Read Taken by the Trillionaires Online

Authors: Ella Mansfield

Taken by the Trillionaires (5 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Trillionaires
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Lewis came into the room then and announced dinner. Cody joined them at the table as they ate the simple meal the cook had provided.

Erin took her time eating, even though she was more than a little aroused, because she felt that Bo needed to slow down and take his time. When she looked at him, she didn’t want to have an experience like she’d had with Austin the previous night. She’d wanted Austin to enter her the second they were alone, but she wanted something different from Bo, though she wasn’t sure why.

As soon as she’d pushed her plate away, Bo got to his feet and took her hand, while the others watched them closely. “Good night, everyone,” he said as he dragged her out of the room.

He took her to his wing of the house, which was laid out much like the others. The odd thing about his area was there were posters everywhere of a short looking cartoon character with a red hat and mustache with a girl in a long pink ball gown and a tiara. The man was a trillionaire, and could afford any kind of décor he wanted, but he had posters of cartoons?

Dragging her toward his bedroom, he stopped outside the door. “I’m going to go in and get you a dress to put on, along with a tiara. I want you to change, and then come into my bedroom, where I’ll be waiting for you!” Bo’s face was filled with excitement.

“You’re really going to make me dress up like some princess?”

“Not just any princess. Princess Peach!” He hurried into the room closing the door in her face.

She stood looking at the closed door, wondering just what was wrong with the man. He came back moments later with a gown over one arm. He put the tiara in her hand and led her to a room filled with old video game consoles that were under glass. “Hurry!” He went back into his bedroom and closed the door.

She shook her head, trying to figure out why he was being so strange,
then looked down at the gown he placed over the back of a chair. She reached out and touched it, surprised to find that it was silk. Her mother had a silk blouse that she’d left to hang in her closet, knowing they’d never be able to replace it.

Erin took off the dress she was wearing for the third day in a row and picked up the pink silk gown.
She pulled it over her head, catching her hair out of it. She’d never worn any dress other than the short one she’d had to don for the auction, and this one, with its long full skirt, made her feel like a princess. She stood in front of the mirror hanging on the wall at one end of the room, and slipped the tiara onto her head.

She wished for a moment her hair was dark, so they she could complete his fantasy, but she chuckled to herself over that. She’d always liked her brown hair until just this moment. Did it really matter if she didn’t look like the princess on his posters?

She walked to his door, smoothing her dress down and taking deep breaths. She hoped she could be what he wanted. She raised her hand to knock on the door, and turned the knob when he called out, “Come in!”

Bo was standing in the center of the room, dressed much like the man in the posters, except his hat and shirt were green instead of red. She closed the door behind her, keeping an eye on him as she wondered just what he wanted her to do now that she was dressed like the princess.

“Princess Peach. So nice of you to join me.” He walked across the room toward her, the coveralls he wore giving him the appearance of a man who had no idea that fashion existed.

“I’m happy to be here,” she said, hoping that was how he wanted her to act. This was very odd.

He walked to her, catching her shoulders and pulling her to him, his lips slamming down on hers. “I know you’d rather be with Mario, but we’ll let it be our little secret,” he said.

Her mind raced.
Okay, he wasn’t Mario. Who was the other character he’d mentioned? Oh, that’s right! Luigi.
“I feel wrong betraying Mario…” she said, her eyes downcast.

“Then you never should have ridden Yoshi. You didn’t have permission to do that!”

Yoshi? Who was Yoshi?
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“I’m not. It gives me the leverage I need to force you to come here and spread your legs for me.” Bo took her hand and led her toward his huge bed.

She saw a giant dragon type thing off to her right and couldn’t help but wonder what on earth the thing was. She didn’t ask, but instead followed him meekly.

“Your dress is beautiful on you, Princess Peach.”

“Thank you, Luigi,” she whispered staring up into his blue eyes. Bo was the only one of the men who was fair skinned, and she found that she liked his looks just as much as the others. He seemed so much younger than the other men, and that was her only complaint about him. That and he seemed to live in a dream world.

