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Authors: Charisma Knight

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Wolf's Obsession (3 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession
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“You will pay for your rudeness. I will tear you apart from the inside out, you
little bitch!” he spat, cursing her. Hatred etched upon his face, Thorne closed
in on Raphael, but the man vanished in the blink of an eye.

“What was that all about? Was that a friend of yours?” Starr asked, rolling her
eyes. “You know, I’m not going anywhere with you. For all I know, I could be
found in a dumpster somewhere tomorrow.”

“You will come with me Starr, Thorne insisted. “Your life depends on it now, and
I’m the only one who can keep you safe from harm.”

“Yeah, right! What kind of harm are you speaking of?” she scolded, turning on her
heel to retreat to the dressing room. Grabbing her arm, Thorne pulled her to

“I’m dead serious Starr; you need to come with me.” Trying to convince her she
was in danger was like pulling teeth. A part of him wanted to sling her over his
shoulders, carrying her out as she kicked and screamed.

“Starr, are you having problems with this man? Clint, the bouncer asked. Starr
looked up at Thorne, and then glanced over at Clint. Deep down inside, something
was screaming at her to stay close to Thorne. If not, she would never see the
light of day; she knew this deep in her heart.

“No Clint, I’m fine. He actually saved me from that asshole that was here a few
moments ago. He was the one who started the trouble. I tried telling him I was
with someone else, but he refused to listen. I’m so sorry about this. I hope we
didn’t cause any trouble.”

A drunken dancer who looked to be in her forties grabbed Starr by her hand,
saying, “Nest time, kick em in the balls!” raising her glass in a toast, nearly
falling off her bar stool. “Honey, you can’t let these men push you round, like
you’rre their property or somthin,” the woman slurred.

“Jeanette, I think you’ve had more than your fair share of Jack and Coke
tonight.” Randy said, snatching the glass from the woman. “Now see, Clint will
have to drive you home again tonight!”

“Come on Starr, get dressed and let me pay you out! Don’t keep this gentleman
waiting any longer, get the hell out of here girl!” insisted Randy. “You take
good care of her man,” Randy said. “Don’t make me hunt you down and kick your

Thorne shot Randy a chilling glance, making the hair stand erect on the back of
the bartender’s neck. Thorne whipped out his wallet, and laid ten one hundred
dollar bills on the bar. Afterwards, he gave Randy a large tip, just so he would
be able to accompany Starr into the dressing room, in case Raphael decided to
materialize while she dressed.

The women were ruthless. While Thorne waited for Starr to dress, breasts were
unleashed, as were thongs. Thorne, turned off by their behavior, cringed at the
sight of them under the bright lights. A few even tried to convince Starr to
have Thorne by them out as well, just to make easy money and have the rest of
the night off.

“Come on Starr, why don’t you cut us in on some of the action!” Claudia coaxed.
“Remember, when I pulled you in on one of my customers last week?”

“Claudia, this is totally different situation, so kindly back the fuck off!”
Starr demanded, throwing on a long classy dress, not bothering to put on any
thongs. She was actually pissed at Claudia, not because she wanted payback for
helping Starr to make money, but she actually viewed Thorne as “hers.”

“Well, aren’t we being greedy Starr! You remember the next time I pull you in on
a good customer!”

“Hey Claudia, I didn’t ask for you to do that. There have been many times when I
pulled you in on my customers, so the way I see it, we are even! Now, this
conversation is over!” Pissed off, Claudia stormed to the other side of the
dressing room.

She found herself wanting to rip out throats of the ones who approached him,
trying to cop a feel to his cock or ass. Who could blame them, after all, he was
packed tightly packed in those leather pants, leaving nothing to the

Sensing Starr’s jealousy, Thorne shot the other women “a look.” There was no need
for communication. He could be a threat to anyone, when he wanted. As with
Randy, the cold stare sent chills down their spines. Pleased in knowing how
willing Starr was to kick ass for him caused a slight grin to form upon his
face. There was no doubt in his mind she felt the same intensity towards him as
he did her.

Once outside, Starr began asking questions. The strange aura hanging over the
town permeated Thorne’s senses. Scanning the area, he could sense the presence
of the vampire, watching their every move. The streets were crowded, but it did
not matter. Vampires moved swiftly amongst humans in the most crowded parts of

“Alright Thorne, talk to me!” Starr demanded. “How do you know that man that was
here earlier? Are you taking me to him, is this some kind of plan you two have
in order to have sex with you both?” Thorne picked up his pace, aggravated by
Starr’s words.

