Read Wolf's Obsession Online

Authors: Charisma Knight

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Wolf's Obsession (2 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession
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Picking her up, Thorne sat Starr on the small sofa, while continuing to nibble at
her neck. Slowly, he pulled the top of her strapless evening gown down,
revealing full, luscious breasts. Groaning, Thorne gently rolled the perky dark
nipples between his fingertips, as he strayed from her neck, to her succulent
lips once more.

Drunk with her scent, Thorne drifted from her lips to her breasts, sucking hard
on her nipples, while caressing her full breasts with his hands. Gently, he
nipped at her breasts with his teeth. Her female scent was driving him mad. With
one hand, he forcefully hiked up her evening gown, revealing a black lace garter
and thong.

Spreading her mouth-watering thighs and properly positioning himself between
them, he yanked on her thong. Gently, he pushed her down against the arm of the
sofa, sliding his hand from her breasts, to the flatness of her stomach, down
towards the apex of her inner thighs. Her heat, attacked his flesh, as did the
moisture between her thighs, causing Thorne to swallow hard.

Inhaling her scent deeply, as though his life depended upon it, he gently pulled
the material between her pussy lips agitating her already sensitive clitoris.
Satisfaction engulfed him as he watched the dancer gyrate her hips, throwing her
head back in ecstasy as she played with her breasts. Her liquid heat glistened
on her pussy lips and inner thighs, inviting him, causing a large thirst to
build within Thorne. He needed to taste her, burying his face between her thighs
was what he craved immediately. His tongue twitched at the very thought of
tunneling deep within her pussy.

“This must go,” he demanded, in a deep husky voice, wrapping the side of her
thong around his middle finger.

“Either you remove them, or I’ll rip them off you, with my teeth,” he warned.
Excited, Starr, spread her legs for him, egging Thorne on in carrying out his
threat. Eagerly, she reached down towards her pussy, stroking her clit through
the lacy material. In one fluid motion, Thorne bent down, ripping the flimsy
material with his teeth as he had threatened.

Gyrating, Starr reveled in the fact that she was exposed, vulnerable to this
awesome, dangerous man. She arched her back as he played with her, exploring her
mound, finding her sensitive spots, making her flesh ache with his touch. She
bit her lip as he ran his thumb against her engorged clit, eventually pinching
it, stopping abruptly as he ran his fingers over her slit.

Sensing her need, Thorne continued to manipulate her body, pressing against the
opening of her pussy, making her think he would slid a finger or two in,
eventually faking her out, leaving her frustrated as he explored the softness of
her thighs. Her clit, sticking up, demanding his tongue, however, Thorne wanted
her to ride the brink of an orgasm, allowing that mounting pleasure deep within
her to build, as high as it could, denying her release. When she finally came,
she would come all over his face, and in his mouth. His tongue burned with the

Staring at Starr with such intensity, he slipped his thumb into her pussy,
causing her to arch her back, crying out. She was so fucking wet, and seemed to
become even wetter each time he fucked her with his thumb. At the same time,
Thorne tortured her as he lightly rubbed her clitoris with the index finger of
his other hand. Eventually, his middle finger took the place of his thumb, as he
lowered his head down between her legs.

Gasping at seeing Thorne’s face so close to her soaked pussy, Starr tried lifting
her hips off the couch to meet his teasing tongue, which possessed a gold stud.

“Please,” she gurgled, surrendering herself to him.

“Please, what?” Thorne asked, continuing the sweet assault with his fingers on
her pussy. Teasingly, his tongue slowly snaked past his lips, almost touching
Starr’s clit, showing off the small gold stud…

“Eat me Thorne, please,” she cried out, lifting her hips off the couch once more
in an effort to feel his tongue on her swollen flesh. Bending down, he kissed
the aching folds, licking his lips as he pulled his head away from her. Starr
let out a tortured moan, as she tried in vain to roll to the side.

“I’ll do more than eat you, I’ll devour you,” Thorne threatened, plunging his
tongue deep into her pussy, her moans like music to his ears. Spreading her
thighs further apart, he assaulted every inch of her pussy with his thick, hot
tongue. The gold stud provided her with as much pleasure as his tongue and

Thorne said he would devour her, and he kept his promise. He greedily licked and
slurped at her pussy, sucking up every drop of her sweet nectar as he could. He
slid his hands underneath her ass, squeezing the voluptuous cheeks. Abruptly
stopping, and hearing Starr curse like a sailor, he pulled himself up onto his
knees long enough to undo his leather pants, his cock springing forth as though
it had a life of its own.

