The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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"You need to know something important ... who walks gets tired. The light of our goals need to be attractive to give us encouragement to continue. The food that we need to follow the way we obtain in our encounters with God ... if they fall, do not think in the fall, because this thought is heavier than a rock, and can easily crush them ... and become an excuse for the next temptations. - He continued - To follow the path, must have security and persuasion, fruit of light ... and with faith and conviction that no obstacle will prevent you from arrive the goal. This is a journey of faith, and each one needs to find one star, which is the light that guide us! And remember:

Don' t pass by the way ... let the way pass by you! Good way, girls! "


If you are a disciple and you found your master,

you have tools that will help you in search of an elevated spiritual.

Soon, will be able to conduct your own way,

the beginning a higher purpose and

a stronger sense in your life.

Isadora and Fernanda kept the way. They felt the lack of Victor, of his words and his positive presence.

"Now we must pay more attention to everything, without Victor to guide us we need to have especially careful." - Fernanda said.

"Surely, in the day to day we also come across in similar situations. - She continued - when walking beside someone that have different goals, .. so, for each one achieve your goals, the separation is inevitable. But can be temporary ... everything depends on the strength of that desire ... and of time that needs. "- Said Isadora.

They watched the yellow arrows, and every step was a surprise. The sun was setting and as they passed by a road full of trees, the sunlight reflected from the branches, leaving the landscape even more beautiful.

"The path can be hard ... but it is incredibly magical!" - Said Isadora.

They stopped for a minute to admire the beauty of the landscape and moved ahead.

They arrived in the region of Blacksmiths. The hostel was full then continued to looking for a hotel. There were no vacancies.

It started getting dark and worry began to take account of both. There was neither accommodation nor vacancy in hotels, nothing! On the way they saw a small restaurant, where there was a little move. They entered and asked if someone could recommend some accommodation for that evening.

The people said that did not know nowhere near, but a maid of the restaurant offered to call a couple that had a farm hotel and housed pilgrims. While the maid called, sat down and asked for something to eat, they were hungry. They had dinner and finally got the good news. There was vacancy on the farm and the couple set out to pick them up. Paid the bill and were there in five minutes. It was a very friendly older couple. When they arrived, the lady invited them to see the house, it was big and beautiful. The lady conducted them into the bedroom, then they showered and prepared to sleep.

While was preparing to sleep, thinking about the route reached until the moment. Also reminded that had a very important thing to do, which was rediscover yourself, and that was a good time to do it. She needed break free of trauma, forgive and to ask for forgiveness ... needed to concentrate on the way ... needed answers. Her body aching reminded her of buying a new pair of shoes, until the sleep dominate her body.

"I need to stop. I'm feeling much pain! "- Said Isadora.

Her feet were growing inside the shoes and the pain was becoming increasingly unbearable. Sat down on a stone, and half took the shoes to see how it was ... looked scared ... her feet were swollen, throbbing and with one very reddish coloration.

"I can not continue with this shoes, I need to buy something more comfortable ... so will not get to Santiago of Compostela neither in one year..." - said, looking at her feet.

"I lend you my slipper until we get to the store." - Fernanda said.

They followed with paid attention the arrows and see if there was some store along the way when found a pharmacy, then stopped to buy track and ointment for the feet. Continued the way when Isadora had a inpulse.

"I need to get rid of this shoes! It are hurting me! "



Isadora untied the pair of shoes that was in the pack and leave on the road, thinking about the liberty, and continued walking. After a few hours, two Brazilians passed by them and greeted them.

"Hi girls all right?"

"Okay ... here, in resting ..." - Fernanda said.

"We found a pair of tennis on the road a few yards behind, we had already seen before one pair of shoes like that tied into your backpack. Have you lost? "- Said one of the boys, looking at Isadora.

"No. .. it was not mine ... I have not lost anything!" - Said Isadora, thinking about that shoes had represented.

"Are you sure?" - Repeated the boy.