“I’ve watched you tease my brother for
years. All you ever give him is a ‘thank you’ and a kiss on the cheek. I’m taking more.” He grasped her by the hips and lifted her onto the bed, moving between her spread thighs to kiss her madly. “I’m going to fuck you like Mario has always dreamed of fucking you. While I’m pounding away in your pussy, he’s going to be dreaming of you.” He laughed.

“I don’t want Mario,” she whispered.
“Only you, Luigi.”

He pushed down the front of her dress to expose her breasts, leaning to take one tight pink nipple into his mouth and suck it ravenously. One hand went to the back of her neck to hold her in place while the other went to the hem of her long gown, pulling the dress up so he could move his hand between her thighs.

She gasped with pleasure, arching up into his mouth. His games were silly to her, but they didn’t stop her enjoyment of the experience. He pulled back, staring down at her nipple wet with his saliva. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you, Princess Peach?” His voice was husky with passion, one of his fingers at the apex of her thighs.

She shook her head, gazing up at him in wonder. “What?”

“I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re not going to be able to remember what it feels like to not have my cock in your pussy. I’m going to make you scream my name over and over.” His eyes bored into hers as he slipped a finger into her core and his thumb toyed with her clit. “Are you ready for me?” His finger moved quickly in and out of her, showing her just how he planned on using her.

She nodded slowly, not really sure what to think anymore. He was different now that he was in his Luigi character.
More in control.

“Unfasten my pants, Princess. I want you to see what’s going to be inside you.”

Her hands went to the hooks on his shoulders to undo his overalls, pushing them down to the floor. He stepped out of them and stood before her, his thick cock jutting out from his body. He wasn’t nearly as long as Cody had been, but he was thicker than any of the other men. She stared down at his cock wondering how it was going to feel inside her.

“Touch it.”

She reached out and stroked his cock the way Travis had taught her on her first night in Texas. Her hand gripped him and stroked his cock over and over, hoping she could bring him to release. She was sure he’d break character if he came, and that would be easier. She wanted to make love with Bo, not Luigi.

“You like it
, don’t you?”

She nodded. “Of course, I do.”

He pulled his hand from between her thighs and pushed her hand away from him. “Move to the middle of the bed and get on your hands and knees then. I’m about to rock your world, Princess Peach.”

She moved as he’d told her, wondering if she should take off the silk dress. It seemed to only get in the way, but he apparently liked it so she left it. Once she was in the position he wanted, he climbed onto the bed behind her. She could see that he was still wearing his Mario shirt and hat. He looked odd, crawling across the bed to her in the green clothes while his penis jutted out from his body.

He used his hands to press her legs further apart as he knelt behind her, pushed her dress up over her waist, and moved his cock to her entrance. “Tell me you want me. Beg me to fuck you.”

She felt weird saying the words, and they caught in her throat. His hand came down swiftly, swatting her ass for her disobedience. “Beg me to fuck you, Princess Peach.”

“Please, Luigi. I need to feel you inside me. Please fuck me.”

“I’d be happy to!” His cock pushed inside her, the thickness of it causing her some problems as he plunged inside her to the hilt. Her whimper of resistance reached his ears, and he held still for a moment. “Am I too much of a man for you, Princess?”

She shook her head, wiggling her bottom against him as she worked hard to adjust to his size. “It’s okay. It just hurts a little,” she panted.

He gripped her bare hips in his hands and gave her another few moments to adjust before he began moving in and out of her rapidly, his hips pounding against her. She could hear the repeated slap of his balls against her clit, and she
found she liked the earthy way Bo was treating her.

It didn’t take long before she felt herself climbing toward her climax. She whimpered his name over and over, forgetting to call him Luigi. “Bo, that’s it! Harder!”

When she came, she clenched tightly around his hard cock, milking him. He pounding into her a few more times as he released his seed, grunting as it shot into her body.

