Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3)
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In the distance they could see a large oasis on the horizon. This must be their destination, thought Myriam, but it looked far too small to be the Kingdom of the Akkedis. Perhaps they were stopping for water?

The lizards, as they approached the oasis started to circle it, each time getting lower and lower until they were almost brushing the tops of the trees. Then in front of them, an avenue appeared. A long stretch that looked like a straight path cutting through the trees. The lizards swooped down into the gap as they flew lower and lower until they were eventually on the ground.

Everyone dismounted their rides and gathered together. Perseus spoke with the leader and they were told to follow him. He led them between a gathering of tall palm trees and behind them were many large boulders. A passageway appeared between the boulders which seemed to get wider as they walked along it. High upon the boulders, Ganry spotted the look-out guards. His warrior senses warning him of danger, and he would need to be extra vigilant.

“We could not flee now even if we wanted to, Ganry,” Myriam said to her bodyguard, seeing his discomfort. “If this is to be a trap then they have lured us in well. All we can do is remain alert. I trust and rely on you Ganry to warn me of any impending danger.” She spoke in a quiet voice so only he could hear her words.

He said nothing, but she knew that he had heard her. She too felt uncomfortable in this place.

As the rock walls seemed to get higher, the pathway appeared to be leading in a downwards slope. Soon they entered an entrance to a cave and here the guards were numerous. The air was fast becoming cooler, but there was no damp smell that Myriam would normally associate with caves in her lands. The passageway led into a huge cavern, which gave them the option of many other paths. The underground space was well lit and a hive of activity.

Myriam observed as Ganry approached Perseus, and they were soon in a deep discussion. She was glad Ganry was here. If this was a trap, then he more than anyone else would know how they could make their escape.


A new guide appeared and led them down one of the many openings. Torches burned in sconces, illuminating the dark passages. They seemed to be walking deeper and deeper as the ground beneath them sloped ever downwards. Often they passed other passageways that led off in different directions.

Myriam thought the place must be a huge catacomb, and they would never remember their way out of here without a guide. Finally they arrived on a platform that looked down upon what could only be described as an underground city. As Myriam gazed in astonishment, she could see streets and rooftops, and there was even a market square.

“What an amazing place,” Hendon spoke with wonder in his voice. “Who would have thought there could be such a huge city beneath the sands?”

Ganry viewed the city with different eyes. He did not marvel at its wonders, or consider the finer points of how such a city was built. He was a man of action and violence, and they were in a city that held many dangers. His prime focus was on how they could fight their way out, should it become necessary.

Ganry turned to check on Myriam, and from out of the shadows appeared Ghaffar.

“Greetings, Queen Myriam. This is an honor for my people. Never before have we had human royalty as our guests,” he said, bowing down to her.

Myriam smiled, almost relieved to have found the little man at last. Ganry however, was much more suspicious at the sudden appearance of the little monk.

“Please come this way. I would like to show you where you will be staying on your visit to our humble city.” Ghaffar indicated for them to follow him.

At the bottom of the ramp which led down from the balcony, they were met by a huge lizard that stood on all fours and had short legs, a long snout, and hard knobbly skin. Its long tail swished from side to side. This creature seemed more like a domesticated animal, or a beast of burden, as it had a huge saddle upon its back.

Ghaffar climbed up the saddle and took a seat, indicating for the others to do likewise. A driver sat upon a smaller saddle attached to its broad neck, and he used a whip to direct the lizard.

“Much like using a horse,” Ghaffar said to Myriam. “The Ingwenya are our means of transport within the icy. They can even take us under the water. Quite useful, especially in battle. Such a lot of teeth.”

Myriam was unsure whether he was joking, or threatening them, but she sensed nothing aggressive in his tone. Glancing around at the others she saw that Linz was staring coldly at Ghaffar. He had been present at the death of his uncle, Chief Clay, and held him responsible for that.

She hoped that if revenge was on his mind, it would wait until they had freed her grandmother. Although she wondered if any of them would manage to ever escape from these caves. How long were the Akkedis going to remain courteous towards them? She wanted to let them believe that they had her where they wanted her, which in reality they probably did, though she did have a few tricks up her sleeves.

Would the power of the stones help them to escape should the Akkedis turn on them? Ganry was a powerful warrior, but even he could not fight an entire Akkedis army. Then there was the elusive Perseus. He had been a good guide, but she couldn’t help but feel there was more to him than they knew about. She hoped that they could use that to their benefit should the need arise.

As they moved through the hustle and bustle of an underground city, the air was stifling and the smell was overpowering. Many of the Akkedis stared as they passed them by. They all stood on two legs and dressed in long robes that covered most of their scaly bodies.

All of the Akkedis appeared to be armed. It was most unnerving for Myriam, but she sat upright and showed no sign of fear. Ghaffar seemed to enjoy her discomfort, but she merely smiled at him, showing him nothing but a show of friendship. If this was to be trickery, then she wanted them to make the first move. She would do nothing to antagonize them, but should they show her treachery then she would respond likewise.

“I look forward to seeing my grandmother, Ghaffar. I hope it will be soon?” Myriam smiled at him.

“She has taken a turn for the worse,” Ghaffar told her. “Please be patient and you shall see her after you have eaten and rested.”

“I was unaware that she was ill,” Myriam exclaimed, sitting upright at this dire news.

“Calm yourself, human Queen,” Ghaffar almost hissed. “She needs a good night’s sleep and all will be well. I have informed her of your coming and she asks for rest before she speaks with you. Is that too much to ask after what she has been through for your Kingdom?”

Myriam did not bother to answer the impertinent little man. If only they could leave this place this very day. If only.


Myriam was given a room of her own. At either side of her, both Linz and Hendon were accommodated. Opposite her room, Ganry and Perseus were given a room together. Ganry was not happy with this arrangement.

