Read The Family Pet Online

Authors: H. Dean

Tags: #Male Dom - M/F, Sex Slavery / Training

The Family Pet (2 page)

BOOK: The Family Pet
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Chapter 3

Two weeks had passed with no leads on a job. Patricia had been searching long and hard for new employment only to find a long list of common rejections. Still, she had found comfort in her new living quarters. Both Patricia and Bill were gracious, never pressuring her or making her feel down about taking up space in their home.

“Why don

t you get your stuff out of storage and bring it here?” Jasmine asked her. “We have tons of space in our garage and it would get you some money back.”

Two weeks later, and with no more job prospects, she finally agreed to bring her things to the house.

“What are you doing?” Bill asked his wife. “I know you are up to something.”

Jasmine grinned and tilted her head, flipping her hair. “Why Bill, whatever gave you that idea?”

“You aren

t this friendly…even to Patricia. So what

s going on?”

“Bill,” Jasmine said. “I want to keep her.”

“What do you mean

keep her

?” he asked.

“I don

t know. Maybe we could keep her as a pet. Like a puppy or something.”

Bill smirked, looking down. “This is my best friend. I love her. I can

t do to her what we do to those other girls. I mean…I could, but I won



t you tell me that Jerry was chastising you about having someone stay here?” she asked. “Aren

t you risking us and Chimera to help a friend?”


s that got to do with it?”


t you always say you missed spending time with her?” Jasmine persisted.

“I don

t see the point…”

“Bill, we can keep her here. You can spend time with her. We can both enjoy her and, to top it off, it fixes the risk factor of her finding out what we do and letting the cat out of the bag!”

“No!” he told her. “It isn

t going to happen.”

“Fine,” she blurted.

“I can still play with her while you

re out of town at that HFM convention.”

“Baby…please leave her alone. I don

t want any trouble. Remember, she is my friend. She isn

t an experiment or a toy.”

“Okay, baby,” she said.


m serious. I am only going to be gone for two weeks and I don

t want anything going on. Okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Jasmine said, saluting and clicking her heels together.

“Good girl,”

The night was drawing to a close as dinner found its way to the dinner table. Jovial tones of old times crossed between the former lovers, spurred on by Jasmine

s prodding. Before long, they had collapsed onto the living room couch, drunk on wine, memories and the promise of memories to come.

“Kiss me,” Jasmine told Patricia. “I want to see how you kiss.”

Giggling, Patricia leaned in to give her the requested kiss, turning away at the last moment. “Don

t be mad at me…it

s not you. I just…I

m just not into girls.”


t worry it, sweetheart,” Jasmine smiled. Maybe you can show me how it looks to kiss Bill?”

Patricia turned to Bill, unsure of her course of action. Her face was red, flush with embarrassment and drunken excitement at the thought of kissing her former lover

the man who, she felt, created her.

Turning to Bill, Jasmine reached out to take his hand in hers. Pulling him close, she whispered loudly in his ears. “I want to see you kiss her.”

Bill looked towards Patricia and smiled. Leaning across his wife, he reached his hand to Patricia

s head and gently pulled her to him, their lips meeting in a long, wet kiss. Lingering for a moment, he pulled away and looked to his smiling wife.

“What did you think?” Bill asked, excited at the possibilities that now ran through his mind.

Jasmine leaned forward, reaching her hand around his head and pulling him to her. They kissed deeply, their excitement adding to the moment. Breaking their kiss, he turned to Patricia and, with a tilt of his head and a soft word of encouragement, drew her in for another kiss.

Standing, Bill turned and headed towards the bedroom. Walking slowly, he began removing his shirt.

“Follow me, girls,” he commanded, halting his motion long enough to glance behind him. “I want you both naked and in my bed.”

Patricia, her mind and body in full submission rose and followed. Briefly, a moment of reason came to her and she looked back at Jasmine, silently questioning her actions.

“He hates to be disobeyed. You know that,” Jasmine said softly. “We had better do as he says.”

“Yes,” Patricia muttered, slightly dazed. “He hates to wait.”


ve never been with a woman?” Jasmine asked, removing her clothes as she followed Patricia to the bedroom.

“No. I had one go down on me once, but that

s all. I couldn

t have done it if he hadn

t made me,” the tall girl said.

“What are you going to do if he orders you to kiss me?”

“I don

t know,” she answered, discarding her shorts.

“Are you saying you will obey him?” Jasmine prodded, enjoying Patricia

s discomfort.

“I…I don

t know.”

“What if he makes you go down on me? What if he wants to watch us together?”


s brow furrowed, worry pushing her excitement into the background. She stopped for a moment, unsure of herself.

“He hates to wait,” Jasmine said, excited at her friend

s discomfort. “You know how he is.”

“I can

t do this,” Patricia said. “I can

t. What if he does want to see us together? I can


The two women stood in the hall, watching each other. “Go ahead, then. I understand and I am sure he will too.”

