.”

She let out a low groan, and felt her body tighten around his finger, gasping with the pleasure coursing through her body. A silent scream echoed in her throat as she closed her eyes, giving herself over to the pleasure.

He removed his hand from her body and rested beside her, his elbow propping him up. When she opened her eyes it was to see him grinning at her. “You liked that, didn’t you?”

She blushed but nodded slowly.

He brushed his lips across hers before nibbling at her ear as he whispered, “It’s going to feel even better when my cock is pumping inside you when that happens.”

She reached down, searching for his cock, wondering if it had hardened again. The last glimpse she’d caught of it had shown her that it was small and flaccid. When her hand touched him, he let out a low grown. It wasn’t quite as big and hard as it had been, but as soon as she touched him she could feel it growing.

“Are you ready to feel it inside you?” he asked, his hand pulling her hips closer so she was crushed against him, her hand trapped between them.

She stared at him with wide eyes and shook her head slightly. “I’m scared.”

He immediately stroked his hand down her body, tweaking her nipple on the way down, trying to soothe her. “It’s going to feel just as good as it did the last time. You liked my fingers, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but your fingers are a lot smaller than your…man part.”

He laughed. “You can call it my cock. I don’t mind.”

She blushed at the crude word, but nodded in agreement. “I’m afraid your…cock is too big.”

“It’s not.” He didn’t bother to tell her that at least two of the others had bigger cocks. He knew because they’d all worked out together and showered afterward at a community gym for years. “You’ll like it,” he promised.

She sighed, certain he was wrong, but determined to do what he wanted, because it was her duty to submit to him. She rolled fully on her back and spread her legs wider, silently giving him permission to enter her.

He watched her and smiled. She was afraid, but she was a spunky little thing, and she was going to let him do it anyway. He decided that he would hurry and get started to get the scary part over with for her. There was no need to torture her by prolonging the fear. He moved between her spread thighs, and pressed his cock to her entrance, groaning at the feel of her velvety softness against his hardness.

He leaned down to kiss her at the same time that he pressed inside her, catching her gasp of pain in his mouth. Pressing deep inside her, he waited for her to get used to his size and be ready for him to move.

While he waited his lips toyed with hers, wanting her to feel nothing but pleasure when he started to move again. His hands moved over her tight nipples, teasing them.

She lay beneath him, stunned. Yes, it had hurt some, but not nearly as much as she’d expected. As she lay under him, responding to his kisses, she felt the same burning start in her loins, and she wanted him to move within her.

Finally, after a full minute had passed
, he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Does it still hurt?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Make love to me, Travis.”

Travis groaned at her eagerness, suddenly hoping that he could do it right and bring her to pleasure. He pulled out quickly and pushed back into her and watched as her face lit up with pleasure. “Okay?”

She gasped as he moved within her, stunned at how very good it felt to have him moving inside her.
“More than okay. Do that again!”

He chuckled softly in her ear as his hips began the age-old rhythm that couples had been engaged in for thousands of years. He tried to be gentle and go slowly, but she locked her legs around his hips and demanded more of him. “Harder,” she whispered in his ear, and he took that as his leave to enjoy himself fully, without worrying about causing her pain.

Within moments she was gasping and pleading with him. “That’s it! Just a little more! Please!” And then her neck arched and she clenched tight around his cock, causing him to cry out with pleasure.

“Oh yes! Fuck!” He pounded into her two more times as he spurted his seed deep inside her. He collapsed atop her, burying his face in her neck, so glad that he’d had the honor of teaching her about passion.

After a few moments, he rolled off her and pulled her into his arms. His hands roamed up and down her back and over her bottom. He sighed contentedly. Having a wife was exactly what he needed.

BOOK: Taken by the Trillionaires
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