Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3)
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Myriam awoke feeling quite refreshed. The female Akkedis servant, Arriba, was in her room, putting out a fresh jug of water and a bowl for her to wash before breakfast.

“How do you know when it’s night or day down here in your city, Arriba?” Myriam asked, trying to strike up a conversation. She had tried many times to befriend Arriba, but none had been successful.

“We can tell by the air vents,” she replied.

Myriam was surprised to have an answer, so she pushed her luck even further.

“Is my door locked? I would like to visit with my friends,” she asked the Akkedis servant.

“Friends? They are your family, are they not?” Arriba responded.

Myriam laughed at the thought of Linz and Hendon being her brothers.

“We are of the same bloodline, yes, but I suspect we are far removed from being direct relations,” Myriam answered, and the Akkedis was puzzled.

“I have heard of humans having families. My people do not have such things. I would have no idea who has my blood,” Arriba said quietly, as if she did not want to be heard saying such a thing.

Arriba was being quite talkative today and Myriam encouraged her to continue.

“Once we are born and we hatch from our eggs, we stay in the nursery until we can join society and become a productive worker. We do not know who parented us. We know of loyalty to our leaders, but not of this love that humans have.”

“Then you have done well to understand the concept of a human family, Arriba,” Myriam remarked.

“We are all schooled to understand the world around us,” Arriba explained.

“Do the Akkedis not fall in love, as in a male and a female?” Myriam asked, thinking they still had to mate to produce the eggs.

“I cannot answer that.” Arriba’s attitude changed at that question. She seemed upset and slammed the door as she left the room.

Myriam was left wondering what she had said to upset her.

Quickly she washed and dressed. The Akkedis had provided some basic tunics for day and night knowing that humans liked to change, which was something they did not practice much themselves. She appreciated that in some respects, the Akkedis were trying to make them comfortable. They supplied them good food and clean clothing, easing their imprisonment somewhat. This reminded her of Ganry, and she wondered how he fared. She doubted they would kill him or Perseus, and today she intended on demanding a visit with them.

Knocking on the door of Linz and Hendon, there was no reply. Whilst she was allowed freedom within the shared corridor that led to all of their rooms, the guards still manned it and watched her closely. She wondered at what the guards must think she was about. It was not as if she could run and escape this hell hole. No matter, she simply turned the handle and entered the room.

It was dark inside with no means of lighting whatsoever. She went to the pots that held the crystals which shone with light and removed the covers. The brightness soon reflected around the room, and now she could see that her friends were still asleep.

“I thought we were going to make some demands today,” she said in an extra loud voice, yet still they did not stir. “You’re both going to have to wake up!” she yelled even louder this time.

For all her efforts, both the young men simply groaned and turned over in their beds. Linz pulled his cover over his head, because of the light.

“Whatever is the matter?” she asked as she yanked the cover from his head.

“They started to take our blood and it makes us tired,” he replied, hoping this would mean that Myriam would leave them alone.

“We have to fight this, to stay strong. I think we will need some training, of sorts, to keep our strength up,” she suggested.

“Easy for you to say.” Hendon’s voice came from under his blankets. “They haven’t started to eat you yet. I think you must be dessert,” he finished, a light muffled laugh coming from beneath his covers.

“I’m going to tell Ghaffar that if they want us to stay strong, to provide blood for his glorious Empress, then we need Ganry to keep us fighting fit,” she told them both.

“I do hope to keep you healthy, but not fighting,” a different voice came from the doorway that Myriam had left slightly ajar.

She knew who’s voice it was without even turning around. Ghaffar was becoming a permanent feature in their daily lives. There he stood, his billowing cape and his ugly face. Determined to have her way, she approached him at speed, until she was talking almost into his face.

“We must have Ganry returned to us, Ghaffar,” she said, facing the little man as close as she wanted to put herself. He stank of some unsavory aroma. “He is the only one who can keep us healthy.”

“I have better news than that for you, human Queen.” Ghaffar looked pleased with himself. “If you care to go your own room, you have a visitor.”

Myriam guessed who it was and rushed across the corridor back to her room. There, sat in a large armchair still looking quite frail, was her grandmother.

“Grandmother, I am so pleased to see you looking well,” she said, as she knelt at the Duchess’ feet and hugged her legs.

“Oh, my dear, do be careful,” the Duchess said quietly, wondering if her frail body could withstand a young woman hugging her so tightly. “You have a strong grip, so at least they have not harmed you yet,” she said, relieved.

