Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Of course,
. Let me tell you how to get here.” Liam watched Nick crawl onto the bed and make his way upward. He reached over and slicked up Nick’s dick and planted his feet on the mattress so that he was completely open to his lover.

Liam concentrated on speaking to Lindsay, hearing his voice deepen and go gravelly when he felt the naked head of Nick’s cock bump against his hole. They had been doing it raw for four years, after doing the whole test-wait, re-test-wait thing and having been monogamous for almost five years.

A cell phone beeped as Liam was giving her directions. Nick dropped his head to Liam’s chest but reached over to the nightstand to grab his phone, causing his dick to press into Liam just a little. Liam lifted his hips to force Nick a little deeper. One look at Nick’s disappointed face, though, told Liam all he had to know. Nick had to go back to work.

“Lindsay,” Nick interrupted as he pulled on his pants, “a client wants to settle a case before we go to trial tomorrow. I’ve got to go back to work and start the paperwork right away. Thank you for tonight.”

Liam finished his conversation with their librarian, confirming times and declining her offer to bring dessert as he watched Nick shrug into a button-down shirt. Disconnecting reluctantly with Lindsay, he rose and padded across the room.

Taking the tie from Nick, he slipped it around Nick’s neck and knotted it expertly. He loved the small intimacies that being in a committed relationship offered. Liam used the tie to tug his partner closer and kissed him lightly. “That was amazing,” he mumbled against Nick’s lips.

“Yeah, for you.” Nick dropped his hand to reposition his impressive erection.

The plush carpet was thick and soft under Liam’s bare feet, and he curled his toes in it appreciatively. This carpet was perfect for making love on, which had been the main consideration when choosing it. “I’ll make it up to you later,” he said, brushing an imaginary piece of lint off Nick’s shoulder just so he could keep touching him.

“You’d better,” Nick grunted. “I’m going to be stuck with this hard-on for the rest of the night.”

Liam bent his head and kissed Nick deeply. “Let me help you take the edge off, Nicky.”

Normally Nick would let the need build until he couldn’t wait any longer, but neither of them had any idea how long he would be at work. Liam knew he’d won when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder and pushed him down roughly. “Fine,” Nick growled low in his throat. “Suck me off.”

Working quickly, Liam released Nick from his pants. Sucking the head straight into his mouth, Liam ran the piercing in his tongue along the flared edge of Nick’s hard dick before grinding it into the small nerve-rich area at the base of the head.

He grinned around the dick in his mouth at the shiver that ran through Nick’s body. This was exactly why he’d gotten the damn piercing to begin with. It had hurt like hell when he’d had it done, but the week of baby food was worth Nick’s reaction every time.

Fingers wove their way through Liam’s hair and yanked him closer. “I said suck it, not lick it.”

Liam eased that delicious dick down his throat as far as he could, until his nose was buried in the sparse curls at Nick’s groin, and he swallowed, all the while flicking his piercing against the root.

He felt Nick swell even more, and the smooth breathing morphed into a rough panting that signaled the beginning of an orgasm. Pulling away slightly, Liam wrapped his hand around the shaft and jacked it quickly. He pressed the ball in his tongue into the slit in the tip of the head and cupped his partner’s balls, pulling gently in time with his jerking hand.

A quick intake of breath was all Liam heard before his mouth was flooded with salty, slightly bitter semen. He drank it all down, giving Nick’s dick one last loving lick before letting him go. “Better?”

Nick sucked in a huge breath and shuddered. “Yeah.” He stood, dazed, as Liam placed him back behind the trouser zipper before tucking his shirt back in. “Yeah, thanks.”

Liam walked him to the front door, his arm wrapped tightly around Nick’s waist. He ran his hand across Nick’s tight ass as he bent to put on his shoes. “I love you,” Nick said, cupping the back of Liam’s neck and kissing him.

“Love you, too,” Liam replied and closed the door behind his lover.

Standing in the front window, he watched Nick’s car until its headlights disappeared around the corner. It got dark so early in the winter, it was almost depressing. He stepped back, well aware he was still nude and semi-erect. Thankfully no one had been around to get an eyeful.

Thoughts and ideas swirled around Liam’s head, all focused on romance and seduction. Lindsay might have been responsive over the phone, but he had a sneaking feeling that she would balk at a fancy, over-the-top dinner until she was used to the idea of being with two men. A nice, family style meal at the kitchen table followed by dessert in the family room should work nicely. Relaxed, yet intimate. Exactly what he was going for.

Oh sure, he could set the mood for seduction. And given how Lindsay had responded tonight, she could probably be persuaded into that seduction. But Liam sensed some uncertainty in Lindsay. Downright fear, actually. And the last thing he and Nick wanted was for her to run scared. They weren’t looking for a one-night stand. They were looking for another permanent life partner.

Clapping his hands hard enough to sting, Liam walked into the kitchen and stood naked in front of the shelf of his cookbooks. He would cook up some Italian food. Simple, rustic, but still sensual. Perfect.

Hopefully, tomorrow night would be the first night of the rest of their lives.

Chapter 4

Lindsay leaned back against the leather couch, sipping at her wine slowly. Her cheeks actually hurt from smiling so much. Nick and Liam had regaled her with amusing stories of their day, argued over a newly proposed bylaw and told her about their families. The three of them had discussed books, even though Nick claimed he was allergic to books of all kinds. They had talked about the Maple Leafs’ chance for winning the Stanley Cup this season, much to Liam’s disgust. She had praised Liam’s homemade bruschetta and Nick’s choice of wine.

