Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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A myriad of possibilities ran through her head. Someone could invent a reason to fire her. Blackball her. All her hard work, all those years in school, would be for nothing. But as bad as that was, she knew one thing that was worse. Liam and Nick could survive the gossip a gay relationship would bring, but even they would suffer the consequences of ménage gossip. What if they decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble and they dropped her? If she let them much closer, she would fall in love with them for sure. Lindsay had picked up the pieces of her life once, and as hard as it had been, she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to piece her life back together if they left her. It was a thought too terrible to put into words so she just shook her head.

“Look, Linds. It sounds so damn clichéd, and you know that I hate clichés, but you need to listen to your heart. That’s the only advice I can think to give you.”

An involuntary laugh escaped Lindsay’s throat. “I didn’t ask you for any advice.”

Marla laughed, too, and swatted at her arm. “I’m giving it to you anyway. Take it. It’s free.”

The evening passed too quickly, with Lindsay getting tipsy on the wine. Luckily, Marla was the designated driver and got her home to her apartment. She even escorted Lindsay upstairs and into her unit. “Do you need any help?” she asked on a giggle.

“I’m not that drunk,” Lindsay protested before giving a little burp. “Excuse me.” She stumbled a little as she looked around blearily. “Have you seen my phone? I promised I’d call Nick and Liam when I got home.”

Marla laughed again and handed her the cordless phone. “Here it is, sweetie.” She shook her head at Lindsay’s attempt at dialing the phone. “Let me dial.” She took the phone and punched in the numbers that Lindsay obediently recited.

Marla tried to hand Lindsay the phone but for some reason the handset kept going in and out of focus and she just couldn’t make her hand connect with the phone. “Who do you want me to speak to?” she asked innocently.

. You have a good time?” a deep, slightly accented voice said through the line.

“It’s Liam!” Lindsay said with delight, holding her hand out for the phone. “Marla, how did you know I wanted to talk to them?”

Marla rolled her eyes and spoke into the headset. “Hi. My name is Marla. I’m a friend of Lindsay’s. She’s a little drunk right now, but I’ll stick around for a few to make sure she gets into bed all right.”

Lindsay grabbed the phone and stuck it to her ear. “Hi, Liam,” she said brightly. “Are you and Nick having hot, sweaty sex? If you are, can I come over?”

“Oh, lordy,” Marla muttered under her breath.

, we’re not having sex. Nick’s not even home. He had to go out of town for a couple of days for work. And I think you had better stay where you are right now,” Liam said on a laugh.

Lindsay stared down at her lap, suddenly achingly sad. “You don’t want me anymore?” Her voice cracked as she spoke, her eyes filling with tears. How come nobody ever seemed to want her? First her parents had rejected her and now Liam and Nick. She sniffled pathetically into the phone, a long, wet sound, and she didn’t even care that Liam knew she was crying. Who cared about anything when your heart was being ripped out?

“Lindsay, no! I mean, yes. Hell. Yes, we want you. But Nick won’t be home for three more days, and I’m starting a forty-eight hour shift soon. You’d be all alone here. At least you have your friend at home with you.”

The tears spilled down her cheeks, and her throat constricted painfully. “Okay,” she whispered on another sniffle.

Mon dieu
, Lindsay. Don’t cry,” Liam pleaded. “You’re killing me here,
. Lindsay, I love you, okay? I will always want you. You come over right now if you want. In fact, hold tight. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“That’s okay. I’ll be here fine alone. I mean fine here alone. God, I think I had too much to drink. I’m sorry I cried to you.”

“It’s all right,
. Listen, can you give the phone to your friend?” Liam asked.

Marla took the proffered phone, and Lindsay listened half-heartedly to her end of the conversation. Something about drinking a bottle of wine and that Marla would stay the night.

Lindsay staggered into her bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Her head was already feeling fuzzy. Lord, she was going to pay for her alcohol binge tomorrow.

Chapter 8

Liam dropped onto the bed, utterly exhausted. It had been an unusually busy shift. They’d had to fight a major house fire, a total loss for the owners. Luckily everyone had made it out of the house all right but the kid had lost his dog. The shift had been made longer by the idea that he would be coming home to an empty house. On top of everything else, he had worried about Lindsay since he’d spoken to her the other night. She had sounded so sad for some reason. He’d been frantic when he had heard her start to cry. Everything in him had screamed for him to go to her, to protect her and shield her from whatever was causing her pain. And yet, his offer to go to her was denied. He’d called Nick as soon as he’d hung up with Lindsay two days ago. Nick had confirmed that he was worried about where Lindsay was taking their relationship.

So weary he could hardly focus his eyes, Liam managed to struggle to a stand and strip out of his clothes. Thank goodness he had showered at the station before coming home and didn’t need to worry about dragging his sorry ass into the bathroom. He’d even called Nick to update him on the house fire from the station, knowing he would be too tired to call once he got home. The clothes dropped to the floor, and he merely stared at them, bone-deep fatigue winning out when he simply left them where they landed and crawled back onto the bed.

It was an unexpected sense of comfort that woke him up. Without opening his eyes, he slid his hand over the hip of the body cuddled up next to him. Being Asian, Nick had fairly smooth skin, but he never remembered Nick’s hips being quite so deliciously curvy. Or Nick making that sound, a little purr almost. Or Nick’s hair being quite so long and wavy. Or Nick smelling of subtle floral perfume. Which would be a good thing since he discovered Lindsay curled up against his side when he finally opened his eyes. “Lindsay?”

Her silky cheek brushed against his chest when she tilted her head to look up at him. “Good morning.”