“No,” Myriam said sadly as she pulled away. “They started on my dear friends first. Hendon says I am to be dessert.”

The Duchess was amused by this and laughed for the first time in such a long while.

“Dear, dear girl, it gladdens my heart to be with you. They say I can stay, so I should be up and about in no time,” the Duchess assured her.

Myriam smiled, watching the Duchess as she crooked her finger, beckoning Myriam to come closer.

“You must tell me everything. Together we will create a plan for your escape,” she whispered in her granddaughter’s ear.

“Grandmother, there is plenty of time for that. I intend on keeping us all healthy. This must please the Akkedis Empress as it means we’ll live longer. There will be time soon enough to plan our escape.” She whispered the last part. “Once I have Ganry returned to me.”


Lord Josiah was quite enjoying his imprisonment. Though he could not leave the castle, he did have the freedom of its walls. He was provided with many luxuries consisting of an apartment of rooms, and quality food and drink. All along with a manservant. It would do, for now, while he plotted and planned his next move.

Sitting on a veranda that overlooked a lake, he feasted on a fine breakfast. With his army gone, he laughed to himself, thinking that he did not need them to rid him of this supposed Regent. All he needed to do was await his closest advisors to visit him, and then he could implement a plot to rid the kingdom of this upstart.

A knock at his door pulled him from his conspiratorial thoughts, but he did not get up to answer it. Why should he, that was his a servants job. He remained out on the veranda, enjoying the sun and the food, when he became overshadowed by the arrival of a group of people.

Turning around to see who has come to bother him, he relaxes at the sight of his advisers. Now the time had come. At last he could speak his thoughts with others, and see what ideas they have come up with in plotting the demise of the young man who calls himself a Regent.

“Come, come,” he says, “let us not waste time. We must have a plan and quickly. I want to be sat upon that throne within days. Have you thought of any solutions yet, Lexx, I’m relying on your expertise to deal with this situation quickly,” he asked of his closest advisor.

“The people are nervous, Lord, you should tread carefully,” Lexx warned him, cautiously. “They do not forget the last usurper and the damage he did to the Kingdom.”

“Pah!” Lord Josiah exclaimed. “The only usurper around here is that upstart, Artas. The Queen had no right to place an outsider in such a position. I will run this Kingdom until her return. If I can prevent her return, then all the better. We need to be discovering exactly what madness had over taken her to cause her to leave the throne so unprotected. This Kingdom needs a powerful leader, such as myself, not a frivolous slip of a girl.”

“If you are seen to be grasping the throne by force, it will be considered as an act of war against the Queen’s wishes, and she has many allies,” his advisor said, wisely. “You would do better to befriend this boy first, find out where the Queen has gone. As you say, maybe once we know where she is then we can ensure she never returns.”

“Hmm, as always you make a point,” Josiah conceded with a laugh. “Your mind is even more twisted than my own. That’s why I like you, Lexx. We are of the same mind you and I, but you always have a clearer head.”

Lexx bowed to his Lord, knowing that one day he would out maneuver him and take over his entire estate, or even his Kingdom, if they can pull this off.

“I suggest you apologize, sire,” Lexx advised, knowing that Josiah was an expert at groveling. “Make the boy think you regret your actions and then stay on in the castle and befriend him. Try and join his circle of elite advisors. Once we know where Myriam is, we can put your plans into action. The boy could have a tragic accident, and you would rule in his place. Awaiting a Queen who would never return. Within six months the Kingdom could be yours.”

“Yes, yes, I will make my apologies this very day, and take our first steps to the throne of Palara.”


“Well, I don’t trust him,” Leonie said, as they discussed Lord Josiah’s official apology. “Why would he wish to stay on in the castle?”

“Ever the interrogator,” Artas laughed at her.

He had been somewhat surprised that Josiah had pulled out of his attempt to take over the throne, but it was sensible. His advisors had probably forced his hand.

“We cannot simply turn him out, he is a relative of the Queen, after all,” Parsival stated. “I’m afraid we’re stuck with him for as long as he wishes to stay.”

“Well, do not seat him with me for dinner,” Leonie remarked. “I refuse to have anything to do with the little weasel. What I will be doing, though, is keeping a very close eye on him. I simply do not trust him or that advisor of his.”

“You mean Lexx Farrow?” Artas knew the man to be nothing but an accountant. “I don’t suppose you go from counting money to advising the one who provides the money by being dishonest. Surely he can be trusted?”