He stayed behind her, stroking his hands up and down her back and over her shoulders, finally pulling out and laying on the bed beside her, his hat falling off his head. “You called me ‘Bo’,” he said accusingly.

Erin fell onto her face on the bed, clutching a pillow to her. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” he told her, a sad look on his face. “Next time you’ll remember.” The way he said the words sounded like a threat to her, and she really didn’t want to think about what he meant by them. She knew the other men would never let him hurt her, but still, it seemed strange.

He didn’t draw her to him to cuddle her, but instead said, “You need to get the dress off so it’ll be ready for next time.”

She stood and removed the dress, climbing back into bed beside him. He watched her for a minute, hurt in his eyes. She moved close to him and rested her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry I forgot.”

He held her close, his mind thinking about what a fitting punishment would be.

Chapter Six

Erin woke alone in Bo’s bed the following morning. She had no idea where he was, so she slipped into his bathroom and soaked. She was growing to truly enjoy her time with the men in the evenings, but her days were making her crazy. She had nothing to do. She hoped she could find something to fill her day. Maybe she should email her friend, April, and see what she did to fill her day.

Instead of pulling on the dirty dress that was all she had to wear, she put on Bo’s robe that was hanging on the back of his bathroom door. She’d take her dress to be washed and wear the robe all day. She would at least feel better about herself that way.

As she slipped out of Bo’s wing, she glimpsed him at his computer, rapidly tapping the keys. He didn’t see her, so she kept walking, but she couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing this morning.

When she got to the kitchen she asked Lewis where the washer was. “This is all I have to wear, and I’ve got to wash it today. I’ve worn it for three days straight, and it’s going to be able to walk on its own if I don’t do something soon.”

Lewis traded her a plate of French toast for the dress. “I’ll take care of this. You also have an appointment in thirty minutes to be measured for some dresses. We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”

She ate her breakfast, and waited in the living room for the tailor to arrive. Once he was there, she stripped on his command, and he measured every part of her. He gave her two sarong-type dresses to wear until he had her clothes made before he disappeared, without even asking what she’d like to have. Apparently her husbands had taken care of all that.

After he left, she shrugged into one of the sarongs in the middle of the living room and marveled that she had become so free with nudity. Lewis commanded a small army of young men who kept the house beautiful, and she didn’t even notice that she was naked around them so much.

She took the pocket computer the men had left on the table in the living area. She’d only used an old antique computer that was bigger than her fist, so the pocket computer was amazing to her. She took it with her out to the
pool and quickly emailed April. “You were right. I don’t mind having sex with all these men. I’m actually loving it! What’s bothering me is I’m bored out of my skull. How do you cope with being home alone all day?” The men had let her know that she wasn’t allowed to go out and meet others, because there was a very real fear of her being kidnapped. There were just too few women in the world.

She dropped her sarong and dived neatly into the pool, glad they had it so she could not only keep healthy, but keep busy. She’d never been allowed to sit
around all day doing nothing, so she was amazed at the amount of free time she now had.

After her swim, she dried off and sank back into the chair, picking up her pocket computer, which was about the size of a deck of cards, but only half as thick. She checked her email and was happy to see one from April. “I’m so happy you’re settling in well! I’m amazed at how well my men treat me. Where did you end up going? I’m in Dallas, Texas. I stay busy by working on my novel that I’ve always wanted to write, and I have four month old twins. They keep me on my toes. Even with the nanny, I’m still nursing them, and it takes up a significant amount of my time. My evenings are filled, as I’m sure yours are. I look forward to hearing from you!”

Erin frowned at the message. April had always loved to write, she remembered. That did give her something to do, but Erin had never enjoyed that. Once she had children, she could devote her time to them as well, she was certain. She put her hand to her flat belly, wondering what it would be like to feel her child growing there. She’d always wanted children, so that was something she truly looked forward to.