“Damn it Thorne, slow down!” she called out.

“Wow, you are really paranoid Starr,” Thorne growled. She had succeeded in making
him want to throttle her. He spun around, allowing her to see his yellowish
eyes, damn near scaring the living hell out of her.

“What the hell was that?” She asked, trying to catch a glimpse of his eyes again.
“What are you Thorne, and why did you call that man, Raphael a vampire?” Starr
demanded. “Thorne, what the hell is going on here? Thorne! Answer me damn it!
Starr demanded impatiently.

Continuing to ignore her, Thorne grabbed her wrist, trying to hurry her. He would
deal with her later within the confinement of the hotel room. She had a mouth on
her that required discipline in the most seductive ways. The thought of
blindfolding, gagging, and binding her seemed like a very good idea now.

Approaching Thorne’s rental car, he quickly ushered her in from the driver’s
side, slipping into the leather seat once he was certain she was safe from harm.
Starting the car, Thorne seized an opportunity to dart out into traffic.

“I’m sure you know there was something strange about him.” Thorne insisted. “You
continue to deny the truth in spite of what you saw with your very own eyes.
Tell me how you felt, and I’ll say you’re crazy for ignoring the truth Starr. As
for me, what do you think I am?”

Starr studied the man, a sinking feeling developing in her stomach. Something was
not right about the sinister man who made the hair on the back of her neck stand
at attention. Something definitely was not right about Thorne. He had a similar
effect upon Starr when staring into his eyes; however, Thorne was not evil.
Thorne instigated arousal, something vaguely familiar about him. He was also a
man of power and dominance, used to running things his way. She could tell,
where he came from; he was someone of great importance.

“Thorne, was that man a vampire?” Starr asked in a shaky voice. Her words alone
evoked goose pimples upon her flesh. She stared out the window, waiting for his
response to confirm she was not insane.

“Yes, that was Raphael, leader of the vampire clan from my hometown of New
Orleans.” Thorne said dryly. “Upon my arrival here, I did not sense a vampire
for miles. I did sense a certain negative vibe, possibly, because vampires
inhabit your city from time to time. He must have followed me here!” Thorne
shook his head in disgust.

“Now Thorne, what brings you here? Starr inquired. “Please be honest with me, I’m
feeling like….

Yes, I know what you are feeling Starr! Thorne growled. It is your instincts,
warning you about Raphael. You knew he meant you harm in the club. Had you left,
he would have destroyed you, forever!”

“Why are you so interested in me Thorne? What are your plans for me?” Starr
asked, her voice quivering with fear.

“I’m not going to hurt you Starr; I’m here to protect you. You will need to stick
by me, and listen to everything I tell you.” Thorne was grateful he had marked
her; however, in doing so, Raphael took that as a challenge, an invitation.

“I’m sensing something else Thorne.” Starr pushed. “What are you? I know damn
well you are not human. Are you a vampire too, or some sort of demon? She asked,
holding her breath.

“No, I’m a werewolf!” Thorne stated.

“What?” Starr asked, scooting as close to the door as she could.

“Starr, I’m not going to hurt you. Trust your instincts. Trust what happened in
the club. I could have done anything to you in that champagne room. Think about
it!” Thorne spoke sternly.

“I’m sorry Thorne,” she confessed. “I thought something was up with you while on
stage. You exude a certain aura about you. Damn Thorne, a werewolf?” She
questioned, still not believing her ears.

Exhaling sharply, Thorne arrived to the hotel, allowing the valet to park as
opposed to utilizing the underground parking garage; it would be an open
invitation to the vampires. Starr and Thorne walked through the lobby of the
hotel, eventually reaching the elevators. On the ride up to the 12th floor,
Starr stood close to Thorne, shaking. In an effort to comfort her, he placed his
arm around her shoulder. The doors opened up, allowing them to enter an empty
hallway. Carefully scanning his surroundings, Thorne could not sense a vampire
anywhere within the vicinity.

Finally reaching the room, Thorne and Starr entered, turning on the lights, and
flopping on the bed after setting down Starr’s belongings.