Patricia smiled and pulled Jasmine close, relieved. “Thank you. And…I

m sorry. I just can

t do this. Besides, I don

t want to be a possible cause for trouble between you two.”

“Trish,” she said, holding the girl by her shoulders. “It wouldn

t cause problems. He isn

t the only one who wants this.”

“But…I can

t. Even if you are okay with it….even if you want it…I can


Just then, Bill

s slipped into the hall, his large, powerful, naked frame fully visible to the two women. His displeasure clear by his expression.

“Patricia, Jasmine…get in her, now,” he said, his voice low and commanding. Then, pointing to Jasmine, “I want you on my right and you, Patricia, on my left. Now, come, my darlings.”

Suddenly, Patricia

s will left her and she found herself fall into a dreamlike state and obeying Bill

s command. Jasmine, amused by her friend

s instant response, followed close behind. 

Chapter 4

Bill lay between the contrasting beauties. To his left reclined the love of his life, Jasmine; petit, buxom and soft. She was his ideal woman, both in body and mind. On his right, trembling, slightly dazed and afraid, lay Patricia. Tall, blond and muscular, she was the epitome of the fabled Amazons. Tonight, he would have them both.

Smiling, Bill put forth his commands, his baritone voice filling the ears of the two women. “Patricia, I want you to suck my cock.”

Nearly void of will, she eased her way down his body and took his cock in her mouth, sucking his already dripping member into her throat.

“Jasmine,” he said , sliding a pillow beneath his posterior and making Patricia hesitate for a moment. “Eat my ass.”

Thrilled, as she always was when he deigned to command her, Jasmine slipped downward between his lifting knees. She reached in with her hands, pulling his buttocks apart and buried her face between the cheeks of his well-toned ass and extended her tongue to lick the puckered hole.

For a moment, the gaze of the two women met and they watched as the other performed her ordered task. Breaking the stare, Patricia looked past Jasmine to the pictures that lined the walls. Dreamily, she thought of how it might have been her in those images had she not… Bill groaned, disturbing Patricia from her thoughts as he pushed her head down, holding her firmly by her long blonde hair. He began thrusting into the back of her throat,

awash with the pleasure the two women were providing.

With no warning, he pulled the tall blond from his cock and drew her lips to his. “I still own you, don

t I?” he asked, his voice a breathy whisper.

“Yes,” she breathed back and closed her eyes.

“Auld Lang Syne”, he muttered.

“No,” she gasped, staring into his eyes in the dim light.

“Auld Lang Syne,” he repeated. Suddenly her body tensed, curling slightly as she fought off the impending orgasm.

“Please don

t. I don

t want to be controlled that way anymore,” she begged.

“Auld Lang Syne,” he said again, his voice more commanding than before.

Muscles clenched throughout her body and her strength gave way. Suddenly, she climaxed.

“Old Lang Syne,” Bill repeated another time and another and another.

Again and again, she came, her will entirely his to command. “Please…” she managed before another orgasm passed through her body. Another iteration of

Auld Lang Syne

and she was lost, her body falling into a fit of orgasms, unordered, unprompted and beyond her control. Patricia cried out after each climactic moment, eyes begging silently for Bill to stop making her cum.

Bill watched sadistically, his cock hard, while she struggled to gain control of her body. Looking towards his wife, who no longer performed her assigned duties, he could see her watching Patricia, mesmerized by his exhibition of control. Then, as if to demonstrate further control, he winked at his wife.

“Halt!” he commanded, instantly silencing Patricia

s moans.

He waited for a moment, his hand up, holding Jasmine to silence. Smiling, he watched as Patricia fell into a near instant and deep slumber, curled up on her side.

“What do you think, Jaz?” he asked, smiling arrogantly.

“Can we keep her?” Jasmine asked.

“Hah! Ready for more?” he asked.

“More? Oh my God. Yes!” she replied.

“Patricia,” he said, his voice soft but clear.

“Yes Master?” came her dreamy reply.

“Rub your pussy for me.”

Eyes still closed, half sleeping and half in delirium, Patricia

s right hand slipped between her legs and began rubbing her pussy.

“How does that feel?” Bill asked.

“It doesn

t feel like anything, Master,” she returned.

“Why not?”

Because we ruined my pussy, Sir.”

“Patricia, would you like your ass filled?” he asked.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

Turning to his wife, Bill ordered she retrieve an inflatable plug from the closet. She nearly jumped from the bed, running to retrieve the object. Quickly, she slid open the mirrored closet door, nearly knocking it from its tracks and shoved her hand into their toy box.

“I have your favorite toy,” he told her as he tapped her thighs. “Lift your legs for me.”

Patricia smiled through her dream-like state and brought her knees to her chest. “Thank you, Master.”

Patricia found the plug and came to Bill with plug held out, much as a child might display a favorite toy. He directed her to wet the plug with her mouth and then to insert it into Patricia

s bottom.

“How much would you like to be stretched?” he asked.

“Whatever pleases you, Sir,” she answered.

“Pump it,” he ordered his wife.