She tapped out a quick response to April. “I’m in Texas, but I’m not sure where. We’re in the country. I’ll ask the men later. Maybe I’ll find some books to read to expand my mind! I loved to quilt with my mama, but I have none of the supplies here. Of course, I’m sure if I asked for them, I’d get them without a problem.”

She put her sarong back on and walked into the house, going into the kitchen in search of Lewis. “I have a couple of questions for you.”

Lewis turned to her with a smile.
“Of course. Shoot!”

“First of all, where are we? I mean, I know we’re in Texas, but I was so upset the night we arrived that I didn’t pay attention to where in Texas.”

Lewis chuckled. “We’re just north of McKinney, which is north of Dallas.”

Erin’s eyes grew wide. “So we’re close to Dallas?”

“About a five minute drive.” By drive he meant flight of course, in one of the powerful flying cars the men used.

Her eyes shone with excitement. “One of my closest friends was sold to a group of men in Dallas!”

“You talk to the men tonight, honey. I’m sure they’ll arrange for you to see your friend!” He watched her eyes light up with excitement. “Was there another question?”

“Yes! I want some quilting supplies. How do I go about getting them?”

“Order them online and ask for same day delivery.
Shouldn’t take more than an hour or so to get here.”

She stared at him blankly. “What do you mean?”

He blinked a few times. “You’ve never ordered online? Are you serious?” He took the small pocket computer from her hand. “Let me introduce you to the wonders of the twenty-fourth century.” He opened a website and clicked a few buttons, showing her an entire list of sewing machines. “Pick what you like.” He showed her the different links to fabric off to the left of the page. “You just go nuts, honey. The men have more money than they know what to do with. Help them spend it.”

She giggled as she took the computer back from him and went into the living room to decide what she wanted. She chose a top of the line sewing machine, thread, quilting supplies and several bolts of fabric. She even found some fabric featuring Princess Peach and Mario and decided she’d make a special quilt for Bo.

Once she picked out fabric for Bo, she realized that she wanted to do special quilts for each of the men, but the others hadn’t been quite as adamant about what they loved. She knew that Cody played for some basketball team but couldn’t remember the name of it, so she headed back to the kitchen and Lewis. “What basketball team does Cody play for again?”

Lewis gaped at her before telling her. “It’s the Dallas Mavericks. They’re huge around here.”

She nodded, quickly finding fabric for a quilt for Cody. The store had special Maverick fabric and it was easy to match the blue and white colors. “Thank you. Now, I need to think of special quilts to make for Travis and Austin. I don’t know as much about what they like to do. Bo’s easy.”

“Making Bo a Mario quilt?”

“Of course.”

“Hmm…let me think about the other two, because you’re right. Neither one of them is as obvious as Bo and Cody.” He kept cooking as he thought, mentally going over things in his head. “I’d do houses for Austin, to represent real estate.
Houses and money maybe.”

She nodded, quickly searching through the page for fabric and clicked a couple of things.
“And Travis?”

He loves playing poker. Can you do decks of cards with poker chips?”

After a moment, she nodded. “That’s perfect. Thank you!” She finished add
ing the items she’d need to her online cart and then looked at him. “How do I pay?”

“I’ll take care of that. I’m going to set up an online account for you at this website where the household will be charged every time. It’ll make it easier for you.” He quickly tapped a few keys and handed the computer back. “Choose same day delivery.”

She did as he said and squealed when she finished. “It said everything will be here in two hours!”

He laughed.
“The wonders of the twenty-fourth century. Instant gratification. You want it? It’s delivered.” He turned as the oven beeped. “Go sit. Lunch is ready.”

She ate her lunch alone, enjoying the flavors of the new food. The community she’d grown up in had been almost entirely self-reliant, with only a few shipments going in and out. It was odd to try so many new things, but she was enjoying her new world immensely.

After lunch she went upstairs to take a brief nap, unsure of what her evening would hold. She decided to nap in Travis’s bed, because it was his turn next, and she didn’t have her own. Now that she’d had each man once, would they expect her to spend her evening with all four of them? She moaned as she closed her eyes, imagining how it would feel to have eight hands on her all at once. Her pussy tingled and she grew wet just thinking about it.