“Condom,” Starr said in a dry voice.

Thorne dug into his back pocket, pulling out a large gold foil. Tearing the
condom from its wrapper, Thorne rolled it down the length of his cock before
sitting down on the couch.

“Ride me!” he demanded, glaring at Starr with such intensity, she thought she
would come on the spot.

Impaling herself on his thick, long cock, Starr let out a wounded cry. She
avoided his gaze, but Thorne eventually turned her head back towards his gaze,
forcing her to look into his penetrable eyes while she wrapped her thighs around
his muscular build. Standing up, Thorne pressed her back against the wall,
pumping into Starr with a mighty force, rocking her body hard and fast, while
she screamed out with cries of ecstasy.

Each stroke Thorne inflicted upon her left her weak, and trembling. Continuing to
slide his cock in and out of her wet pussy, Thorne growled loudly, nipping at
her neck, nostrils flaring, sensing the build up of her orgasm. His release was
not far behind hers. Screaming, Starr’s muscles contracted around Thorne’s cock,
as he continued thrusting inside her, riding her to his own completion.

Starr’s orgasm rocked her body, as another wave of pleasure closely followed,
Thorne still rocking her body against the wall, his body shaking, he eventually
came, throwing his head back, gritting his teeth, growling as his cock twitched
violently inside her. Eventually, he collapsed against Starr, his breathing,
uncontrollable for a few moments, as he gently dropped her legs to the floor.

Zipping his pants, Thorne retrieved his pack of cigarettes and lit two, offering
one to Starr, who accepted with much appreciation, grabbing the carafe of
champagne, and sitting down next to Thorne.

“I swear, I really need to cut back on these things,” she murmured.

“Don’t tell me, you only smoke when you drink.” Thorne said, holding Starr’s gaze
with his mysterious dark eyes.

“Well, yeah she said, basically. When I’m home, I’m a totally different person.”
Starr said, lowering her eyes from his glare.

“Hmmm, Thorne studied, you appear to be much more shy when alone, however, on the
stage, you are outgoing.” Thorne analyzed before extinguishing his cigarette.

“I’m only expressing myself on stage Thorne.” Starr confessed. “I never get too
fucked up from drinking. I’m not trying to fall off the stage and crack my head
open in front of everyone. You know, that actually happened here.” She claimed.

“What are you doing here?” asked Thorne. “Do you have family?”

“Yes, I have family, but not really close to them, you know?” Starr said, sipping
her champagne. “Why do you look at me like that Thorne?” she shuddered.

“In what way do you speak of?” Thorne chuckled, flashing his white teeth.

“The way you’re looking at me now.” Starr exclaimed.

Thorne caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand, planting a passionate kiss
upon her lips again, as he extinguished her cigarette.

“Come with me to New Orleans,” he murmured. “This town…is not for you,” he
confessed, almost giving away his secrets of the night.

“Now, why would I run away to New Orleans with you?” She asked jokingly.

“Because, you know in your heart that is what you desire.” Thorne stated freely,
staring into the depths of her eyes once again.

Starr’s head began to spin, unsure if it were from the champagne, or from staring
into those piercing brown eyes of Thorne’s. Easing herself back into the sofa,
she held her head.

“You don’t have to finish this,” Thorne insisted, taking the carafe of champagne
from her, setting the carafe on the small table. “Leave with me Starr, now.”
Thorne tried convincing her.

“Thorne, I have to work!” she insisted. “I’m right in the middle of my shift, and
I make pretty damn good money here! I have bills, you know.”

“Fine!” Thorne exhaled sharply. “How much to take you out of here?” he inquired.
“I’m not letting you go, only to have someone else snatch you away from me, like
last night!” Starr could sense the rising anger within his voice.

“So, you entertain couples?” he grinned slyly, becoming aroused at the very
thought of another woman going down on Starr’s pussy. In some clans, it was
acceptable for two males to claim one female. Thorne, the alpha male of his pack
would never allow another male to claim his mate, however, the thought of
sharing her with another female made his cock throb. Truth be told, Thorne
probably would be too greedy to share his woman with anyone.