Moans escaped the dazed girl

s lips as the plug began inflating. She grasped at the thick comforter beneath her and she wiggled her bottom in a vain attempt to fuck the inflating plug.

“Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” she hissed. “So good, Master.”

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. “May I cum, Master?”

“Not yet, darling,” he said.


s need grew and she wiggled more frantically. “Please, Sir, may I cum now?”

“Not yet.”

Over and over she asked, begging for release, each pump adding to her need for release.

“Please, I need to cum so bad! Please!”

Again, he repeated those hated words. “Not yet.”

“Please,” she begged, her voice becoming ever more frantic “I

ll do anything you want! Please!”

“Will you eat Jasmine?”

“I can


“Then you won

t get to cum,” he told her.

For long and long she struggled, her repeated request for relief receiving the same reply of negation. Over and over the scene repeated. Finally, unable to resist her needs, she gave in.

“When she cums I will let you cum,” Bill told her.

“Oh, God, I need to cum so bad!” she responded.

At Bill

s urging, Jasmine took his place on their large bed. She lay back, spreading her legs. Bill grabbed Patricia

s thick blond hair and pushed her between his wife

s legs. She hesitated for a moment, prompting Bill to wiggle the fully inflated plug in the girl

s ass. Moaning with frustration and pleasure, Patricia began lapping at the shaven cleft between the tiny girl

s legs.

“Oh, God…I

m cumming already!” Jasmine screamed.

“Cum for me,” Bill whispered into Patricia

s ear.

Suddenly, the room filled with deafening groans and screams. Jasmine grabbed Patricia

s hair and pulled her against her wet hole. Ejaculate spilled forth from Jasmine

s sex and filled the attending mouth.

“Swallow it! Oh, God, swallow it!” Jasmine screamed.

Patricia, her mind awash in pleasure and numb to thought, obeyed Jasmine

s command. She slurped at the gush of liquid that squirted forth and drank in as much as she could.

“Cum for me,” Bill urged the women.

The room, still filled with loud moans, reached a larger crescendo than before. The two women screamed with pleasure, both gushing warm, thick liquid from between their legs. Then, as suddenly as it had began their orgasms subsided.

Bill reached down and deflated the bladder, removing it from Patricia

s ass, replacing it with his swollen member. He stroked, long and hard before exploding and filling her with his own fluids.

“Come over here,” he said to his wife as he lifted a vacant eyed Patricia to her knees. Jasmine obeyed, her own eyes giving lie to a similar state.

“Nothing goes to waste tonight,” he told Jasmine, directing her to slide beneath his recent conquest.

“Open your mouth and slide your head under her ass,” he told her.

Guiding Patricia so her bottom

s gaping hole was directly over Jasmine

s mouth, he told her “Push.”

Slowly, a thick flow of liquid exited her ass, the girl below her receiving it in her open mouth. Repeating his command, the girl continued to push the warm, milky fluid from her body and into the waiting mouth below.

Bill kneeled down and whispered into Jasmine

s ear. “Swallow.”

Jasmine, her full consciousness returning to her, swallowed, disbelieving the events which were transpiring.

“Good girl,” he told her. “Now, eat her ass and make her cum.”

He pushed Patricia downward, forcing her to rest part of her weight on Jasmine

s face. Once again, Bill ordered his wife to action. “Eat her ass, my little slut!”

Jasmines eyes widened, emotions torn between the excitement and anger she felt at such a humiliation.

“Now! I want you to eat her,” he said, his voice deep and stern.

Jasmine ran through the scenario before her, still angry and excited. She looked up at him and gazed into his steady eyes. Then, as if guided by some unseen force, she opened her mouth and began licking and sucking the damp, cum oozing opening.


s eyes opened wide, excitement overcoming her body. She shook and moaned, fighting to retain her balance. The orgasm built quickly and with a sharpness that was beyond her grasp.

“Please my I cum?” she cried out.

“Cum for me,” Bill ordered.

Patricia moaned loudly, squirting the evidence of her orgasm and covering Jasmine with her juices.

“May I cum?” she cried out again.

“Cum for me,” he ordered.

Patricia begged again and again for release. Again and again she received the command that allowed her pleasure. Then, as before, pleasurable orgasms turned to unstoppably painful, locking her body in constant spasms.

“Halt!” he commanded, mercifully. Relieved, exhausted and delirious, Patricia fell to the bed, consciousness leaving her.

For many moments Jasmine lay silent with closed eyes. Her face, neck and chest were covered in the sticky residue of Patricia

s many orgasms. For long and long she struggled to find her voice, helpless for ought but blurred vision. At long last, she turned over and propped herself up on her elbows staring up at her husband. Bill watched, amused at his wife

s dreamy state. Rarely had he seen her this way and he wanted to catalogue the moment.

“God, I came so hard, Bill,” she whispered. “Fuck, Bill, why didn

t you tell me she was like this?”

“We never got that far, remember?”

“Bill,” she said, still whispering. “Can we keep her?”

BOOK: The Family Pet
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