Read The Family Pet Online

Authors: H. Dean

Tags: #Male Dom - M/F, Sex Slavery / Training

The Family Pet (5 page)

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Chapter 8

Patricia studied the screen of her laptop computer, making use of the internet to discover new job openings. At first, she had gone to various companies to apply for work but all had directed her to their websites. “We have an online form,” they had all informed her. Since then her efforts had been fruitless and she was beginning to despair of ever finding new employment. Just the same, she was determined. She could not stay here; not with the sort of power Bill held over her and certainly not after discovering that Jasmine could apparently induce her to orgasm on command. As she saw it, remaining here was far to risky to her.

Jasmine, on the other hand, was suffering from tremendous excitement. Initially, when she had decided how she would enslave her friend, she had tried to work a scheme to get her to wear the proximity collar Jerry was sending. Now, she knew, there was no need.

“How delicious it will be to tell her my plans and then reduce her to a quivering mass,” she thought. “God, I hope she fights it.”

A minor pang of guilt crossed her emotions as she stepped into her bathroom and switched on the shower. It was quickly replaced with visions of an enslaved and unwilling blond Amazonian queen and she began to masturbate furiously under the shower

s warm waters.

The doorbell gave her a start, freezing her hands where they worked. A thrill ran through her body, making her tingle. Jasmine then burst out of the shower, throwing on her robe and sprinting to the door.

“Fuck, I

m gonna cum!” she thought before reaching the door.

Dripping wet, she opened the door to receive her package. Moments later she was padding on bare feet back to her bedroom, nearly bursting with excitement.

Quickly, she opened the package and withdrew the contents, water dripping everywhere. Jasmine pushed aside the various makings of the puppy kit and pulled out the small box containing the VPC chip. She pushed aside the chip

s accompanying paperwork and found the small box that would soon control Patricia

s area of movement. It was smaller than she had imagined but appeared to be simplistic in its operation. Then, noticing that she was still dripping, she packed up her prize and headed back to the master bathroom.

After drying and clothing herself Jasmine headed to her computer. The two weeks she would have to be alone with Patricia, she determined, was not enough time to ensure the girl would be entirely under her control. Thus, she determined to add a few extra stops to her husband

s trip. She had already been investigating three other buyers for Chimera

s wares and had determined them to be safe enough for Bill to investigate first hand and, after only two hours of work, had added them to his schedule. Only twenty minutes after completing her work she received a phone call from Bill, confirming his added detours and the three extra weeks she would have to completely immerse Patricia into life as her slave.

“Now I can concentrate on my puppy girl,” she whispered to herself, running her fingers between her thighs.

After shutting her computer down she gave her attention to the small box that would lead to her friend

s enslavement. She reviewed the short set of directions that accompanied the box intently, impressed by the ease with which it was set and even more impressed with the fact that it used global positioning, geographic coordinates and a small laser to for area mapping. The small keyboard and generous memory even allowed for her to map out her entire house should she choose to do so. In effect, she could allow Patricia the run of the house, roam a room or even limit her to a small portion of space within a room.

There were also settings that could limit her intended captive to a life of silence under the threat of pain.

Finally, she read, the proximity box contained a small rechargeable battery that allowed for up to forty-eight hours of use without an exterior power source. It was, she determined, quite ingenious.

Priding herself in being prepared, Jasmine took the opportunity to map the majority of her household. Once complete, she took the small box into her office, set her preferred coordinates and checked the remote to ensure it was operating properly. Then, nearly giddy with anticipation, she plugged it into the wall socket and headed to her room.

“Trish? Hey, would you come here for a sec?” she hollered as she entered her room.

A few moments later Patricia poked her head into the room, smiling. “What

s up, duck?” she asked.

“Bill won

t be back for five weeks. He had to take an unexpected detour on his trip. Anyhow, I wanted to ask…tell you something. Well, both,” Jasmine told her.

“Okay, what is it?”

“I want to keep you,” Jasmine said.

“What do you mean?” Patricia asked, perplexed.

Jasmine smiled. “Look, the other night was wonderful and I decided…we decided that we want to keep you.”