She knew that Liam had been born in Quebec, was still outraged over the sale of the Quebec Nordiques, was a firefighter, played rugby, and loved to cook.

She knew that Nick was third-generation Canadian, a lawyer, a die-hard Maple Leaf fan, and played hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer.

The two men loved and were loved, deeply, by each other and their families. She seemed to know everything about them except where they planned to take their relationship with her.

She like everything about them, even their home. Nick had explained how he and Liam had toiled over this house for months. Every piece of millwork had been lovingly fashioned by Liam’s own hands. The two of them had personally plastered every wall and restored every plank of the hardwood floor. According to Nick, there were buckets of blood and sweat in this house. Literally.

The location, Finch and Bayview, was a great one. Close to schools, shopping, and work with easy access to the TTC.

“Still awake, beautiful?” Nick asked, the couch dipping slightly as he sat down next to her.

She blinked sleepily, surprised to find that her eyes had drifted closed as she’d ruminated about their evening. “Mmm,” she murmured. “I’m tired.”

Nick took the wine glass from her and tugged her closer until their sides pressed together. “Too tired for dessert?” he asked teasingly. “It’s tiramisu…”

“Did Liam make it?” she asked, her eyes closing again. God, that man really knew his way around a kitchen. They’d had a tomato and mozzarella salad to start, although where Liam had managed to find such succulent tomatoes was beyond her. It wasn’t as if they grew in abundance in the middle of winter.

They’d then eaten their way through a delicious vegetable soup and a pasta dish with pesto, all made from scratch by the blond culinary genius.

A throaty chuckle caused her to smile. “You’ve already developed a taste for Liam’s cooking, eh?” Nick commented as he lifted a bite of the rich dessert to her lips. “The guys at the station love it when it’s Liam’s turn to cook. Me, I barbeque a mean T-bone, but that’s about it.”

She accepted the forkful, and this time when she closed her eyes, it was in ecstasy. “Oh, lord,” she moaned. “It’s almost as good as sex.”

A deeper laugh sound from the doorway and she found Liam walking in with a tray in his hands.

”—Liam laughed—“if the tiramisu is as good as sex, you haven’t been with the right partners.” The coffee, mugs, sugar, and cream rattled, and she admired his strong hands as he lowered it to the coffee table.

Coffee and tiramisu. Manna from heaven. Except if she drank coffee now she would be up all night. And Liam probably made the best coffee, too. “Don’t worry,
,” Liam said, reading her pout correctly, “it’s decaf.”

He added an obscene amount of sugar to one cup, filled it with coffee and added three splashes of cream. “How do you like your coffee, Lindsay? As you can see, Nick likes his so sweet it’s hardly coffee,” he said as he set Nick’s mug on the table in front of him.

“Double-double, please,” she answered, smiling when Liam grunted in disgust.

“You people do not appreciate good coffee,” he muttered good-naturedly as he doctored her cup. He handed it to her as he sat down close to her other side.

Lindsay let herself sag into Nick as Liam scooted even closer. A warm, hard man on either side of her. Her ultimate sexual fantasy, and here she was, too tired to do anything about it. She covered a yawn and sighed in contentment as Nick started playing with her hair and Liam twined his fingers through hers.

This evening had been completely relaxed and intimate, and though technically casual, there had been nothing
about it. She was completely at ease with these two men, as if they had been together for years instead of on a first date. She loathed the idea of leaving.

Dropping her head to Nick’s shoulder as he continued to pet her hair, she savored the sensation of Liam’s warm, callused hand cradling her own. What she wouldn’t give to just let them sweep her up and tuck her into that huge bed she had seen when they had given her the grand tour. They would take care of her. They would keep her warmer than her electric blanket, she was sure.

Lindsay smothered another yawn and slowly straightened to a stand, mourning the loss of comfort and lazy closeness. “I should go while I’m still awake enough to drive,” she said reluctantly.

The guys stood up and walked her to the door. “Thank you for dinner,” Lindsay said, suddenly overcome by shyness. The end of the date was always the part Lindsay sucked at. She never knew if she should leave with a handshake, a hug, or a kiss. And it was time to add jumping their bones and begging them to take her to bed to that list.

“You’re welcome,
,” Liam said. “We’re very happy you came. Well, to dinner, anyway.”

She could feel the smile starting to spread across her face. “I am, too. To dinner, that is.” She absolutely loved how playful these two men could make her. No one had ever inspired that in her before.

“Would you let me take you out for dinner tomorrow night?” Nick asked, sounding hopeful. He was shuffling from side to side like a little boy, and it suddenly dawned on her that he was nervous. Nick, the confident lawyer, was nervous she would turn him down.

“Just you?” Lindsay asked, surprised.

Liam shrugged ruefully and wrapped his arm around Nick’s waist, silently providing support. “I start a twenty-four-hour shift in the morning.”

“So what do you say, beautiful? Dinner for two?” Nick asked.

Her heart pounded with anticipation. They wanted to see her one-on-one! Perhaps they were seriously considering a relationship with her. “I would be happy to go out with you. I work until eight again though.”

Nick pulled away from Liam and velvety lips caressed her temple as Nick bent down to kiss her. “I have lots of work I can do at the office, trust me. Can I pick you up?”

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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