“Morning? Is it already morning?” He played with the ends of her hair, marveling at how soft it was.

“Yep. Nick called me and told me where the extra key is hidden. He thought you might like some company.” She slid a thigh over his and circled her finger playfully around one of his nipples.

Liam swallowed a plea and glanced down his body, not surprised to see the sheet tenting. He always woke up with morning wood, and he usually had to take care of it himself since Nick was almost always up and gone before Liam woke up. Fortunately for him, prospects were promising this morning.

“And guess what?” she said, letting her fingers trail farther down his abdomen.

“If you tell me that you’re naked under the sheets, I’ll be your slave forever.” Liam had to concentrate on his English, making sure his accent wasn’t too thick. It always took him a few minutes for his brain to translate his thoughts into English when he first woke up. Nick was used to the heavy accent, but he wanted to be sure Lindsay understood every word he said.

“Sorry, no. I’m wearing a bra and panties. They are black though.” Ah, there was the bra, he thought as he shifted his hand down her shoulders so that he could feel the band. “But I really wanted to tell you that Nick came home early. He went out to get breakfast.”

Liam tried desperately to wrap his groggy mind around Lindsay’s words. Lindsay was in his bed with Nick in the house? No, wait. Lindsay said that Nick had left to get breakfast. The only thing that he could make sense of at this particular moment was the hard plug of flesh throbbing between his thighs.

He jumped when the curvy little librarian shifted even closer and tangled her fingers in his pubic hair. Every thought of trying to speak fled his mind as he flexed his hips, trying to force her fingers lower.

“Kiss me,” Lindsay said abruptly, arching her neck toward him.

Obeying her request without a second thought, Liam brought his lips to hers and let her take control. Heat swept through his body and erotic possibilities flashed in his mind as he made quick work of her underwear.

A sound from the door drew his eye, where he found Nick grinning wickedly. He made a circling motion with his finger, letting Liam know he wanted Lindsay to be facing the other way. He followed Nick’s command, turning her around so that her ass snuggled against his crotch while Nick crept into the bed.

Liam brought his hands up to mold her breasts and watched Nick stretch out in front of Lindsay to kiss her. “I’m not going to last very long,” Liam warned.

The two of them kept at it, finding all of Lindsay’s sensitive spots. Liam discovered that her neck, especially the spot directly behind her ear, was as responsive as her nipples when kissed and sucked. He found a tiny area on the right side of her clit that was particularly sensitive, so sensitive that it drove her into climax if he stimulated for more than a couple of seconds. Within just a few minutes, Liam felt her pussy flooding with cream and she was begging for more.

Liam scooted back for just a second to put on the condom Nick magically produced. He braced himself for the pleasure of possessing Lindsay’s body, but nothing could prepare him for the sensation of sliding into liquid fire. He rocked into her gently, drawing her leg back over his thigh and opening her up to Nick’s view. And damn, he wished he could see the same thing as Nick.

Nick turned around so that his head lay next to Lindsay’s exposed pussy. Liam felt Nick’s finger trace along the spot where he and Lindsay became one. Nick leaned forward and, resting his head on Lindsay’s upper thigh, buried his face between her legs. Liam groaned, both at the sight and at the feeling of Lindsay’s muscles fluttering around him.

Liam watched his lovers with fascination as his increasing thrusts forced her sex to rock against Nick’s chin, driving all of him wild with need. Nick pulled back slightly, looking up at Liam, heat glittering in his eyes. “Do not come,” he ordered over Lindsay’s whimpers.

At Liam’s nod, Nick went back to suckling Lindsay. Liam could feel her muscles tightening, and when she reached back to grip his hip, he knew he would have some very strange fingernail marks. He’d have to be careful to avoid showering at the station for the next few days if he could help it.

Liam’s balls began to burn with the effort of holding back his orgasm. The only thing that kept him from spilling into the condom was Nick’s command. Nick was going to top the shit out of him if he managed to hold on, and he always loved it when Nick got extra aggressive.

Lindsay’s hips began to jerk back and forth convulsively, as if she couldn’t decide what felt better, Liam’s dick in her pussy or Nick’s mouth on her clit. A high whimper sounded as Lindsay began to contract around him. Her pussy eagerly milked Liam as if trying to wring the cum out of him.

“Pull out and take the condom off,” Nick barked, petting Lindsay soothingly to soften the loss of Liam’s length. “Beautiful, kitten. God, your little clit pulses so beautifully when you come.” Nick continued to croon to Lindsay, the sexy words causing Liam to push his hips into thin air. Shit, if Nick didn’t let him come soon, he would blow some kind of artery.

Nick pulled away from Lindsay slowly, settling her onto the mattress so she had a good view of Liam’s bobbing cock. “See that, kitten? See what we do to him? He’s so hard and ready he’s practically purple. I’m going to fuck him now. I’m going to make him come, and Liam’s going to love it all the more because you’ll be watching.”

Lindsay’s eyes were soft and slightly unfocused, but she nodded anyway, her tongue peeping out to moisten her swollen, pink lips. “Yes,” she breathed, settling into the pillows a little more, looking as if she was ready to watch a show. And, damn it, he was ready to give her a show.

Fully into the top attitude, Nick crawled behind Liam and pushed him none too gently to the headboard forcing Liam to grab the headboard for balance. “Hang on, babe.” He pulled on one of Liam’s legs so that he was situated on the bed with one foot planted, knee at ninety degrees, the other knee fixed firmly on the bed so that he was open for Nick.

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - Be With Us (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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