“Keep me? Not very funny,” Patricia said, surprised by her friend

s poor taste in humor.

“We want you as out pet, Trish,” Jasmine answered.

“Yeah. Okay, I think I am just going to pack my shit and get out of here,” Patricia said, finally realizing her friend was serious. “I can

t believe you would even suggest it after what I told you. Thanks for everything but I gotta go.”

“I was afraid you would react this way,” Jasmine answered, not sure if she was pleased or disappointed with her friend

s response.

“Not as disappointed as I am, Jaz. I thought you understood. I

m gonna get my stuff and head out,” Patricia said.

Jasmine drew a deep breath and then uttered “Auld Lang Syne”, making Patricia wince as a small orgasm overtook her.

“What the fuck do you think you

re doing?” Patricia spat angrily as she left the bed to head for the door.

Again, Jasmine said the phrase. This time, the orgasm Patricia felt was more powerful and slowed her progress.


t do that!” Patricia said, screamed.

“Auld Lang Syne, Auld Lang Syne” Jasmine said more forcefully.

“No!” Patricia cried out as she doubled over in the throw of a powerful orgasm.

Jasmine spat out the phrase again, making the girl sink to her knees with another powerful orgasm. Repeatedly then, Jasmine spat forth the phrase. Patricia swore at her friend as her body defied her wants. There was no stop to it; no sympathy from the small woman. There was only the repeated phrase and crippling orgasms.

“Why?” Patricia pleaded, after sinking to the floor. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because I want you, Trish,” she was told. “I fell in love with you; with the notion of having you as my pet the moment I saw what you were capable of.”

“Oh God!” Patricia cried, grunting as, unbidden, another orgasm swept through her.

“You should have just given over when I asked you to, Trish,” Jasmine said before uttering the phrase another time.

Patricia fell to her side as another orgasm swept through her body. She stared up at Jasmine, eyes pleading for the torment to halt. Finally, determined though she was, she realized the utter hopelessness of her battle. There was little she could do to halt her friend from uttering the orgasm inducing phrase and even less control over her body

s response. Helpless, humiliated and knowing there was no hope of gaining control over her body she gave over and allowed her body to climax without fight.

Mesmerized, Jasmine watched her friend writhe on the floor, shuddering with repeated orgasms, tears falling from her eyes. For long and long, Jasmine watched Patricia shudder on the floor, occasionally seeing glimpses of emotional pain when the girl managed to open her tear filled eyes. At long last, and after nearly thirty agonizing minutes, the orgasms subsided.

Patricia lay on her side, legs pulled up so she resembled a new born child. Her eyes were vacant and her breathing shallow. Unsure what to make of it Jasmine uttered the controlling phrase and received no response.

“Patricia, are you all right?” Jasmine asked. Again there was no response.

Noting her friend

s near catatonic state Jasmine calmly turned and strode to the bed. After pulling the packaging off the squeeze syringe she plunged the needle into Patricia

s shoulder. Minutes later the girl was unconscious and ready for the next stage in Jasmine

s plan.

Chapter 9

Patricia woke to the sound of running water and found herself naked and swaddled by a thick, warm comforter. How long she had been unconscious she had no idea. There was only an impending sense of doom if she didn

t flee immediately. She would have to be swift, she knew. So she slipped from the bed, quiet and careful, knowing she would be lost if Jasmine heard her; enslaved by her own body and its reaction to hearing the phrase of

Auld Lang Syne

. As she neared the door she felt a sharp tingling down her spine. Then, stepping through the doorway, she screamed; felled by a sharp, debilitating pain.

Jasmine stepped from the bedroom

s attaching bathroom and watched Patricia writhe on the floor in the hallway. Finally, she said “Get back into the room, Trish. The pain will go away once you

re back in the room.”

Patricia willed herself to ignore the horrible pain only to find it increase as she inched further from the door. Only three feet from the door and with her body reeling in pain, she could take no more, and returned to the room from whence she came.

“Let me explain something to you, Trish,” Jasmine said. “You no longer have any control over your body. If you piss me off

if you try to leave

I can make you feel pain like you never imagined. I don

t need to make you cum. Do you understand?”

“Fuck you,” Patricia growled through the pain.