“What the hell are you carrying in that case?” Thorne asked wide-eyed. “I fear I
could never tell you to travel light!”

“I need these things!” Starr exclaimed. I have make-up, a change of clothing, and
some shoes. I even have my outfits.”

“I told you Starr, you won’t be returning to that club ever again. You wouldn’t
be safe there anyway, and there are issues far more pressing, especially now!”

“Thorne, what do you want with me?” Tell me, now! What is Raphael going to try to
do, kill me?” Starr demanded.

“Yes, but I’ll kill him first, he won’t lay a hand on you.” Thorne insisted.

“Go to sleep, I’ll keep watch over you Starr. I just have one request.” Thorne
said sheepishly. “What the hell is your name?”

“Oh, alright, if you must know, my name is Melanie Jackson.” She replied.

“Hmmm, pretty name, don’t know why you resisted telling before,” Thorne chuckled,
glancing over at her. “Now I must train myself to call you Melanie. Yeah, I like
that name, much better than Starr.” He inhaled, stretching.

“I’m so sleepy, Melanie muttered, scooting up on the bed. “Shit, I really need a
shower,” she insisted. “Do you think you can relax enough to allow me to
shower?” she joked.

“Go on, everything is safe, I assure you.” Thorne comforted. “Hurry back, don’t
keep me waiting too long woman.” He murmured in a husky voice, becoming aroused.

“Why don’t you join me Thorne,” Melanie pleaded with her eyes, freeing herself
from the dress. She had not bothered to put on a bra, either. Her full breasts
tantalized him, causing his cock to harden instantly. Inhaling her musky scent
caused the wolf within to go crazy.

“Lay down on the bed,” Thorne commanded, his nostrils flaring, staring at Melanie
with much intensity. “I don’t think we’ll make it to the shower tonight,” he
breathed, pulling her close to his body. She was beautiful he noticed in the
light. Her beautiful skin was soft, and inviting. She had a healthy, hourglass
figure, high cheekbones, and full pouty lips. The moisture pooling between her
thighs brought him to his knees.

Freeing himself from the restraint of his clothing, Thorne pushed Melanie onto
the bed, making her lie on her stomach. Straddling her, he allowed his cock to
rest between her voluptuous ass cheeks while he nipped at her back and neck. His
teeth, grazing her skin caused her to burn with ecstasy.

Thorne kissed and licked every inch of her body, unable to find her mark. Moans
of ecstasy escaped Melanie’s lips as she felt Thorne tremble on top of her.
Sensing her need, he took her from behind, filling her with his thick hardness.
Bucking her hips, Melanie’s moans grew louder.

“Harder Thorne, fuck me harder,” she breathed, supporting herself on her elbows,
sticking her ass up, and grinding into Thorne’s cock. Reaching around, Thorne
cupped her breasts, excited by the sound of his balls slapping against her ass
cheeks. Pulling her hair, Thorne nibbled at her neck, fucking her so hard,
causing her pussy to spasm. Never mind, the amount of time, the heated fucking
was what they both needed, to quench their carnal desires, for now. Collapsing
in a sweaty heap, they lay, enter-twined in one another’s arms.

Thorne reached for his leather pants, pulling out his cigarettes, lighting one
for Melanie and one for him.

Melanie noticed for the first time the scars that decorated his arms. Some were
on his chest as well.

“What happened to you? She asked. “Were you in some sort of accident, or a

I’ve been in my fair share of fights, with vampires, and werewolves, and other
creatures unknown to humans.” Thorne said dryly, piercing her soul with his

“What do you mean; creatures unknown to humans?” Melanie asked, clutching the
comforter. You seem to believe what you speak of,” she murmured, praying it was
not true.

“Ah Melanie, it is ignorant of humans to believe that they are the only species
who dwell upon this earth. You know, as I child, when your parents spoke of
things that go “bump” in the night? Well, believe it. In New Orleans, there are
beings that exist within swamps, cemeteries, and other places humans do not
suspect. Well, I should not say all humans are ignorant to supernatural
presence. There are quite a few who possess the gift of “knowing.”

“Have you always been a werewolf?” Melanie asked.

“Yes, my ancestors derive from the sacred pack of the Black Claw Clan. We are
descendants of the Wendigo, and at one point in time, were almost extinct. Our
clan possesses more males than females; it has been that way for years.”

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession
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