"Yes .. but anyway, thank you!" - Isadora said smiling.

"Good way, girls!"

"Good way!"

Fernanda looked at Isadora surprised.

"Why do you say you do not missed anything?"

"That tennis was a gift from Mark and enjoy the fact that he hurt my feet to get rid of one more memory of him."

"And you can continue walking without those tennis, ie, without that story."

"Exactly! That was the feeling I had ... is not it amazing the signals received? We need to pay more attention on them ... "- Isadora said.

"I'm starting to immerse in the sense of path." - Fernanda said.

"Me too!"

They smiled to each other and they continued to walk. Isadora's feet still hurt but without the tennis the pain was less severe. Passed ointment again and followed.

"I will not be overcome by the pain! The universe will give me strength, and I believe I'll be able to come without hesitation!"

"That's how I like to see! This is the Isadora that I know! "

Continued and stopped to watch the bridge that crosses the river Miño in Portomarim direction. The two looked at the horizon.

"Look that bridge impressive! Look at ! - she continued - If you look at the bridges, they seem straight lines that extend by the way ... "

"In many cultures, the bridge symbolizes the boundary between what can be seen, and what is beyond perception, like so many other circumstances of life. It is one a symbol of unity, either between the sky and earth, between two kingdoms ... or between two people. "- Isadora said thoughtfully.

She stopped, looked serious at the horizon and continued, smiling:

"It's nice to have the feeling of being able to changing the point of view!"

They crossed the bridge and then saw a restaurant. They stopped to eat and the side was a little store, then bought a specific sandal to walk on that occasion.

"I feeling like a genuine pilgrim with this sandal!" - Said Isadora.

"Just lacking the costumes." - Fernanda added, laughing.

They walked on, and only stopped for drinking one coffee and soon left. After many hours walking the evening began, they needed to find an accommodation. Near the pavement there was a hotel, they decided to stay there.

Isadora called to Claudia to know how things were going.

"Is everything all right out there?"

"Yes everything! I am loving Granada, and I am sure that you too will like it! "

"I hope!"

"When you come back?"

"In three or four days."

"Come quickly! I'm waiting! And do not forget to bring the papers of visa extension ."

"See you in a few days!"

At night while try to sleep, think about the walking of that day and asked God for strength and determination to could meet its goal.

"Now, are just two days ..." - she thought as the sleep dominated her mind.

The sun was rising, and the rooster singing, and, in the trees, the birds gathered together in flocks and fly together in the same direction. The breeze of morning convincing Isadora that all pain was worth it, and that it was not only she that struggled for their goals, the entire universe was manifested to meet themselves goals.

"Can you more go faster?" - Fernanda said irritably.

"I'm in so much pain, but we can make this ... you walk in the front of me, and, if you realize that lost me sight, wait a moment to see me ... okay?"

"All right!"

Isadora needed stay a little lonely. In the first hours of the morning the pain was more intensive because the muscles were not heated, and this dedicated a measure of tolerance on both sides.

Alone, on the middle of the way, Isadora was feeling a little freedom inside their thoughts. Paid more attention to the signs of nature and what they wanted to say. She thought in all their history, of having let Brazil, working in the coffee shop, now doing the Way to Santiago, everything seemed crazyness, but felt that it was a great transformation.

Isadora remember about those moments ... She realized that the Mark's problem was not her, but inside herself, decided to stop blaming yourself for what had happened. Your voice began to speak within your thoughts in a manner sweet and firm.

"It's possible, yes, walking and let your footsteps in the world. The love is a noble sentiment, infinite. It is a connection with the world, with the nature, with the universe and with people. "

While listening her voice, stopped to watch the mountains, the sunshine and the heat of the earth, the birds flying in flocks, the risk white in the sky left by a jet and began to feel part of the whole ... everything in that moment became one only thing ... it was the right moment in the right place! Realized that the energies must be balanced so that everything could make sense ... her voice continued to manifest.

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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