The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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Isadora took the pack 1 euro and gave the woman. Victor looked at and she understood his advice.

"But what is worth trying to help ... maybe this is also the spirit of the way. But I have a right to dislike the cookie is not it? "

Isadora gave the cake to the dogs and everyone started laughing. They continued to walk but not seen more the yellow arrows. When they realized they were in the middle of a jungle in the middle of nowhere. Isadora looked around and said worriedly.

"I think we get lost!"

"No, soon the opposite should find something arrow." - Said Victor hopefully.

"And if we are lost? If we keep walking, we are further away of the right way, it's best we stop to observe all around us. "- Fernanda said.

The three stopped and Isadora began to think in that moment. The act of being lost of right way.

"When we are lost of the right way, what we must do is stop and observe all around us. Understand where we are, see what's going on and get the signs that indicate the track. The signs may be found through perception, but it is also important to listen to the voice of intuition. "- she thought.

"We were distracted!" - Said Victor.

"I perceive that" way "also comes to attention, focus and goals!" - Said Isadora.

The three stood there observing all around.

"I see an arrow!" - Fernanda said.

"Let's go down on the road ... think I already saw! " - said Victor more relaxed.

Isadora and Fernanda was behind Victor and played with him for breaking his anger of having been lost, but Victor remained silent.

"I found another yellow arrow, we are on track!" - Said Victor relieved.

It was already 6 pm when they spotted a hostel. They entered and said that there was only one vacancy, but just across the street had a small hotel. Victor stayed in the hostel and the two stayed in the hotel.

The next morning they met at the hotel restaurant and had take a breakfast. Isadora was limping, but decided do not give too much importance, not wanted it to be a impediment to keep the way.

"Do not needed two days for change their clothes, girls!" - said Victor laughing.

"Today we are more prepared! Will pants, comfortable shirt, and without earrings! "- Fernanda said.

"All right! I see that have already been turning pilgrims. And do you hurted your feet? "- Said Victor Isadora.

"I'm fine, I just need to walk a little bit and warm up the muscles, then I am sure that will walking normally."

"Good girl!" - said Victor.

After the breakfast, they followed walking. Isadora left Fernanda and Victor walking in front because she was limping and took the opportunity to feel the sense of the way.... feel your voice, your energy.

She walked slowly, looking at her feet and that land road, those landscapes and yellow arrows. Stopped and looked at all around her.

"I need a staff." - Said Isadora.

"For what?" - Fernanda said, curious.

"Because it symbolizes strong desire, determination and self control. And that will help me to control my thoughts and the sensation of the pain. "

"If I find some notice ..." - Fernanda said.

They walked on and found one small hut made of very old stones. It looked like a construction of the last century. It was small, cold and mysterious. A crucifix on the top indicated the sanctity of that place. It was an abandoned chapel. Beside, a tombstone cement lacked indicated how many kilometers away to arrive at Santiago of Compostela. They walked on and one voice desiring "Good way!" Interrupted the concentration of all three.

"Where are you going?" - said Victor.

"Rome" - said the pilgrim.

"Rome?" - Isadora asked.

"Yes, Rome. I went to London and am now going back to Rome. Good way for you! "- Said the pilgrim.

"I did not understand ... Rome? "- Repeated Isadora.

"The Way of Santiago has 3 tracks. The Jerusalem of the border with France, that this one is that we are doing, and the the Way to Rome ... and there is also the sea route. "- Said Victor.

"What is the difference between each of these tracks?" - Fernanda said.

"Each track has a spiritual purpose, but do not worry about that now, seek the answers you need at the moment and after you will find if really to do must each other. If the way call's for you ... go ahead. "- Said Victor.

"Like this called us ? " - Said Isadora

"Exactly! You will hear the call ... "

"And the maritime track? How is that possible? "- Isadora asked.

"The influence of foreigners took place at Santiago's Way do not only by land, and that was also important by sea. English, Irish, Scandinavian and Asian appealed the maritime route very early. Saying that it was by sea that came the news from the tomb of Santiago and that aroused the most ancient pilgrims and, chronologically, the sea routes are the first that relied, in part, an itinerary already traveled in the century. IX by the Vikings in their outings. "- Victor explained.

"This also is history!" - Fernanda said.

"The Way is a religious journey, but also has been becoming a spiritual revelation and history. In fact, in the end, everything is history. "

"The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present ... is a miracle of the life ... "- Isadora said.

"Truth ...." - Fernanda said thoughtfully.

"Speaking of history, just so you know, in Spain there is a museum whose rooms extending along 800km of the Way of Santiago ...! "- Victor said proudly of his country

Isadora and Fernanda smiled and they continued to walk when it started raining. Donned their raincoats Isadora while still in her relentless pursuit by staff, when she saw a staff in the ground. She took it in her hand but felt nothing, realized that was not her ... set aside and followed the rhythm of the two who were in front. Flames of fire in the mountain caught everyone's attention.

"We are at the end of summer, it is normal have fires, and luckily it's raining, so can mitigate the fire ... we do not take risks!" - Said Victor reassuring both.

They found a water source with a large sculpture of shell and stopped drinking.

"My feet are burning!" - Isadora said, sitting on a stone.

"We are just at the beginning of the walk ... you must be strong! Lift up! "- Said Victor, with hardness in his voice.

"I know ..." - Isadora said, rising and arrange the backpack.

They continued walking and suddenly Isadora spotted a twig on the ground. She was bent at the tip like a handhold, and held tight fit.

"It's mine! I found my staff! "- Said Isadora partying.

"People know what they need, and the strength of this desire is manifested to us." - Said Victor, looking at the horizon.

Isadora following the path with the staff, that really was helped, easing the weight of the backpack. They stopped to eat and talked, looking at the time and the route they needed to do to get to Santiago in a timely manner. Needed to do 30km a day to arrive in Santiago in 5 days.

"I can’t follow them ... I'm an older man and I know my limits." - Said Victor.

"We will need to separate. Unfortunately we can’t follow their pace Victor, we have little time to complete the path. "- Fernanda said.

"At this rate, we'll late... I need to get my work in Granada next week." - Said Isadora.

"Alright girls, come with me to the hostel and parted. But we promise to keep in touch! I liked you! "- Said Victor.

"Sure Victor! We also want to connect with you! "- Fernanda said.

After lunch sat down under the shade of a tree and opened the Bible. It was at Psalm 23. Isadora and Fernanda read aloud together.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ... Makes me lie down in green steps, He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul; guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. "

"How is God generous with us! Think about these words ... watch this landscape, the opportunity to be here enjoying an same experience, but special for each one for us. - he continued - Each one will carry from this experience what needs to continue the journey of life out there. I believe that there is much force in this way, several mysteries that even being a few days will be very useful for what I need to keep my journey in life. It is a moment short, but intense, and you are helping me a lot! "- Said Victor, emotional.

"What a beautiful Victor! For me it being also very important! I came for answers and feel that from the first step, the answers appear ... just being open to them. "- Isadora said, looking at the sky.

"Keep on holding our hearts pure and not let harden for worldly things ... people sometimes go and leave your poison and ends up polluting, destroying our faith in the world and in people, but can believe that there are things and people wonderful, thus like you. "- said Victor.

"Thank you Victor, you are also special, nothing happens by accident." - Fernanda said, thrilled.

"Shall we?" - Said Victor trying to disguise the tears.

"Come on!"

They continued walking until arriving at Sarria. They climbed the hill in accordance with the indication of the arrows and soon spotted a hostel. When they arrived they parted with a hug, and Victor looked seriously at them and said:

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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