“Yes, you will fuck me, Trish. I intend on making very good use of your very skilled tongue and any other part of your beautiful body that pleases me,” Jasmine said, her voice arrogant and assured. “Now get up and kneel for me.”

Patricia stood slowly and began to walk towards Jasmine. Then, with surprising quickness, she rushed forward and smote her tormentor with closed fist, felling her instantly. Quick to act on her advantage, Patricia grabbed the smaller woman by her long hair and dragged her across the room, throwing her against the wall.

Jasmine, confident though she had been, felt fear as her captive assaulted her. Again and again she felt the strength of the other woman

s fury. Blow after blow fell on her tiny frame, fists and feet finding their mark time and again, making her fear for her life. Only when she was certain she might die did she remember her lone key to her surviving this attack.

“Auld Lang Syne,” she screamed. “Auld Lang Syne!”

Patricia hesitated in her assault for a brief moment. It was then that Jasmine realized the power of the words as she had not realized before. Again and again she repeated the phrase, making her assailant groan and slow her assault.

“No, you bitch! It won

t work,” Patricia cried out. “It won

t fucking save you! Do you hear me?”

Jasmine screamed out the phrase again and again, drawing Patricia

s ire and making her more determined and ever more desperate. Slowly, and after repeated and frantic repetition of “Auld Lange Syne”, the blows began lessening in strength and frequency until, at long last, they ceased.

“Auld…Lang…Syne!” Jasmine yelled a final time.

It was over. Patricia slowly backed away from the crumpled Jasmine, her body shaking beyond her control, eyes filling with tears.

“No,” she cried weakly, falling to the floor. “No.”

Jasmine watched her erstwhile assailant through her own tears. Relief washed over her, despite the pain she now suffered. She had won. Even Patricia

s angry determination was not enough to overcome her training and she was helpless to continue her assault. The lesson Jasmine had learned that night was not one she would forget.

Hours later, Patricia woke from her orgasm induced delirium to find her arms had been well-secured behind her back and with her wrists held high between her shoulder blades. It was not an unfamiliar position for her to be bound. Bill had bound her in this position many times before after discovering her extreme flexibility. Nonetheless, it was uncomfortable and painful after living so long without such bondage. It was then, bound on Jasmine

s large bed, that Patricia realized she had lost her last chance at freedom and she knew it would only be a matter of time before Bill, or even Jasmine, would make full use of her suggestibility and make her over into what they wished, no matter how she fought..

“I see you

re awake, Trish,” Jasmine said as she exited the bathroom.

Patricia lifted her head to see a bruised and battered Jasmine step into her view.

“You really kicked my ass, Trish,” she admitted, turning to the mirror to examine one of many bruises.. “I don

t know what I would have done if your trigger hadn

t worked. You really scared the hell out of me.”

“I would have killed you if I could have,” Patricia replied.

“I know. That

s why you aren

t going to be using your arms for quite a long time. In fact, I may have them amputated after I re-train you,” Jasmine told her. “You do know I

m going to re-train you, don

t you?

“I know,” came the tearful reply.

“You know I can do it, don

t you?” Jasmine asked.

“Yes, I know.”

“How do you know, Trish? How is it you know that I personally can re-train you?” Jasmine asked, curious that there was not more resistance..

“Bill told you how he did it. Didn

t he?”

“Of course he did,” Jasmine answered. “That doesn

t explain how you know I can do it.”


s eyes filled with tears as she looked away from Jasmine, hiding her face.

“Ah,” Jasmine said, realizing the truth. “I thought you didn

t dig chicks.”

“I don

t!” Patricia replied, resenting the exposure of her secret.

“But other women got to you, didn

t they?” Jasmine asked, her voice demanding and strong.

“No. I got away from them before they could do anything. I never let them do anything,” Patricia said.

“But other women had the same effect Bill has, didn

t they?

Humiliated at the revelation, Patricia could only weep into the comforter beneath her, uttering an ashamed “Yes.”

“I have that effect, too, I noticed. You almost came when I told you to, didn

t you?” Jasmine persisted. “You felt it building when I told you to cum. I saw it. You thought I didn

t see it. But I have that effect on you too. Don

t I?”