“How much would it be to take you out of here? I want you with me tonight,”
Thorne growled in a low voice, sliding his hand underneath her evening gown. His
touch sent sensual currents of electricity through her body. Every nerve within
made her body ache for his touch. Her nipples became aroused, and her pussy
began to salivate.

Equally, Thorne developed a raging hard-on once again. Once more, the wolf howled
for its freedom. It required much self-control for him not to mount her again.
He sought seclusion for his mate. It would also allow him to search her body for
the mark he thought she possessed.

“Haven’t you had your fill of me Thorne?” Starr asked, wanting to vex the
dangerous man. For some strange reason, she wanted to live on the edge, wanted
to experience more of the same sexual excitement she experienced earlier. The
man was hot, and possessed mad skills. His hands, tongue, and cock made her
climb the walls in many ways.

Grabbing a handful of her hair, Thorne pulled her head back, nibbling on her
neck, running his tongue from below her earlobe, down to her clavicle. Starr
felt as though she would over heat. Never quite feeling such intensity from
someone just touching her, she grabbed hold of his arm, sinking her nails into
his flesh. Growling, Thorne nipped Starr’s neck, sliding his hand towards her
wet heat. Allowing his fingers to slip into her flesh, he moaned, and then
nipped her neck. Starr gyrated her hips, moaning softly.

“Ummm, slick with want,” Thorne growled, as he softly manipulated her clit with
his finger, bathing it in Starr’s hot juices. Stopping, he stuck his finger in
his mouth, sucking on it. She thought his eyes to be brown, lately they glowed
golden brown, almost yellow. Perhaps she drank too much tonight, and should slow

“Go get your belongings, now.” Thorne commanded. “I plan to make the necessary
arrangements at the bar. I’m staying at a hotel across town. Starr stood up,
smoothing her wrinkled gown, looking Thorne in the eyes, losing herself in them
once again.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the front of the bar,” Thorne said, not allowing her
to leave before he kissed her for what seemed like an eternity.

“Give me fifteen minutes; I will be out to meet you.” She said.

“Hurry, don’t keep me waiting,” Thorne said, slapping Starr on her voluptuous

* * * *

Starr hurried quickly to the dressing room, at the opposite end of the bar. A
tall, sinister, but good-looking man approached her, wanting to buy her a drink.
He had black shoulder length hair with red streaks. His eyes appeared to glow
within the darkness of the club. Something awakened within Starr. Instinct
leading her to believe this man was the epitome of evil, and she would be
destroyed forever if he ever had his chance to get her alone.

“I’m sorry, I’m with someone,” Starr said breathlessly.

“Perhaps I can take his place,” the strange man suggested, raising a brow at her.
His temper slowly rising. As he looked into her eyes, Starr became unaware of
her surroundings. Feeling as though she were caught in an endless tunnel, her
mind suddenly was not her own. A picture of the man consuming her naked flesh as
she lie beneath him invaded her mind. She was his plaything, he, her master. She
would bend to his every desire, his every whim. He would use her as he saw fit,
sharing her with others. The feeling of prickly heat danced over every inch of
her skin, moisture beaded her pussy, and her breathing intensified.

“Starr!” Thorne’s voice snapped her out of the control the man had upon her. She
knew the man controlled her, wanted her. He would simply add her to his
collection of “toys,” nothing more.

“Raphael!” Thorne spat venomously, standing between Starr and the sinister
stranger. “Get the fuck away from her, now!” Thorne growled, ready to pounce
upon the man.

‘Well Thorne, what brings you to this city?” Raphael asked in a sarcastic tone.

“None of your business, vampire!” Thorne spat, slightly pushing wide-eyed Starr
to the side. She just did not hear Thorne call the man a vampire!

“Is she your new mate, my friend?” Raphael grinned. “She hardly seems to be your
type, after all Thorne, she is a whore! I thought you were better than that.”
The vampire laughed.

“Watch your mouth Raphael, lest I break our pact and rip your fucking head off at
this very moment in time!”

Enraged, Starr made her way from behind Thorne, cursing at the top of her lungs,

“Who are you calling a whore, asshole!” she spat.

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession
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