When she woke, she rushed down the stairs to see if her deliveries had come and saw all her purchases being carried back into one of the rooms they’d told her would be for a nursery in the future. She was excited to see everything being set up for her, including a huge table which she hadn’t thought to request.

Obviously Lewis had either known something about quilting or had done some serious research because the huge room was turning into exactly what she needed. She couldn’t help but be excited as she walked around the room, deciding exactly what she’d do.

As soon as everything was set up to her specifications, she watched the men leave and she removed her new rotary cutter. She loved the idea of having all the time she wanted to craft now. It’s something she’d always enjoyed, but back home, there were too many other responsibilities. Here, she needed to eat, sleep, have lots of sex, and do whatever she wanted. Things were about to get interesting.


At dinner that night she broached the subject of visiting April. The men looked at each other
, and no one could think of a reason not to. “Bill, her husband, is a friend of mine,” Travis said. “We went to college together. I’ll talk to him after dinner and see if he wants to get together with us on Saturday. We’ll probably have to go to them, because of the babies, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

She jumped up from her chair and ran around to kiss Travis. “Thank you!”

He kept her snuggled close to him on his lap for a minute, before moving his gaze to Austin. “I’m going to take her upstairs right after dinner. I’ll send her to you when we’re done. You going to be upstairs?”

Austin nodded.

Her eyes widened as she looked between the two men.
“Two in one night?”

Travis’s hand went to her pussy through the fabric of her sarong. “You’ll like it.” He gave her a light push off his lap. “Finish eating, and we’ll go up together.”

She ate the rest of her meal in silence, realizing all the men were watching her eat. Once she’d pushed her plate away, Travis stood and took her hand.
“Good night everyone.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked toward the circle that would lift them to the upper floor. He kissed her softly. “I’ve missed being inside you,” he whispered once they were out of earshot of the others.

She sighed contentedly, no longer afraid of what her night would bring, because she had been with them all now.

Once they reached Travis’s room
, he gave her the option of bathing with him, or just going to bed.

She considered a moment, liking the idea of sharing his huge tub with him. “Would you mind bathing together?” she asked.

He laughed softly. “I love the idea of bathing with you. Of having you sit astride me, and letting the bubbles move around us while you ride me.”

She blushed, but she could see it in her mind. The idea was more than a little appealing. “I want to,” she said. “Let’s take a bath together.”

They went into the bathroom and he set the water temperature and added bubbles in. She quickly removed her sarong, feeling his eyes on her as she waited for him to undress as well. He took a little longer than she did, but when he dropped his pants, she could see that he was already ready for her. She stepped into his arms before they got into the tub, kissing him sweetly. She pressed her entire body to his, liking how he felt against her.

“Hmmm…My shy little wife isn’t so shy anymore!”

She blushed. “I’m not sure how I could have stayed shy with a different cock inside me every night!”

He laughed. “It definitely wouldn’t have been easy!” He stepped into the tub, sitting down against the back of it, with his legs stretched out in front of him. Once he was settled, she stepped into the tub facing him, and put one foot on either side of his thighs. She dropped to her knees in the water, sitting on his lap facing him, her hands stroking over his shoulders.

He was in no hurry to enter her, and instead, leaned forward to kiss her leisurely, his hands cupping her breasts. It was the first time he’d used his hands equally in their lovemaking, and she was surprised by the touch of his robot hand. “Does it bother you when I touch you with my robot hand?” he asked as he pulled away for a second.

She shook her head. “It did at first, but not anymore.” Her fingertips danced over his chest and flat stomach. “I love touching you,” she whispered.

He pulled her closer to him, leaning down to catch her nipple between his lips. His hands pulled her hips further forward, positioning her over his cock, which nudged at her entrance. “Are you ready for me?” he asked her.

BOOK: Taken by the Trillionaires
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