With Ghaffar watching on, he made the changes so that the Akkedis were well aware that the Queen was going to be well guarded. He moved Linz and Hendon into the shared room meant for him and Perseus, and at either side of Myriam he put himself and Perseus. He was pleased that Myriam’s room had adjoining doors to both her protectors on either side.

“But what about Linz and Hendon? They are alone and unprotected,” she said quietly in Ganry’s ear.

“They are not unprotected and they are not alone. They have each other, that is enough for them.”

As she thought about it, she had to agree it was a better arrangement than Ghaffar had made. She nodded her agreement to Ganry, accepting his lead.

Ghaffar said nothing at this stage even though he was a little annoyed at Ganry’s meddling. There was reasoning behind putting the D’Anjue bloodline in the adjoining rooms, but it mattered little. Soon this farce would be over and the pretense done away with.

Of course, he could simply take them all prisoner right here and now, but that would affect the quality of the blood. He needed the three D’Anjue family members to remain calm.

Fear and stress created a chemical reaction in the blood, affecting its quality. Ghaffar simply smiled as the party of humans rearranged themselves. No matter, he could still carry out his duties, and maybe the two male D’Anjue bloodlines would be easier targets housed together.

“I trust you would like to clean up after your long journey. We will meet for dinner, is this acceptable?” Ghaffar asked.

Myriam accepted the invitation to dine. Ghaffar smiled and bid them goodbye, for now.

Once he had gone, Ganry entered Myriam’s room and checked it was secure. He checked the windows and the walls for secret passages.

Myriam looked longingly at the bath of hot soapy water in her room as Ganry carried out his checking of her room. Eventually he seemed satisfied, and using the adjoining door he entered his own room and left her alone.

She quickly stripped and was soon soaking in the hot water. What a luxury. Finally getting to wash some of that sand from her hair and the grime from her skin. She lay there a while, luxuriating on the suds, before she climbed out of the bath, dried herself, and lay on her soft bed to relax.

It seemed that Ghaffar had thought of everything. She slipped into a loose robe that was provided, similar to the ones she had seen the women in these lands wear.

Bathtubs of hot water was set up in all the rooms for the travelers, but only one in the shared room. Linz and Hendon argued over who would go first.

“Pah, I am a Chief of my people, and you are simply a forest dweller!” Linz argued good-naturedly before promptly stripping off his clothing and jumping into the warm tub, splashing half the water all over the floor.

“If the sand at the bottom of that bath scratches at my backside, then I will boil the Chief of the lake people in the waters he bathes in,” Hendon threatened.

He was not really bothered about being last in the water. He was just so relieved to be out of the dreaded desert. Hendon went to lay on his bed, still fully clothed in his dirty traveling garments. He hoped he would not fall asleep before Linz was finished, or that the water was not freezing cold by his turn. They really should have put two tubs in this room.

Ganry bathed in his tub and welcomed the hot soapy water on his weary body. Despite the pleasure the bath gave him, Ganry was quickly out and dressed in the fresh clothes the Akkedis had provided. He put on his cloak before setting out to check on the others.

His first call was to Hendon and Linz. He saw that Linz had already bathed, but Hendon looked like he’d fallen asleep in the tub, so he kicked the side, startling Hendon awake.

“Never be unawares of your surroundings, boy!” Ganry growled at him. “Not unless you wish to lose your head.”

Ganry followed Linz out of the open doorway, leaving a stunned Hendon in a cold bathtub.

Soon, with everyone bathed and rested, they all gathered in Myriam’s room as Ganry had instructed so he could speak to them.

“I have a bad feeling about this place. All is not what it seems and it is important that we do not get separated.” He paused, looking at each of them. “At night, we will have a rotation of guards. This night I will take first watch. Hendon, you can be next, seeing as you’ve already slept.”

Hendon smiled ruefully as he remembered his rude awakening in the freezing cold bathtub. Had Ganry not woken him up he would have frozen to death.

Before Ganry could continue there was a knock at the door and a female Akkedis entered. She was a slender shape and walked on her hind legs with no apparent difficulty. This had been bred into the Akkedis over many centuries. Myriam thought her eyes looked friendly and she attempted to speak with her.

“My name is Myriam, what shall I call you?’ she asked her, only to receive a hiss of the creatures long, forked tongue.

Myriam spoke no more and followed the female as she had indicated for them to do so, leading them through an array of passageways.

“Keep trying to befriend any that you can,” Ganry whispered quietly in her ear. “We will be in need of allies, sooner or later.”

She smiled back at him. Was he setting her mind at ease or did he just give her an order? Still, he was right, not all the Akkedis would be hostile. Some may be sympathetic to their cause and willing to help once they were facing real danger.

Ganry noticed that Perseus lagged at the back of the group. He was happy to give him this position as he could concentrate on what was to come in the front. Hendon was busy muttering to his staff but Linz, at least, seemed alert.

They arrived in a large oval room and in the center stood a huge table, ladened with food of all varieties. Various meats, spiced vegetables and colorful fruits, were laid out for them. Myriam felt unsure and stopped in her tracks. Linz approached her, wondering what worried her so.

“Myriam, what ails you?” he asked.

“How do we know that none of this contains poison?”

Hendon stood behind them and tapped Linz on the shoulder with his staff. Linz moved aside to allow Hendon into the conversation.

“I have been speaking with Barnaby on such matters and he assures me all is well. He has looked into the food and there are no traces of anything harmful.”

Linz was the first to sit down and eat, and the others soon followed. Even Perseus joined them and ate his fill. He knew he needed some newly stored energy, ahead of the battle to come.

BOOK: Warden (Blade Asunder Book 3)
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