“No one who has anything to do with Lord Josiah, is ever to be trusted in my eyes,” Leonie said. “Fear not, Artas, I will have my spies watching their every move.”


“That is all she asked me to tell you,” Arriba informed Ganry, readying herself to throw the bucket of cold water over his body.

“I appreciate your daily cleansing methods, Arriba,” Ganry told her, smiling, “but this is more important. If you are able to let me know how my companions are, I would appreciate that even more.”

“I have just told you,” she said, becoming impatient with the human. “I do not understand what more you require of me?”

“Are you taking her blood yet?” he dared to ask. He hoped this would not put her off speaking with him. It had already come as a surprise when she informed him that she had news from the Queen.

“Only the two men provide blood for my Empress at the moment. Ghaffar’s plan is to leave Queen Myriam until the last, hoping that under her care the Duchess will thrive again and once more provide another source of blood.”

Arriba was fast becoming nervous, glancing around the cell and listening at the door to hear if the two guards were near, but they paid her no attention. If Ghaffar was to learn that she was sending secret communications between the human Queen and her soldier, he would have her killed, of this she was certain.

“And the men, Linz and Hendon, are they well?” he asked.

“They sleep a lot. My Empress cannot keep her strength up with their blood alone though. I fear that she will demand the purer supply soon. If the Duchess is not well enough, then it will come from your Queen. I should say no more. Please, if I am found to be speaking with you, I will be put to my death for treason.”

Ganry nodded his head and smiled at Arriba, and thanked her for the information. This was a worrying turn of events. They would need to find a way out of here soon, before Myriam was too weak to leave.

His body suddenly shook in shock as the cold water rained down on him. Arriba had done her duty of drenching his battered body and cleansing his wounds. It may have been his imagination, but he felt that the water was a little warmer today.

Arriba repeated her task with Perseus and then left the cell.

Perseus shook his head to rid himself of the excess water in his long hair. He also appreciated the water and the information.

“Can you not do something to go and check on them?” Ganry knew he asked much, but the daily torture of the kewers was causing him to weaken. If he was not out of this cell soon, then he would be no use to Myriam at all.

“Could you not tell them what you know, Ganry, or simply tell them a lie?” Perseus asked. “Ease your suffering, my friend. I fear you cannot withstand this torture much longer.”

He would die before he would give any information to the Akkedis that might give them an advantage. Perseus was helping all he could, for now, by finding him extra food and water, and releasing him from his shackles every time he had endured the torment of the insects.

It was obvious what Ghaffar was wanting. He needed confirmation that the humans in the Kingdom were not aware that their Queen had visited the Akkedis city. This could bring war between the two cities and that would ruin any chances of their survival.

Ganry was not allowing the Akkedis the luxury of such peace of mind. In fact, many knew that they had come here, though not all, but certainly Qutaybah was aware. Ganry could only hope that sooner or later, Qutaybah may come in search of his slave, Perseus. Perseus, on his part, would give him no information on whether his master might follow him or not.

“Yes, the thought of lying had crossed my mind, but I hate to give that creature any satisfaction whatsoever. And besides, I fear our death may follow such a confession.”

Perseus nodded his agreement. He knew that Ganry was correct. It was the search of information that kept them both alive. Once they had no use for them, they would be surplus to requirements and quickly dispatched. As much as it pained Perseus to see Ganry suffer so, it was to his advantage. The longer he could hold out, the more he could discover about the caves in this city.

Perseus could not tell Ganry all that he knew, as he was sworn by his master not to reveal his real mission with anyone. Qutaybah, his master, was an outlaw with an army of mercenaries, but he was a good man in his heart. He had saved Perseus from death and had always treated him with respect in the years he had been with him. This was his opportunity to pay back that kindness.

Whilst his mission was to aid Queen Myriam in her quest, he had also a secret task for his master. Qutaybah was aware of the vast riches the Akkedis had in their mines, riches they jealously guarded and shared with no one. It was his master’s intention to take those mines for himself, and Perseus was here to facilitate that.

“I am ready to take you to visit your Queen,” he told Ganry. “Then maybe you will stop all your complaining.”

“Complaining? I am a warrior, I do not complain, I merely tell you of my opinions.”

“I must warn you, Ganry, we can only be free a short while and must return to these shackles. It is not yet time for our escape. I take you only because you are in need of encouragement. I see you flagging every time those cursed insects enter your body. You just need to hold on a little more. Soon we will be free and you can extract your revenge on the Akkedis.”

BOOK: Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3)
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