“Look at me, Trish. Look at me and tell me the truth,” Jasmine demanded.

“Fine,” Patricia began, turning her head to look Jasmine in the eye, “you have that effect. Are you happy?”

Jasmine eased her way to the bed and sat beside her captive, gently stroking the girl

s long blond hair. “You

re mine now, Trish. Soon, you will be a properly obedient puppy. That

s what I plan for you. You will bark, do tricks and eat from a dish. I hope you can learn to enjoy it. I really do. If you don

t, well, I

m sorry. It

s going to be your life.”

Patricia looked up at Jasmine with sad eyes. “Please don

t. I don

t want to be a puppy.”

“Tell me, Trish, how often did Bill bind you this way?”

“A lot. I don

t know…” Patricia answered weakly.

“He loves this position, you know. I imagine he kept you this way for long periods of time, didn

t he?” Jasmine asked, stroking the girl

s cheek.


“Tell me how long he would keep you this way,” Jasmine said, insisting on finding answer to all her questions.

“I don

t know how long,” Patricia replied. “Please let me go, Jaz. Please!”

“Answer my questions. Cooperation is very advisable,” Jasmine said as she surreptitiously triggered the remote in her hand.

Feeling an unpleasant tingling, Patricia began speaking rapidly. “A long time. I don

t know. It was a few months. Maybe more. But not as long as a year.”

“A few months?”

“Yes. A few months,” Patricia said.

“I imagine it left your arms a bit weak. That must have been difficult for you.”

“Yes,” Patricia admitted.

“Why was it difficult for you?” Jasmine continued.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why do you want to know these things?”

Jasmine smiled and raised the remote once again. “I am doing it because it pleases me, Trish. Now, I suggest you answer my questions.”

“Jazmine, please?” Patricia pleaded.

A minor tingling of pain traversed Patricia

s body, reminding her, yet again, of Jasmine

s ability to cause her pain.

“How are you doing that?” Patricia yelled in fear and frustration.

“Just answer the question,” Jasmine replied, increasing the pain level.


ll answer, I

ll answer!” Patricia said hastily. “I

ll answer. Please…”

Jasmine smiled, enjoying the girl

s stress. “Good girl. Now tell me what was so difficult about keeping your arms bound behind your back for so long a time.”

“When he released them…it was impossible…I couldn

t move them from behind my back,” Patricia admitted.

“Really? Tell me more, won

t you?”

“I couldn

t use my arms. They stayed behind my back until he helped me. When he brought my arms from behind me it hurt and I could still barely use them,” she admitted. “It took a long time to really be able to use them. Does that satisfy you?”

“How long did he leave them behind your back unbound, my pet?”

“I don

t know. Maybe it was a week but not longer,” Patricia answered.

“So, even after you were free you were helpless?” Jasmine raised a single eyebrow, fascinated by what she was learning.


“Do you think you would ever have been able to use them if he hadn

t helped you?” Jasmine asked.

“I don

t know,” Patricia said crying.

“You know. Answer me, my precious little puppy,” Jasmine said.

“No! Okay? I couldn

t use them at all. They were stuck there. I could barely feel them and I couldn

t move them,” Patricia cried. “If he hadn

t straightened them out and pulled them to my front I would still be like that. Is that what you want to know? Is that what you want to hear? And I am not your puppy!”

“I just want answers, dear. That

s all,” Jasmine

s voice was soft.


re going to do that to me, aren

t you? Make my arms useless forever! That

s what you want to do, isn

t it?” Patricia cried.


s only the start, my pet. I plan on training you as a perfect little puppy,” Jasmine began. “I plan on using your suggestive nature to turn you into a perfect sex toy to use for my pleasure. And all the while, Trish, I know you will be in there fighting to get out while knowing you never will. That

s what I plan on doing.”

Patricia buried her face in the comforter, crying and begging Jasmine not to make her into a puppy; not to take her arms from her. She begged and begged, helplessly hoping to convince Jasmine to let her go. At long last her voice was still and she drifted into memories of her life with Bill and how she had lost herself before. This time, she knew deep down that there would be no return, no matter how she fought.

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